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~~The May 2011 Roller Uppers~~

Am really pissed off with my midwife today. We are 36+4 and she STILL hasnt helped me with a birth plan. She keeps saying 'we'll do it next time' - well the next time will be 38+4 which to say is cutting it fine would be an understatement and a half. Considering that this is my first, I have no idea what to expect other than what I have read up on, every twinge now makes me anxious and I keep asking my midwife about going over my options, I just feel let down. It doesnt help that my two friends who have recently had babies had theirs at 34+4 and 36 weeks so I am getting twitchy. All she kept saying to me today was to read the NHS book. It wouldnt be so bad if they hadnt screwed up our one antenatal class as my friend went to it the other day and said they spent ages explaining about signs / symptoms of labour, labour and birth. The midwives double booked themselves for our antenatal class and didnt turn up. My midwife didnt even have the handouts today to give me something, anything, to read. Grrr. Really annoyed. I guess if baby comes early its just a matter of being given my options at the time and doing what I am told.
zomo we can help with the birth plan! What kind of birth do you want? Have a look at the birth plan section of your green notes and thinking about what you want to do? Things I would recommend are options for pain relief do you want to try tens for instance or go onto gas and air and maybe pethidine or would you prefer an epidural? Maybe just put you would like to 'go with the flow' while in labour and keep your options open.

Would you like to keep active in labour and be free to move around during the contractions if that is the case then opt for intermittent monitoring rather than having the belts round your bump all the way through.

Would you like baby delivered straight onto your chest or would you like a clean up first? Would daddy want to cut the cord? Would you like a chilled out environment for labour dimmed lights and your choice of music etc.

Would you like the injection to help the placenta along? You have a lot of choices so have a think and start to put down the basics and getyour midwife to give it the once over at your next appointment and fill in any gaps. :hugs:
my mw is the same, we supposedly should have done the plan last time but she kept putting it off, my antenatal class was also cancelled.
ive just jotted down my own ideas on the plan from research ive done
Thanks for the help steph!
Zomo, don't feel worried or that you need to go with being told what to do at all. Def research birth plans and make your own notes. The more knowledge you give yourself the more empowered you'll feel come birth day. All will be great.xxx
Thank you ladies, I will have a look at the notes and come back to you all with some ideas! I have been looking around the net but there is an overwhelming amount of info and I dont really know where to start with it all. I shall begin with Steph's questions above and work from there!
Is there not a section in your notes zomo?
In mine there is like a template to prompt you to think of things
Is there not a section in your notes zomo?
In mine there is like a template to prompt you to think of things

Oh I dont know, I will have a good root through my notes, they are a total mess having been in and out of hospital with gallstones / pancreatitis, gestational diabetes, viral gastroenteritis, reduced movements, blood pressure and protein in urine, plus midwife notes... it seems everyone in the hospital has had a go at my notes in the last few months, there are bits stuck in and falling out everywhere!! Will have a look at them and see if I can find something that makes sense!!
Is there not a section in your notes zomo?
In mine there is like a template to prompt you to think of things

Oh I dont know, I will have a good root through my notes, they are a total mess having been in and out of hospital with gallstones / pancreatitis, gestational diabetes, viral gastroenteritis, reduced movements, blood pressure and protein in urine, plus midwife notes... it seems everyone in the hospital has had a go at my notes in the last few months, there are bits stuck in and falling out everywhere!! Will have a look at them and see if I can find something that makes sense!!

Lol mine are the same, ive run out of spaces for them to write! Mw said she will try find some additional pages from somewhere, hope I don't have to see anyone else before I go back to her!
Haha, I thought about just direct debiting my wages to the hospital car parking scheme! At least they dont want to plan to see me now until my induction / due date. Just got to hope that nothing else goes wrong in the meantime!
Oooo I couldn't imagine paying to park there!
Lucky that the staff car park is right opposite the mat wing entrance!
On the parking convo has anyone heard of free parking tickets being given out by maternity ward for labour day or is that just wishful thinking!
Ours give out parking passes when you go into labour, they were v good actually when I was really sick last week and also gave OH 2 parking passes to only pay £1 each time as I would be there most of the day on the drip and he was shattered and needed to go home and sleep then come back for me.
Hmm not sure on specific labour side of things Cornish.

But I know on my ward if someone is visiting for a prolonged time we can give them a voucher so they pay a maximum per day (£3.50)
Or can give a free pass if their relative is dying/has died
No such luck on the parking front in our neck of the woods! Robbing sods I think it is £1.80 for every 2 hours here and Matt gets twitchy when he thinks his ticket is going to run out...pisses me off no end!
Moonbeam, I'm so sorry to hear about how things turned out. I did have the experience of Methotrexate and the blood tests to follow hCG down to 0. And it's frustrating that they didn't figure out whether it was ectopic or not. They did the same thing with me, and it was hard to make the decision to move forward with Methotrexate feeling like I didn't have the full picture in front of me.

I hate that this is happening to you, and I know that the road ahead is going to take a little time. Please take care of yourself and as soon as you get the word that you are allowed, take folic acid to build it up in your system again. I will be praying for you during this time. :hugs:
Moonbeam, two ladies that I'm friends with on here had the methotrexate shot... JPARR01 and Epump. (Jenn and Erin). I'm sure they would be more than happy to discuss it with you and help you if they can, if you would like it. You can find them through my friend list. :hugs: Thinking of you.
Hey girls.... wow it has been many weeks sice I have been on here.... I must catch up.... I don't really know why I have been away but I am finding my way back to everyone.

I have been thinking of holly Latoya.. she was the first DD right? I am going to read a bunch tonight.catch up... :)

I am doing OK... 22 weeks and counting...

Cheerio girlies
Wow, mememe!! I can't believe you're 23 weeks already!! Glad to hear things are going well!!
hi everyone,
congrats to all the new babies and not long now for lots of you
i have a question that i am hoping someone can help with
I have finally been referred to an FS and my first appointment is 5th March.
i have had blood tests and they came back ok but it has just hit me that i had blood tests and my bfp when i was taking soy isoflavones.
has this created "normal" results, ovulation etc?
i still get positive OPKs and temp changes when i dont take it, but worried i have messed it all up, making everything look ok and shot myself in the foot......
i would ask my GP for more blood tests but she won't do them as have already had them
and they dont do them twice not when you have been referred
help !!!

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