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~~The May 2011 Roller Uppers~~

The only thing you can do is tell the doctors and the fertility clinic. If you need bloods from a fresh cycle then so be it but explain it all and why you were taking soy etc.
Hey ladies,

Hope everyone is ok. My work friend had her baby yesterday, one week overdue and 10lb 8oz!!!!! My god that must have stung a bit!!!! It has terrified me, her bump didnt look as big as mine, everyone keeps trying to reassure me 'am sure its all fluid' hmmm, I am not even remotely convinced!!!
Ladies.... I havent posted on here for ages but i got a faint BFP yesterday so im hoping that this is finally it!!!

Glad to see youre all doing well x x x
Hi ladies
So much has happened since I was last on here. Congrats to Holly on the safe arrival of baby Grant, congrats to Andrea on Oopsie - I so hope this is your rainbow baby, congrats to the new BFPs, good luck to those TTC and hold on tight to those waiting to give birth!

4 days til I'm due - I was convinced this baby might come early but maybe not now! Actually it needs to stay inside to keep for a couple of days to keep warm. We have had no heating or hot water since Friday night and the engineer can't get to us til Tuesday :( It would coincide with a lovely below freezing spell here in the UK wouldn't it. Also our gorgeous dog Bracken is having surgery for 2 malignant tumours on Tuesday - worrying times. So I so hope the boiler is fixed Tues so I dont have a poorly dog in a cold house or the potential of newborn coming home to a house with no heating. And here I was supposed to be having a relaxing stress free couple of weeks before LO arrived - life has other plans it would seem.

I'm super achey, crampy and uncomfy - hence the not sleeping and posting on here in the middle of the night! Had a bit of a show - i think anyways - a couple of days ago. Have also realised that the antenatal care I have received has been a bit poor. Have been reading my notes and half the sections aren't completed. Each midwife visit is just a BP and urine check and a check of baby' heartbeat and position. Nothing has been discussed - feel a bit unprepared. Anyone else in the UK found this??

Anyway I haven't been on here for ages and all I've done is have a rant and a moan - sorry ladies.

Take care and I will be stalking for more news re: births, BFPs and positive scan results etc.

Jen xx
Congratulations, rachelbubble!

ZoMo, Fizzio and Heather, you're all getting very close. Can't wait to see some more baby pics!
Congrats RB! Great news on you bfp.xxx
Jen-lovely to hear from u, thought you'd be posting your birth story! Know how you feel re care, I have 2 part time midwives and they only do the same as you. I've filled some bits of notes in myself!
Looking forward to some babies being born.x
Fizzio I feel the same about my antenatal care, the absolute bare minimum. Having said that I have eventually forced my midwife into an appointment to make a birth plan tomorrow. I have done some research and downloaded the Cow & Gate birth plan page which is basic but gives me some idea of what I may get asked at hospital. Have got my hospital bags all sorted and am just hoping for the best.

Sorry to hear about your boiler. There is nothing worse than being without heating or hot water, I lived like that for 6 months over a summer (thankfully have an electric shower) then it got 'fixed' and broke again a couple of weeks later in a November. I was beyond freezing! I do sympathise, my oven died last night and then within 10 minutes my convection oven part of the microwave also died so I now have no oven. Wonderful. Thankfully I still have a hob so will be living on take aways and beans on toast until we can get a new oven in. Grrr. Why do these things happen at the worst time.

Hope your doggy pulls through her op ok, how upsetting that must be for you. My cat has started throwing up a lot this week and my partner very unhelpfully told me about his old cat which did the same then cost over a grand in fees for diabetes. Bloody marvellous. Thanks for that - as a 17 year old ex-stray mine isnt insured cos no company will touch him with a bargepole!

I also have a small cyst on my back right next to my spine and under my bra strap area. It turned up when I got pregnant, was checked and is fine and harmless, no issues until this week when it has suddenly got infected somehow and has now inflamed and I feel like I have bump on my back rivalling the one on my front! Its horrible, on antibiotics now. And got a strong red rash on a breast which has been there a couple of days, no idea what it is. All in all I feel gross, fed up, like fate hates me and hungry through a sudden craving for any food that can only be oven cooked!!!!!!!
hey you all..how are things going?? congrats to all the new mums and the bfp's...hope every1 is well....
Fizzio I feel the same about my antenatal care, the absolute bare minimum. Having said that I have eventually forced my midwife into an appointment to make a birth plan tomorrow. I have done some research and downloaded the Cow & Gate birth plan page which is basic but gives me some idea of what I may get asked at hospital. Have got my hospital bags all sorted and am just hoping for the best.

Sorry to hear about your boiler. There is nothing worse than being without heating or hot water, I lived like that for 6 months over a summer (thankfully have an electric shower) then it got 'fixed' and broke again a couple of weeks later in a November. I was beyond freezing! I do sympathise, my oven died last night and then within 10 minutes my convection oven part of the microwave also died so I now have no oven. Wonderful. Thankfully I still have a hob so will be living on take aways and beans on toast until we can get a new oven in. Grrr. Why do these things happen at the worst time.

Hope your doggy pulls through her op ok, how upsetting that must be for you. My cat has started throwing up a lot this week and my partner very unhelpfully told me about his old cat which did the same then cost over a grand in fees for diabetes. Bloody marvellous. Thanks for that - as a 17 year old ex-stray mine isnt insured cos no company will touch him with a bargepole!

I also have a small cyst on my back right next to my spine and under my bra strap area. It turned up when I got pregnant, was checked and is fine and harmless, no issues until this week when it has suddenly got infected somehow and has now inflamed and I feel like I have bump on my back rivalling the one on my front! Its horrible, on antibiotics now. And got a strong red rash on a breast which has been there a couple of days, no idea what it is. All in all I feel gross, fed up, like fate hates me and hungry through a sudden craving for any food that can only be oven cooked!!!!!!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels their antenatal care is bit poor. My next appointment is on Thurs at 39+6!! Kinda feels a bit late to be doing birth plans then but will have a word. Will be seeing a different midwife as my usual one retired last week.

Zomo - grrr about the cooker. Timing of these things is rubbish. Also hope your cyst clears up x
rb- congrats on BFP..

oh I feel for you girls on waiting.. oh it is such a looooong wait. :) So worth it though in the end.
I always take time to myself and have me time and relax as best as I could. Feel the baby movements and enjoy those last bumps in the night... even when they bump the bladder a bit too much.. tee hee...

So i have a question.. anyone have problems with thier pelvic bones/muscles?? I am in sooo much pain on a regular basis that i honestly want to have a wheel chair to get me to the bathroom at times... it is crazy hard pressure pain. With the odd crack here and there... comeing closer together as well.
Also my bladder is shot... use about 6 panty liners a day.. TMI... even my husband says to me.. you better stop laughing or u will pee your pants.. LOL.. bugger he is makes me laugh harder. :)

I have read a lot on SPD symphasis pelvic disorder ... I feel like it is exactly how I feel however i would like to know someone who was actually diagnosed with it and compare... everyone I tell I have previc pain says,.. "oh yeah i had that too when i was pregnant" well I know everyone is uncomfortable as i was in previous pregancies going to physio for the siatic back thing etc... but this time it is WAY beyond any of that... I actually can NOT move sometimes from the pain. it only seems to be getting worst and I do not know waht to do about it.. other than wait.. : )
Any help or thoughts woudl be great!!!! Thanks!!!
rb- congrats on BFP..

oh I feel for you girls on waiting.. oh it is such a looooong wait. :) So worth it though in the end.
I always take time to myself and have me time and relax as best as I could. Feel the baby movements and enjoy those last bumps in the night... even when they bump the bladder a bit too much.. tee hee...

So i have a question.. anyone have problems with thier pelvic bones/muscles?? I am in sooo much pain on a regular basis that i honestly want to have a wheel chair to get me to the bathroom at times... it is crazy hard pressure pain. With the odd crack here and there... comeing closer together as well.
Also my bladder is shot... use about 6 panty liners a day.. TMI... even my husband says to me.. you better stop laughing or u will pee your pants.. LOL.. bugger he is makes me laugh harder. :)

I have read a lot on SPD symphasis pelvic disorder ... I feel like it is exactly how I feel however i would like to know someone who was actually diagnosed with it and compare... everyone I tell I have previc pain says,.. "oh yeah i had that too when i was pregnant" well I know everyone is uncomfortable as i was in previous pregancies going to physio for the siatic back thing etc... but this time it is WAY beyond any of that... I actually can NOT move sometimes from the pain. it only seems to be getting worst and I do not know waht to do about it.. other than wait.. : )
Any help or thoughts woudl be great!!!! Thanks!!!
Well, I have not been officially diagnosed with it either, but I have just decided that is what it is :shrug: My doctor seems to pretty much shrug it off like a normal pregnancy pain, but it is truly debilitating at times for me. I mean, sometimes I feel like I literally cannot walk and will just stay sitting all day long. And when I do HAVE to get up, it is excruciating. My doctor said they could send me to physical therapy, but honestly I went for the same reason with my first pregnancy and it didn't really help that much so I just keep thinking I can wait it out.

What helps... not walking :haha: That is pretty much the main thing that has helped me. My doctor did say I could get crutches, which I think would help, but I'm so close to the end now that I think I will just try to minimize my walking as much as possible. Maybe you could ask about getting crutches? It would definitely help to not have to walk and rest your pelvis.

I have a support belt and that does help a little bit too. If I have to walk more than around the house, I always put it on and I have found that it helps.

Keeping your legs together helps. Like when you sit in the car, make sure to sit your butt in first and then pull both of your legs in at the same time.

I have a special way of getting out of bed that seems to work as long as I'm not super bad (when I have done too much walking, I'm just screwed). From my side, I half sit up my upper body. Then, I straighten my legs out once my upper body is kind of up. Then, I sit all the way up. Then, I move my legs off the bed. If I don't do it this way, I get back cracking that is super painful.

Mostly though, the main thing for me is just not walking. I'm lucky that I stay home so I can sit on my ass right now. I have to take my son to school, which is a little bit of walking, but other than that I have been trying to not leave the house. I've been doing all my shopping online and even had my groceries delivered this past week because I had an awful time the last time I tried to go grocery shopping.

If you don't have a choice but to be out walking, I would talk to your doctor about crutches. :hugs:
i started a new journal... a PREGNANCY JOURNAL FINALLY!!!!

girl next door- I actually have a support belt on the way .. ordered from US to canada so it will be another week getting here.. i am depending on it to help.
I find the worst times for me.. absolutely excruciating pain... is when I sit on a hard surface..wood floors or a wooden chair and then get up to wal i can hardly separate my legs.. they cease to function. Grocery shopping is awful.. good for you ordering groceries!!!
I actually have crutches.. my husbands crutches.. he tends to be a clutz and has his own pair.. LOL. however my mom has this atm as she is stuck at home with a broken ankle/foot/leg. I cant very well request them back right now. Lol... she actually uses a walker instead but they are there for an option for her in case. I also have to do her grocery shopping which has been killing me. Thankfully she has a housekeeper already so i do not have to help her with that.

Thank you for all your help!!!! I feel better you have self diagnosed yourself... i have done the same as it has to be it!!!!!!!!!!
This is my 3rd pregnancy that has come to this stage and this is the ONLY time I have ever felt this pain. I am glad i am not alone although I wish no one this pain.:/

glad you are alomost out of the woods though... they say when I read onlie it is magically gone after birth for most people. i knwo my siatic nrver thign in my back last time was gone almost imidiately after birth.

thanks so much off to my greys anatomy now!!!
Contractions have started and TENS machine in situ! Will update when there is some news. Feeling a bit scared but excited too x
Good luck on a speedy labour Jen. Roller upper number 3 on the way.xxx
Yay for labour! Update us when you can!

Congrats to our new rolor upper bfps too! You did it ladies! Xxx

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