The nausea came back today at max strength, only managed 2.5 hours in work and had to leave. Everything has stayed down though so thats good. Anyway, had a scan to take my mind off it this afternoon and was told that the baby has turned, no longer breech. Probably down to the violent sickness shuffling her around! I was told that she is approx 6.5lbs at the moment (give or take off 1.5 lbs either way - very obviously I hope it is take off), had a bigger head and tummy (but still well within normal range) and has chubby little cheeks! Obviously this all terrified me as I had been used to the idea of a caesarian, now I have to push out a possibly already 8lb, big headed tubster in 4 weeks! At least they double checked and she is 100% girl, no boy bits so no emergency shopping to do!