Welcome Frustrated42! You've come to the right place!!!!
Zelly I'm sorry about AF! Just remember the

is supposed to happen and if she does it more than likely means you're ovulating! (Unless you're on progesterone) It also means your uterus is nice and healthy for a baby to implant come next cycle! Always think on the bright side...it will keep you going. I know - I've been at this for more than a year. More than two just trying to figure out what's up with my body.
So today's test might have been the start to a BFP. It was SOOO super faint, not even worth taking a picture. It even took DH 4-5 close looks before he agreed he saw something. It came up immediately too. Later I took the test apart and I'm thinking it was the indent but who knows! DH doesn't want me to test again until Monday...I'm thinking I can't possibly wait that long and will test again on Saturday.
Anyway, AF is due today and there's absolutely no sight of her. (Yay!) If I'm right in thinking that I implanted on 12DPO then 14DPO would probably still be pretty early. We'll see. I hate that I'm so late in the game!