The Jenny Renny Conception Accuracy Chart! - Updates on BFP's and BFN's needed!!!

morning ladies,

well I just got my mini pregnancy reading from Gail.....:happydance: and ALOT of the stuff that she has said in this reading is VERY TRUE!! that is soooo wild that she can pick up on this stuff...I hope it does come true its ok if I don't get the twins I will be happy with just 1 more thats fine...

Your Pregnancy Outlook Reading
By Psychic123uk Dated May 2010

here is some of what Gail has told me through my reading I will not copy it because of her wanting to keep it for private use so that others can't copy it...

a beautiful baby girl coming into your life, I feel the birth of the child to be 2011 before October 2010 spirit give the words ' second chance' so perhaps you felt your family was complete then changed your mind, either way, you have a beautiful baby girl ahead coming into your life

Gosh its sooo wild how this all relates to me what she said about me thinking that my family was complete and others saying no to having more children....
Congratulations to all those who have got their BFPs :happydance: wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months.

What are these reading that people are getting from Gail? Does she havea website at all?
That is a lovely reading frogger.

Yes I am glad it has been sorted out. 2 babies ahead is certainly exciting, not sure dh is up for 2 though! Maybe once we get the first one he will get all broody and want another. I would love a girl, too much testosterone already at my house!
iya girlies, i filld that form in and sent it to jenny renny at 10pm on fri nyt and stil havnt herd bk has it took anybody else this long??xxxxx
Maybe you should email her. It took mine 15hrs but I did my reading during the week...Some got theres within 2 hours.

Maybe she does'nt do readings on the weekend... lol But so far she's been right on target lately... Good Luck...
So glad thats all sorted soph and missy! Just got my gail reading! spooky that it gives conception time same as jennyrenny!
mine was wrong... i was predicted a BFP this cycle and my AF arrived 2 days ago! :shrug:
mine was wrong... i was predicted a BFP this cycle and my AF arrived 2 days ago! :shrug:

:hugs: I'm so sorry to hear that... Who did your reading? I know that Jenny was off a month... I'm crossing my fingers that next month will be your month sweetie... Damn :witch: BUT I know some Women have had there period and still become pregnant... is it full flood AF or light and spotty?
Missy, gail has replied - see below.

Hi hun, yes of course I will help with this terrible mix up, I will also refund you both of course, when Im doing alot of reading I work with microsoft word then copy into email and send, so I will see my sent files and see why this happened, I do so many that if I did send the same to many this would be discovered because alot of the ladies from many of the baby center forums are friends or family ect, it will probably be an error in something ive done at sending time, I do appologize , I always say I need a secretary ;)
Im back in work first thing so will trace both these, read over whats been sent,send a refund over, and re look or re send the one that shouldnt of been sent, if that makes sense :)
sorry again hun :) xxxx
I know how important readings are to people but more so a pregnancy one, having originally joined a baby forum myself for ttc reasons not my readings, dont worry hun will sort this for you both :)
Enjoy the rest of the day xx

She sounds so genuine. I really did relate to mine and I just knew or felt it was for me hehe

HI MissyMoo,
Can you update my entry on the front page? Jenny was a couple of months out, she said July. Gail said it would be before June and she was right. Got my BFP on 21/05/10.


Ok I will update it. And I think CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER MY DEAR!! HEHE I am excited Gail got you right though. It's a shame we didn't do a Gail one. booooo

Missy hun, good news for you - the reading we both go was for you. Thi is what Gail said about it:

Below is a copy of your reading , was this the one that was sent to you? If you can let me know, I found yours was sent on the 8th of May, and P***** had a reading sent on the 7th, hers began......Tuning in around you and your path I am shown that during recent years, many things personal to you have for some reason had to have been shelved or paused in some way, and a lot of goals, dreams and ambition have had to placed on the back burner throughout parts of your life...........
If the same reading was sent, then I must of clicked on to send P****** file into your E-Mail and not your saved reading, and I do appologize for this error and have now below sent your original E-Mail. I also noticed oddly when I typed P****** r****** into my email search your E-Mail also came up, which is very strange, hopefully now thats sorted and sorry again for any confusion :)

Its great... Its great that it was a genuine error. My hopes are back up and I am on cloud nine. No longer will I be bleak and lost. For I am found! lol

She has also resent me my reading, and rest assured it is very different to yours!

Below is my reading and I can relate to it much better than your reading Missy!

Your Psychic Reading Plus Pregnancy Outlook
by Psychic123uk Dated May 2010

On opening my links to spirit, I feel that alot of your emotions are very strained at this time and perhaps have been for a while, and at times I feel there is a darkness behind your smile, what I mean by that is you always put on a happy face or disposition, to hide any inner pain I feel you have around you, and need some closure on, I sense alot of spirit around you, but my first link is to a very strong female energy, which I feel is a motherly energy, she comes in around you with white flowers, and those from spirit are always a sign of either forgiveness or peace

I pick up also some areas of your past having to fight or struggle for what you wanted, around relationship or home, and this not always being easy and perhaps almost giving up on this, but after a stressful line comes a very content one, and although your almost there on this, your not quite, I sense youve had to sacrifice some of your own happiness or wishes in order for longer term happiness to be on your path, if that makes sense, almost having to change your path totally in order to start out on a better path, I feel also youve made some good choices and decisions, but at times wonder if you did the right thing, which alot of us do in life, but spirit really seem to pass on to you, its ok, things happened for a reason and your life had to go down a certain course for you to live this life now and ahead.

Im also shown alot of movement within your life, which I feel may have just happened, or areas from your past, I feel there is also perhaps alot of change that has been sent your way, rather than change you wanted, I feel this as I pick up you have had to adjust to many of these changes, and spirit pass on you have done this well, sometimes our paths dont always go the way would would of thought, or the way we would of planned, but by dealing with these changes, we learn many valuable lessons, and they make us stronger as a being

I feel the reason Im shown this around you is that spirit want to make clear although at times these unwanted changes may baffle you, they are showing as actually taking you on a path that may have initially not seemed right for you, or perhaps left you with some disappointments, but when you look at the bigger picture, the overall scope of this path your on now, you can perhaps look back and think, actually yes, I can see why a & b happened, and yes I can see where im heading is actually going to be better for me, I feel this is around love and relationship and that vast improvements and a line of happiness is soon to come in for you, spirit also add you are on the right path, but you have just taken the long way round!

So I feel this firstly, that what ever direction you may have had to change, will/has taken you you to a path thats right, and also rewarding for you, I have a female energy linking in, which im shown as Grandmother, and she is showing me a pregnancy at a very young age, she doesn't indicate if this female was here, but she shows alot of emotions ups and downs around this and I feel that this pregnancy either led to adoption, or this child was brought up by someone who although was not her biologic mother, became her earth mother in life, and this situation was better for everyone she keeps saying, Im also shown the name of Mary or Marie, possibly Marion, and I feel that 2 sisters connect around this, as she shows me these two young girls earlier in life, holding hands running alot a beach, she gives this to me as a very clear validation, and maybe this is known to you, or you may have to ask about this, the way she gives it to me is that it was done for the best reason with loving intentions

I feel that there is a male around you, who is also showing alot of change here, and I feel this male is beginning on a journey, not so much one of miles but one of life itself, I feel he will adapt well to the next 18 months, he may have surprised alot of people by his recent choices, and changes, but this male I sense a rainbow of happiness coming to him and those connected with him, I feel again this connects to relationship, and when spirit show me rainbows, and a pot of gold at the end of it, for me its always a sign of immense happiness, sometimes awaited happiness, but happiness that is truly deserved, Im shown alot of blue around this male for some reason, and he is guided very strongly by a male in spirit, who sends a white flower of apology or a sorry in some way to heim, the initial J has importance around him, and I pick up celebrations from 3 areas within the next 18 months to 2 years

There is a male in spirit who comes in around your partner, I pick this spirit male as 'George' and he is showing your partner will have some risks to take or to take risks around business here, I feel he wants to give him a slight push in order for him to go on further with a business idea or project, he feels it will benefit him if he takes a bigger leap forward even if this involves risk, May 2011 is very highlighted around this so do bare this in mind when that month approaches, it will not just benefit himself, but also family too

One of you has either felt misunderstood, or is feeling misunderstood, some anger, and frustration shows around your partner, but not directed at you, I sense he cannot get his point across to someone about something important to him, I feel big improvements within October, leading to good news around what ever this is, sadly spirit dont give alot of details, but say whats on his mind around this, will be a positive outcome

I see that life is about to become very settled for you and alot more relaxed within the mind, Im shown walking boots, and a feeling of feeling free and at peace when walking long distance, something spirit may be encouraging you to do, I also pick up that you are soon or already are changing aspects of the home, either a very large project or restoration, or design aspects which I feel you have a gift for, something around art of design

Around work or home, I feel a really hectic environment, alot of hustle and bustle comes to me, a very rushed feeling, and I also feel very big changes here, which will please you, spirit want to sit you down, take off your shoes and rub your feet, maybe at times this is how your feeling, there will be more rest time, or free periods, but I dont see work ending in any way, just becoming less stressful for you

Im now hearing the name of Carol and jane or janie, possibly Jamie

Do watch out for a few unsettled situations at work or home spirit also pass on to keep yourself focused on your own situation, rather than being dragged into unnecessary situations concerning others

Im also sensing around you, Your a serious character, and you need structure, you would feel like a fish out of water perhaps doing something unplanned your very determined and disciplined I feel you have had to be, remain focused , although dont neglect those needs to play more, this Grandmother energy tell me you seek certainties in life, and sometimes we just cant always get those you may want things "cast in concrete" she asks you to look back at the 'chance' things that have come into your life, and look back on those to where they have taken you today, I am shown a male who may not always seem to understand or appreciate you, spirit feel he came into your life at the 'right' time and Im shown a rock solid figure of relationship around you here from this ahead

I get separate family links from the two of you, so possibly children from other partners?, I do feel there is wedding bells within the family and spirit are also showing June/July 2011, and yes I see pregnancy, within this year, either being announced or already in progress, leading to children/personal or family pregnancy, this again shows blue

Spirit also show me that you are a steadfast character you are tireless, practical, hardworking, intelligent, self-confident, extremely careful, and conscientious person with an iron will to succeed but this may feel masked or lost at the moment, it will return is something spirit shout loudly to me, You have the ability to work hard and the patience to wait for the result. You are trustworthy and are respected for your integrity and hard work. Do you or are you thinking of campaigning around an organization? as I feel this will be very rewarding for you

I finally see many spirit handing you love, and such alot of flowers, a male who would of been around aviation war planes, or the RAF, a strong smell of smoke is around him also, he shows me that at one point in your life, you have been near the light, ( this is sometimes a near death experience, car accidents, operations, illness) but it was not your time to go, you had so much more to do in life, and still do, the initial A is around this gentleman, and he certainly is that a very calm and charismatic male, who would of had a thinnish mustache in his younger years, he shows me a flag, and sadly im not sure of this flag it has a reddish colour with a green leaf, and I feel that has importance to him, he says May is going to be very important for you around timing and expanding certain aspects of your life, I feel alot of celebration and achievement around that month too, and he leaves with a salute

Im shown no negatives in a major sense for you long term, and certainly alot more focus, especially around health and the mind,I do pick up that the kidneys or liver may be a weak area, for you, so keep an eye on that you drink plenty and you can rest assured life is working with you in taking you to the direction you wish to be in, wishing you every happiness, just as a close im shown a old house,which I feel you either live in now or have done, and where this house was built on, I feel alot of spirit activity, and connections to royalty from many many years ago, a young female lost her life around these surroundings, which may be well known, and a gentleman connecting to this, sees you as looking similar to her, you may want to check on this

For 2011 Im picking up a very content feeling in your life, very relaxed and your at a stage by mid June, where all avenues of your path feel rosy , almost like you have reached a landmark where your settled in the life path your on, I see some quite large financial lines with you in an improving way, and a partners job brings opportunity for travel or home movement, possibly self employment too, I feel a very long life line with you, a strong relationship line, and a real positive sticking together come what may, no negatives stick out for any family areas, and see a new home cycle as improving and again happiness of a strong kind within this.

Your Pregnancy Outlook

September is strongly being highlighted for you around conception, although I feel this is a month that you would already be pregnant, rather than just finding this out within that month, and I do see some medical procedure in June/July and medical appointments, a male around this will bring alot of good news your way

I again sense a female from spirit around you, who would of been quite a role model around the family links when she was here on the earth plane, and she gives me a feeling of being a mother is very important to you, and this will be forfilled, she shows your emotions 5 years ago as very strained, so Im not sure if you had some dissapointment around children or perhaps just life in general at this time

I see 2 children ahead for you, and very clearly a baby boy born within 2011, This child has quite unusual coloured eyes, a marking or bit of the eye has a different colour, but nothing negative around sight, just an unusual marking

I also hear the name of David

I then see a baby girl born 2013, spirit do not give me a conception date but I feel the birth to be around the summer of 2013 here, and they show this child will be conceived in another country, I feel a hotness to this place, and possible work connection more than a holiday
So to clarify I feel 2 births ahead for you and wish you every happiness :)

Wooooo Hooooo! Go Soph you sorted it. How can I thank you enough. It's sooooo exciting and I am SOOOO HAPPY THAT READING WAS FOR ME!!! yay yay yay yay yay wooooohoooooo I told you things had already happened. OMG!!! OMG!!! July is only a few weeks away. I'm gonna get a bun in the oven!!! oh yeah oh yeah.....:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Woops sorry lol getting carried away :blush::blush::blush:
Annnnyways I just spend like 60 hours reading your massive big reading and wow....can I ask you, do you relate to most of it? etc etc. I am so interested! It was a genuine error that she made it is so good that she did this. I can understand it too with so many readings. If we are rushing around we do dumb stuff like this. YAY YAY Do I sound happy!! hehe:thumbup::thumbup:

HI MissyMoo,
Can you update my entry on the front page? Jenny was a couple of months out, she said July. Gail said it would be before June and she was right. Got my BFP on 21/05/10.


woohoo!!! congratulations...thats awesome another one for Gail!!!:happydance::happydance:

I know you all have said about making another thread for gail and cheri what about just changing the title to this thread making is for **Baby Perdictions** I can help with making a block set that will have in each box like username, baby psychic ID, gender, EDD, and results I would love to do this if you want me to just let me know...

hehe Go Gail! Go Gail....LIKE its YOUR birthday!!! gO GO GO GAIL. We love you Gail! hehe. Frogger???? you could if you wanted to do a Gail thread....psweeeeeze??? :flower:I have my hands full with this one :blush: or I would pzweeeeeze Frogger hehe ...OH go on!! hehe

morning ladies,

well I just got my mini pregnancy reading from Gail.....:happydance: and ALOT of the stuff that she has said in this reading is VERY TRUE!! that is soooo wild that she can pick up on this stuff...I hope it does come true its ok if I don't get the twins I will be happy with just 1 more thats fine...

Your Pregnancy Outlook Reading
By Psychic123uk Dated May 2010

Below is your pregnancy outlook

Linking in around you, I feel you may have recently reached a stage where you became very worried you wont have any more children, or someone may have said not to, Im not sure I just sense a negative around you either coming from yourself or someone else, making you feel quite down, and again worried that no more children will be coming for you

I sense a very strong connection to a lady spirit side, a P initial here, and she wants to show quite clearly a beautiful baby girl coming into your life, I feel the birth of the child to be 2011, I sense also around conception perhaps not so much medical but I see you taking something daily, or having a daily plan around health, and this will help you in a big way ( sorry spirit dont give too many details on what that is) but something you do on a daily kind of scale, will help

I see your child with mid light hair to auburny coloured , very petite, and loved if not a little spoiled by all :)

I feel looking at conception a little harder to predict than other readings, because the spirit lady just seem to want to show the birth, but I do feel it will be before October 2010 here for you

No negatives, or problems show around conception, and spirit give the words ' second chance' so perhaps you felt your family was complete then changed your mind, either way, you have a beautiful baby girl ahead coming into your life

Wishing you every happiness :) x

Gosh its sooo wild how this all relates to me what she said about me thinking that my family was complete and others saying no to having more children....

That is an awesome reading. I love the picture on your profile. You look a big the Waltons hehe. A cosy happy family and in a few months you will have possibly 2 additions or 1 petite hair haired spoilt addition hehe :happydance::happydance:

mine was wrong... i was predicted a BFP this cycle and my AF arrived 2 days ago! :shrug:

Awww so sorry about this I feel sad now because Jenny is in the dog house and I feel bad that I ever started this thread because it seems to be going downhill. But I feel happy about Gail. Damn I should have done a Gail one! damn damn :wacko::wacko::wacko:
But on saying that Jenny is in the dog house I am being a bit unfair as she did predict July as all the others did. Maybe some people are easier to read than others. Maybe the spirits are confusing for some people. I dunno. But anyway all of my readings (like 8 so far!!!!) all came back saying July! July! July!!!!!! JJJJJJJuly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Wow... Looks like we may be bump buddies afterall MissyMooMoo... IF I'm not already preggo now... :haha:

I'm waiting for my Cheri one tomorrow, and I ordered Gail today... I'm awaiting some good news today... I can't wait... Man this is addicting... So far its a July conception for ALOT of us..
i should be a june conception but a july bfp!!! if they are all right oh my god im so excited!!!!!!!!!! there are going to be alot of june/july/august conceptions by the looks of it!!!!! a gail thread is awesome i havent seen her get anyone wrong yet???
Is anyway one SMEP in here or RELAXED approach with all this? I am doing SMEP but more on a RELAXED approach whereas I am not sticking to the every other day from day 8 to :sex: We find it nicer to keep things spontaneous and relaxed and not get all Machine Like lol. Seems we are doing it every 2 or 3 days but I also do CBFM and OPK so when I get LH Surge and High on CBFM I will do that day and the day after etc etc. Might miss a day and then do it another day. But I think leading up to the LH Surge this time,,,,, my OH will have more great :spermy: because it will have been 3 or 4 days or so worth as opposed to just 2. I also am using Preseed and Softcups. I know this is TMI but I was thinking of getting OH to do his duty into a Softcup and just inserting it. haha. That is lazy!!!! hehe

Whats everybody elses approach

Bump bump bump!!! come on let us all know your approach hehe
Gail said we are having a baby boy. I can just imagine he will be like my OH......lovely lovely awww, I am so happy hehe
we and oh take the relaxed approach no opk's or temps for us just regular dtd and charting calendar.. mostly because i cant be assed lol and plus its all way confusin and if people can get pregnant all the time then why not just try it how it seems to be working for everyone else!!
Wow... Looks like we may be bump buddies afterall MissyMooMoo... IF I'm not already preggo now... :haha:

I'm waiting for my Cheri one tomorrow, and I ordered Gail today... I'm awaiting some good news today... I can't wait... Man this is addicting... So far its a July conception for ALOT of us..

Yes yes lets!!!

We will be bump buddies!! Deal???? THINK JULY....THINK BABY...JULY!!! BABY BABY, JULY!!! hehe. Feel your baby in your arms, hold your baby and smell your baby. Can you feel your baby? When I think this way I know I will get my baby. Think like this. You can smell your baby if you think this so strongly :flower::flower::flower: Especially the head. Baby heads smell so cute hehe :happydance::happydance:
Gail said we are having a baby boy. I can just imagine he will be like my OH......lovely lovely awww, I am so happy hehe

gail said boy for me too :) my oh will love that!! i always wanted a girl first but itd be nice for my 2 furture girls that gail has predicted to have an older brother

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