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~~The May 2011 Roller Uppers~~

Lovely to hear from you fizz, not long now for you!xxx
Fizzo...you are alive :haha:

Ladies...what a year it has been for us all...here's hoping that 2012 brings us joy and happiness with rainbow babies galore :dust:

Fizzo...you are alive :haha:

Ladies...what a year it has been for us all...here's hoping that 2012 brings us joy and happiness with rainbow babies galore :dust:

I agree, bring on 2012! I hope we all end up with our rainbow babies this year. Good riddance, 2011 :thumbup:
just popping by to wish you all a wonderful,happy & healthy new year!!!!
BIG love xxxx :hugs:
Okay, ladies I decided to start a 3rd tri Journal....feel free to follow :)
Dimples, do you have a link? I'm rubbish at finding new stuff on here!xx
Happy New Years, ladies!~:flower:

Yippe for more BFPs!!

Its about time, Dimples!!:hugs:
Happy New Year! Lets hope that for us all, 2012 is a whole lot kinder than 2011 was :)

Am on the countdown to finishing work now, only 4 more shifts and an end date of 10th!! Yay!!! Wishing away the next week! And a growth scan that day too to make sure she is still on track and to see if she is still breech, grrr.

Still confused over names, do any of you ladies (TTC or preggers) have your names sorted for your rainbow babies? My OH suddenly came up with Fawn the other day (in amongst some real horrors!) and I actually quite like it (as a middle name) but am not sure if it is too 'out there'? And I immediately think of Bambi!! I think we are going with Ember for the first name although Eden is still in the running too. So am wondering if Ember Fawn is a bit too hippyish?!

God knows what we will do if she turns out to be a he - it has taken 34 weeks just to narrow it down to two girl names!
Hey zomo, names are just hard! We have a few top runners but no definate, neither of us want to name him before he arrives so thats good!
I love ember and eden, a little different but not too strange, easy to pronounce and spell. Fawn goes well with them both and is also cute. Reminds me more of a colour than bambi but think you'll find something in any name!
I agree with Cornish, fawn is a lovely name and does make me think of a colour

No matter what you think of someone will say oh that reminds me of this or I knew someone called that who was horrible or something!
Well he initially suggested Fawn as a first name but as the surname will be Payne I could just forsee Fawn turning into a nickname of Fawny then Fanny in the playground and Fanny Payne (Fanny Pain) would be a seriously horrid nickname (more esp in the UK than the US!)!
I'm terrible with names. DH and I wait until the very last minute. We're going to have a heck of a time coming up with two names! :) My BFF has been thinking of baby names since we were teenagers. Maybe I can enlist her help...
Well I have spent a miserable last 24 hours. Was throwing up every few minutes for over 12 hours until nothing but blood was coming up. That was followed by horrendous diarrhoea and a trip to hospital where I was given 2 litres of fluid by drip to rehydrate me and baby, anti sickness injection, paracetemol by drip to reduce my temperature and waited for blood pressure to drop. Still feeling like crap, its a bug doing the rounds at work but having it with a tummy full of baby squishing and kicking everything in there makes it doubly horrid. Feeling a bit better now, hoping its a short term thing that will disappear tomorrow.
Zomo~that doesn't sound pleasant at all! I hope you start to feel better real soon!!!
Awww I'm sorry Zomo! I hope you're feeling better now! Just AWFUL to feel sick like that when you're preggo! :hugs:
Hanskiz waters have gone-first roller upper baby on the way!!!xx
awwwww zomo hope you feel better......

:hugs: to Hanskiz.....hope all goes well!!! :flower: xxx

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