Testers,TTC&After Conception-Clomid,IUI,IVF,Femara -EVERYONE!!

AJD: I love how you say " -1 week preggers " cute ;) I'm ready for you to get your BFP lets kick butt!

Everyone is so quiet.... *crickets*
P.S. A little update with me. If you all remember I got my Mirena IUD inserted in April. Well I've been having light bleeding ever since and OH says he can feel it poking him and that it's very painful when we DTD. I'm going in tomorrow morning to make sure it's not out of place. I may take it out and change birth control methods. I'm just terrified of this doing something bad to me and making it even harder to get pregnant next time. It already took us over a year to get pregnant with Draven I don't need any added factors next time lol. Plus OH's sister just got pregnant while she had a Mirena too! She has a D&C scheduled though because the fetus is deformed :( I just hope it hasn't damaged me. I'm paranoid about it. I don't think I'm supposed to STILL be having light bleeding 4 months later.
@jenna: I am with you on taking the mirena out. You do hear some spooky stories but that goes for all forms of conception! Why don't you just chart and not have sex on days around O?

My follies is at 25mm. Can't believe it depending on my blood work I will either trigger tonight or stop my steroid and ovulate naturally. Super excited and Iam hoping this is it.

My follies is at 25mm. Can't believe it depending on my blood work I will either trigger tonight or stop my steroid and ovulate naturally. Super excited and Iam hoping this is it.

That awesome MandaC you give me so much hope, I pray I have a good outcome this Friday at my doctors appointment.
Manda: last month my follie was 25mm on Monday and she had me trigger that night and do the IUI on Wednesday. Unfortunately I O'ed naturally on Tuesday (temping) and missed it. Good thing you guys are doing labs to determine your IUI!!

Fx for you, this is super exciting!!!
When does Hopin get back? My test date will be Sep 3.

Good luck, Manda!
Hi Ladies!

Sorry I've been MIA for a few days the weekend and leading up to it has been so so busy!

Allika - goodluck with starting your meds today. I feel very positive for you - especially with the good vibes of yoru 3rd anniversary.

Shugga - I have had good ovulation with femera but unfortunately no bfps. however I preferred it over clomid as it thinned my lining.

Jenna - sorry to see you are having issues with your IUD - I hope it's resolved and you have no lasting problems due to it. :hugs:

AJD - are you in your TWW or just waiting for AF now? (sorry i'm a bit slow on Monday morning/afternoon...lol

Manda - wow that follie sounds awesome...goodluck!

Lune - did you O yet? or close to it? test date is in 2 wks!!

AFM - I had back to back IUIs yesterday and today. we had 2 follies (thanks to first cycle on Gonal F) they were at 2.1mm - bc I was developing more I had to trigger on Saturday (first time I triggered) and went in for IUI yesterday and today. DH did really good ...highest every sperm wash - 77mil on first day with 91% motility...and today we were at about half the sperm count.

I'm trying not to get my hopes up with such great numbers...bc I don't want to be so disappointed if AF comes. however i'm starting to think that if everything looks this good....and there's 100mil swimmers looking for 2 eggs...and the timing is perfect.then maybe it's time to move to IVF!!! :wacko:
Hi everyone!

Jenna - yikes on the Mirena! I was on the Depo shot for 8 years and I have always kind of wondered if that is what caused me to not get pregnant for 4 years. I'm not a big fan of birth control...but it is necessary sometimes. When is your appointment?

Shugga - Welcome! Femara worked for me. I didn't get pregnant for 4 years trying on and off and Femara gave me the boost I needed it seems. FX'd for you. Many people say that even if Clomid didn't work, sometimes Femara does and vice versa. FX'd for you girl!!

Lune - Yeay to a test date! :happydance:

Manda - Sounds fantastic!!!!!! FX'd for you :hugs:

Allika - I'm so excited for you :flower: I can't wait to hear every step!!!!

Ajd - I cannot WAIT for you to get your BFP...:flower:

LDizzy - Can't wait for your gender scan!!!!

Hopin - Hope your vacation is super relaxing and fun. We miss you though!

Rojo - How are you feeling?

Sorry for anyone I missed....

AFM: I'm doing pretty well. Still adjusting to the sleepless nights and mommyhood. :flower: Have had a few hurdles with breastfeeding, but trying my best to hang in. Jimmy is worth every hurdle I have to get through, and just looking at him helps ease any pain or frustrating moments. He is such a sweet baby and I'm enjoying every minute with him. Thanks to you all for being so supportive all along and now. :hugs:
@Breaking: wow the numbers sound fantastic! Crossing my fingers this is it for you!
@Grateful: glad you're adjusting well! How is Jimmy's dad?
@Manda: sounds great, crossing my fingers you catch this Egg!
Breaking, I'm waiting for AF to start in a few days.

Your numbers sound incredible girl!!!! And with perfect timing and two good eggs... this sounds like a very very promising month for you
Hello sweet ladies!!!!!!!

I have missed you all SO SO SO much!!!!! Vacation was great but MAN that took me a while to catch up. I think I got everything soooooo here goes:

Allika Have you taken your meds yet today? Was wondering how that went. Are they shots? What a wonderful anniversary present that would be!! This is so exciting! I still kind of think you should transfer two, just because you hear of so many people who transfer two and end up pregnant with just one - but I also understand your hesitation regarding twins.
Also, I know I'm late answering this about talking about TTC and it irritating DH's. Mine's glad I have you girls to lean on and he's aware that I've formed realy close relationship with some ladies from this forum. But he still makes fun of me for it sometimes :haha:

IGH How are you doll?

Breaking Hi there! :flower: Any side effects from the Gonal F? How was your IVF orientation? Glad to hear things are looking good as far as your #'s go this cycle! FX'd!

Rojo How are you?

anmlz So sorry for the bfn :( :hugs:

Smiley How are you hun? Did you start temping?

KC What's up with you hun? I know we were testing together last cycle, what's your status now?

Lune Sorry you had to deal with that at work :( I love how you said "FX'd legs un-X'd" LOL :rofl: I was cracking up. When is your FS appointment next month? Also, good news on DH's swimmers! One less thing to worry about!!

Jenna Oh no!! I hope you get some answers tomorrow about Mirena.
Hope everything else is going well with you! How's work going?

TypeA I'm with Jenna - BUMP PIC! :)

Grateful Hi! :flower: We need pics of Jimmy. Lost of them :haha:
Are you ready to start TTC again? LOL :rofl: seriously though, are you stopping at one or do you plan to try for more again in the future?

Manda FX'd for you on this natural cycle!!

LDizzy I can't believe you've made it this long without telling your mother! That must be such a difficult situation :hugs: I can't imagine not having my mother's support. I'm sure she will come around whenever you decide the time is right to talk to her about it. Let us know how that goes.
On another note, YAY for the gender scan!!! So excited someone in here is finally going to find out the gender! (no offense Rojo or Luna I'm just as excited about the surprise genders ;) )

Lei Sorry for the bfn :( I hate that. Just not fair. You've been trying so long. :hugs: Not temping this cycle?

Shugga Welcome, and GL with Femara! :flower: When is your test date?

Kins How are you feeling? Anymore cramping?

ajd Looking forward to team aggressive!! But Did you TTC this cycle? I couldn't remember.

momof1 Where are you lady?! Thinking of you!

PHEW That was a lot!! And that's with you ladies being fairly quiet! :haha:

AFM, my vacation was great, DS had a blast and that's all that matters to me.

I did get to BD twice while we were gone, once on Monday (CD 13) and once on Wednesday (CD 15). SO I guess I'm not totally out this month but it's less likely that I'll get that bfp since I typically O around CD17 but you never know!!. I will say, I had some awfully weird feelings on Wednesday - I don't know if they were O pains or what but it was on my lower stomach on the right side - right where my hip bone is - it felt like I had something in my stomach, almost a fullness or something. Not sure how to explain it. But it wasn't a BM or anything LOL just odd. Gone the next day too. I'd be tempted to say I was O'ing but that'd be an early O for me (CD 15) so who knows. But that's actually why we BD'd on Wednesday bc I thought I might've been O'ing.
So after saying all of that I'm going to pretend I O'd on CD17 like normal so that makes me 3 DPO today. So my test date is officially 08/30 :) FX'd!

SORRY for the huge post ladies but I missed you all and I wanted to catch up on EVERYTHING!! I have also updated the front page with some stuff I picked up on but PLEASE let me know what to add for you so we can all keep up with each other!
woohoo Hopin! Glad you're back! I am starting shots tonight...DH started Antibiotics today....so glad we are finally full speed ahead!
I am debating on the 1 vs 2 still as well. I'd love having twins....that is healthy twins but the reality is most twins are born premature, etc. and since my body is already struggling to achieve one pregnancy I dont think its neccessary a good plan to go for two. But it all depends on how well this cycle goes and what our doctor recommends at the end of the day.

Breakin- everything is sounding just perfect! Fingers crossed.

I started off on clomid and my ovaries didnt budge one bit then they didnt budge on femara...so happy for those of you who work with oral medications. Injections can get costly and fustrating.

Ya Dizzy have you talked to your mom yet?

Hi Hopin- glad vakay went well. I have twinges here and there. Just keeping my fx crossed for a healthy pregnancy. I go in for another U/S on friday
Allika: that just seems like a lot of work for avoiding pregnancy you know? It's a lot of work doing it to get pregnant but it's worth it. Not sure I'd want to pay that close of attention right now. This is my "vacation" period for a couple years before we're ready to TTC again. ;)

Breaking: Thats incredible I can't wait for you to test now!
Grateful: My appointment is tomorrow morning at 7:30

Hopin: That sounds like O to me! Glad you got to sneak in a little BD so we at least have a glimmer of hope ;) Work is great! Loving it which is crazy. I've never had a job that I've actually looked forward to.
Hey all... been a bit mia.. been busy with the end of summer upon us.. totally built a new fence.. and that's our weekend.. I start back at college this next Monday.. so hopefully this semester goes smoothly..

hope your all doing well..
Lilrojo- I was just looking at your ticker.. Did u get prego right after you had dS
Iam triggering tonight at 6 and IUI is wed morning at 7am. My DH just had to drop my Ovidrel off to me at work cause I forgot it just incase. Lol Iam really excited and hoping this is it. I just hope my follie is to big cause I was away all wknd when I probably could have done it soon. Hoping its not to late.
Hello sweet ladies!!!!!!!

I have missed you all SO SO SO much!!!!! Vacation was great but MAN that took me a while to catch up. I think I got everything soooooo here goes:

Allika Have you taken your meds yet today? Was wondering how that went. Are they shots? What a wonderful anniversary present that would be!! This is so exciting! I still kind of think you should transfer two, just because you hear of so many people who transfer two and end up pregnant with just one - but I also understand your hesitation regarding twins.
Also, I know I'm late answering this about talking about TTC and it irritating DH's. Mine's glad I have you girls to lean on and he's aware that I've formed realy close relationship with some ladies from this forum. But he still makes fun of me for it sometimes :haha:

IGH How are you doll?

Breaking Hi there! :flower: Any side effects from the Gonal F? How was your IVF orientation? Glad to hear things are looking good as far as your #'s go this cycle! FX'd!

Rojo How are you?

anmlz So sorry for the bfn :( :hugs:

Smiley How are you hun? Did you start temping?

KC What's up with you hun? I know we were testing together last cycle, what's your status now?

Lune Sorry you had to deal with that at work :( I love how you said "FX'd legs un-X'd" LOL :rofl: I was cracking up. When is your FS appointment next month? Also, good news on DH's swimmers! One less thing to worry about!!

Jenna Oh no!! I hope you get some answers tomorrow about Mirena.
Hope everything else is going well with you! How's work going?

TypeA I'm with Jenna - BUMP PIC! :)

Grateful Hi! :flower: We need pics of Jimmy. Lost of them :haha:
Are you ready to start TTC again? LOL :rofl: seriously though, are you stopping at one or do you plan to try for more again in the future?

Manda FX'd for you on this natural cycle!!

LDizzy I can't believe you've made it this long without telling your mother! That must be such a difficult situation :hugs: I can't imagine not having my mother's support. I'm sure she will come around whenever you decide the time is right to talk to her about it. Let us know how that goes.
On another note, YAY for the gender scan!!! So excited someone in here is finally going to find out the gender! (no offense Rojo or Luna I'm just as excited about the surprise genders ;) )

Lei Sorry for the bfn :( I hate that. Just not fair. You've been trying so long. :hugs: Not temping this cycle?

Shugga Welcome, and GL with Femara! :flower: When is your test date?

Kins How are you feeling? Anymore cramping?

ajd Looking forward to team aggressive!! But Did you TTC this cycle? I couldn't remember.

momof1 Where are you lady?! Thinking of you!

PHEW That was a lot!! And that's with you ladies being fairly quiet! :haha:

AFM, my vacation was great, DS had a blast and that's all that matters to me.

I did get to BD twice while we were gone, once on Monday (CD 13) and once on Wednesday (CD 15). SO I guess I'm not totally out this month but it's less likely that I'll get that bfp since I typically O around CD17 but you never know!!. I will say, I had some awfully weird feelings on Wednesday - I don't know if they were O pains or what but it was on my lower stomach on the right side - right where my hip bone is - it felt like I had something in my stomach, almost a fullness or something. Not sure how to explain it. But it wasn't a BM or anything LOL just odd. Gone the next day too. I'd be tempted to say I was O'ing but that'd be an early O for me (CD 15) so who knows. But that's actually why we BD'd on Wednesday bc I thought I might've been O'ing.
So after saying all of that I'm going to pretend I O'd on CD17 like normal so that makes me 3 DPO today. So my test date is officially 08/30 :) FX'd!

SORRY for the huge post ladies but I missed you all and I wanted to catch up on EVERYTHING!! I have also updated the front page with some stuff I picked up on but PLEASE let me know what to add for you so we can all keep up with each other!
HopeforaBump: thanks, and I have my first appointment on the 23rd of this month to see how my follies developed, today is my last dose of femara at 7.5 dosage but me and my hubbie started using preseed last night with BDing so I hope it becomes a success.

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