Testers,TTC&After Conception-Clomid,IUI,IVF,Femara -EVERYONE!!

Hello again, & thank you all for the congratulations!!

I'm feeling rather miserable, but a BFP definitely takes the edge off.

No EDD yet - my gyne resident at the hospital is more concerned with my OHSS & seeing how this pans out.

They told me I will be hospitalized for a few days at least, which is a bummer...

...but my hubby, & my brother are both very excited for the BFP news!

Keeping my chin up, & hoping to finally get some rest here. It's been a looooong day so far! A mixture of bad (being sick) & awesome (BFP!)

P.S. My FE thinks might be multiples! No way to confirm via ultrasound yet because I'm not even 4 weeks.

P.P.S. I'll keep checking in with you ladies as I can. Thank you all SO MUCH for your support; means the world to me right now!!
Mums: That's great news big congrats!!

Lei: Ouch :( Sorry you're having such a hard time but that handicap sign will help a lot!

Wisdom teeth tomorrow morning at 10 PST, ugh... I cleaned the house and did all the laundry and stocked up on no-chew foods so OH wont go crazy trying to hold the house together. MIL will be a great help too :) And luckily we have Netflix and Hulu in the bedroom so I wont die of boredom.
Awww Jenna I'll say a prayer that everything goes well for you hun!!

I think I'm gonna finish out the week & then take two weeks off to start the healing process. Its just a bit to much right now cause it still hurts so bad. Hopefully two weeks will be enough to at least start the healing & when I go back I won't be so uncomfortable.
A bfn for me today. The witch visited right on schedule. At least this time, I had a positive OPK. I have been temping but somehow I lost my basal thermometer! Geez. FE is gonna be ticked when she sees my chart. I had side effects from the femara, so that makes me happy!

I am so excited to see all the BFP's! Not to mention twins! Yay! I always wanted a set of those! Lol!
Good luck to the next testers! And get to feeling normal again lei!
Good morning sweet ladies!!

Lei I'm sorry you're having such a rough go at it :hugs: I hope your 2 weeks helps with your situation, it's a solid amount of time so I think it will be a good thing. I bet this is helping distract you during your TWW!!

Mums :flower: Not cool that you're feeling so miserable right now, I wish we could do something to help! I hope you're getting lots of rest!! :hugs:
What makes your FE think it's multiples? Just curious - how wonderful would that be!! TWO sets of multiples on this thread! AHhhh!! As obsessed as we all are with twins this would definitely feed our addiction ;)

Jenna :( man we just have all kinds of ladies in physical pain, it make me sad! I know you're not yet but just hearing about all of your preparations means you know what you're in for. All will be well once it's over, so glad your MIL will be there to help! Please let us know how it goes, and how you're doing!! <3 We will be thinking about you!

LDizzy Sorry for your bfn, hun. You have such a good attitude about it though! Makes me realize I need to have a better attitude too! Let me know when you're going to the doc or anything so I can update the front page with your next appointments. :hugs:

Allika Let us know how it goes today please <3

How are all of our pregnant ladies feeling?!
feeling...frisky. DH and I haven't done the deed since the BD, and I am totally experiencing those naughty dreams! :wacko:
feeling...frisky. DH and I haven't done the deed since the BD, and I am totally experiencing those naughty dreams! :wacko:

Lol I have had those a lot :holly: ! My dreams are so vivid lately however, last night it was a vivid nightmare and I didn't enjoy that :(
Morning LADIES :D

today was a little easier coming in!! I had a very nice officer escort me so he opened all those heavy doors lol (thank goodness). I can say with all this going on it sure is making the TWW fly by.. AF is due I think on monday or tuesday so its almost time. Im not holding my breath to anything cause I really doubt some swimmers stayed in there that long to when I may have O'ed.

Jenna- :hugs: thinking about you today hun!

So last night I was laying in bed & I haven't really took the time out to pray in a while.. I say a brief prayer before bed but last night everyone was really on my mind... I prayed for all my pregos to continue to have a healthy pregnancy & for all those trying, I prayed that you all would become blessed with your bundles of joy. I even had a 1 on 1 with the big man & told him if its not in mine & DH's cards to have a baby that it was okay.. But I wanted to make sure that all this strength & positive energy he has been giving me was divided equally to you all still TTC. <3
Hello, ladies!

Reporting in that my hCG level went up overnight from 125 to 171.

Hopin - these levels are why they think I'm having multiples.

Only an ultrasound can confirm!! I'm nervous & excited at the same time!!

I'm still in the hospital; retaining so much fluid, I can barely breathe, let alone laugh or speak for any period of time.

...but climbing hCG levels overnight is a good sign!!

I hope everyone else is doing ok... so sorry to read about BFNs on here & other health issues. I can currently relate to the health issues!

xoxo everyone! Thank you all again for your unparalleled support!
Lei that's beautiful that you did that. It's always refreshing to have a good talk with the big man <3

I gotta make this brief because I need to get showered and out the door so I'm sorry I can't follow up on everyone's posts. But I just wanted to say.. HOLY CRAP I'm so thirsty!!! I'm not allowed to drink water this morning and I always chug a big glass of water first thing in the morning. ESPECIALLY when pumping because that gives me cotton mouth. Blahhh waterrrr. It doesn't help that its POURING rain outside. I want to stand out there and drink all the yummy water being wasted by falling from the sky lol. Well, here I go :( Goodbye food. It's just yogurt and shakes for a few days!

P.S. I had crazy vivid sex dreams when I was pregnant too. Drove me whacko!!!



I just got a phone call from this fertilty clinic I went to back in August... I went in to be a surrogate but didnt qualify because of a procedure I had when I was younger.. She just called & told me a family wants My eggs!!! They want to use my eggs!!! You have no idea what a blessing this would be if it all worked out because then we could have the money to do IUI as much as we need to or even IVF!! im so happy I could cry!
That's amazing news lei :)

Mums maybe you'll join me in the twin club ;)

I had a crazy sex dream last night too...I didn't know it was a pregnancy thing :haha:
Too bad I feel like I'm going to puke all the time :(
Thank you all so much for the support ladies, it truly means a lot. I'm so excited I get to help someone that is going through what we all are... I can relate so much to how they must feel. When I talked to the lady at the clinic she said it would take a couple weeks but apparently when she called the couple they went in immediately to sign all the legal paper work & donor stuff. I got a call after work to call the day I start my cycle & then they gave me the number to call to have my psych eval. I can't express how excited I am & to know I'm really making someones dream come true!! Ahhhhh lol :)

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