The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Hey mrshy-
Really? I thought I was weird lol!
Maybe if you get no side effects then it is working? :)
Did you ovulate on 50mg?
And yep fingers crossed for us both this cycle!
Hey mrshy-
Really? I thought I was weird lol!
Maybe if you get no side effects then it is working? :)
Did you ovulate on 50mg?
And yep fingers crossed for us both this cycle!

I hope so!
Yes I did ovulate - got a smiley OPK on cd22 last cycle but not sure when I actually O-ed as I was on holiday and wasn't temping.
50mg didn't seem to make much difference to my luteal phase though (only 10 days) so that's why I upped to 100mg this cycle. We shall see!
Has anyone got photos of their tests yet? Here's mine at CD 17 I have no idea what to think, I'm saying it's a negative but then I've seen photos like this and people say it's a +!!

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Oh at least you ovulated!
I've got good hopes for us Girlies this cycle :)
100mg I'm hoping does the trick!

And I'm not sure if it's a positive daopdesign- I wouldn't like to say as mine looked like that alot last cycle- but for hourish might be a positive hun good luck xx
Has anyone got photos of their tests yet? Here's mine at CD 17 I have no idea what to think, I'm saying it's a negative but then I've seen photos like this and people say it's a +!!

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i don't think it is a positive, but maybe BD just in case? Make sure you keep doing them for a few more days.

Today is CD 8 and i'm getting some major headaches! ugh! I hope it passes quickly but i know its from the clomid.
I'd say it's a neg to.

BFN for me this morning. I've had 10 cycles now but since I was bf'ing my cycles were messed up for a chunk of them lp wise and I had a few anovulatory cycles to so maybe 5 cycles with an lp long enough to actually conceive out of those 10 cycles. It took us 18 months or 16 cycles to have our son (thanks for the compliment he is a cutie!) but I don't want ot wait that long this time, I want our kids closer together so we'll be starting ICSI treatment hopefully in the first two weeks of aug.
Has anyone got photos of their tests yet? Here's mine at CD 17 I have no idea what to think, I'm saying it's a negative but then I've seen photos like this and people say it's a +!!

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I thought this too was a neg! With being on CD 17 I decided this eve to do some further investigations 'up there' TMI WARNING!!!

Anyway I inserted a finger as high as I could and it felt like I couldn't quite reach my cervix. I remember I could feel it all hard and swollen after my m/c so this is a definite change. It felt very wet up there (apologies if this is TMI for some people) and when I looked at my finger there was clear fluid which I could stretch to about 3 inches!! It wasn't thick, just thin and very stretchy. I know I'm on CD 17 and there's still a chance of a few more days I could get a + OPK (this is my first time using them and I've heard some ladies never get a + but ovulate) so maybe this is a good sign?

To be honest I'm just going for it with OH all week as I'm really unsure whether to trust these IC's!!
How's all my clomid girlies tonight? Good I hope! Hows things going?

Also daopdesign- good luck and hope you get a strong positive soonies x
daopdesign-thats definitely a good sign! its either here or very close!! Get busy!!
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, DH and I are having a drink tonight (hopefully it will be the last one for a while!) fx eh!
Enjoy Lily7-Now I do clomid cycles I dont like to drink but before me and oh would... Have a good night hun! As you will be on your clomid soonies then hopefully pregnant!
Yea we just thought what the hell, we have been good for soo long! still on the provera and waiting for af, once she shows there will be no alcholol passing my lips - whether first round is successful or not, I want to give it every chance!

I was wanting to ask you a question actually, this is day 4 of 7 and last night and tonight I have been quite crampy along with pains down my thighs, not sore enough for painkillers or anything but noticable if you know what I mean? It is not constant, just intermitently (sp?) Did you have this? Does this mean it is working? I hope so! x
I was exactly the same as you too! Enjoy it whilst you can hun! Have a drink for me :)

Um I remember being crampy I took provera twice a day for 5 days af showed about 5 days after last pill i think it was- but it varys yours is a longer course so you may have af whilst on them as some ladys get af quickly on provera. I was surprised to have a natural period this month!- the provera must have helped- as it couldnt of been clomid as I didnt ovulate
Can I ask all you ladies a questions please, apologies if this is TMI to ask of some people lol

When you orgasm do you always get the ewcm, like do you notice it at any point in your cycle when experiencing this? I'm asking because this is the first month tracking my ovulation cycle and I noticed today as I said in a previous post I had some of this ewcm when taking some from around the cervix. I can't find much info online about what exactly is in the female orgasm, some say it's just very wet (not stretchy) and others say it's like ewcm. Praying it is what I think it is and not from a bit of fun with OH this morning!!! FYI it is definitely not OH's lol
Yeah i have read somewhere that for some people once the provera kickstarts one af then sometimes af can fall back into place, hopefully that is the case for you, so glad for you that you are on a natural cycle too, my consultant said he would have preferred to get me on a natural cycle but CD114 today he said enough was enough and I agreed! How are you feeling on your higher dose?

I was also worrying slightly about what if af shows before I have finished the course, but I suppose I would just have to cross that bridge when I came to it!

I will surely have a drink for you! I need something to occupy myself as DH is here with me, although we are having a nice quiet drink together, I am on the laptop and he is watching the boxing! xx
hey daopdesign to be honest I have totally no idea... never really thought about it sorry- hope someone can give you some answers x
cd114 sounds like my crazy cycles lol I think he was right to give you provera... My first cycle had to be induced too.
But yep Im happy this time around I didnt need anything and only got up to cd40.
I had a few side effects on 50mg- but on 100mg NOTHING at the moment im surprised- as on my last round I was a snappy person poor oh and my mum!- she said to me today 'how are you finding it? Thought I hadnt seen you as you was all moody again' loooool!

Thats like me and oh I go on the laptop whilst hes doing his thing... What are you having to drink?
Glad you are not getting side effects, I have a glass of purple wkd (thought i would try it out) We have some plans over July and August with weddings and birthdays where I have to make excuses as to why I am not drinking, my DH asked me if I was worried about that and I said no, I really really really hope i have to make up some "antibiotic stories!" lol as nobody knows we are ttc except my Mum!

Does anyone know you are ttc?

Clomid has been shown in scientific studies not to interfere when mixed with alcohol. I enjoy a tipple or 2 mostly at weekends which is why I would take it mid afternoon to ensure my body absorbed before I would start to party! Never did me any harm and I got my baba :) I think it's important when TTC to get on with your life. Too often you can let it take over and this in turn can have a negative effect. I'm not saying drinking when TTC is alright, most people do haha but anything in moderation is ok :)
Lily7- just my mum, sister and 2 really close mates :)
I'm always using the antibiotics story lol!
What's the purple one like?

Daopdesign- I agree nothing wrong with drinking- but I don't want to I want to be alcohol free really and I love waking up without a hangover at the moment so I'm enjoying it I feel fresh all the time :) I use to drink most weekends but now I don't really want to but it's my decision and I wouldnt think any diff of anyone drinking a little.

Good luck girls!

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