~~The May 2011 Roller Uppers~~

Cornish, glad you got him outside and doing something! I gotta say I am pretty lucky with my OH, he is generally quite good at doing stuff if nagged long enough.

Sthorpe, sorry to hear you had a scare but happy to hear you have a super strong beany beating away in there!

Tweak, I COMPLETELY understand how you feel, and for me it wasnt just about the people I knew who accidentally got pregnant who didnt even want it, I saw pregnancy everywhere - down the shops, on Facebook, on the tv...

I have won my victory over work!! Yay!!! Finally HR and Occ Health told my boss I will NOT be working full night shifts and instead will work 6-3am instead. This had the even better effect of pissing off my managers so much they are getting rid of me off the team and sending me to another department which is a reknowned dumping ground for pregnant officers! My big boss tentatively approached it last night, probably thinking I was going to burst into tears again and instead I sat there grinning like the Cheshire Cat! I took it so well he even asked if I already knew?!

Great news :happydance: Hopefully now you will be able to relax a bit as the work situation is sorted.
Sorry AF arrived Moonbeam.

Dimples - bummer about the BFN. I never know whether to risk a drink or not during the TWW, the times I haven't AF has arrived and the one time I thought it'll be okay cause it's boxing day so celebrate with the family, two days later BFP unexpectedly. :dohh:

AFM nothing's happening, waiting to ov. DH and I have been having some fun which is nice, feeling fairly relaxed about it all and hoping I will still feel this way in another 15-20 days time.
I am having exactly the same from sweet to savoury foods. I am normally super sweet, nothing stays in the house more than a couple of days before being wolfed down. Last week a strawberry cheesecake stayed half eaten in the fridge for a week and had to be thrown away as I didnt want it, I have turned down puddings at meals out, I havent touched (or fancied) a bar of chocolate at all throughout the pregnancy, but last week I was obsessed with cheese crisps. This week what I fancy changes every day but it is never anything sweet which is unheard of for me. Will use it as a diet tool for now!! (except for the crisps!!)

Oh and I managed to move my first doctors appointment up from nearly 9 weeks to this wednesday. Still late by comparison with the other ladies on here but the best my doctors will compromise on! I just want a scan, desperate to see everything is ok, I cant wait til 12 weeks + to find out!

I know we all have had a loss and we are all on this journey together but we now have some lovely BFP's in the mix so we need to have a neutral meeting ground.

Some of us are feeling like we don't really belong anywhere in particular and not feeling comfortable posting in other areas but this way, we can chat about everything and each others journeys with out the worry of offending anyone if that makes sense?

Welcome to the madness :flower:

Holly EDD:- January 21st 2012


no symptoms before 8 dpo- NONE

8dpo I had the LIGHTEST and BRIEFEST bit of cramping- which looking back~ I "think" was implantation cramping

8-10dpo- I noticed I was sneezing more than normal and I was moody as all heck, had a bit of a breakdown & cried my eyes out thinking I wasn't preggo.

10dpo- BFP.. didn't believe it til 11DPO though.

Hanskiz EDD:- 20th January 2012


7dpo - cramping and mild nausea
8dpo - same but with 'let down' feeling in boobs. For those who haven't breasfed thats really tingly almost to the point of soreness.
9dpo - same as above and very faint line on ic but not enough to convince me!
10dpo BFP on FRER

Since then... nausea has got worse and worse, the tingly boobs have stopped, I've had cramping on and off and I had some spotting a week or so ago.

Fizzio EDD :- 6th February 2012

No symptoms noted :)

Mrs_HJO EDD:- 14th February 2012


1DPO - Present: An abundance of milky, creamy CM.
1DPO - Present: Awful headaches.
3DPO - Present: Hollow, hungry, nauseous when hungry, feeling CONSTANTLY, increased apatite.
3DPO - Present: Very low energy, sleeping in, taking naps, no drive to go to the gym, mind feeling foggy.
3DPO - Present: Bitchy, irritable, annoyed with DH over little things, don't want to be touched.
3DPO - Present: Just an overwhelming feeling that I was pregnant, having a lot of the same symptoms I had last time.
5DPO - Present: Noticed I had to pee a lot, and was overly thirsty for water, and the pee had a strong smell to it.
5DPO - Made crab cakes, and the smell made me sick, couldn't finish eating them, threw it up.
5DPO - 6DPO: Gassy, passing wind a lot.
6DPO: Implantation Dip on Basal Body Chart!!!!!!
6DPO - Present: Weird tinges, sharp pains in ovaries, low back, pelvic region (this is on and off).
6DPO - Present: NAUSEA. Nauseous most of the day, especially when hungry, feeling sick in the car... feeling my heart beating in my chest...
6DPO -Present: Craving chips and salsa, and crunchy chicken tacos.
9DPO: Almost threw up my milk and cereal in the morning. Burped, and milk came up in my mouth. Yuck.
9DPO: Noticing a lot of smells.
9DPO: Two negative tests.
10DPO: One very faint positive on a FRER. Low backache. Headache. Feeling kinda nauseous after forcing myself to eat cereal and milk

Steph EDD:- Thursday 16th February 2012


Nothing till 6DPO where I had some cramping

7DPO I felt sick and brought up my very yummy extra special chocolate pancake breakfast.

8DPO I had faint lines on about 5 different tests

9DPO I had my BFP

Since then I've just been feeling inconsistent symptoms, tiredness, fuller boobs and sore nipples, on and off light nausea and cramping also I feel hungry all the time and constipated.

ZoMo EDD:- Friday 17th February 2012


from about 8DPO.a blocked nose, frequent bowel movements (from twice a week to twice a day!), headaches, extremely painful boobs (which normally have no feeling at all in them), slight partial darkening around the nipples and noticeable cramping.

Now, 17 DPO i still have all of the above and the bowel movements have settled to once a day and the peeing has increased to every couple of hours minimum and my body feels achey all over - like I have done a hard gym session, and I am starving hungry every 4 hours or so.

Negative ic's until a positive on 12 DPO.

Babybaba EDD:- 19th february 2012


1dpo -boobs feel a tingling sensation but very mild. Something happened at about 4.15pm felt like a fluttering sharp pain on my left ovary/womb side, this lasted a couple of mins and actually made me stop what I was doing...

2dpo- lower back ache, feel a slight stretching feeling on left side, boobs have stopped hurting

3dpo- no symptoms at all...just hungry...but hey whats new??

4dpo- urghhh feel like all my symptoms have just disappeared into thin air. Later in the evening , my armpits where slightly itchy!!

5dpo - really really really itchy armpits and breasts!!!

6dpo - itchy itchy itchy boobs....but they aren't sore, it's just really itchy! Was feeling really tired,

7dpo - soo tired, felt a bit crampy, but more towards behind my belly button. Feel constantly hungry boobs still itchy

8dpo - I feel a bit bloated and very mild crAmping, my cervix feels like it is closed very tight. Boobs still itchy

9dpo - (exact words from my tracker) boobs feeling tender when touched, they are not as itchy anymore. Just feel so gutted as I feel so bloated and crampy like I'm waiting on af...

10dpo - boobs feel full and heavy with raw looking nipples...DH said I felt soo warm in bed, felt very tired today. No cramping just a dull ache cried in work v emotional...first shadow of lines on ic in the evening

11dpo - did an ic this morning and the faint line was thicker and def pink tinge...even DH could see this one...felt sick until i ate breakfast...my boobs are hurting..and got gradually worse throughout the day, they felt like they were bruised from the inside but only when touched...like if I dont touch them I don't feel it, but as soon as you touch them ouch! I have been so thirsty all day and just drink drink drink and pee pee pee...this is a bit tmi but I did 4 poohs today and they were all quite loose!

12dpo - bfp on frer and darker ic's. Tired, and hungry all the time, boobs still feel sore and bruised, sore head,emotional crying and a weee smidge queasy but when i eat I feel a bit better....

LWood EDD:- Feb 24th 2012


CM the whole time too...

1 DPO: Maybe 2 DPO Very hungry last night. Weepy, mild cramping, headache, slept all night on top of the covers with fan on low (which I never do).

2 DPO: Mild cramping in the morning, weepy

3 DPO: Nothing logged

4 DPO: light cramping, weepy – Piper (dog) sat on my lap.

5-8 DPO: Nothing logged

9 DPO Very faint BFP First response. Light cramps and lower back ache.

10 DPO Darker BFP First response Light cramps and lower back ache, weepy.

11 DPO BFP Clear blue digital. Got a positive under 1 minute and test was taken in the middle of the day. Very weepy

12 DPO First day of missed period. Slightly crampy. Dog is up my butt watching me like a hawk. Left work early because I was crying like a baby.

13 DPO crampy, tired and bloated. Not sure if it is from the Crinone or the baby.

14 DPO crampy, tired and bloated. I don’t really feel pregnant.

Cornish:- EDD 5th March 2012


Cd24-1dpo-heavy, sore BB, angry!
2dpo- gassy! Bad back ache.
3dpo- bad back ache, slight cramps.
4dpo-nothing really.
5dpo-spotting in am, very light pink mixed with cm. Cramps on and off all day, quite painful.
6dpo- massive spots on chin! Light cramps.
7dpo- hot, light cramps and nausea, urine sample showed hcg of 7.
8dpo-hot and dizzy, itchy skin on arms.
9dpo- faint BFP but def there! Stuffy nose, cold symptoms, angry, sore BB are back, bloated.
10dpo- bloated, light nausea, light cramps.
11dpo- BFP-darker line! Cramps and pulling feeling in uterus.

Neversaynever:- EDD 13th March 2012


TTCAL Testing Dates...bucket full of :dust: for you all :dust:

DimplesMagee:- 2nd July?

Rachelbubble:- 5th July

Tweak:- 13th July

Mrs J Mouse:- 24/25th July

Mrs J:- 27th July


Thanks for inviting me to the group! :wave: It'll be great to be able to keep up with all the "May" ladies and hopefully I'll have some good news this month!! Let's see, because I OV'd late this cycle making it 35 instead of he usual 30 days I am estimated to get get my visit from AF on the 13th. If she doesn't come I will be testing on the 14th...although (let's be real here!) I'll probably test sooner!!! :haha: But in any case, July 14th is my official test date!

Baby dust please!! And good luck to all the expectant moms on here!
Hey ladies,
So, I had a great night with friends last night. Ended up having a beer and a handful of jello shots...enough for people not to ask questions, but also not enough for me to feel guilty about. :) Tonight is fireworks up at the in-laws house, and tomorrow is a day at the pool.

Today is CD 26...My AF typically shows CD26-CD30...so anytime really. But I'm only 11dpo, so I'm thinking if my LP is on average 14/15 days, then I still have at least 3 more days to wait! I used a dollar store test 2nd MU today...BFN, but my last pregnancy I got BFP at 15 dpo, the pregnancy before that was 12 dpo, and w/ my son it was 5 days before AF was to show (so 12/13 dpo)...so I guess there's time!

Hey Cornish...I see on your symptoms list is says "urine showed HCG of 7" was this urine sent to the lab that you took at the Drs.? Or do you have "special equipment" :)
Eve ladies, sounds like you've had a great weekend dimples. My urine hcg is because my mmc in feb was a molar so I've been sending the hospital samples every month to check my levels. It was 7 at 7 dpo and 122 the Monday after, but my bloods on that day were 301-shows how much better it shows up in blood!
So no I have no special equipment, although how great would it be if we could check our own levels!!!
Think I'm going to sneak a nurse appt this week for more bloods!xx
No sneaky bloods for me as nurse is on holiday, and the other is rammed with appts, so waiting for scan it is!!x
I woke up to the most horrendous pain this morning. It was baby area, starting on my far left and spread rapidly across to my right too. I felt like my insides were being wrung in a vice. It was awful, was gasping with pain. It only lasted two minutes or so, not long but it felt like forever. I convinced myself I was losing it again and ran to the loo expecting blood but there wasnt any. There hasnt been any blood since and the pain didnt come back, just a really heavy feeling with a bit of an ache. I have no idea what it was but it scared me to death. I just hope that whatever it was has gone for good.
Bad luck Cornish, scan it is then :haha:

ZoMo...sorry you had a scare but glad you're ok. I know it sounds silly but it could be trapped wind :blush:

Lwood...not seen you for a while, hope you're ok :hugs:

Mercedes...good to see you again, will put you on list when I get on the laptop and good luck testing this month :thumbup:

:hi: to everyone...it's gone quiet in here lately.

AFM, been signed off work due to the nature of the job and the need for the pregnancy to be kept confidential so I'll be sitting on my fat ass for nine whole weeks :dance:

Err yes one of those psyc. Words :rofl:

I will now call you the oracle! :haha:
Lwood...not seen you for a while, hope you're ok :hugs:


I am absolutely confused.
The first couple days after the Doc said I'd miscarry I had no blood. Then on Saturday I had more blood than usual, like the first wipe of AF. I also had cramps like the beginning of AF all day. I just knew it was the end. Then a big fat nothing. I have had some spotting Sunday and nothing so far today. Yes I cramped and spotted but it was no where near the amount I have read a miscarry should be. How long does this drag out? I don't want to spend the next few months of my life miscarrying. Or is my bean okay and the Doc is wrong and I am just a lucky girl who bleeds? I am going crazy and I don't even know what to pray for any more...

And I still have all my pregnancy symptoms like sore BBS and super smell and I think MS started this morning...


Steph, Congratz on the twins!!

Everyone else seems like they are doing good. I need to re-read the past few pages.

Hi Lwood.. I'm sorry you're going through ANY of this :hugs: Honestly~ when you MC naturally it can drag on for WEEKS.. I mean, some women don't bleed AT ALL for over a month before it starts and I've read stories of it lasting 8-10 weeks or even on a rare occasion- longer. Other women it's over within days. It's impossible to predict. Did you ever write about how your doc visit went?? I remember you being concerned about sharing... what exactly did your doc say that made him believe that would miscarry?? Personally, I definitely hope there IS a chance your doctor is wrong. *IF* you do know for certain- did your doc mention a d&c?? Honestly--- that was THE BEST decision I ever could have made. It helped me physically and emotionally.. I bled on my own for 5 days before the d&c and that was 5 days too many.. I couldn't emotionally handle SEEING the miscarriage. So, with the d&c - the majority of it w/ the exception of minor spotting for 10 days was IT and it really helped me emotionally too bc I was able to like draw a line that it was "over" and that I would be able to start TTC again sooner.

Are you able to go see the doctor?? Or again.. go to the ER and get checked out.. if you have decent insurance.. I'd be there in a heartbeat!

Hugs & prayers for you! :hugs:
Lwood, thinking of you at this unsure time. I'd def try to get some more answers, a scan or bloodwork to check how things are.xxx
L wood- I hope that you find some answers soon, I would definitely ask for another scan or another opinion to find out what is going on x :hugs:
LWood - I'm so sorry you have to go through all this. I have everything crossed for you that the doctor was wrong.

What Holly said is true. Some women don't miscarry right away. With my first pregnancy, I found out at 10 weeks that the baby had passed. 2 weeks later, and I still only have some light light spotting and some cramping on and off. I had a D&C and like Holly, think it was my best decision. My doctor said my cervix was closed shut, and nothing would've been happening for awhile. I didn't bleed much at all after my surgery, and it really helped me heal and get to a point where I could start moving forward and thinking about TTC again.

Do you have another appt in the near future? I would definitely get another scan and more blood work done if you can. You're in my thoughts :hugs:

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