The 4+ club

Hey jo thanks for putting me on the front page, my due date is 7th march x x
this time i will be at home from birth till forever (starting my own company)

Thats exciting...What business are you starting? :shrug:

A web design and creative solutions company and also my photography company :)

My OH is a accountant so will be starting his own practise too so we can both enjoy this one growing up :)

Ooooh good luck - let me know when you have a website up and running :thumbup:

We're starting a new business too!! Richard used to be a professional DJ, so we're starting a music management company, managing DJs and hiring PA equipment. Also, as an additional extra I'm sourcing party entertainment, bouncy castles, face painting, wedding planning, baby showers, makeup parties, balloons - you name it we would probably be able to supply it! We're so excited - we're doing a disco this Saturday for an adult birthday bash and a wedding disco next Saturday (I'm also doing all the sugar almond wedding favours and cones of candy for the kids!!!)

I want to be a stay at home mum but also want to run my business - best of both worlds I think.

wow all sounds so exciting :)

my web site is pretty much for my photography buts uhmm nsfw~lol~

its amazing isnt it how something can give you a kick to do something you have been thinking about doing for years :)
Hi ladies can i just say i finally have found somewhere i feel like i fit in .... Thankyou xxxxx ... Also about this guilt thing i find myself apologising all the time for the amount of children i have for example when goin to an appointment i say sorry for having to bring the tribe with me , when meeting the midwife this time i said sorry as she had to fill in loads of info about previous pregnancies to which she replied " will this be your last ?? " I must try harder to stop this as i then give people permission really to criticise my family xxxxxxxxxxxx
Glad you feel comfortable here :friends:

At least you got a midwife appointment ... I went to the drs 2 days ago and the next available midwife appointment is 5th September!!!! I'll be about 11 weeks then!! Doctor is going to refer me for an early scan though because of my previous ectopic (I only have one tube left).

God, I am so tired today .... I could literally just drop off to sleep where I'm sitting but Lily is awake so she's keeping me on my toes (she's watching Elmo atm - she is addicted to him lol).
that seems very late to meet your midwife ,, its the same date as my scan i will be a day off 14 weeks so thats late too , but im trying to think that i wont have to wait long then to my 2nd scan at around 20 wks , I too had an early scan at 7 weeks as id had some spotting at 6 weeks it was great i could see baby quite clearly heartbeating and everything xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
this is a very comfortable place. i feel more like i fit in here too than most places.

i dont really apologize for mine, but im def not going out to as many places. when we only had 1 or 2 it was so different. people would come up all the time telling us how cute they were and asking how old they were. now its comments like... havent you figured out what causes that yet?... and, dont you have a television? :haha: haha, my hubby and i just smile and walk on.

josiejo- i know just how you feel! i finally got a decent sleep last night and im still tired. :hugs: i have an elmo lover too. he is 19 months old and has everything elmo.
Hi ladies can i just say i finally have found somewhere i feel like i fit in .... Thankyou xxxxx ... Also about this guilt thing i find myself apologising all the time for the amount of children i have for example when goin to an appointment i say sorry for having to bring the tribe with me , when meeting the midwife this time i said sorry as she had to fill in loads of info about previous pregnancies to which she replied " will this be your last ?? " I must try harder to stop this as i then give people permission really to criticise my family xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hahaha I feel exactly that so I know it's going to be more of the same when this lo is here. I'm learning to drive, I had my first lesson on my birthday Monday and I'm having my next on this Monday coming. Hopefully I'll be driving by the time my lo is here, I can't be lugging 4 kids around on busses, I get enough funny looks as it is coz they're all close in age. I wouldn't change my kids for the world I just wish other people's attitude would change.
Do u ladies find u're routine has to be military style to get everyone up, dressed and out? X
Yes, I have to have a routine in the house. However, my eldest 3 get themselves ready now and make their own breakfasts so I'm quite lucky. Also, my 10 year old Jessica (who is the size of a 13 year old) looks after Lily while I get myself ready x
I so want to join!! This is baby #5 for me!! I have

MaKenzie Kiara Lynn 12 ( soon to have a name change to Isabella)
MaKayla LeeAnn Margaret 11
Megan Marie Tobin 9
Xander Daniel Tobin 6

I love that there is poeple on here with a big family like mine!!! Can I join?
Do you have to be pregnant to join this club? I have 7 children and hoping for one last good egg!! Let me know!
I have:
Jonathan Edward 24
Michael Gordon 19
Ashlyn Janelle 18
Addison Parker 15
Amandelyn Mackenzie 12
Samuel Clayton 10
Jocelyn Dakota 7
and forever our angel Madelynn Courtney!
welcome wanting and amommy!

amommy- i dont think you have to be preggo to be in here, you def have 4+!

i def have a routine going on. my hubby cant even call for the first couple hours after i get up. im too busy to talk. its crazy around here.
Josiejo thanks for the welcome :)
It is fantastic! but as I have been reading I see that most of you are going through what I am going through with family and friends putting their unwanted 2 cents in about how I have too many children. I dont see why anybody should say anything its not like they are going to be raising them, feeding and clothing them. Why do people have to be so hurtful and rain on your bliss parade! It just makes me so upset,

I was sooo scared to tell anyone. I waited until i was 15weeks pg. I told my dad first who was great. He told me it will be hard but that he is proud of me and he loves me.I told my mom next who said she had a feeling i was and was great as well. I told oh's mom last. She was ok with it at first(If you go through my thread history you can read all about it)And then one day oh got a text grom his mom saying how we should give his sister the baby or give it to someone who has been trying to have one since this baby was not planned. And i think i am saying it nicer than it came across. But we faught for a while. Oh was so mad. He wants a huge family. He wants 10 kids. I dont know if i do but if we want these blessing i dont think anyone should have anything neg. to say. Sorry if you think you have to buy more things when you never do anyways:shrug: Not even birthday cards. I am not sorry for having my kids, they are well loved and taken care of. I dont know how many we will have but if god wants us to have more, it shall be. I am sorry sil has been trying for over 15yrs to have thier first, but there might be a reason for it!
Forgive me if already asked, but i have a few questions.
Was baby planned?
Are you wanting more or are you going to be using bc after this one?

Little Man was not planned but it happened and we were actually happy about it and even more thrilled finding out he was a boy.

My oh wants more,i dont know if i do. I love them so much and i would love more if we could just spread them out a little more just for my I held a newborn today and was so in love with it. I really dont want to stop. My mil was talking to me telling me at what i have is a condition. That i am addicted to having babies like a person can have an addiction to drugs. I sometimes just wanna slap My addiction is love and i am pretty sure that is a good thing.
Wantingbbbump - Welcome :flower: What's your EDD hun so I can put it on the first page?

amommy - wow lovely big family. I don't see any reason why we can't have any ttcers on here - I for one will love to see your progress and support you through those awful 2 week waits. So welcome to you too :flower:

blessedmomma - I also ban people from phoning at certain times especially in the morning and during bedtimes x
corrieanne - I'm so sorry some people are so ignorant. It is totally up to you if you want a large family.

This pregnancy was planned because I want a short age gap between this one and Lily. This probably will be my last though and will have the coil afterwards ..... but never say never (it will totally be my choice and no one elses though)

Keep your chin up ..... I love the fact you want a big family and you have support on here xx
Hi and welcome :flower:
This lo wasn't planned and took a few days to sink in, I think once I've got over the part of telling family, handled their inevitable negative comments I can relax and enjoy my very last pregnancy lol

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