*The lucky thread - 4 BFPs already!* Anyone else due to OV 22,23,24th Jan?

Hiya Munchkin!
Glad to hear all's well with you- can't believe how fast it's going can you?
I'm 19+5 today and going for my '20wk' scan on 9th June at 21+3 and hopefully they'll confirm what they private scan we had at 17wks told us- we are also Team BLUE!

I'm sorry I've been AWOL for quite a while- I have a lot going on with family and friends at the moment and every other spare minute I'm resting.

How are all our other lovely ladies? Madrid and Stef?

Big hugs, B xxx
Hi ladies. Just dropping by to say hi! Bex and Munchkin, congrats on your baby BOYS!!! Woohoo!! Boys are great! And they love their mommies :)

I am doing well, I just wish my cycles would normalize again so I can chart and know what's going on. I've been having light periods and I don't know if that is normal. Also can't tell when I ovulate. I'm having my 2nd period post d&c, which seems to be very light and it came very late. First period came exactly 28 days, this one is 39 days. Hoping to get some normalcy again.

Can't believe you guys are 20+ weeks now!! Wow. It is kind of sad to think that that's where I would be right now too... but oh well. I have my moments of course, but I've moved on.
Hi Steph,

Lovely to hear from you hon. Sorry your cycles aren't coming back to normal yet, have you thought about a clear blue fertility monitor for a couple of cycles to work out when you ov? I'll happily send you mine but i will want it back cos i've decided it's a lucky monitor cos it got me my BFP in 2 cycles!! Seriously let me know if you want it xx
I haven't found out what i'm having yet, although i think it sounds like i have on the post about my sil's boy (who is gorgeous and squidgy by the way) staying team yellow but i've posted scan pics on B n B and EVERYONE says blue...

You will be back here with your 20 wk scan pics and you'll wonder where the time went, it'll be even more special :) I have a little theory that babies sometimes forfeit their lives to make sure the next one survives because that's the way it was meant to be. I think my LO owes it's life and existence to a pregnancy i had about 7 years ago which only lasted a few weeks but prepared my body for this pregnancy. I know it sounds wierd but it helps me!

Anyway, hugs and lots of love xxx
aww i read the whole of this thread, took me some time but read it all! lol. ...sorry for your loss steph :(

& congrats to the rest of you on your pregnancy's :)

just thourt id comment as iv read the whole thing from beginning to end lol. ..

im ttc and at 6dpo :D reading you lot getting ur bfp's... Jealous much! :D haha

C x
Aww thanks wanabump! I'm sure it wasn't totally thrilling reading! God knows what we were writing about!! I think what u need to get from this is that none of us could imagine it happening to us, but it did! And yours will come soon and people will be reading about your bfp and getting jealous! How long have you been ttc?

not long at all it just sorta suddenly kicked in that we wanted to do it really. .& since 28th april :D haha but im soooo inpatient lol

yehh im sure it wont take long im only young lol... .it was like a little story reading this thread haha =D

C x
Aww I know how u feel! I was only ttc for 3 months, 2 properly but I'd been waiting soo long to try it felt like forever! If I hadn't got my bfp then I think I'd have gone bonkers!! But hey you know that, youve read it all! Now I've got a baby juggling about making me feel seasick and I love it ;) good luck hon, do keep us updated!!
haha yehh seems like forever! :D lol... .i cant wait to get my BFP!! lol

Yehh il keep u updated :)

C x
Hi ladies!!

I'd like to let you know the good news. I've got my BFP this morning at 11dpo!!! I'm so excited but cautious at the same time after what happened with the previous pregnancy. :cloud9::cloud9:

Glad you're doing so well and enjoying your pregnancies!!!

Aww that's amazing news! :) I'm so so pleased for u and sending sticky baby dust across the pond! Had to run and tell my OH! Well done you, be kind to yourself and demand lots of pampering now my love!
Hugs x x
Thanks. I'm going to take it easy this time. I'm glad it's just before the holidays because I'll be more relaxed.

Hi ladies!!

I'd like to let you know the good news. I've got my BFP this morning at 11dpo!!! I'm so excited but cautious at the same time after what happened with the previous pregnancy. :cloud9::cloud9:

Glad you're doing so well and enjoying your pregnancies!!!


Congratulations!!! xxx
Oh wow, congratulations Madrid!!! I'm so happy for you :)

And good luck wonnabump!

Hey Munchkin, you're very sweet, thank you for offering your ov monitor... but I'm okay with the strips for now, I pretty much know around the time I O so I start testing at that time. My cycles are somewhat regulating now, so I think we might start trying again this month... should be ov'ing in the next week or so! So it's been 2 1/2 months, hopefully it's not too soon, but I feel like I'm emotionally ready, I just hope that I'm physically ready!!
Hi everyone, I've been away for a bit. TTC is so emotionally draining. Anyway I tried charting this month again and it looks like my body is refusing to ovulate for some reason. You can see my chart below.

Congratulations Madrid and sorry for your loss Steph. xx
Hi ladies!!

I'd like to let you know the good news. I've got my BFP this morning at 11dpo!!! I'm so excited but cautious at the same time after what happened with the previous pregnancy. :cloud9::cloud9:

Glad you're doing so well and enjoying your pregnancies!!!


Congratumalations Madrid! Yay! So so happy for you :) Wishing you lots of sticky dust & health & happiness,
B xxx
Hey guys, I got my BFP today!! Totally not expected for this month, since I am 15/16 dpo and it just showed up. Wish me luck!!!!!
Hey guys, I got my BFP today!! Totally not expected for this month, since I am 15/16 dpo and it just showed up. Wish me luck!!!!!

Congratulations!!!! So happy for you! I know how important it is after a loss, believe me :thumbup:

Just take it easy from now on & relax. When is your due date??

Thanks Madrid! Not sure exactly when my due date will be, because I'm now unsure when I O'd. Looks like maybe it will be sometime the middle of March. Trying to relax, not think about my past experience or let any fears get in my way. Don't want to be as paranoid this time, and I'm doing things to distract myself away from obsessing about symptoms, statistics, etc... I know you understand, but it's weird because I don't know whether to get excited, and when it's safe to get excited. But I feel like I'm in a better place now (what a difference 3 months makes) and although I'm cautious, I'm feeling more hopeful about things.

Everything looking good for you? Did you have your first dr appt yet?
Oh Steph, that's brilliant. Been waiting for your exciting news! Sounds like you're in a really great place at the moment, just take a deep breath and keep up with the PMA!! Sooo pleased for you hon, I won't link but there are looods of sites that give you the v positive statistics of the extreme unlikeliness of anything bad happening again.

Yay you, well done!!


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