The Beanstalkers (formally ttc buddy?)

Think ours will be about £1000 but depends on what drugs they want me to take. The FS I would see at the private hospital will be the same fs I see on the nhs. So I will have my one to one with him on Thursday. Now the decision has been made I don't feel as in a rush and just wanna enjoy Xmas as best I can.
Also I think the clomid has screwed my cycle as I'm not due on till next Saturday but I'm already spotting and cramping :(
Erm... Not trying to get your hopes up chat but do you think it could be implantation??
Nah it's the same colour and consistency as the spotting I've had the past two months on day 26. And it's been going for about three days now xxx
We might have to hold off on the iui's! We have to sort some legal issues with our flat and it's gonna cost £20,000!!! Just had to take out a loan for it, which means we won't be able move like we hoped. Or atleast we will sell our flat to pay off the loan but we will have to move in my parents while we save another deposit! So not exactly practical to add a baby to the mix! Gutted is not the word :(
Oh chat im so sorry. It sucks when ttc plans are affected due to finances. I know its not ideal but you can stay where you are and ttc. I live in a flat on the first floor. Mot ideal with a pushchair but we just cant afford to move right anytime soon so have decided to go ahead and not wait. People on less money have a family so we figured lets go for it if thats what we really want.

I hope the legal issues get sorted soon as stress is the last thing u guys need. Whats the issue exactly? Hang in there hun.
We have a leasehold flat and we have to extend the lease to be able to sell it.
We have a second bedroom but we would financial in a bad way if we had a baby now and we would be stuck in our flat for the forseeable future and we are bursting at the seems as it is!
I want a baby so bad but don't want to be stuck in a property we don't enjoy any more for the next ten years.
Been struggling with it all the past couple of weeks, Been trying not to cry on the teak. RBI morning. Everything just feels like a Mamouth problem with no solution.
Buy a lotto ticket! No seriously, big hug chat. Fingers crossed the lease extension gets finalised soon and you can sell the flat in the new yr. the housing mkt is quiet now just before Xmas so hopefully things will pick up next yr. the silver lining is that it's cheaper to extend the lease now whilst property prices are low. Really hope this gets sorted for you soon.

Would it be an option to rent your flat out and you rent a hose until you get a decent offer for the flat sale? Lots of people prefer to buy but for initial cash flow reasons whilst you set up a new family, it could work? Hang in there Hun.
Thanks hun!
We did think about renting it out but by the time we have paid out to get it rentable I don't think ot would be worth it.
If we bite the bullet and move in with my parents we will save enough for a house in a year! Whereas if we stay put or rent it could take years!
We will still be "trying" but have to hold off the iui's that's all x
I guess short term pain for long term gain. If you delay iui a year that's ok as you're both young and as the docs keep telling us "there's nothing wrong with you". So hang in there and hopefully if you relax (I know I hate it when people say that too) and stop worrying about finances too much your (and hubby's) body may relax, hormones may regulate and the body may be more welcoming to a little bean. Use this time to try naturally and "get your life back". I've found all my thoughts were about baby making and it became quite exhausting. Who knows, you may be in a position to try iui earlier than a year. Fingers crossed babe!
I'm hoping it won't take the year but im hoping when the time is right then it will be meant to be! :)
Go for it chat! Are you still going for any fs appointments?
Just have my last one on Thursday :)
When are u starting ur iui? X
Im not sure chat. Hubby and i are trying to chill and see what happens.

Good luck with thurs. keep us posted.
Oh what's up with your cycle? Did af arrive?
Nope not yet, but still spotting slightly have been all week. Af due on Saturday :) x
Hey mk,
Fs was fine. It wasn't my normal dr but she said spotting with clomid is not unheard of but it's very rare. Anyway that's about as much info as I got! And now we just have an open appointment to call up this time next year to be put forward for ivf.
But at the moment we are happy taking a break from it all while we sort our flat out. Felt a lot more relax since we decided on holding off for a whole. So we are looking forwrd to a good Xmas :)

Any news with you? X
Hi chat, so sorry I thought I replied! I'm suffering from a cold at the moment. Grr!

Enjoy chilling Hun. Will message prop later. Time for zzzzz

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