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Testers who want to natter, moan or just chat :)

No bleeding, certainly just sore. I am completely convinced its my normal preAF spotting, its too exactly the same to be anything else. I am also having stabbing pains in my ovary, I don't think I get that either with Ov or with AF, but I honestly think its all the coughing, I get stabbing in my uterus as well, which I don't think I usually get but on the other hand I can't swear by it. I did a cheapie and I have a nice shadowy pale line, its all crap, I will do one tomorrow with FMU though, but I have the feeling the cup with be full of red, and in that case I will just tip it back in the toilet. I will go and see your cheapy now Excalibur, have you got a cheapy for tomorrow smiley? You must test if AF isn't here! XXX
Calm, I have the biggest feeling that you could be pregnant you know! What with feeling shitty, sore gums, spotting and now stabbing pains in your uterus! AND you got a pale line! Show me a picture! Thats an order! :haha:

Well, AF still isnt here for me! My nipples are a bit sore and I have constantly got that horrible pain in my abdomen like ive got trapped wind. Along with the headaches and stabbing pains it seems my body is playing tricks on me making me think Im pregnant. Will just be the chemical! Ive not tested again today with FMU and Im not going to either, I dont want to go through the disappointment again.

The last test I took was yesterday morning which was bfn. The one before that was a tesco on monday tea time, which developed a super faint line. Despite the tesco and the frer from that morning being stark white.

I just dont know anymore! :shrug: xxx
Im with u smiley remember me with the faint pos test few days back well now its a big fat bfn and f was due yesterday so i dinno not testing anymore id rather she just showed now good luck hope u get bfp x
Yeah i remember :) I had a really great positive test, no squinting, lovely pink line, then it got lighter and lighter to the point where im testing bfn now. Ahh well, i wish AF would start for me too xx
Sorry hun are u not testin again im not i will admit i have used 60 cheepie tests since 5dpo i just keep weeing and hopeing now im bored and fed up :(
60 omg?! Nope im not testing again, I've definitely had a chemical, theres no other explanation for such a dark test and then them gradually getting lighter until its a bfn. So Im just going to wait for AF now xx
Yer i bought 50 for 7.99 on amazon then another 10 and j have use them
All lol im crazy ha

Oh well hope we both get bfp soon lifes unfair sometimes i have been wanting this for 18months even got 4 digis coming in post today (pointless) and a clearlue fertility moniter and 40 sticks and preseed angus castus folic acid and the smily ovulation test so bring next month on x
Morning! No fmu because I got up in a rush because the cleaning lady was about to come, I am also really sure I am in no way pregnant, this is just the pre AF that I always get. I think IB has a lot more brown to it, mine's more pinky red, doesn't reach the pad, but then again it never does until the proper AF comes. I think IB comes and goes a lot more, this is always there. I feel super irritable this morning too, so that must mean she is about to show, I wish she would. Oh, and I am not sure its my gums that hurt anymo9re, I have worked out its my lower sinus just above my gums, like in my cheekbones, because I get pain when bending down so I am sure that is not my gums. To be honest, I don't care about pregnancy at this very moment, I am just looking forward to feeling well again, I do feel better this morning, but want to feel normal! I am also going to have a lot of pampering this next cycle, and go for a massage and a manicure! As for yesterdays test who knows where it is, believe me there is nothing worth seeing, I get better shadow lines when I test after AF before ovulating :haha: I hope your AF is not a bitch for you, hopefully you either get a BFP very soon, or she just shows, because limbo sucks XXX
How weird that you are still spotting! Yep, lots of pampering will do you the world of good! Ive read a lot of ladies say that when they are more relaxed they are able to conceive much easier!

Still no AF for me, just got a negative IC. Feeling a bit more crampy as the morning goes on so hopefully AF will come soon. Like you say, its horrid being in limbo! Xxx
Its normal for me to spot 3 or 4 days before period, before I started to TTC it was more of a brown blood show, now its more pinky to dry-red. I haven't done a cheapy today, I am sure I will though its just plain silly, it really is more of an addiction than anything else. XXX
I have just been to asda and bought a pack of 2 midstream tests for £1!! I couldnt see the sensitivity on the pack though, they're probably rubbish!

Love the spoiler :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Im actually laughing my head off, LO is looking at me like Im a crazy lady!

I dont need to pee yet! Gunna refrain from drinking anything and hold my pee for hours! Not that anything will show up!

Was looking through my calendar last night and my cycles are normally 29-31 day NOT 30-32 days like I thought. So I should have had AF between saturday and monday *I think* blahhhhhh xxx
Smiley, sorry to threadjack but can you upload some pictures to my thread for me? I'd love you forever and ever.

It'll give you something to do while your pee builds up :)
Im on my ipad at the mo so cant, but give me 5 mins to get onto my laptop and I will :) What pics? Do you need to email them to me? Xxx
You don't need to pee... how boring :haha: I see Stucky has jumped of the poas wagon, GL both of you !!! XXX
inboxed you Stucki :)

Im feeling the need to pee!! I KNOW im gunna get a bfn but im so addicted to POAS!

Think we all need some sort of support group! :haha: xxx
I'm no longer TTC; I am however, still addicted to peeing on stuff.

HPTs have become some crazy fetish for me in the recent years...and I'm a glutton for punishment.
I think we do need a support group, problem is are we prepared to be cured? :rofl:

I am holding firmly on to my cheapies, they are my friends :wacko:

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