~~The May 2011 Roller Uppers~~

hey neversaynever....

Here's my symptoms

1dpo -boobs feel a tingling sensation but very mild. Something happened at about 4.15pm felt like a fluttering sharp pain on my left ovary/womb side, this lasted a couple of mins and actually made me stop what I was doing...

2dpo- lower back ache, feel a slight stretching feeling on left side, boobs have stopped hurting

3dpo- no symptoms at all...just hungry...but hey whats new??

4dpo- urghhh feel like all my symptoms have just disappeared into thin air,I had way more symptoms before I had even ovulated!!! Later in the evening after I was showered and ready for bed, my armpits where slightly itchy!! I figured it was just the new razor I had used.....

5dpo - really really really itchy armpits and breasts!!! Thought it was strange and that maybe I'd eaten something funny?? The itching was driving me mad!

6dpo - itchy itchy itchy boobs....but they aren't sore, it's just really itchy! Was feeling really tired, went to work to do overtime, and ended up leaving as was so tired...

7dpo - soo tired, had a nap during the day, felt a bit crampy, but more towards behind my belly button. Feel constantly hungry boobs still itchy

8dpo - I feel a bit bloated and very mild crAmping, my cervix feels like it is closed very tight. Boobs still itchy

9dpo - (exact words from my tracker) boobs feeling tender when touched, they are not as itchy anymore. Just feel so gutted as I feel so bloated and crampy like I'm waiting on af...

10dpo - boobs feel full and heavy with raw looking nipples...DH said I felt soo warm in bed, felt very tired today even though I got 8 hrs sleep last night. No cramping just a dull ache cried in work v emotional...first shadow of lines on ic in the evening

11dpo - did an ic this morning and the faint line was thicker and def pink tinge...even DH could see this one...felt sick until i ate breakfast...my boobs are hurting..and got gradually worse throughout the day, they felt like they were bruised from the inside but only when touched...like if I dont touch them I don't feel it, but as soon as you touch them ouch! I have been spool thirsty all day and just drink drink drink and pee pee pee...this is a bit tmi but I did 4 poohs today and they were all quite loose!

12dpo - bfp on freer today and darker ic's. I feel so tired, and hungry all the time, like ive just eaten, and I'm hungry already...boobs still feel sore and bruised, I have a sore head today but that could be from all the emotional crying lol...feel a weee smidge queasy but when i eat I feel a bit better....

edd - 19th february 2012

LittleBird, LWood, Lisa, thank you for your kind words. My day didn't get any better, lol, and if you follow my journal you will know why! Long story, but basically I have the SIL from hell, and when she found out about my m/c, she immediately started trying to get pg with her second so she could get pg first... So tonight they announced they are pregnant, and due two days behind us nonetheless. All I keep thinking is, "God forbid something goes wrong with my pregnancy again... Then I will seriously kill myself having to watch her pg and due on my same day..." I know I shouldn't think like that... But again, if you have been following my journal, you would know why I'm so upset right now. She's just a toxic, bad person.

Argh! The SIL from hell strikes again! I started reading through your journal, but it's taking me longer than expected due to the fact that it's so long! :haha:

She seriously can't leave you alone, I guess. I'd be annoyed if something like that happened because sometimes there's the expectation of celebrating close birthdays together -- um, no way! You don't want to spend every year with that woman! But really, just keep believing that everything is ok with your own pregnancy. I know it's easy to jump to the worst-case scenario and I've been known to do that on a regular basis. But keep those thoughts of miscarriage out of your mind. You will be able to see this pregnancy through to the end and deliver a beautiful baby girl or boy! I believe that! And there are so many people praying for you. It can only help.

As far as dealing with SIL goes, I wish I knew what to say. I'd say avoid her, but it doesn't seem like that's an option, since the family gets together regularly. Maybe you could kill her with kindness? Although that's easier said than done. My DH has a cousin who I really really despise and whenever we're at the in-laws and this guy shows up, it is all I can do to hold it together. He just makes my blood boil. Luckily, I only have to see him 1-2 times per year. DH wants me to forgive the guy, but I just think he's a terrible person and I don't want my kids anywhere around him. I have actually instructed them not to speak to him. So I'm familiar with family tension and I think maybe I don't deal with it in the most civil way, but it's all I can do to keep from telling him off whenever I see him. If you find something that works with her, let me know!
Good morning ladies! Wow, there is a lot of activity on this thread overnight! (overnight for US, anyway). :haha:

In regards to telling anyone, I have no idea what we will do when we get preggo again. May wait until after the first ultrasound, which my doc will probably do on my first appt. I may even wait until 6 weeks to make an appointment so we can *hopefully* hear a heart beat. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there!

Yesterday, I was standing in line at the grocery store and all of a sudden my nipples felt like they were on fire! I just chuckled :haha: But the feeling when away.

I'm 6DPO and woke up with a stuffy nose and been continuously having those twinges below. I went into the kitchen at the office to go make my oatmeal and as soon as I opened the package I got really nauseous and thought I was going to lose it.. Needless to say I took two bites and tossed it. BUT I've had nausea before and was not pregnant, so it could be all in my head. Probably from taking my vitamins on an empty stomach.

Not thinking as positive as I had been. I know its not over till AF arrives but I just feel it in my gut that this isn't our month. The feeling that it *is* has fadded! :wacko:

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and staying positive (despite the fact that I'm not! :rofl:) Hope those beans are nice and snuggled :flower:

Aw, Mrs. J. 6DPO is when it starts to get fun! Implantation can happen between 6-12DPO so symptom spotting is even more interesting now. And, of course, if you get no symptoms, don't worry -- Holly got her BFP and she really thought she was out, too!

I think it still sounds good for you. Don't worry, we'll be positive for you even if you're not feeling positive yourself.
Thanks for the advice Ladies! I just have to find a way to deal with it and get past what she has done... It's my only choice now.

How are you ladies doing??? 2WWaiters??? What's new and exciting?! Give me some symptoms!

Shauna, nausea is fabulous! I had that from very early on before my BFP! I went to eat something and threw it up... Just the smell of it made me sick.
Mrs J, I am no expert but those twinges, sore spots and almost seeing your breakfast again all sounds very positive, its never over until that evil :witch: arrives :hugs: I was 100% convinced I was out in April but it seemed to defy biology (as we never even did it in the crucial week so ovulation must have been early or late) and we got a BFP then, so keep your spirits up chick xx

Team Stress Free sounds like a very good idea, count me in!!! Every time I even start going down my extremely well trodden road to paranoia I shall shout at myself "TEAM STRESS FREE" and turn back!! Sounds much healthier to me!!!!!! Feels like my brain has been reset already :thumbup:
Good Morning Roller Uppers!

I had a nervous breakdown already today! I cried & prayed in the bathroom here at work. This whole low progesterone thing is making me so nervous!

Also, people at work are already gossiping that I may be pregnant again. WHAT??? How on earth would they guess that? I am 3 weeks so it's not like I'm showing. I am just really scatter brained right now...
Hey everyone!!! I didnt know where everyone went! lol.... How is everybody???
Well i am 3dpiui today.... i am waiting to test til 14dpiui b/c either af will be here by then or I will for sure have a BFP....
the f/s said everything went perfect w/ my first iui.... my dh had 157 million sperm swimming in a straight line said the f/s. he said that it all looks really good.... he said w/ my age and good tubes and my dh good sperm we have a pretty good chance since we tried the iui this month... but at the sametime he did say everyone is different... so trying to stay postive and calm but not get my hopes up just yet.....
So now waiting 11 more days to go!

I am going to have to read back thru the thread so I can be all caught up. just wanted to say hey and wish everyone luck in the 2ww......
I swear this is going to be the longest 2ww ever! but God is good and he has a plan for all of us! anyone getting ready to test? or anyone having any symptoms yet??

I have had this aching/pulling on my left side. and that is always the side i produce my big follicles... im just chalking it up as either a s/e from the clomid or the hcg shot.... b/c i went in on friday and my follicle was 21mm and i triggered that morning and did the iui exactly 24hrs after the shot.... 11 days seems so much farther away then 14. lol...
LittleBird, LWood, Lisa, thank you for your kind words. My day didn't get any better, lol, and if you follow my journal you will know why! Long story, but basically I have the SIL from hell, and when she found out about my m/c, she immediately started trying to get pg with her second so she could get pg first... So tonight they announced they are pregnant, and due two days behind us nonetheless. All I keep thinking is, "God forbid something goes wrong with my pregnancy again... Then I will seriously kill myself having to watch her pg and due on my same day..." I know I shouldn't think like that... But again, if you have been following my journal, you would know why I'm so upset right now. She's just a toxic, bad person.

I feel for you! i havent read your journal but i will have too! I too have a SIL from hell and her mother too.... So i have a MIL and SIL from hell..... Im praying for you that you get thru this obstacle and I pray that you and your lil bean will be just fine! God is good and he has a plan for you! :hugs:
Oh LWood its supposed to be such a happy time but is fraught with uncertainty and every day seems like a huge hill to climb. Thinking of you...

My work colleagues keep asking me if I am pregnant too. How do you respond to them? I am a police officer so have immediately withdrawn from front line duties as I dont want to be fighting whilst pregnant. Of course, that has immediately prompted the rumours and speculation. At the moment I am telling them I have a bad back from a horse riding accident (which is partially true as I was thrown off a week and a half ago before I knew I was pregnant). I feel awful for lying to them as most of my team are close friends but I am just not ready to reveal the truth due to miscarrying twice before, although if we continue to carry the pregnancy for another couple of weeks I will tell them and get a load of 'I knew it' s from them all!!!
Aw, Mrs. J. 6DPO is when it starts to get fun! Implantation can happen between 6-12DPO so symptom spotting is even more interesting now. And, of course, if you get no symptoms, don't worry -- Holly got her BFP and she really thought she was out, too!

I think it still sounds good for you. Don't worry, we'll be positive for you even if you're not feeling positive yourself.

Thanks LB! I need to brush up on my sex ed, I always think implantation is right after Ovulation! :dohh:
QUOTE=MRS_HJO;11140320]Thanks for the advice Ladies! I just have to find a way to deal with it and get past what she has done... It's my only choice now.

How are you ladies doing??? 2WWaiters??? What's new and exciting?! Give me some symptoms!

Shauna, nausea is fabulous! I had that from very early on before my BFP! I went to eat something and threw it up... Just the smell of it made me sick.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Heather, I didn't have much nausea last time just felt kind of hungover. :sick:[
Mrs J, I am no expert but those twinges, sore spots and almost seeing your breakfast again all sounds very positive, its never over until that evil :witch: arrives :hugs: I was 100% convinced I was out in April but it seemed to defy biology (as we never even did it in the crucial week so ovulation must have been early or late) and we got a BFP then, so keep your spirits up chick xx

Team Stress Free sounds like a very good idea, count me in!!! Every time I even start going down my extremely well trodden road to paranoia I shall shout at myself "TEAM STRESS FREE" and turn back!! Sounds much healthier to me!!!!!! Feels like my brain has been reset already :thumbup:

Thanks ZoMo, I need to join Team Stress Free!
Ok, MRS_HJO wants symptoms... I woke up this morning and was immediately hit with constipation, nausea, and dizziness. But before anyone gets too excited, I'm sure it's the Progesterone at this point. Then I took a nap at 10:45am. So fatigue too. :)

Before TTC and taking Progesterone, I felt fine all cycle long. Now I'm sick during ovulation and the 2WW. Can't I travel back in time to pre-miscarriage times when I was blissfully ignorant of pregnancy until I was a couple of weeks late?
Aw, Mrs. J. 6DPO is when it starts to get fun! Implantation can happen between 6-12DPO so symptom spotting is even more interesting now. And, of course, if you get no symptoms, don't worry -- Holly got her BFP and she really thought she was out, too!

I think it still sounds good for you. Don't worry, we'll be positive for you even if you're not feeling positive yourself.

Thanks LB! I need to brush up on my sex ed, I always think implantation is right after Ovulation! :dohh:

I know what you mean, if it happened that early, it would cut the 2WW in half! I wish we didn't have to wait to find out whether we were successful!
Oh LWood its supposed to be such a happy time but is fraught with uncertainty and every day seems like a huge hill to climb. Thinking of you...

My work colleagues keep asking me if I am pregnant too. How do you respond to them? QUOTE]

Thank you ZoMo! I will be thinking of you as well.

No one has asked me about being pregnant, they ask my coworker who sits next to me (who happens to be my pastor's wife and already knows). She has been avoiding the questions as she doesn't want to lie but doesn't want to give away my truth either. I don't know how anyone guessed unless they heard/saw me crying? Unfortunately, they all know about my miscarriage so maybe they put 2 and 2 together...
Before TTC and taking Progesterone, I felt fine all cycle long. Now I'm sick during ovulation and the 2WW. Can't I travel back in time to pre-miscarriage times when I was blissfully ignorant of pregnancy until I was a couple of weeks late?

OMG I would love to do that! Before TTC, you didn't notice every little symptom that COULD be pregnancy. You just went along your day like it was nothing. Now we're all symptom spotting and thinking every possible cramp or twinge could be implantation. And it drives you crazy!
Welcome CRC :hi: :dust: to you

LB, oh the constipation beast has got me too! NOTHING worse than that, in my opinion. :growlmad:

LWood, I'm sorry to hear about your meltdown, you'll be in my prayers [-o<[-o< I hope we both have "one" healthy baby. :flower:

I wish I could just have unprotected sex like a teenager and be like, OMG I'm pregnant!! How did THAT happen!?? :rofl:

So I'm curious, does anyone else besides me and LWood have multiples that run in their family? Not much discussion on this so I thought I'd throw it out there! :winkwink: I was always hoping one of my two sisters would have the twin gene but it may just be me! Yikes. Any pregnant ladies think they might have two or more buns cooking in the oven?:baby::baby::baby:
Oh wow, I just noticed on my ticker that vivid dreams is a symtom:wacko:

I've had the weirdest dreams lately about so many different things all in one night. I can't remember them now, but the last 2-3 nights I seem to be dreaming all night. Lately I haven't been at all.

Oh no I'm going "symtom spotting crazy"!! :dohh:

Nurse just called! My HGC levels are progressing nicely but I will need to be on Crinone for my whole first trimester. I have an ultrasound on the 29th. I feel SO MUCH BETTER!

Thank you for your thoughts & prayers ladies!
I will continue to pray for all of us :)

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