~~The May 2011 Roller Uppers~~

MrsJ .....let me wrap my fat arms around you ad give you a big juicy, squishy :hugs:
You are normal and don't let anyone let you think or believe otherwise. I can't put it as good as dimples did sorry. I have said it before and I'll say it again. The men have NO idea what we go through. They think all try have to do is :sex: and their worries are over. Ours begin from way before and we are already emotionally involved before our babies are even conceived. We are the ones that feel pregnant, have it constantly on our minds, worrying over every little niggle. We are the ones that have to go through the physical loss too. How can they ever begin to understand? Women are more emotional anyway and your due date is another hurdle you have to get through :hugs: let your tears flow, remember your babies and maybe do something on their due date? Light candles, release balloons? Keep strong honey and even if you do feel weak, you're not...you've got this far :friends:

Go easy on yourself :hugs:


I wish I knew my real "due date" or I would do something special for my little twin angel beans. Doc couldn't give me a due date; I think that is the hardest! :cry: Of course, August is a busy month with all the bdays and anniversaries in my family..
Shauna honey :hugs: men are such assholes at times and especially times like this..,why? Because they can't fix it. Men are fixers, problem solvers and don't like feeling like a failure. He's probably shit scared of another loss, totally normal but you both need to talk. You both need to say how you feel. You both need to say what you want or you will be like this and it's painful. I'm sorry you're going through this right now and I can't hug you for real :(

Stop being so hard on yourself, please :hugs:

Lots of love and squishy :hugs:


I know girl, I've tried talking to him a few times tonight and it was like talking to a brick wall!! He's such a MAN ass :haha:

Maybe tomorrow will be better... I hope! I will call his mama if I have to!! :rofl:

Thanks for being a good friend and listening to me babble! I've had the WORST night ever. Just been crying and trying to sleep it off, but haven't got much of that at all.. I'm so tired and my eyes are all nice and poofy.. I've honestly never been THIS upset before. It sucks! :cry: But I will make it through, thanks to my BnB friends like you! :hugs:

Ahh, maybe a sleeping pill will help.. I hate TTC again after a loss, its too hard :cry:!!

xoxo :friends:
Hey, tomorrow is a new day, talk to him again or get a notepad and start writing down what you want to talk about?

As for due date...go by what you had worked it out as (ya know your LMP date) or choose a date. If you acknowledge them it will make it easier rather than brushing it aside also the pressure we put on ourselves to be pregnant by the due date is crazy but again...normal.

Go get in bed sweetie, cuddle up to hubby and talk tomorrow :hugs:

Mwah :hugs:

Hey, tomorrow is a new day, talk to him again or get a notepad and start writing down what you want to talk about?

As for due date...go by what you had worked it out as (ya know your LMP date) or choose a date. If you acknowledge them it will make it easier rather than brushing it aside also the pressure we put on ourselves to be pregnant by the due date is crazy but again...normal.

Go get in bed sweetie, cuddle up to hubby and talk tomorrow :hugs:

Mwah :hugs:


Oh Andrea~ my clycles were so crazy back then! I didnt' even know what an LP was! LOLl I have my note pad ready to talk tomorrow! But its all in my head already!!:wacko: (Thanks for the advice!!) Due date is super hard.. I will find a way to deal.. :hugs:

Off to bed... Again!! Ugh:wacko:

Hugs to you and your :baby: :hugs:
Andrea~ I know, I know! Men are stupid! :growlmad: My DH has been a real ass tonight and my heart feels like its breaking.. NOT because of his ass, but because I just feel.... sad and lost. I got so mad with him, I went to the medicine cabinet and grabbed my old BC pills and said FINE, we won't have kids EVER (tantrum) and popped 2!! I stormed off and tried to make myself puke but I guess the damage was done.. and He never once tried to stop me.. I'm so mad and sad and angry with him I want to scream!! He was the one that wanted a BIG family full of kids and now he's acting like an idiot and I'm so mad I want to scream!

I'm just falling apart. I don't know what to do with this man that I don't even know anymore..

I wish my heart would stop being such an ass UGH!!

I'll get through it.. we both will.. Just a bad night!!


I'm sorry my dear. I know TTC AND having a MC is like THE hardest thing a woman can go through. I seriously can't think of anything that brings more anguish than that. It's take a toll on my DH and I as well- and really- it ruined ME as a woman and a person and I felt like I didn't know who I was anymore. It's totally normal what you're going through. This WILL pass and this feeling WILL get better.. I know it.

I agree with Andrea- men just want to FIX things- they just want to do whatever they can to find a solution bc it's way too hard for them to see their women unhappy and unfortunately we don't WANT them to fix things- they can't anyway- we just want their support and understanding which is honestly too hard for them to grasp at times.

That's why I LOVE this website- people here TRULY understand and I can vent away on here.

I'm praying for you my dear :hugs:
Hi ladies :hi:

Hope everyone is doing well!! :hugs:

I'm not doing so great. I feel like I'm having an emotional breakdown. I've been fighting off the tears for a few hours and have had a few cries in the bathroom:cry:

I just feel so sad, upset, and lost. My due date is approaching and I just feel like crying. WTH is wrong with me? I'm trying to hold back and not show this in front of DH; he wouldn't understand. Please say a prayer for me that I don't break down and lose it..

Thank you ladies, for being my support system. You all mean the world to me:hugs:

sorry u have to go tru this..i dont kno what my due date would be like so i cant really help you..but i guess i can tell you that you should do something special on that day...make it a tradition...i kno i will never forget my baby...
Hi ladies :hi:

Hope everyone is doing well!! :hugs:

I'm not doing so great. I feel like I'm having an emotional breakdown. I've been fighting off the tears for a few hours and have had a few cries in the bathroom:cry:

I just feel so sad, upset, and lost. My due date is approaching and I just feel like crying. WTH is wrong with me? I'm trying to hold back and not show this in front of DH; he wouldn't understand. Please say a prayer for me that I don't break down and lose it..

Thank you ladies, for being my support system. You all mean the world to me:hugs:

I'm so so so sorry you had a bad night :hugs:

Everyone else has said such amazing things, that I don't know what to say. Just know you're in my thoughts.

Hope you're doing better this morning :hugs:
All my fellow TTCers - Baby dust to you all!! Hows it going?? Tweak - 8dpo, many symptoms?? Mrs J - Where are you in your cycle??

Eh, a few symptoms. Excess saliva, loads of lotiony, creamy CM. I've been waking up feeling like I'm catching a cold. FX'ed these are all good signs.
Mrs. J, sorry you had such an awful night. :( I wish I could give you a big hug. You're right, TTC after a loss is so hard... It sucks that you even have to be doing it, right? because you still should be pregnant... That's how I felt at least. It was like some cruel joke. *BUT* when you are sitting there with your forever baby in your arms, you are going to look back on this time and realize that sometimes it takes a little more time for God to make miracles.... But it's completely worth the wait. I'm sure it doesn't feel that way now, but it will. People always say to me, "I'm so jealous that you got pregnant so quickly the first time." And I say back, "Doesn't mean anything. I would have rather waited as long as you have had to wait and get a healthy baby than go through the hell I went through losing that baby." If you think about it like that, I think it helps.
hey, had an bit of mucus like discharge but it was brown tinged...it wasnt pure old blood it was mixed with discharge. it came out after i used the bathroom. it is not flowing to reach my underwear and even after i wipe now it has nothing but a really light barely visible color on the toilet paper. it is not spotting its just sometimes it comes down mixed with my discharge...i am not getting any unusual cramps or anything...whats really goin on...????

hope u all are ok...
MrsJ, I'm sorry you are having such a horrid time, I really don't think I can add anything to what the ladies have said but I'm thinking of you for sure.

Moonbeam, good luck with the bding.

Sweetangel, I've had very similar on and off for the past few weeks, all the ladies have reassured me that's it's fine. Could be old stuff from implantation or due to cervix being soft. I have a scan tmrw so will update you on how my bean is!

Afm, still feeling sick but not being sick! Boobs are settling now, belly is massive, gassy, constipated and having terrible headaches! I'm not sure I'm going to sail through this pregnancy, I feel rougher than I did with ds! Very excited about scan tmrw!!

Good luck woody.xxx
Goodluck with your scan tomorrow Cornish.

AFM still waiting to ovulate. Not sure what is happening with my stupid temps. Thought for sure it would go up more today but instead it went back down slightly. :shrug: really feel that its a did month even if we are bding a lot. At least we are having a fun time :blush:
Good luck with you scan tomorrow Cornish! Can't wait till hear about it!

sweet angel - sorry you're having some more brown discharge. I've heard of numerous people having bleeding throughout pregnancy. Try to put your feet up and relax a bit. I know, easier said then done :hugs:

MsJ - hope you OV soon! I don't know temp, so I don't have an advice there. At least you're having fun though!

AFM - I stupidly did a test this morning, and of course it was BFN. I'm okay though, even if I do feel like we're out this time. Still having off and on cramping, not as much CM, and I've been tired. I went to bed at 9 p.m. last night and slept almost until 9 a.m. I've chalked that up to being up late the night before and waking up early. I guess we'll see again on Wednesday.
Mouse...stoopid temps, never count yourself out :winkwink: surprises do happen :hugs:

Sweet angel...rest and try not to worry, you have your scan soon?

Tweak...sorry you got a bfn but it's still early and signs are looking good :thumbup:

BB...where are you?? Are you ok?

ZoMo..you ok too?

Lwood...:hugs: and stuff

Jenn...did you get some more meds?

Crc...how you doing?

DT...when do you test?

Hi to everyone else :flower: :hugs: where needed too

hi everyone.
Good luck at your scan Cornish
Tweak - 10dpo is early, fx'd for you
Never- how are you feeling ?
Everyone else - hope you are ok

It is my 30th on 14th when i will be 10dpo. I dont really want to deal with a BFN on my birthday, so am going to try and not test until AF is due on 16-18th July (have confused cycles at the moment).

Went out last night for birthday drinks and couldnt face food or wine, especially the wine and still have the cramping every day since O.
I will only test early if i get the extreme thirst again (like my last BFP) as can't afford to keep wasting money on FRER's !!
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around in a while! We've been staying with friends while getting some work done on the house! So haven't really had a chance to do much bnb! Had a lovely time staying with friends, felt like a holiday, and nice to come back to the house all sorted! :)

Just skimmed through the thread quickly there and STEPH congratulations on the twins!! That is such amazing news!!!yay!!!

Afm, I've had no spotting since 30th jnue, well had one tiny bit of brown tinged cm on 4th July, but I put that down to a particularly energetic bd session! Hehe

Feel soooo good that spotting has stopped, but of course there's always something to worry about, and right now I'm worrying about my lack of symptoms!! I've had a couple of instances of nasua, but that's it really, and today nothing.....
It's frustrating....my next scan and booking in appointment is this coming Wednesday!! 13th july! I'm counting down the days!!!

Just wish I felt something!!
Tbh I'm really not enjoying the first tri, I'm finding it a very stressful experience which I know isn't good for wee bean, but I cAnt help feeling anxious! I find it easier if I can try and forget about even being pregnant, of course much easier said than done! Especially after a trip to mother care with hubby and now I have the mother care catalogue to read through and obsess over!! Lol

Deary me, I'm a strange one eh!
Then I worry that because I'm getting a scan this Wednesday around 8 weeks, that I won't be offered one at 12 weeks, and will have to wait until 20 weeks before I can feel comfortable announcing the pregnancy...

Sorry for the big ramble...

Well my dears I hope your all ok, I'm gonna have a wee read back through the thread to see how your all doing,
Much love
DT...I'm fine thanks..not much going on in way of symptoms but not letting it worry me :thumbup:

Nice to go out for birthday drinks, shame you don't fancy the food and drink though :wacko: here's hoping you do get your birthday BFP :hugs: and no encouraging you to test or anything but what about getting HPT off the net for cheaper...or poundland do two tests for a pound :thumbup:

BB...yay for coming back! You'll still get your scan at 12 weeks as that's the time for your dating and NT results :thumbup:

Hey all,

Mrs J - so sorry to hear of your heartache at the moment, I really agree with the other ladies that you should perhaps mark the anniversary of whichever day you choose as your due date and do something memorable for them such as launching balloons or lanterns to both remember your babies and set free your heart with their souls xx

Babybaba - I think I would rather be in your position with regards to your scan and know at 8 weeks that everything is ok and maybe miss the 12 weeks. I have repeatedly been refused any kind of scan until 12 weeks and having nurtured and loved this baby so far, I am dreading going there to find no heartbeat and that something went wrong earlier on and I was just oblivious. I am so scared something will be wrong with it, even though so far, there is nothing to suggest that, other than my head screwing with me!

Been to OH's parents this weekend, we told them about the pregnancy. His mum cried (out of happiness!) and said she was so pleased as she kept the baby stuff in the loft out of hope, even though she had thought there wouldnt be any more grandchildren! Will be telling my mum when I see her on Tuesday. Have given up trying to keep it a secret, everyone at work knows (due to having to change my duties and working hours) so it is surely just a matter of time before someone says something on my Facebook!

At the moment I am battling tiredness and extreme nausea all day from when I wake to when I go to bed. I have heaved a couple of times but not brought anything up yet. My boobs are still sore although the severity changes daily. I also have constant food aversions, this afternoon in 3 hours I changed my mind about what I wanted for dinner 5 times. My partner ended up buying me a dinner which I really fancied within 20 minutes he had ordered it, collected it, got it home and served it and I took two bites of it and had to put it down!

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