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~~The May 2011 Roller Uppers~~

awwwww zomo hope you feel better......:hugs:

:hugs: to Hanskiz.....hope all goes well!!! :flower: xxx
Zomo! Hope you feel better soon :flower:

Hannah! I bloody knew it! Watching this space and relentlessly stalking your journal!
A girl is our first- will let Hannah update the details but
Oh no, Zomo! I am sorry that you are feeling so sick. I hope they get you feeling better and rehydrated!

Hannah! Yay for a baby girl! Congratulations!
Hi ladies!!

Just dropping in to say hello and welcome to the world our first May Roller-Upper!!!

Huge Congratulations Hannah!! x x x :cloud9:
Congratulations Hanskiz! Looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing piccies of your beautiful baby girl :)

Thankyou for all the get well soon messages, feeling quite a lot better today, still dehydrated and heartburn has arrived with a vengeance to join the party but baby is wriggling like mad so she must be feeling better too. Stayed home resting today, last day in work tomorrow and leaving early for my scan. Hopefully plain sailing from here on out, should get caesarian date soon.
yeah exciting news!!! Congrats!!!

Glad you are feeling better today Zomo!
Glad you are feeling better Zomo.

Congratz Hanzkins!!!!!
The nausea came back today at max strength, only managed 2.5 hours in work and had to leave. Everything has stayed down though so thats good. Anyway, had a scan to take my mind off it this afternoon and was told that the baby has turned, no longer breech. Probably down to the violent sickness shuffling her around! I was told that she is approx 6.5lbs at the moment (give or take off 1.5 lbs either way - very obviously I hope it is take off), had a bigger head and tummy (but still well within normal range) and has chubby little cheeks! Obviously this all terrified me as I had been used to the idea of a caesarian, now I have to push out a possibly already 8lb, big headed tubster in 4 weeks! At least they double checked and she is 100% girl, no boy bits so no emergency shopping to do!
Glad all was well at your scan zomo

Hopefully she won't be too much of a tubster!
I've heard those weight estimates can be very rough estimates.

They didn't even estimate her weight at my growth scan.

Try not to worry too much, a normal delivery will be much easier for you in the long run! Healing time etc
Yay zomo! Baby has turned bet that was a huge relief! I would pay no attention to the guesstimate weight measurement mine was totally off by two pounds and they always overestimate which is what the obstetrician said to me!

Have they decided to induce you at 38 weeks or are you hoping to go au naturale? X
I dont know what the plan is yet as to inducing etc, I have the ante natal clinic tomorrow morning where they should give me an idea. The diabetes testing has gone out the window a bit with xmas, new year and now 3 days of sickness and hardly eating so I dont have a clue what they will say - they whinged enough at me when it was spot on before xmas!
I have a list of things they want to do to me starting with a gtt at 16 weeks! I cannot wait to see that consultant at 24 weeks and give them a piece of my mind because they were too chicken to meet me on monday and their 'plan' of my delivery is totally different to my plan!

I can't wait to meet them and give them a piece of my mind!!!!
Ah zomo 6.5 lbs already is so fab!
I watched a maternity programme last night and some twins were born early and came in at 4 lbs-I was in awe at the screen of having one of those in my belly!
Congrats to Hanskiz!!

Sorry to hear you aren't well Zomo.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Cornish I was watching a maternity prog aswell called 'Maternity Ward', an american show with premature twins, maybe the same show?

Steph, sounds like they have everything already planned out for you! I have no plans at all yet. Got no idea what to expect.

I went to the ante natal clinic this morning, all ok, they dont want to see me again, they are quite happy to let me go to the due date but because of the diabetes they have scheduled me in for an induction on the morning of the due date if madam hasnt put in an appearance by herself by then.
Yes that was the one! Those babies were so gorgeous, and massive for 32 weeks (I thought).
Glad all is ok with you and lil lady.x
Congrats on the first May Roller Upper Baby, Hanskiz!! :happydance:

Zomo, hope all is well with you and baby! Sorry to hear you've been so sick:hugs:
wow been soo long since ive been here..life is getting so hectic an baby isnt even here yet...so i am posting this now and then i am goin back an read all the posts that i have missed..(probably hundreds)...hope u all are doin great....did a scan and i am havin a boy...yay!!!

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