~~The May 2011 Roller Uppers~~

Blimey Mrs HJO you could have a party in your room with that amount of people in there!! Fewer the better for me, couldnt imagine having mum and MIL in there, having OH in there is bad enough!!!!!!

Meme, one push and all done sounds perfect to me, maybe I can make that my intended birth plan ;)

Good to hear that not everyone poos themselves, that is one slightly reduced worry now! Now all you lovely ladies who have been through this, if you could also tell me it will be over within a few minutes and is about as painful as a mild tooth-ache that would be great!
I don't care if I poo myself as long as it isn't projectile and gets on everyone esp. baby... Maybe we can all put fish nets over our bungholes...

This is my first but DH's second. When my SD was a baby, DH was working 60+ hours a week so Rocky will be his first baby experience as far as being able to spend some time with him as a baby.

I will also have MIL, my Mom and my Sis in the delivery room... If they look at my cooter... they deserve to have nightmares for months. I was also told by my pastor's wife that there will be a waiting room full of people... on one hand, I am happy to be loved. On the other hand, I have waited for this baby for so long and I want him all to myself!!!!
I think it is great you are allowed so many people in with you, over here you are allowed 2 (well thats all I was allowed!)
So birthing story!
At 38 weeks I became bored of being pregnant and wanted to see my little man, I was doing all sorts of nesting from re painting a kitchen to re washing, washed baby clothes! I was all ready for my perfect home birth with my cds and candles ready, a pile of towels and waterproof sheets at the foot of the bed.
So I googled how to start labour, and came up with quite a few things! I have a bath with clary sage oil, ate over 8 fresh pineapples, drank raspberry leaf tea. 10 days before I was due (Thursday) I drank a bottle of castor oil followed by a hot curry. Now I know that this is not the most sensible way of doing things but I was mega inpatient! On the Friday night I began to have irregular contractions, came for a few hours, then went. Saturday evening they began again but soon stopped. I remember being so excited to have a contraction, but the timings were so different between them I knew it wasn't anything for real, so I went to bed! I woke on the Sunday morning (just past midnight) to a wet feeling, only slightly, thinking the baby may have rolled onto my bladder I presumed I had peed a bit. I got up and got changed, then went back to bed. I then woke at 4 with sharper pains, more of the make you notice type of pain, so I got up and strolled around, calling my midwife. She got to me around half 5 and I was still sipping tea and breathing through the contractions, now regular and noticible. After a check over the midwife said my waters had broken (no peeing myself!), I was 3cm dilated but there was meconium in my water (baby had pooed, showing distress), this meant no to a home birth and me going straight to hospital to be observed. My half past 6am I was at my local hospital (after manickly packing a hospital bag and nearly forgetting a car seat) and in a delivery room. I got hooked up to monitors around bump to check his hb was ok and level of contractions. This was a pain as I had done yoga and was planning such a different birth, but there I was, on my back watching a machine! He was fine, and the contractions got closer and more intense. I closed my eyes and kept a real deep breathing, I was barely in the room consciously and could only hear voices around me during a contraction. Out of a contraction I was munching sweets! By half 9 I was in what I would class as pain, not horrible, but ow! Got checked by the midwife and hoping the hear the grand 'you are 10cm', I got 'you are 3cm'! AHHHH was my response! So my body was doing nothing, due to the meconium in the water I was attached to a induction drip - this is a massive long needle that goes in the fore arm, that was more painful than a contraction! So the drip was on for about half an hour (now about 11am) and I am now in serious pain, I started to take gas and air as my homeopathic medicine and breathing was not cutting it. It started to feel intense and like my ass was burning! The midwife came in a couple of times and kept saying the drip needed longer to work (she started to piss me off as I knew it hurt but the machine was registering only 30% contractions and I needed them to be 90%).
So here I am fully clothed in my pjs, a belt around my belly showing crappy contractions and a drip in my arm, taking gas and air for the pain.
I began to get very uncomfortable and couldn't lie still, I was squirming against the pain and for the first time I was struggling with it, I wanted my clothes off but couldnt talk as it would mean coming out of the trance I had put myself in to control the pain. Suddenly the midwife was back checking me over, in a shocked voice she noted that the baby was crowing and my trousers needed to come off, the monitor on my bump was not monitoring correctly and my contractions were way up there, my head was hanging off one side of the bed and my ass off the other, I was shunted around and somewhere in the maddness my trousers were taken off (my eyes were still shut!).
I pushed a couple of times and then became overwhelmed with a feeling of not being able to do anything, with a shout from the midwife to say he was half out and the cord was stuck I pushed again. My baby boy was born at 12:38pm, one week early. He was quickly handed to a specialist (due to meconium) who said all was fine and my singing (not crying)boy was handed to me for my cuddles.
I lay there for half an hour cuddling him then had 3/4 stitches (gas and air meant I actually laughed during this)!
Getting up for my bath was a bit of a shock as the blood loss is heavy when I first stood up, it was painful in the bath but better to be clean. By 16:30 we were walking out of the hospital to put ds in the car and home by 17:30.

Sorry its a mammoth story but basically, yeah it hurts but its all what I would call bearable until its so almost over.xxxx
Here is one of his first pics after a towel rub.
Cornish.. fantastic story.. I was completely with you th
roughout. Can't believe u went home same day.. wish we could do that here... they make us stay.. I beg to leave.:)

Zomo.. I wish everyone a one pusher:)

Lwood... no worries on projectile... towers the end all the pregnant body create is rabbit turds only. Tmi.. huh?... lol.... and no one will ever know.
ok here is my #1

Went for testing for being over 1 week past dd. Ultrasound testing water levels, heartrate, etc.. I was already i think 2 cm dilated they decided I would be induced the followin morning.
Weird feeling knowing you woudl have a baby in your arms the next day.. loses the fun factor of excitment of not knwoing "when" as well.. but I guess it was only a day.

So the next morning I went in.... heartstopping.. so scared!!!
They hooked me up to the DRIP at about 8:30.. this is not fun.. stuck in a bed no where to go hooked up to monitors and iv and drip etc... slowly they add more medicine to get things going... FOREVER!!!! At about 10am i was dilated 3-4 cm.. they tried to break my water... no go.. my sac was not budging. came back in at close to 11 and tried again I was about 4 cm now.. no pain so far.. they cant break my waters.. the HOOK to break waters is not the scary the fist of 3 doctors not fun uncomfortable and disheartening still not broken water... they went to get another doc who is "better" at this.. lol thanks!! SO i go to washroom for pee come back out to find the doc is waiting.. he says I will try to break your water and see if I have any luck.. he can see the disappointment or possibly fear in my eyes... I said OK.. Shrug and off to the bed to get comfy for him.. i sit and TA DA!!!! Water... ahhhh... I look at the doc and say NO YOUR NOT BREAKING my water!!!!! Water was broke..

Well once my water broke all hell broke lose too.. I hit 6 cm and that is when active labour started... wow I was not expecting that.. it was like hitting a brick wall when you are being induced... one minute you are all well and the next 100% labour!! I did not understand this until my next labour and found the difference. Also the fact I was also bed bound was harder as well. So i got an epidural at about 1-2pm. I went through about 2-3 hours of active hard labour... then with the epidural it was bliss!!!! I actually was nodding off at times... then came about 5 and I said to the nurse.. I feel lots of pressure... she said 9.5 cms doc came in and i starte to push... I actually was laughing between contractions.. i was soo gleeful.. Epidural is dreamy!! 45 mins later which was great for a first baby I had my beautiful baby girl in my arms... she was soo adorable chubby and squishy.. she was born with a veil they call it... the white larenx all over.. this has meaning of being very intuitive .. and she is already at 5.

I had to have an episiodamy... spelling.. this is the doc cutting to lessen the tearing that happens.. this also mean many stitches I was classified at a level of somthing.. i forget the levels and it does not matter .... to me it meant to pee in a bathtub for a week so have no burning.. lol..

other than the stitches afterwards the whole thing was not bad.. literally laaughing though labour.. i will take that!!! This was thanks to the epidural.. before this it was a little hard to go though... however having another labour without being restrained to a bed and wires and machines I know now that it would have been more bearable.

Pictures are just born and the next day... big difference!!


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I was slowly starting labour.. could feel things starting. hubby was off to work for the night shift.. my daughter went to my MIL.. my mom lived nearby so she was free to take me to hospital if need be.. everyone was worried I wanted to just be alone so I knocked it all down to nothing.. Take my little one I will RELAX!!!
My hubby is a shift worker.. the next day labour would be perfect timing for his 4 off .. LOL.. me tring to hold off until then.. .

The night was long.. talking to my hubby on and off all night .. lying in bed and walking the house back and fourth.. keepinf cool and comfortable.. no I shoudl not have been by myslef.. however it all worked out ok.. I stayed calm and cool.. nothing to bring on labour any harder. My hubby was home at 6am and went to sleep I slepp for a while too.
I got up an dlaid on couch for a couple hours wathing tv.. then early afternoon I said enough of this.. I woke my hubby up and siad lets go walking.. time to get this motor running.. we went over picked up our little one and went to a neaby park with a nice walking trail.. walked until I was about to vomit.. lol. I could hardly move back to car.. i was soo big round and my legs were ceasing. We went back to MIL house.. had an awesome strawberry shortcake for desert.. I dont think I had supper.. this was about 5-6pm.. I kept going to bathroom as i thought i was peeing... NOPE.. my water was leaking.. bye to DD and off to hosue for a bag and into the hosp we went.. they checked the water yes it was my water.. they dont check dialation once water is broke so i could walk to halls or go home to wait.. I chose to go home.. STUPID ANSWER.. lol.

By the time I got home I was full pants pool.. water everywhere and this was not stopping everytime I turned around there was another splash.. lol.

laid in bed.. hubby actually watched a movie and SLEPT!!!!! Grrr... i was very mad.. labour reallly kicking ina nd he keeps falling asleep.. HELLO>.. backrub something care about me!!! Anyway.. enough of hubby bashing.. at 1am I ws uncontrollable buckling oer pain.. hubby gets me into Jeep with a bag at my request.. thank god!! the whole way to hospital I was barfing and barfing and barfing.. this sounds bad but oh man it was great.. when i barfed I felt no pain!!!! We finally got to hospital at 2:00AM Security let hubby park out front .. rolled me up to labour and delivery.. scream.. rolled me down the hall.. moan.. rolled me into where my bed was ... ugh... got me on the bed.. sream... I WANT DRUGS... well they finally checked me out and I was 5-6 cms.. how disappointing.. it was 2:30ish... I laid back wanting drugs.. not enough staff on for an epidural... oh no... scream.. anything please!!! So then my doc on duty sees my previous file of the tearing stitches episiadomy oh and my previous 9.1 lb baby. SHe deamnds the nurse to get me an epidural. The guy comes in... the heavens open relif is near..He starts the needle in my back.... . I scream.. My bumm feels like it is going to burst... I say umm.. the baby... <---more liek scremaing bloody murder the baby is coming but I like my version better.. lol.

The nurse looks at me and say DO NOT PUSH.. over and over.. the baby was literally falling out of me.. I was no saposed to push really?? The doc was not there.. the epi guy gave up.. no use... they got me on my back the doc came in literally the nurse dressing the doc .. the doc says push.. the baby comes out in her arms.. I think i had to push once more to have her bum out too... and my DD #2 was born... Ahhhhh... then the aftermath.. oh it is such relif.. the blaot the full belly the pain.. it is just alll gone!!!

the tearning was not as bad this time.. stiches were bad however were only in my front girlie parts not my back parts so I was a happy camper.. the baby was perfect... I rememerb distinctively saying to my hubby... I am not doing this again... and here i am... oh no... kidding... I just think of the happy ending... that part is sooo worth it... and the funny birth story to tell later.

9lbs 5 oz

Pics are just born and the next day..


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What gorgeous babies!! Thank you for sharing ladies!!
Aw, I love the birth stories!

Mine is pretty simple. I was sleeping, minding my own business and woke up to my water breaking around 2am. Thank goodness I put the waterproof cover over the mattress ahead of time! I called the doctor, who asked me about contractions (they were very light and irregular) so she told me to go back to bed. Huh? How am I supposed to sleep?

So, I folded up a towel, sat on the bed, and tried propping myself up against the headrest and a pillow. Sitting up was the only way to keep the water from gushing out. But whenever I tried sleeping I would feel the contractions and I just couldn't relax. So I got up and decided to clean the house. Actually, I woke DH up too, so he could help me! :haha:

We got to the hospital around 9:30am, checked in, still nothing much happening as far as contractions. I was only 1cm dilated, so I wasn't progressing. They wanted to hook me up to pitocin, to help things along. Fine. But as soon as the pitocin hit, I was begging for mercy. So they gave me the epidural. Then, I hung out, watched TC. I think it was Friends and Seinfeld re-runs on Fox. :)

The doctor came in to check me and said that I wasn't progressing so they wanted to do a c-section. She explained that once your water breaks, they don't want you to go too long until delivery because of risk of infection. Now, I had watched all the baby shows leading up to this point, and the rule of thumb I always heard was 24 hours. She said they preferred 18 hours. So I pushed back and asked for a little more time. A couple of hours later, they checked me again. Still 1cm. So the got me ready, headed into the operating room, and shortly after, DS1 was crying and DH was taking pictures.

With DS2, it was a scheduled c-section so no drama. The same doctor delivered both and she was very fast. I guess that's a good thing, because it reduces the amount of blood you lose.
Ace stories to wake up to, thanks for sharing. How is it after a c section LB?
I get the peeing in water, I peed in the shower for about two weeks but my stitches were infected along with a womb infection.
Have a funny story about pooing, a friend of mine was in active labour, pushing and panting and waiting to see baby. After a big push she watched the midwife fold up the sheet at the bottom of tge bed and throw it in the bin, she started to scream at tge midwife as thought her baby had just been thrown away! The midwife kindly explained that the baby was almost out and she had thrown away a poo. Couple of pushes later and baby was out. Friend now wishes she left the midwife to it as her dh hadn't seen until she screamed!
Aww thank you ladies!! Beautiful babies!!
Definitely more at ease now!
Ace stories to wake up to, thanks for sharing. How is it after a c section LB?
I get the peeing in water, I peed in the shower for about two weeks but my stitches were infected along with a womb infection.
Have a funny story about pooing, a friend of mine was in active labour, pushing and panting and waiting to see baby. After a big push she watched the midwife fold up the sheet at the bottom of tge bed and throw it in the bin, she started to scream at tge midwife as thought her baby had just been thrown away! The midwife kindly explained that the baby was almost out and she had thrown away a poo. Couple of pushes later and baby was out. Friend now wishes she left the midwife to it as her dh hadn't seen until she screamed!

Oops ha!!
My story starts out at 39w 4d. I was in slow labour (thanks rasperry leaf tea capsules!) and was uncomfortable at home because i was in back to back labour so i came to the hospital to be checked over. I was only about a centimetre dilated with a thick cervix so the contractions weren't doing much and i would have been sent home but my blood test results showed a raised crp level which is an indicator for infection and i was admitted onto the ward for iv antibiotics and monitoring. It was when i was trying to get off the hospital bed to go for a pee all of a sudden i felt a gush and my waters broke over the floor! I pushed my call button in a panic as to what to do and the midwife told me to put a pad on and she got the paper towels! Throughout the day i was in increasing leels of pain i tried a tens machine (which i hated as it intensified the pain i felt in my back with the back to back labour) walked up and down the corridors and had baths. I was told although i had not dilated any more my cervix was thinning out and i would probably be induced in the morning.

Matt was sent home at around 8pm and i settled down to sleep at around 10 with the help of some cocodamol tablets.

I woke up around 1am with stronger more painful contractions i could not find a comfy place to be in i sat in my hospital chair and tried to do sudoku puzzles throughout the contractions and take my mind away from the pain. I then started walking back and forth from my bed to the bathroom as i had started to have quite a heavy show and was losing quite a bit of blood. I harrassed the night midwife several times begging for pain relief but was told until i reached 4cm i couldn't have anything else the cocodamol did nothing i was panicking and getting out of control...i couldn't do this get me a fucking epidural. I asked to see a doctor to give me something to help me sleep as it was 4am i had labour to go through tomorrow i couldn't do it. She said ok but lets just check whats happening and lo and behold i was 4cm...hello delivery suite and pain relief!

I got to delivery suite and immediately began asking for an epidural i knew i couldn't cope with the level of pain i was feeling i wanted the birth stories birth i had seen on discovery mum oblivious to contractions and couple of pushes and hello baby! I hd had enough of a natural birth already give me drugs NOW!

The midwives calmed me down and persuaded me to try gas and air and pethidine and i did and i calmed down eventually and even managed to nod off for a little. By 7am i was about 7cm i had an iv of antibiotics and they started me on the hormone drip syntocinon to try and lenghten and strengthen my contractions. Matt was called and arrived at 9ish (he took his time!!!) By the time he arrived my pain was well controlled and i was able to laugh and joke between the contractions he thought it was a doddle (i felt like slapping him if only he had been there at 4am).

At around 11.30 i was fully dilated and began to push it seemed to take me ages and i thought i must have been doing it wrong but the midwives reassured me. I had a clip on the babies head to get a good heartbeat as she was very naughty and they could see more and more of this clip with each push! I was encouraged to reach down and felt her head coming out what a feeling! Everything felt kind of ripe down there soft stretchy big head coming through!

Pushed through the ring of fire and her head was here...my goodness ow i screamed then said i never thought i would be a screamer! Another push and she was here and she didn't turn and her shoulders came out sideways...ouch.

She started screaming straight away and was delivered onto my chest a blue purple slimy bloody little thing but i never felt such love in all my life. She soon started pinking up and matt cut the cord. She was wrapped in a towel and screamed her head off for a good five minutes before she calmed down and looked around at us as if to say now what?

She was feeding like a champ from the breast before too long. I delivered the placenta without too much fuss just a push and it was out.

She weighed in at 9lb 6oz no tears or stitches just a perineal graze! (And a chuff like the bat cave lmao)
And i couldn't wait till i could do it all again!
This story starts at 40+1

I was thoroughly annoyed that i had gone a day over my due date with only a few braxton hicks to show for it. I decided today was the day to get busy. We went off to the park with Caroline my mum watched her on the swings while i waddled around and around getting contractions and feeling them getting stronger and stronger and more intense over time at around 5pm it was time to go to hospital.

I had been booked at Fairfield where i had Caroline but the unit was closed to admissions. I was told to attend Bolton Hospital which i was very annoyed and upset about. I was familiar with the unit at Fairfield and even though I had been born at Bolton i hadn't been back since! Still I thought as long as they have drugs I don't care.

I arrived on the ward and was checked over i was about 2cm dilated and baby was fine...i thought i would be going home but was admitted onto delivery suite where we watched some tv and i kept mobile during contractions rocking my hips. The midwife read my notes and my birth plan and noticed my request for a water birth...she asked me if i wanted to be transferred onto the birth centre which was a brand new midwife led unit (i was the second lady to use it) where the pool was and i said yes!

We went upstairs and i was encouraged to keep moving i bounced on the birth ball rocked my hips through the contractions and eventually with the help of some gas and air was coping really well with some strong contractions.

Matt was falling asleep at about 11pm and the midwife asked him if he wanted to go to bed in another room which he sad yes and went away!!! I got in the pool for a while but my contractions slowed down a little so i got back out again. I was checked again my cervix was still 2cm and i hit the roof! Not again you damn cervix the midwife explained that it was now really thin but because the waters were still there the head was not coming down enough to dilate me any further. If i wanted my waters broken i would have to go back downstairs and i was damned if that was going to happen. I had another shot of pethidine and slept for 5 minute bursts between contractions at around 2.50 i was checked again and had not made any more progress when the midwife gave me a sweep to help things along my next contraction there was a huge pop and a flood of water and i felt pressure straight away. I got onto all fours and let out an almighty push and felt my babys head crowning....i was told to breathe don't push another midwife came running and was sent for matt...he came in to my econd massive push and saw his son come into the world! My waters broke i went from 2 to 10cm anx delivered the baby all within 15 minutes!

This was a much easier birth because i had much more support was more confident in my ability to birth and my pain was well controlled. My only regret is that i didn't get back in the pool and birth in water but there simply wasn't time!

He weighed in at 9lb 6oz again was a little chubby bundle of love no stitches no tears and a very happy mum!
This was a difficult pregnancy...i was diagnosed as gestational diabetic after my glucose tolerance test at 28 weeks and had an episode of premature labour stopped at 32 weeks. Henry was consistently breech/transverse and i was booked a scan at 38 weeks and a ecv if he hadn't turned by then.

My story starts at 36+1 i got out of bed as normal went for a wee and stood up to pull my pjs up and gush my waters went! I shouted matt up from bed and we got my stuff together and headed to the hospital. They confirmed that my waters had broken and i was sent for a scan to check the presentation (i think they were thinking c section) thankfully he was head down! I was returned to the ward to wait for contractions to start. Matt went to work in the afternokn and called me often there was nothing to report at my end and i settled to sleep. I woke up at 3am and was so bored and fed up. I decided to see if i could get something moving. I sat up in the bed till i found a position where i could feel the babies head on my cervix and just rocked gently back and forth letting his head stretch my cervix. I did't have to wait long after a few seconds i got a contraction not a massive one but it was a start. I had a minutes break and started rocking again and in a couple of hours i was having regular contractions every 3 minutes and off to delivery suite. I wanted to go to the birth centre again but because i was high risk and had to be monitored i was stuck downstairs. I insisted on being mobile my first labour had told me not to go on that bed! And was hooked up to the monitor stood up. Matt was called at around 6am and arrived an hour later. I was using gas and air at that point. I was rocking my hips through every contraction but this sent my heart rate high and i was persuaded to sit on the bed for a while and was put on a saline drip. This slowed my labour down and made it a lot more painful. I wanted to go for a wee but couldn't so i was catheterised.

I was stuck at about 6cm for a while and i asked for more pain relief and was given pethidine. About a minute after that i had a strong urge to push and was checked and only had an anterior lip of cervix which the midwife pused out of the way while i pushed the baby down. It took about 5 minutes of pushing and his head was born. He was the hardest of the two boys to come down but probably due to me being stuck on my back in the bed more than anything. He was born one push after his head at 7lb 10oz he seemed tiny to me. He was great an expert at breast feeding although shortly after he was born i began to feel the effects of pethidine and battled against falling asleep. I had such a hard pregnancy ad labour i decided that was it i was done and so it remained until 6 months later when i started to feel a little broody again lol and here i am!
Thanks for your lovely stories ladies
What's everyone's experience of post partum bleeding?
This is another thing I'm concerned about!!
Its generally nothing to worry about if you have the injection to help the placenta come away. Out of my 3 births its wasthe last one where i lost the most blood i got up to go to the loo and there was a big gush of blood but i was fine after that. Make sure your iron levels don't get too low and it shouldn't be a problem x
Steph, I'd like a second labour like your second please! These stories are great. Has anyones birth plan actually gone to plan?!?
Amy I was like stephs third re bleeding, midwife actually put a mat down and I questioned why until I was vertical, I'm surprised the cleaner didn't follow me down the corridor with a mop, feels weird, like emptying. Then it's like a heavy, long lasting af.x

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