~~The May 2011 Roller Uppers~~

the digi says "no" :nope:

Hey hun.... digi's measure 50miu whereas most others measure 25miu.... If youre getting a line on the own brand trust it!! Probably too early to test with a digi! FRER's measure 15miu so im sure if you do one of those you'll get a stronger line!! FX'd for you hun x x x x x
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE...:happydance:

Andrea has just text me that she has had a scan and seen furry with heartbeat present. In her words she is "shocked to shit" aand obviously over the moon.

Well done mummy!

Fantastic news!!! Go Never!!!! Hopefully we'll have another little pic to look at!! :happydance:

How are you doing hun?? Been thinking about you lots x x x :hugs:
Well, I was starting to doubt the soy. CD 18, and haven't got a + OPK yet. Have had EWCM the past couple days, and now getting a dull ache in my left side. Praying this is ovulation pain and I'll get a + OPK soon.

Had a really rough day Wednesday, emotionally. I was a wreck all day, and had to keep it bottled up since I was at work. I basically was crying on and off all evening. All this TTC and the losses have taken a toll on me. I'm praying I catch it this cycle.

Hope everyone is well! :flower:
Rebecca, reading your story made me cry. I am so sorry for you right now. Your DH sounds wonderful and I'm glad he is helping you through this :hugs:
Alright, and now I'm confused. I just checked my CM and now it's creamy?! Like not watery at all! I never got an + OPK - and we didn't BD last night. Just Sunday and Tuesday ...

Think I ovulated already?
Oh Rebecca, thank you so much for sharing your story. :hugs: Your DH sounds so wonderful! I'm glad you had a lovely day of bbqing and playing ball with your DH and that you are staying so positive. :hugs: to you!

Aw, Amy, sorry to hear about your emotional day; I've been there several times! Sometimes you just need a good cry to help cope with TTC. :hugs: to you, hun. Vent here anytime!

Beverly~ I agree, the digi is too early, if the others had lines, then I believe its a BFP! Keep testing with those. :hugs:

Andrea~ I posted on your journal, but I was SUPER excited to read Steph's update!!! Yippee for you and Furry! (and DH!!) :hugs:

How is everyone else doing? Janell, you testing soon?

AFM, I went and got my bloods taken yesterday, I'm hoping my doc will call me this evening, but it will probably be Monday. Should have went in Wednesday! :dohh: Feeling pretty good today, I hope its just from all the sleep I got this week and the nice bath I took last night.

Happy Friday, all!! :hugs:
Alright, and now I'm confused. I just checked my CM and now it's creamy?! Like not watery at all! I never got an + OPK - and we didn't BD last night. Just Sunday and Tuesday ...

Think I ovulated already?

Amy, I've learned that CM is RARELY a sign of anything. You've been using the OPK's daily, right? Don't let the CM distract you; I bet it doesn't mean you already O'd. Keep up with the OPKs! My CM was never really creamy during O, just before it.
Alright, and now I'm confused. I just checked my CM and now it's creamy?! Like not watery at all! I never got an + OPK - and we didn't BD last night. Just Sunday and Tuesday ...

Think I ovulated already?

Amy, I've learned that CM is RARELY a sign of anything. You've been using the OPK's daily, right? Don't let the CM distract you; I bet it doesn't mean you already O'd. Keep up with the OPKs! My CM was never really creamy during O, just before it.

Thanks! Yup, OPKs daily. Still no positive either. Been having dull aches on my left side today, so hoping it's a good sign. We'll get plenty of BDing in this weekend, and hope for the best!
Thanks lovely ladies again for all your kind words!

Tweak I'm so sorry your feeling down, it's so hard ttc, losses, pregnancy...all of it's just so hard and emotionally draining! But we have to remember why we put ourselves through this...for the miracle of having our wee babies when we finally meet them and love them forever! It'll happen and when it does it'll be the mos amazing thing in the world!!! It will happen!!

Moonbeam those digis are not so sensitive! I'd wait a few days then try it!! If your gettig lines on other tests it shouldn't be long for the digi! Sure what did we do before digis! We trusted the other tests! Have everything crossed for you hun!!

Andreaaaa soo pleased everything went brilliant at the scan!! Not long until 12 weeks!!!

Mrs j your so cute and i'm so glad your officially UP THE DUFF PREGGERS!! Hehe

still cramping pretty bad today, I made the mistake of not taking my painkillers first thing this morning as was hoping they were easing off...don't worry I've popped some pills and and they are kicking in now thank goodness!
I knew I was loosing parts of baby this morning , tmi - could feel a fluttering of stuff coming out of me, had a wee cry sat on the toilet....hubby came in and said it's ok love, we are saying goodbye to this wee baby, as it knows it needs to make way for a new www brother or sister in the future...
I know that sounds a bit weird but it did make me feel better, an it is a good thing that everything seems to be going by itself....an just trying to keep positve that we will get prenant again and hve our forever baby....
We went to my mum and dads house today, in their living room was a fisher price jumperoo which we'd bought a few weeks ago and stored there in the box, we both patted it and went awww , and hubby said "our baby will love it" :) gotta keep dreaming and believeing and praying for the future! :)

also have a wee leapard print cloth nappy! It's so small and cute, and i think I've won hubby over with wanting to use cloth nappies as it's soo cute!

Sigh....maybe in a few months we'll be pregnant again...here's hoping and praying...of course I want to stay around here with you lovely ladies, I can't wait to see ladies get their bfp's, and see ladies progress through their premancies and see lots of wee BABIES!!!! :)

wish I could fast forward to when we can start ttc again but know I have to go through this first....we can do it, and your support on here means the world to me! I better stop before I start crying again! Lol
much love!
MrsJ. I'm so impressed that you remember everyone's name! I think my little vacation break, hurt my "let's remember everyone's name." What's Andrea's screen name?

Steph/Rebecca~ how are you doing??? I hope you are resting and coping okay with everything. The time of loss I have always felt to be an extreme whirlwind, and I never felt like I could keep up with my emotions let alone the world around me.

It was also hard to see the world continue as is. Sometimes I felt like everyone else should stop what they were doing too!

AFM~9/10 dpo I think I'm going to be good this cycle and just wait for AF. I've wasted too much money in the past couple of months on tests. AF should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. CM is wet/milky and has stayed that way, today my CP is low and feels firm (though I have never, ever felt it soft!), I've had some sharp pains, bloating, gas, crazy dreams (last night's I had two good looking men in my dream (neither were my husband, haha! They both got drunk, and the one tried to flirt with me and get close with me and spilled his hot coffee down my leg...that woke me up!), today my temp took a dip, so we shall see what tmrw brings. Otherwise, not much to report! The highlight of my life right now is my almost 2-year old pooping and peeing on the potty! lol.
Thanks for the update Rebecca :flower: My heart hurts for you right now, but in your weakest moment you sound so strong. What a gift! :hugs:
Hey everyone, just want to thank you all for your kind words, thoughts and prayers! It meant a lot reading them all! Thank you :hugs: xxx

Mrs J congratulations honey!! I'm so so pleased for you!! Another soy baby!! Maybe I'll jump on the soy band wagon too...:)
And moonbeam I'm so excited to see your bfp tomorrow!!!! Seeing all you lovely ladies get bfps and get through those long hard weeks of the first trimester and beyond fill me fulll of hope for the future!!,

Afm....well as you know we got the devastating news on Tuesday that baby stopped growing at 8weeks 3 days...I should have been 9 weeks 3 days, the day baby stopped growing was the day I had light light brown spotting start....it stayed like that until the weekend when it started to be tinged with red, so went to doc on Monday who got me an appt on tue morning for early preg clinic...I have to say they were so lovely and fantastic....

They did a scan and saw the baby had no heartbeat, and we were just devastated, felt like the room was spinning...they were lovely,and left hubby and I together for a few mins where we hugged and had a wee cry and said a prayer for baby.

The nurse came back to discuss what happens next...really i was too upset to make any decisions then and there...so they booked me an appt for the next morning...

Later that day I called them and told them I wanted to get a d&c, as I wanted this nightmare to be over so we can grieve properly...they still wanted me to come in the next morning to discuss in more detail....later that afternoon the cramping really started with heavy bleeding and clotting...I didn't sleep at all the whole night as i was in so much pain...thankfully I didn't see anything come out as I was terrified of seeing the sack like last time :(...I think i was just too tired and and sorry if tmi but every time i went to toilet stuff was just gushing out of me....:( and I couldn't bare to look...

Went to hops next morning and they scanned me and said I'd been Through the worst the night before and there wasn't too much left to pass, but they gave me some strong pain killers for the next few days....and advised nature was taking care of things, but I have to go back to hosp on Monday for repeat scan...

It's been devastating for hubby and I, truly never thought that once we saw the heartbeat that this would happen....but we have tried to accept that these things happen for a reason even though it is so painful and upsetting...

Hubby has been amazing through all of this.....I couldnt have got through this without him,,,,I think what's kept us going is thinking of the future and how one day we will have our forever baby,,,,hubby has been so positive about wanting to tic again as soon as we can and how he can't wait to start trying again and that everything will be ok....we have to believe that.....

Ive got the next 2 weeks off work..and hubby took this week off...we've just been enjoying eAch other....yesterday we had a BBQ with just the two of us in the back garden out in the lovely sunshine dancing to music and playing swing ball and laughing and having fun...been out for star bucks and lunch and shopping today,,,just trying to be positive and thankful for what we have and what we will have in the future....

Im thankful for the painkillers which have definitely enabled me to carry on somewhat normally throughout this...I just wish I'd had them on the awful tuesday night...

Still can't believe it's happened... :(

Lots of love and hugs to everyone

:cry::cry: sooo sorry....ill say a pray for you and yours to help you on this difficult time...:hugs:
:shrug: i dont know what to do again. been battling this infection for so long an nothing seems to work...sorry if it sounds gross...i think im goin back to the doctor this evening....i just finished the meds so i dont know of i should wait till monday to see if the medication will clear it up by then or should i go today before monday is to late....any suggestions is greatly appreciated,...
really scared and dont wanna lose my baby....
Tweak - just to let you know, when i took soy in Jan and got my BFP - i didnt get a positive opk, which i normally do - no idea why but you are still in !
Rebecca you are such an amazing woman...your updates showing what a strong lady you are and how close you and you OH are have had me in tears!! You definately deserve a truck load of joy and happiness and hopefully its just round the corner for you! x x x :hugs:

Dimples - I love what youve just said about your dream....i did something crazy today because of my dream last night! I dreamt i got a BFP on a Boots (Chemist in england) own brand test, the ones that show a blue cross if your pregnant.......SOOOOOOO I marched myself off to the shops and bought a pack of 2 and did one!! BFN of course at 3dpo!!! Ha!!!! :dohh::dohh::dohh: This TTC is driving me crazy!!!
I still have the other test so hopefully when i test next week itll show a blue cross!!! Ha!!!!
MrsJ. I'm so impressed that you remember everyone's name! I think my little vacation break, hurt my "let's remember everyone's name." What's Andrea's screen name?

Steph/Rebecca~ how are you doing??? I hope you are resting and coping okay with everything. The time of loss I have always felt to be an extreme whirlwind, and I never felt like I could keep up with my emotions let alone the world around me.

It was also hard to see the world continue as is. Sometimes I felt like everyone else should stop what they were doing too!

AFM~9/10 dpo I think I'm going to be good this cycle and just wait for AF. I've wasted too much money in the past couple of months on tests. AF should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. CM is wet/milky and has stayed that way, today my CP is low and feels firm (though I have never, ever felt it soft!), I've had some sharp pains, bloating, gas, crazy dreams (last night's I had two good looking men in my dream (neither were my husband, haha! They both got drunk, and the one tried to flirt with me and get close with me and spilled his hot coffee down my leg...that woke me up!), today my temp took a dip, so we shall see what tmrw brings. Otherwise, not much to report! The highlight of my life right now is my almost 2-year old pooping and peeing on the potty! lol.
I'm sneaky~ I went back and checked when people announced their names and wrote it down :winkwink:
Hi Ladies~!! Doc just called with the good news! I'm pregnant!! :haha: He said my HCG and progesterone levels look great and that I should be 6-7 weeks! I was very shocked by that (and even more shocked that he called me less than 19hrs after I had my blood taken!) That would mean either a) we might have twins cooking again with such high levels this early or b) my cycle was super duper short last month! Like 23 days or less! Most I could be is 5w, 1d as of yesterday when they drew my bloods.. Last period was 6/21. I wish I could have talked to him but I was in the car with 5 of my co-workers! BUT the good news is, I get to go in for an ultra sound on Tuesday morning!! :happydance: So I will talk to him then. Those dumb front desk girls wanted me to wait until the 16th! My doctor is awesome, not making me wait. Just not sure if I'll see the HB, I can't believe I'd be 6-7 weeks.

I'm so scared and happy at the same time!! My husband even got a little excited, even though we said we wouldn't.


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