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The May testing thread! FOUR BFPs!!!

So now I am in a quandary! I found out last night that one of my baby sisters (much younger than me, only 22) is getting married!! Her date is the end of September of this year. The problem? She is in Australia and I am in Canada :( My Dad wants to pay for myself and my other sister (also in Canada) to be there for the wedding. It's a lovely gesture, but I don't think it's his responsibility to have to do that. And...If I'm pregnant, my Dh doesn't want me to go. Hmph! So now I don't know what to wish for in this 2WW. And if I do go, I can't get pregnant for another 5 months!!! And I'm not getting any younger :(
Rant over.

Wait, so DH wouldn't let you attend your sister's wedding, even if you were in the very-safe-to-fly first or second trimester? :shrug:
So now I am in a quandary! I found out last night that one of my baby sisters (much younger than me, only 22) is getting married!! Her date is the end of September of this year. The problem? She is in Australia and I am in Canada :( My Dad wants to pay for myself and my other sister (also in Canada) to be there for the wedding. It's a lovely gesture, but I don't think it's his responsibility to have to do that. And...If I'm pregnant, my Dh doesn't want me to go. Hmph! So now I don't know what to wish for in this 2WW. And if I do go, I can't get pregnant for another 5 months!!! And I'm not getting any younger :(
Rant over.

Wait, so DH wouldn't let you attend your sister's wedding, even if you were in the very-safe-to-fly first or second trimester? :shrug:

Yep. I was shocked. I told him that I flew with #1 to come to Canada for his brothers wedding (1st Trimester). And that as long as it isn't in the 3rd trimester it is completely safe. The problem is though that I had HG with #1 and once we got to Canada I was admitted and treated with meds. #1 is mentally handicapped and has had epilepsy since a few months old. :cry: No-one has ever been able to tell us why or how. We suspected it could have been the meds (although I took them with #2), but didn't want to take any chances with #3 so I refused them for the first 10 weeks which darn near killed us both. He was acting weird about the flight so I said "do you think because we flew, that harmed him in some way?" . He didn't answer me except to say "You asked if I would be OK with it, and I'm not-not if your pregnant". Its lovely that he is wanting to protect us, but I know how irrational we can both be when it comes to our son and feeling guilty that we did something that made him the way he is. Because they can't tell us what happened, we just grab at all these random things that happened during his pregnancy and birth and have all these "what-if's?". So I definately get where he is coming from, but I do think it is irrational.
Add me to testing starting May 27th which would be 8DPO. Going to test everyday until... :)
Aww Mapleroo , that is a quandary!
Omg! I don't know what I would do tbh - I think putting off a month or to is not too bad but putting off until after September; that is a big ask! I can see exactly where he is coming from though, maybe get your doctor to speak to him (well both of you) about potential risks from flying etc and try and reassure him that it is safe to fly.

If he is adamant about this decision though, then you'll have to make decision baby now or wedding first, really hard -would your sister be understanding on your choice to have baby first ?
When I was getting married abroad a few years ago, my sis -in- law was totally honest with me and told me she we ttc so therefore may or may not make the wedding. She didn't have age against her, but wanted a smallish gap between her children and had suffered a miscarriage already so did not want to wait til afterwards to try (she also did not want to fly first tri, as her loss was a missed miscarriage and she had flown early in pregnancy before her first scan and she said she doesn't know whether the loss was related; however irrational or not, it was how she felt and I respected that) Anyway she was pregnant but 30 weeks at the wedding and was able to come after all - only just making it lol, think the airline were happy to carry her up to 32 weeks lol :haha:

I am planning a holiday to Spain in July, only short haul right enough! Hope it is okay, I will only be 11w+ if conceive this month. How many hrs is the flight Canada to Oz?

Decision may be made for you already :D -at least that takes it out of your hands (although still not great about missing the wedding :( )

Aww Mapleroo , that is a quandary!
Omg! I don't know what I would do tbh - I think putting off a month or to is not too bad but putting off until after September; that is a big ask! I can see exactly where he is coming from though, maybe get your doctor to speak to him (well both of you) about potential risks from flying etc and try and reassure him that it is safe to fly.

If he is adamant about this decision though, then you'll have to make decision baby now or wedding first, really hard -would your sister be understanding on your choice to have baby first ?
When I was getting married abroad a few years ago, my sis -in- law was totally honest with me and told me she we ttc so therefore may or may not make the wedding. She didn't have age against her, but wanted a smallish gap between her children and had suffered a miscarriage already so did not want to wait til afterwards to try (she also did not want to fly first tri, as her loss was a missed miscarriage and she had flown early in pregnancy before her first scan and she said she doesn't know whether the loss was related; however irrational or not, it was how she felt and I respected that) Anyway she was pregnant but 30 weeks at the wedding and was able to come after all - only just making it lol, think the airline were happy to carry her up to 32 weeks lol :haha:

I am planning a holiday to Spain in July, only short haul right enough! Hope it is okay, I will only be 11w+ if conceive this month. How many hrs is the flight Canada to Oz?

Decision may be made for you already :D -at least that takes it out of your hands (although still not great about missing the wedding :( )


I agree that five months is a long time to put it off. Of course it may take that long anyway! I would love to be at my sisters wedding, but I don't know that I want to go at the detriment of delaying adding to our family. I have put it off long enough because of my business. And if that has taught me anything, it's that my family should be my priority. And if I do get pregnant I think having him talk to the dr is a great idea. He is a pretty logical guy normally, so that could go a long way I'm putting his mind at ease. It is a really long flight. About 20+ hours plus layovers. Certainly no picnic! But you are certainly right, the decision may for sure be out of my hands! I will hope for that!
Yep. I was shocked. I told him that I flew with #1 to come to Canada for his brothers wedding (1st Trimester). And that as long as it isn't in the 3rd trimester it is completely safe. The problem is though that I had HG with #1 and once we got to Canada I was admitted and treated with meds. #1 is mentally handicapped and has had epilepsy since a few months old. :cry: No-one has ever been able to tell us why or how. We suspected it could have been the meds (although I took them with #2), but didn't want to take any chances with #3 so I refused them for the first 10 weeks which darn near killed us both. He was acting weird about the flight so I said "do you think because we flew, that harmed him in some way?" . He didn't answer me except to say "You asked if I would be OK with it, and I'm not-not if your pregnant". Its lovely that he is wanting to protect us, but I know how irrational we can both be when it comes to our son and feeling guilty that we did something that made him the way he is. Because they can't tell us what happened, we just grab at all these random things that happened during his pregnancy and birth and have all these "what-if's?". So I definately get where he is coming from, but I do think it is irrational.

Well. :shrug: That is a dilemma, although it's hard to believe that flying would have caused the problems, but I'm no expert. I personally wouldn't let it hold me back, but these decisions best come from the heart. :hugs:

Add me to testing starting May 27th which would be 8DPO. Going to test everyday until... :)
Got you down! :thumbup: Good luck!!

I'm out af showed.
So sorry, Brandy. :hugs: Hopefully you're pampering yourself a lot right now! :hugs:

In me-news :)haha:) I have my first-ever cycle monitoring scan tomorrow to see how I'm responding to Femara. Also will have a consult to determine if I'll get a laparoscopy to investigate endometriosis. So it's a big day in my world, and I could use some well-wishes/good vibes/etc. :friends:

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. The thing that sucks is now I have to go on birth control and get my cycle in sync for IVF.. so my next 2ww isn't until July :( I will keep stalking though.

Good luck tomorrow PB!
Hello and welcome to everyone joining in :wave: .

Mapleroo: A hard decision to be sure. I agree with pbl that your hearts will lead you guys to the right choice (if one indeed does have to be made :) ).

Brandy: Aw, sorry she got you lady :hugs2: . Will be looking for you in July!

pbl: Wishing you all the best doll :hugs: and I hope everything goes swimmingly :dust: .
Pbl_ge wishing you all the good vibes I have :hugs:

Also Brandy, I so hope everything goes well with the ivf. Please keep us posted. Sending you lots of
Sorry the :witch: got U Brandy!!!!

Pbl.... Good luck make sure u ask lots of questions and get them to point out what they see for your own eyes!!!
What am I saying I know u will be on top of $h1t!!!! GL
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. The thing that sucks is now I have to go on birth control and get my cycle in sync for IVF.. so my next 2ww isn't until July :( I will keep stalking though.

Sorry AF got you but, Good luck with IVF, that is exciting!!!!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. The thing that sucks is now I have to go on birth control and get my cycle in sync for IVF.. so my next 2ww isn't until July :( I will keep stalking though.

sorry about that, Brandy. :hugs: But bring on the big guns :gun: :gun: and let's get you knocked up!! :haha:
Pbl.... I can POAS if ya want it's been a few days :rofl:
Way early!!!!

I'm sick as a dog it's been awhile since I've had this yuck feeling I hate being so Useless!!!

Well crisis averted at this point--other ladies have been POAS, so I don't feel like a tweaker without a fix. :haha: :fool: But as soon as you're ready--:test:!!!

Goodluck Mapleroo , now the dreaded 2ww lol.


I am actually looking forward to the 2ww this time. If I did O yesterday, my timing has been awesome! And it will be lovely to have my life *not* revolve around bding for a couple of weeks lol

Whereabouts are you at wannabubba??

Maple, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say they're looking forward to the TWW before. :devil: That's fab--good luck to you! :dust:

I was really excited this morning for a short time because I had ... TMI ALERT ... alot of mucus. But then it was follow up with mucus and blood for 2 episodes. I was hoping it was IB but then I realized that my LP is normally 10-12 days so it really could just be the onset of AF :(

I dont have any other symptoms that would indicate PG and I had a BFN this morning. :dohh:

Hope it was IB, Brandy! :dust:

Hi ladies! I hope you don't mind if I join you. I'm 37, had 3 losses but hoping to get my first sticky bean this cycle. Trying clomid and temping for the first time this month along with OPK's. BD'd with DH at the right times and my ultrasound with my Dr showed I did O from my right ovary and my lining was nice and thick for implantation. Now just hoping it all works. Tested this AM and BFN, but still early so hoping and praying this will be my month.

Welcome, Hope! :flower: Do you want a specific date on the testing boards? Hope this is your month! :dust:

My testing date is May 25th...thanks!
So sorry Brandy -hope the IVF is a great success in July xx

pbl_ - Good luck for tomorrow, let us know how you get on xx

Mapleroo - 20Hrs Oh dear -that could be just awful with HG or even just MS; or if later in pregnancy if you were to develop SPD /PGP Get someone to set up a live web link lol and get to watch it from the comfort of home xxx

Good Luck any ladies testing soon - I am thinking Sunday now lol -11DPO - Was going for Saturday but have realised I am working Saturday and if positive I would have to either wake DH and tell him as I rushed out the door; or text him from work or wait until my 12.5 hr shift was over to let him know. So Sunday maybe xxx
Sorry the :witch: showed Brandy! No fun!!

wannabubba - I may still test on Saturday. Not sure. I really wanted to wait until next Tuesday.

Mapleroo - I don't really understand how flying could affect a pregnancy. That's a little weird to me.

Good luck to any other testers out there this week!!


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