Testers,TTC&After Conception-Clomid,IUI,IVF,Femara -EVERYONE!!

Ajd I agree pee on an opk! We can line spot on that instead so you don't waste an HPT!

Allika ahh puppy!!!! It's so cute he needs a name! Poor little guy I hope he's alright :(

Grateful I'm ready to see another bump pic! I can't believe you're 36 weeks already you're doing GREAT. How do you feel?!
Kins, a diaper party is like a men's baby shower....but its just a guy party where they all bring packs of diapers for the dad, sit around and drink beers together. They love it :haha:
Ooh so cool. If I ever get pregnant of making my husband have one. He loves beer lol
Aj- way too early to get a positive wait it out a little longer.

Alika you should keep him. He is so cute
Jenna - Thanks for asking! Feeling pretty good...just getting over an upper respiratory infection and trying to stay cool in the heat. Thank God for air conditioning...I wouldn't last 15 minutes in this heat right now. I'll try to get a new bump pic on my journal.
KC- sorry for a delayed post :) welcome to the one tubers club :p although it does suck it definitely isn't the end of the world. My doc told me the tube could har been damaged by a pelvic inflammatory problem or just didn't develop right growing up. All my bloodwork came out kosher and I've never had any hoo-ha problems other than yeast infections and UTIs. I've also read that if the ovary on the debilitated tube side has a follicle that will rupture, at times the opposite tube will snag the egg. That's what I was hoping whenever we tried to catch any of my eggs since my left ovary is dominant but my left tube is crap. Hope this helps at all! Good luck for your July 31st testing date!

AFM- start my stimming meds tonight, kind of excited yet nervous :)

Good luck everyone!! Have a great day!!
KC- sorry for a delayed post :) welcome to the one tubers club :p although it does suck it definitely isn't the end of the world. My doc told me the tube could har been damaged by a pelvic inflammatory problem or just didn't develop right growing up. All my bloodwork came out kosher and I've never had any hoo-ha problems other than yeast infections and UTIs. I've also read that if the ovary on the debilitated tube side has a follicle that will rupture, at times the opposite tube will snag the egg. That's what I was hoping whenever we tried to catch any of my eggs since my left ovary is dominant but my left tube is crap. Hope this helps at all! Good luck for your July 31st testing date!

AFM- start my stimming meds tonight, kind of excited yet nervous :)

Good luck everyone!! Have a great day!!

thank you so much for your post! I was really down yesterday but for some reason today I feel much better. Your post really helped :hugs:

I started clomid back this month so I hope the correct side with catch the egg...I haven't ever had any hoo-ha problems other than 1 yeast infection and 1 uti. I was always so regular so I thought this journey wouldn't be a problem....ugh.

Anyway, hope you ladies are having a great week!

Allika- I am such a dog person and I am loving that picture of the puppy!! Does he have a name yet?
KC- good luck with everything! I'm right there with you thinking this journey would be no problem when we started, even though I knew I had some speed bumps coming into the game. All the effort definitely makes me appreciate the little things though!

Grateful- I praise the A/C even without being pregnant, I can only imagine how you're holding up with the heat. It's been pretty humid here and my friend just recently allowed her husband to turn on their A/C, she's due the 21st!
I have the itch to test out my trigger shot... so when I test on Friday 10dpo for my OB (non-TTC apt) I will know if the trigger is gone. Last time it was gone by day 5-6 I think.

Hopin, my test date is actually July 24th... so I can fuel the fire on here a day sooner!
ajd I updated you girl!! :)

Jenna How was baby D's appointment? Besides him being perfect, I that is ;)
Good luck to everyone that's left to test in July!! I can't wait to see some more BFP's!!

Allika-the pup is adorable and very lucky!!

Jenna-Dravens pics turned out great :)

AFM- I had an u/s appointment yesterday morning to test for downs. It takes two weeks before they'll have any results. I decided to do the optional genetic testing due to my sisters baby having DiGeorge syndrome. They said everything looks good so far! :)
Hey everyone. I had my hsg yesterday. No blockages but won't get my results back from the reg ultrasound till I see the dr on July 31. We r still playing it clam just doing whatever and trying not to think about the whole TTC business. Glad to see everyone is good. I will probably be a bit quiet for the next little while but I will still be following along:)
LDizzy: I think I'm gonna be in the same boat with you for testing for a variety of reasons. Do they test thru your belly or cervix? It all depends on where the baby is attached. My friend had hers thru her belly and said it was like a bee sting but longer... hope it wasn't too unconfortable. Keeping Fx all is well :hugs:

AFM: moving my test date up by one again as I have acupuncture on Tues and he wants up know if I'm preggers! So July 23rd now

Ajd I have updated your test date :) I like it that it keeps moving up! :dance:

Manda Congrats on no blockages

LDizzy Glad everything looks good so far! Did you get any pics from your u/s?! When is your next appointment? I can't believe you're already 13 weeks! Happy 2nd tri! Are you finding out the gender?

TypeA Guess that makes you 13 weeks too! How are you feeling? Are you doing a gender scan? When do you go back, and how is everything looking for you?

KC Hi :)

anmlz How did the stimming meds go?

Jenna How was Draven's appointment yesterday?!

Grateful You look FANTASTIC! Are you feeling any better?

Allika Have you found a home for that adorable puppy yet? I wish I could take the little rascal! We're a little far away for that to happen though. Ahhh so cute! Are you having the hysteroscopy this week?

Lei Speaking of temping, you're supposed to be doing that! And stop being so quiet! :haha:

Breaking Hi :) :wave:

Kins How are you doing over there?

Rojo Almost 19 weeks, that is INSANE!! When is your next appt? Is this pregnancy going by as fast for you as it seems to be in my eyes?!

Lune I tried to stalk your chart but not much temping going on. I think I remember something about you being on vacation this week though....not sure. You should be O'ing soon right? Are you doing Clomid this cycle?

Ingodshands Hi there :flower: Anything new with you?

AFM, I'm 1DPO so let the TWW Begin :)
Morning!!! Still crazy busy at work but gonna try to post quick...

Ldizzy - I am so impatient when waiting for things like test results. I'm glad you got it done though and I'm sure the results will be perfect.

Manda - Hooray on a clear HSG! They say having the test makes you more fertile for the next could months because the dye really clears out the tubes I guess. :winkwink:

Ajd - I like the test date!!! Its not to far either! :thumbup:

Allika - LOVE that puppy! It's going to be hard to resist keeping him isn't it???! I hope you can find him a good home either way. <3

Lei - Miss you! Also hope you start temping! I love looking at the charts. How is everything going?

Jenna - Can't wait to hear about Draven's appointment

Hopin - Happy 2WW!!!!! :happydance:

Rojo - Geez! Your pregnancy is in turbo speed I think! How are you feeling? Have you had an ultrasound lately or have one coming soon?

AFM: Just trying to keep up at work, get my job trained for 6 week maternity leave and get over this stupid upper respiratory thing. Other than that, life is good!
Morning!!! Still crazy busy at work but gonna try to post quick...

Ldizzy - I am so impatient when waiting for things like test results. I'm glad you got it done though and I'm sure the results will be perfect.

Manda - Hooray on a clear HSG! They say having the test makes you more fertile for the next could months because the dye really clears out the tubes I guess. :winkwink:

Ajd - I like the test date!!! Its not to far either! :thumbup:

Allika - LOVE that puppy! It's going to be hard to resist keeping him isn't it???! I hope you can find him a good home either way. <3

Lei - Miss you! Also hope you start temping! I love looking at the charts. How is everything going?

Jenna - Can't wait to hear about Draven's appointment

Hopin - Happy 2WW!!!!! :happydance:

Rojo - Geez! Your pregnancy is in turbo speed I think! How are you feeling? Have you had an ultrasound lately or have one coming soon?

AFM: Just trying to keep up at work, get my job trained for 6 week maternity leave and get over this stupid upper respiratory thing. Other than that, life is good!

Thank you!! I have heard that too:) apparently they didn't use dye but they used saline and it still went thru my tubes. Do u think that would still have the same effect?? I guess it would still flush everything out right. Keeping my fingers crossed tho!! My friend got prego 3 months after her hsg test.

Fingers crossed for everyone still waiting for their bfp!!
Manda - Hooray on a clear HSG! They say having the test makes you more fertile for the next could months because the dye really clears out the tubes I guess. :winkwink:

Thank you!! I have heard that too:) apparently they didn't use dye but they used saline and it still went thru my tubes. Do u think that would still have the same effect?? I guess it would still flush everything out right. Keeping my fingers crossed tho!! My friend got prego 3 months after her hsg test.

Fingers crossed for everyone still waiting for their bfp!!

Maybe it IS saline and not dye....? Now I'm not sure. Either way....yes I think cleaning it out with anything would give the same effect. I got my BFP 2 months after HSG...not sure if it had anything to do with it or not. I was TTC for 5 years on and off and after trying a variety of supplements and Femara and 2 months after HSG, I got my first ever BFP. FX'd for you!!!! :happydance:
I had my HSG last month and now I'm getting excited!!!
Manda - Hooray on a clear HSG! They say having the test makes you more fertile for the next could months because the dye really clears out the tubes I guess. :winkwink:

Thank you!! I have heard that too:) apparently they didn't use dye but they used saline and it still went thru my tubes. Do u think that would still have the same effect?? I guess it would still flush everything out right. Keeping my fingers crossed tho!! My friend got prego 3 months after her hsg test.

Fingers crossed for everyone still waiting for their bfp!!

Maybe it IS saline and not dye....? Now I'm not sure. Either way....yes I think cleaning it out with anything would give the same effect. I got my BFP 2 months after HSG...not sure if it had anything to do with it or not. I was TTC for 5 years on and off and after trying a variety of supplements and Femara and 2 months after HSG, I got my first ever BFP. FX'd for you!!!! :happydance:

Oh thanks for that. It's making a little more excited. I just hope my hormones behave. I conceived my other 2 little ones using Fermera on the first try for both and now for some reason it's not working out and my LH is always surging pretty early. So I guess we will see.
Hello! :wave:

Draven's appointment went well yesterday. 28" long (91st percentile) 16lb 15.5oz (37th percentile) and his head was 17.52" (78th percentile) I think his last head measurement may have been a misread because according to this it would have shrunk lol. And looking at his growth chart this head measurement follows the curve perfectly if you take out his last one that was ridiculously large.
He had 5 shots :cry: they usually have a 3 in 1 shot but they ran out so he had to get 2 extra! Poor booboo bear. He has 2 little bruises on his leg, but he's doing great.

I need to vent, totally not related to TTC. So a little background first... to make it short, my mother is literally psychotic. I've been raising her since I was 13, she's an alcoholic, addicted to prescription pills, bipolar, the whole 9 yards. So she acts like a child a lot. Now, on Sunday she decides to call me and ask if she can come visit (my parents live 2 hours away in Vancouver, WA). I told her fortunately that would be a perfect day because I was going to pick up my sister and go to the lake anyways and she can come along then stay the night. But I have had plans for a week now to go hiking Wednesday (today) morning so she'll have to go when we leave for that. She threw a fit! One night wasn't good enough for her, she kept begging for me to leave Draven behind so she can babysit while we go hiking. First of all, I would never trust her alone with him. Second of all, I want Draven to come with! She keeps pushing it saying I "need mommy time". I work 3 days a week and that's enough "mommy time" for me. I want to spend time with my son. I told her one night is good enough, she should be grateful it worked out in such short notice and that I'll go down there to visit soon to make up for it. SHE HUNG UP ON ME! 51 years old and she's still hanging up on me. Fast forward to yesterday, I haven't spoken to her since then. We're on our way back from the doctors appointment planning to just grab the dog and some snacks then head out to the lake. I'm assuming at this point she decided to stay home since I haven't heard from her. My phone rings and it's her asking casually how the appointment went yadda yadda... Then at the end of the conversation adds in "Okay, well I'm about 10 minutes away." WHAT?! I said "Uh, I didn't know you were coming..." She then tells me she had to "think about it". Think about what?! She had 2 hours to call me and tell me she was coming. Needless to say, she's still here and I'm still livid. I had a talk with her telling her she owes me an apology and she did, but I'm still upset. I'll get over it, I'm so used to her pulling crap like this. I just needed to vent.

I'm sorry for the ridiculously long post. I just had to get that out. I feel a little better.
Rant over. :)
Hello Ladies

@Hopin: You had a strong dip yesterday, looks funky! Glad your on the other side of Ovulation now!

@Grateful: Final weeks/days...exciting exciting

@Jenna: Sorry about your mom, that must be very hard for you :(


@all the others: Dont take it personal that I am not directly commenting towards you. Bad memory.

AFM: I have not found a home for the pup yet, but am close to sealing the deal :)! I will miss her, she is a lot of fun! But I just cant see me with "hopefully a newborn" soon (please dont jinx me) and two 50 lbs + dogs. So I want her to find a home now, while she is still cute and "adoptable".

Also, we are going on vacation next week to San Francisco and Napa Valley. It was supposed to be a nice DINK trip with a befriended couple but now she is preggo. Yet another one of my friends. Ugh! It feels like God is missing me constantly and putting babies in everyone's belly but mine. MEAN MEAN!

On the monday, 07/29 I will have the hysteroscopy. That will be interesting. I had a HSG done last year that was clear, so I am not sure what the additional value of this procedure will be. Whatevs!

I am debating about resigning from my job in late August. My family from Germany is visiting the whole month of October and I havent seen them in nearly a year. I dont want to be working while they are here! Also, if I quit it will give me time to do IVF. I dont really like this job I am having. Its a small company and everything is manual which is a nightmare for an accountant. They are also very inflexible with time and that makes it hard to schedule my Fertility appointments.

We can get by on DH's salary for a while and if worst comes to worst I can find work again quickly in Houston...

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