Team:- on a weight loss mission

Well I'm on a plateau - had to skip tea last night 'cos OH was performing so was all excited about being lighter today - and... yup... same weight. GGGRRRRR

Oh well - got to keep going !
Cazd sorry you are stuck at the moment hopefully you'll overcome it soon, i haven't weighed myself for about 2 weeks now i really must do it lol x
I've put on 2 pounds - I'm well off target :hissy:

Dammit - It feels like if I don't starve myself I just put on weight !!!
(ok -might be something to do with those pringles and hummous :rofl:)
Sorry you put weight on i know how frustrating it is, i've just eaten a choc chip muffin and i still fancy something nice i really must be good!
well I don't know what's happening - when I make a real effort to diet I don't lose anything but when I give it a rest for a while I start to lose weight.
I wonder if being so conscious of dieting makes me hungry !
i feel the same atm. been tryin for 3 weeksim stillthe same...
not exercsing thought :(
Well i've put 5lb's on i'm hoping its cause the witch is due today or even better cause i'm pregnant and i've put weight on for that reason but it was probably all the food i've eaten that i shouldn't have lol x
Well its not been pregnant that has put my weight on cause the witch got me this aft so hopefully its just cause she's here hopefully next week i'll be back at a stone lost!
Well a stone lost is better than nothing!!!

I've decided to have a low carb week - gonna shop for fruit, veg, yoghurts and healthy stuff - we've got no kitchen at the moment 'till the new ones fitted and its just been one huge takeaway fest. I'm feeling so lethargic 'cos of it!

How're you getting on?
Hi ladies, sorry it's been such a while. Our internet has been broken and moved house. Joined weight watchers 5 weeks ago, lost 14.5lbs in 3 weeks. 4th week I put 1.5lbs on, was gutted half because I'd put on after doing so so well, and half because I was due on and I gain weight before a period but lost weight when I was pg earlier this year. Anyway, af never showed and a test on Tues confirmed bfp!!
Going to weight watchers tonight for weigh in, really not expecting to lose, but I figured it's a healthy lifestyle change so I'm going to stick with it and stay healthy for the next 8 months!!!
How are you ladies doing? Any more weight loss, or even better, bfps??
Congratulations missingbubs well done and well done on your weight loss i'm really pleased for you on both counts, i've been slacking with the loosing weight recently i really need to get back onto it x
Heya - you're a stone down - that's fab.
I've lost 5 pounds so far - 7 pounds to go and I'll be bang in the middle of 'normal' BMI !!

Keep going!!!!
hi all im loosing weight to concieve, i am around a size 22 so in desperate need to loose weight i have lost 14 lbs so far and trying really hard, i havent cheated and im hoping that by being dedicated to my diet it will show that i am really commited to ttc and some greated power will bless me with a :bfp: lol

im on weight watchers at the moment not attending classes but seeing my practice nurse every 2 weeks to get weighed in still following the points system

i want to join the club please x
Hi Lou
i've just said hi to you on 2010 baby but i'll say it again lol well done with your weight loss so far i wish i could get back on track now your here i'll try to make more of a effort now i've someone to compare notes with so to speak good luck x
Hi Lou
i've just said hi to you on 2010 baby but i'll say it again lol well done with your weight loss so far i wish i could get back on track now your here i'll try to make more of a effort now i've someone to compare notes with so to speak good luck x

fab a weight loss buddy just what i need some one to buddy up with, what are you following ? i have so much weight to loose like i said previously im a size 22 5ft 5ish weighing in at a mega 20 stone 1lbs today but i was more than that so im going the right direction if nothing else !!! i dont feel that heavy and i dont think i look that heavy but im in complete denial about my weight ! i have the reverse of body dismorphia i think im slim and gorge when i look at photos im like " who ate me where did that tyre come from ! " lol

when you have so much to loose its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel at the moment its a tiny tiny blip in the distance !

lou x x
Well i haven't weighed myself for about 6 weeks tbh i'm scared to but the next time i go to my dad's i'll do it i promise (i've been using his scales i haven't got any) so i have no idea what i weigh at the moment but a few months ago i weighed 17 stone 7 i then lost a stone but then put half back on so the last time i got weighed i was 17 stone, my dress size hasn't changed at all i'm a 22 as well but i have gone down a cup size in my bra i was a 42HH but now i'm a 42H which is nice cause my boobs are a bit big. I'm a bit like you with not been able to get my head around how big i actually am when i pick a top up in a shop and haven't looked at the size i think bloody hell thats massive it'll be way too big for me but when i atually try it on its usually too small, my hubby's gran bought me a top for my birthday recently and it looked huge but believe me its not and it won't be worn till i lose at least a stone or 2. I hate having my picture taken and avoid it at all cost there is nothing worse than a bloody photo showing me how big i am. I'll be honest your the first person on here i've actually told my actual weight to and now its out in the open i'm more determined to do something about it i've just got to think i've more chance of getting pregnant if i weigh less and it'll be a healthier pregnancy too. Well i've bored you enough for now so i'll go, take care x
you aint bored me i understand completly, we can do it together, im determined now as im doing it to ttc ! just noticed we have lost the same amount of weight according to your ticker too !

i havent had any crisps or choc for 2 weeks im dying for a piece of chocolate and aint it funny the things you crave when your dieting today i really wanted a bacon butty i wouldnt want one normally more of a sausage girl :rofl: that came out wrong !

my sister in law has been approved for a gastric band and keeps saying she will be a size 10 by jan (she has op this october) to be honest im jelous ! she is a size 28 weighing approx 27 stone but she has never ever dieted just joined weight watchers once and lost about half a stone one week then gave up ! she hasnt even tried so she trotts off the docs and they give her the op no questions asked !! they aint asked her to loose weight, wait a few more months nothing just said yes ! and now she is bragging that she will be thin ! she loved my wedding dress which was a size 28 even tho im a 22 ! and as a joke i said to her you can have it as your something borrowed on your wedding day (which is next year) and she said i wont need it ill be a size 10 by then it will be far to big !

stupid but it really upset me ! my mother in law already blows SIL'S trumpet all the time saying how gorge she is then telling me i need to loose weight ! she didnt even comment on my wedding day about my dress nothing !!! and now she is going to have me a big fat heffa on the wall in my dress and a cheating size 10 the otehr side saying how she is pretty ! i dont want to be the fat one !!!!

oh god sorry about that dont know where that came from !!!!! just really bitter about it at the moment ! like i said think i must be jelous ! but im determined to loose atleast 3 stone by her op in october i already lost one , two to go !! im going to show her you aint got to go to that measure if you try !

do i sound awfull ! she wants a baby to but not ttc at moment i feel like its one big competition with her !

sorry about the rant xxx
You don't sound awful at all, i used to think a gastric band was the way but then i watched a programme on it and apparently after the initial large weight loss you go down to 1-2lb's a week which we could do by ourselves anyway without all the hassle of having to liquidise our food and be limited to what we can eat, i find it hard to believe she'll get to a size 10 by January if she isn't having the op till October so if i was you i wouldn't worry your doing it the hard way and with any luck you'll hit your target weight before her and at least you'll have something to be proud of, good luck. By the way your wedding pictures are beautiful the dress really suits you don't worry about the pics on mil's wall you look gorgeous x
I'm so glad you created this thread!! I thought i was the only one on my search for pregnancy being overweight!! I promise i will become addicted to this place. Now I don't feel alone in my quest anymore!!! :hugs:

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