~~The May 2011 Roller Uppers~~

Front page updated with testing dates :thumbup:

Still not done my symptom list yet...waitin till after four weeks :flower:

Have a lovely weekend all and for the US ladies...happy July 4th :hugs:

Zomo~ that's awesome!!!! I am sure that will be SUCH a huge relief to be done with that!
ZOMO~ that's great news! I'm so glad you are happy with the way things turned out!

OK...so I did test this AM at 10 dpo, but BFN. I'm fine with that though...I have always gotten BFP 12dpo and past. I had a tad bit more of that stringy CM last night before bed, but only discovered that when check my cervix, which has run away from me! I have never been able to figure out the soft/hard/medium feel to my cervix as it has always felt the same to me...and that's hard. Though I have never checked it when I was pregnant, so I nothing to compare to!

I'm having a cook-out tonight with friends for the 4th of July. There will be drinking...I've been doing well avoiding it this TWW, so feeling torn. Last time I was pregnant I got a BFN for my friend graduation party, so I thought I was in the clear to drink...drank a lot. Two days later got BFP...I felt so guilty! Meanwhile, I was eating pickles all night at the party. I should've known better! Who eats pickles by the masses just b/c??? Not I!

So...sharp pains still in my abdomen. My body is achey but that could be from softball on Wednesday night. I had really bad acid reflux last night after I was so full from strawberry shortcake...yeah I threw it all up, and felt 100% better afterwards. Slept better which I'm grateful for. The night before I slept awful and felt rubbish all day from lack of good sleep! I am losing my mind, and forgetting everything...but when does "pregnancy brain" really kick in? I might just be getting old! lol. Does anyone ever get sharp pains on the outer lips of their vagina? I've been having this off and on for a few days...I remember getting this last pregnancy too...but I also think I might've gotten in last AF (of course!). My cycle are all screwed up since MCs! THey are all so symptomatic, as before MC I had NO symptoms before AF.

So....who's OH is jealous of BnB? Mine is!!! Last night, "What are you typing on there?" So I tell him some stuff..."That does not sound interesting at all." I"m like, "Ah well, yellow vs. white CM is interesting when you are trying to figure out if you're pregnant or not!"

Hope everyone is feeling good today!!!! Happy 4th of July from America :)
Sorry about the BFN :( I would say to test right before the party.. honestly- EVERY time- night time or evening urine seems to be stronger than FMU.. I don't buy the FMU bit any more. I know it's a tough call!

I haven't ever had any of the pains that you're describing.. not sure what that could be?? Maybe an issue with some of the nerves down there :shrug:

happy 4th hun! I hope you have a great time!! :hugs:
Tweak, I COMPLETELY understand how you feel, and for me it wasnt just about the people I knew who accidentally got pregnant who didnt even want it, I saw pregnancy everywhere - down the shops, on Facebook, on the tv...

I have won my victory over work!! Yay!!! Finally HR and Occ Health told my boss I will NOT be working full night shifts and instead will work 6-3am instead. This had the even better effect of pissing off my managers so much they are getting rid of me off the team and sending me to another department which is a reknowned dumping ground for pregnant officers! My big boss tentatively approached it last night, probably thinking I was going to burst into tears again and instead I sat there grinning like the Cheshire Cat! I took it so well he even asked if I already knew?!

I see on the TV EVERYWHERE! I started watching a new show 2 weeks ago. The very first episode, first scene, she was taking a pregnancy test waiting for the answer. And this morning, I watched the last 2 minutes of a show, and the woman all of a sudden announced she was pregnant! It's everywhere!

Congrats over your victory over work! That's awesome!
ZOMO~ that's great news! I'm so glad you are happy with the way things turned out!

OK...so I did test this AM at 10 dpo, but BFN. I'm fine with that though...I have always gotten BFP 12dpo and past. I had a tad bit more of that stringy CM last night before bed, but only discovered that when check my cervix, which has run away from me! I have never been able to figure out the soft/hard/medium feel to my cervix as it has always felt the same to me...and that's hard. Though I have never checked it when I was pregnant, so I nothing to compare to!

I'm having a cook-out tonight with friends for the 4th of July. There will be drinking...I've been doing well avoiding it this TWW, so feeling torn. Last time I was pregnant I got a BFN for my friend graduation party, so I thought I was in the clear to drink...drank a lot. Two days later got BFP...I felt so guilty! Meanwhile, I was eating pickles all night at the party. I should've known better! Who eats pickles by the masses just b/c??? Not I!

So...sharp pains still in my abdomen. My body is achey but that could be from softball on Wednesday night. I had really bad acid reflux last night after I was so full from strawberry shortcake...yeah I threw it all up, and felt 100% better afterwards. Slept better which I'm grateful for. The night before I slept awful and felt rubbish all day from lack of good sleep! I am losing my mind, and forgetting everything...but when does "pregnancy brain" really kick in? I might just be getting old! lol. Does anyone ever get sharp pains on the outer lips of their vagina? I've been having this off and on for a few days...I remember getting this last pregnancy too...but I also think I might've gotten in last AF (of course!). My cycle are all screwed up since MCs! THey are all so symptomatic, as before MC I had NO symptoms before AF.

So....who's OH is jealous of BnB? Mine is!!! Last night, "What are you typing on there?" So I tell him some stuff..."That does not sound interesting at all." I"m like, "Ah well, yellow vs. white CM is interesting when you are trying to figure out if you're pregnant or not!"

Hope everyone is feeling good today!!!! Happy 4th of July from America :)

Sorry about the BFN. I've never been able to do the whole check your cervix thing for pregnancy. Have no clue what to look/feel for. I usually just do the symptom spotting lol.

Have fun at your picnic today! Sounds like a great time. A drink might be okay for you to have. Or just say your on medication, and you can't mix it with alcohol.
:witch:arrived yesterday as expected so thats me out for this month.
NTNP for a little while...
hope everone else is well??? xx
My big complaint right now, is that I'm sooo tired. I woke up at 9:30am this morning. A nap is in order I think. It's so cloudy here today, and the humidity is like 75%. "Feels like 97" so that doesn't help my energy level at all. I have to vacuum, but I just look at the floors and hope they clean themselves!

Moombeam, sorry AF showed-up, but sounds like it was not a surprise. Next month!

Preggos...how are you ladies feeling today?

When does LittleBird get back from vacation?

Thanks tweak for the idea "I'm on medication" unfortunately they are our good friends, 1 of them's a nurse and they will all be nosey as to what meds I'm on or not on for that matter! I will probably just end up explaining myself...they really won't think anything of it. but it's one of those things that you kind of feel stupid about later when AF shows up.

I hate this time of the month!!! Tweak...how are you? Rachel, MrsJ., and any other ladies I've missed who are TTC...how's the patience working out for ya?
Moonbeam - sorry AF showed up for you :hugs: maybe the more relaxed method will work you - FX!

Dimples - It's real hot here too. At least in my apartment it is. Did some cleaning up of the bedroom and packing for a night away and got really warm so I had to take a break. As much as I hate snow, I hate summer for the heat!

I don't think you'll feel stupid about it later when AF shows up (although it ISN'T gonna show up ;)) And I'm sure your friends will understand. If they don't, oh well. It's not their baby that they are trying for. Some people "drink till it's pink" and some people are more on the conservative side and don't want to risk it.

I'm actually feeling completely relaxed right now. I know the TWW is going to FLY by for me. I have a 4 day work week next week, concert next weekend, then only 2 days till testing. It seems fast just thinking about it! Just having some slight cramping in the left side of my ovary area still.

For the breakdown, I got a + OPK Wednesday evening. We BD'd Tuesday night, Thursday night, Friday night, and will probably once more Sunday night, just for a one last try. I sure hope we catch it!
Zomo, great news!

Moonbeam, sorry af got you. :hugs:

Dimples, sorry you got a bfn, your symptoms sound so great! Hoping you get a pos in a couple of days.x

Other ladies, hope you are all well.

I'm tired and getting grouchy with oh, poss hormones, poss him being lazy! Think chocolate and bed are needed but I seem to be craving savoury food-pickle, cheese, crisps. Very diff to my ds cravings of whole bars if cadburys. Maybe I have a girl?!?
Moonbeam, I'm VERY sorry AF got you. Awful "cow bag" <----- learned that from you UK girls. :winkwink:

Cornish, I have been craving savory foods as well, and most people who had those cravings said they had a girl! I really haven't wanted any sweets at all, which is NOT normal for me. I'm loving soups, and grilled cheese sandwiches at the moment because mainly, that's all that sounds good and stays down. :flower:
Hey lovlies,
I am absolutely wrecked from a long day at work, I've had a nice bath, a cup of tea and some cookies, and now in bed!!! The main thing getting me through the day is the picture of my little bean, I have a oil of the scan saved on my iPhone and just couldn't stop looking at it all day!!! :)!!!
Just wanted to share my little bean! Hehehe


I think it looks better if you look at it smaller, but really i can't wait for my little bean to get ,massive! Let's say the size of a watermelon, and then for me to try and push said watermelon sized baby out! Lol

Feeling a bit nausous!!! Urghhh....haven't had a chance to catch up on the thread but hope you are all well!! Will catch up tomorrow in work if it's quiet!!!
Much love !! Bb
Great news HJO, I'd love a girl! I'm really not into sweets either and norm I can't get through a day without a bar!!

BB, thank you for sharing your sweetpea, how great is that pic. What were you measured at on that day. You can see so much, I'm not suprisedbean has got you through the day!xxx
Hi ladies :hi:

Moonbeam~ sorry the "cow bag" got you (heather, lol, I picked up that lingo too!)

Dimples~ you crack me up :haha: Just enjoy yourself if you want to, have some drinks, I mean, all the crack heads end up having healthy babies, right? LOL, JK Your symptoms sound great! I love all that throwing up! :haha:

Tweak~ Totally understand about women that get knocked up and have unplanned babies! It stings, for sure! Like Holly said, we all work our tushies off to have a baby and then those women get knocked up? I will never understand it. BUT, that will make us all appreciate our little beans all the more! It's a blessing in disguise!! :flower:

BB~ AWWW!! I love the pic, seeing your little bean made me cry! Happy tears of course! :flower: Very, very happy for you, hun :hugs:

Cornish~ glad you set your man straight! :rofl:

Andrea~ Thanks for adding our testing dates babe! :hugs:

AFM~ I found SOY ISO!!! Woo hoo!! Wal-mart actually had what I wanted, for the first time!! Took 4 40mg tabs yesterday and today, and now I'm thinking that was too much? I told my sister to take it, she it TTC too :happydance: Been having lots of :sex:, hubby actually ripped my robe off of me this morning :blush: Hee hee :haha:

I'm outside melting, so I can't remember who all posted!! I will get back on later and catch up, I promise :winkwink: Love my BnB ladies!! :hugs:

Happy 4th of July weekend everyone!! :flower:
Mrs J, I took 4x40mg this month! Good luck.xxx
Evening ladies!!

Mrs J - I took 120mg soy for 2 days, 160mg for 2 days and then 200mg for the final day this cycle. It brought ovulation forward from previous month! Keep the BDing up!! hehe!!

BB - Love the pic'! I love how a blob on a screen can make you feel so much love!! :happydance: (i saw a similar pic' at 5 weeks last time)

I think by the cravings you ladies are all having girls!! Which one of you's is going from sweet to savoury and then it could be one of each!! :haha:

AFM Ive had a second day of spotting, very light today and only when i wipe!! Guess the cowbags on her way!! My temp still went up today though so dont know whats going on!!!?? I need a new plan of attack for next cycle....Any suggestions???? :shrug:

x x x x
Tweak, I COMPLETELY understand how you feel, and for me it wasnt just about the people I knew who accidentally got pregnant who didnt even want it, I saw pregnancy everywhere - down the shops, on Facebook, on the tv...

I have won my victory over work!! Yay!!! Finally HR and Occ Health told my boss I will NOT be working full night shifts and instead will work 6-3am instead. This had the even better effect of pissing off my managers so much they are getting rid of me off the team and sending me to another department which is a reknowned dumping ground for pregnant officers! My big boss tentatively approached it last night, probably thinking I was going to burst into tears again and instead I sat there grinning like the Cheshire Cat! I took it so well he even asked if I already knew?!

I see on the TV EVERYWHERE! I started watching a new show 2 weeks ago. The very first episode, first scene, she was taking a pregnancy test waiting for the answer. And this morning, I watched the last 2 minutes of a show, and the woman all of a sudden announced she was pregnant! It's everywhere!

Congrats over your victory over work! That's awesome!

Me too. My two fav shows are the moment have suddenly decided to focus on the topic of TTC, miscarriages and infertility issues. Just can't get away from it anywhere.

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