The New Positively Positive Thread of Positivity *13* BFPs!!!

Since we're all going to be hanging out together through the good and the bad on this thread, I'd love to know more about each of you.

How old are you (and your partner)? How long have you been with your partner? How long have you been ttc #1? Have you ever had a BFP? Do you have known factors that may affect your ability to conceive? If so, how and when did you find this information out?

I understand these may be too personal, but feel free to answer any or all of them if you'd like. Maybe it will keep our minds off waiting for our BFP and positive OPKs for a day or so.

To start, I guess I'll answer the questions I asked you all.

I'm 31 and my husband is 32. We have been together for ten years—married almost 5. We have been ttc for 9 months, but I have been off bcp for 4 years (and no surprises). I think I did a pretty good job at natural prevention, and I'm hoping that's the reason for no surprises before ttc. No BFP yet for us. I've had an ultrasound and progesterone test and things supposedly look normal, but almost every month I have inter-cycle light bleeding for 6-10 in the middle of my cycle. They think it could be a hormonal imbalance. They want me to go on bcp to regulate things, but I'm waiting it out until the year mark. I'm working on my stress levels to see if that helps with the inter-cycle bleeding. My Afs are regular, typically (30-31 days). Regular cycles and my progesterone test suggest that I'm Oing every month. My luteal phase is only 10-11 days, so I don't know if that is making things take a little longer.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about you all. I don't have very much free time right now, so I'm only fully committing myself to one thread. This one seems like the perfect place to be. You gals all seem like lovely people.
Hi all, I'm 27 and my DH is 33, we have been together for 9 years and married for 4. When we first got married we tried for just over a year and I got a BFP which ended in an MC at 8 weeks. I decided that I was under to much stress in my life at the time my grandfather had just been diagnosed with cancer and I had also decided to go back to university. So it just didn't seem like the right time for us. We have definitely grown in the past 4 years together and decided this summer that we really wanted to have a baby but needed the timing to be right. So we set a date that we would start in September. I'm still in school which makes things difficult because we live in different cities during the week but we are determined. I finish school in June so I will have my degree before we have a baby :) that's why we thought the timing was perfect to have a baby before I start a new career. GL to all the ladies can't wait to hear about all those BFP's
Lionchild, this is a wonderful idea, it will be so nice to get to know everyone!
Let's see, I'm 24 my dh is 26 we got married in aug. 2011, and have been together since 2005.
We just bought a house in January, and proceeded to get our puppy (trial child). She's 9 months now, we picked her out in February at two weeks and took her home at 8 wks. At which point we found out she is deaf, surprise! Lol, she is perfect though, and we love her. She is our pride and joy at the moment "trial child" ehem... Yea I have pictures galore and I don't hesitate to show anyone who will look :) I'm going to be "one of those" parents. And I can't wait!
Ok so back to the questionnaire. We started ttc in sept, me thinking It will happen right away (that is what has been drilled into our heads since puberty) at the moment I'm waiting for my BFP or af... I got a bfn Sunday (11dpo) but I'm trying again thursday. Hopefully I'll be able to announce at Xmas, but we'll see what happens in the next few days. I've pretty much lost hope this month but no af yet, so there is still a chance!
Hi Lionchild,

Well this is our story: I am 22 my Fiance is 27 we've been TTC since Sept 2011. We've been together for 3 years and a few months now and are engaged to be married (hopefully in 2014 but we've not made arrangements just yet!)

I have had 3 recurrent miscarriages in the last year of ttc#1 the 1st at 7 weeks, 2nd at 8 weeks, 3rd at 7+3 so it has not been our year to be honest. We are just about to under-go fertility tests when my cycle has become late (typical lol) so we're living in hope this could be our miracle but with negative tests so far but no sign of AF except for cramps we're so far unsure.

My cycle is usually 26 days spot on and this is the first time i've been late so far where it doesn't seem like I'm going to get a BFP but we'll see xxx
Oh yay! I love this! I'll post when I get home in the morning! It's too complicated for phone typing!!
Lionchild this is a great idea, it's funny how I can relate to some women by reading about their stories. Here's mine:

I am 22 and my husband is 32, we married Aug 2011(like Toni! I was married the 20th, you?) and have been together since 2008. We started TTC#1 since october, I got off BCP the 25th of sep. The timing is perfect for us since I am graduating from law school in may, so I will be having a baby (hopefully!!) a few months after that (like frustrated!), and that way I wont interrupt my career, my husband being a lawyer too and having his own law firm, I will always have work when I need it. I am pretty sure I had a chemical last month because I was getting faint BFPs but then the blood came back negative and I refuse to believe that all of those tests (like 5) were faulty, and also I've read that HCG leaves your system lastly through urine so I think I caught the last of the hormone (had a faint BFP the day I had light AF and throughout the next week). But, this was not confirmed by any doctors so I really don't know.

I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago, maybe more and was on treatment, especially for insuline resistance, with medication. I talked to my doctor before getting off BCP and he told me that without any help it will most likely take me up to a year to conceive. However, stubborn me decided to try for a miracle. Until now it's going good because I am almost certain I am O, and didn't have any cysts on my last appointment, but if we don't have any luck until january I will start the medication.

We have been living together for about 3 years and have a kitty named Mika. She is our world, also would show pics if anyone wants to see lol. She is 2 years old already!

Can't wait to read more about the rest of you ladies!
My DH and I have been together since our Freshman year of college in 2004. We met at a retreat. After college, we bought a house then got married in May 2010. We have our beautiful little guinea pig named Squeaky. She is a bit spoiled. :lol: I work with tiny babies in the NICU. I love, love, love the babies! In August, we decided to start trying after I went to Universal to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Sorry, Disney, this is the happiest place on Earth! I stopped BCP on September 27th and am currently on my second cycle TTC. I obsessed for a while and I think I am finally starting to calm down about it. My nurse brain makes me want to do all the OPKs and clearblue fertility monitor. It definitely helps to have a thread to come to!
Borr, we were married aug. 6, on my grandma's anniversary, wearing my other grandma's dress. I'm very sentimental, so I was so happy how it all worked out! Mika is also the name of one of the other puppies in our obedience class.

Jenzy, I love that you have a guinea pig! Lol, not something you hear everyday. We went to universal for part of our honeymoon, the Harry potter park was awesome we walked in all the shops and had a butter beer! I loved it. It must be very difficult working with the nicu children. I'm not sure where my friend worked, but she worked with the very sick infants, those with half a heart and other sorts of life threatening disorders, she had to transfer because she couldn't handle it. She has a one year old boy, and seeing the sick, dying children was too much for her. I could never do it, so I don't blame her one bit. I give you a lot of credit!
Great idea... Im 22, my partner is 22 also, we have been together 7 and a half years and been TTC for 11months now :( sooo frustrating!! Really nice to speak to people in the same situation as us! xxxx
I couldn't resist posting a piggy picture!! I forgot to say that I'm 26 and my DH is 27.

I could use a butterbeer now! Yum! I can't wait to go back once the expansions are done in Universal Studios!!

The NICU can be a hard place to work, but there are more miracles then disasters. There's nothing better then seeing a 1 pound infant grow to be a "normal" sized baby and go home. I went to a one year birthday party of a miracle 23 week baby last month. That was such a great day.

My temp shot up today again! I think I will get crosshairs on fertility friend tomorrow!!:happydance:


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Jenzy! She is so adorable!! Can you post a link to your chart? would love to see it if you don't mind! It sounds like your job is very fulfilling!

I guess I couldn't resist showing you ladies my fur friend either lol

Here she is as a Kitty being adorable
IMG00032-20100919-0952 copy.jpg

And now that she's bigger
IMG00476-20111007-1634 copy.jpg
Beautiful fur baby!!! I put my chart in my signature now. I work night shift so my temping is all over the place. I have a new thermometer for next month as this one has been consistently at least 0.2 degrees higher then the new one. Plus the new one has 2 decimal points. I didn't want to switch midcycle.
So I'm 27 and DH is going to turn 29 in a week (he can technically be called a thanksgiving baby) and we've been married for 2 years + a few months but have been together since 2008.

I teach orchestra at a private school and absolutely LOVE my job. My students are amazing and I'm inspired every day. Seriously, I'm not even exaggerating! Hubby likes to joke that he "sells propane and propane accessories" (King of the Hill reference...) Anyway, we're trying to get into our first mortgage within the next 6-10 months so I'm hoping that all works out. If I'm indeed pregnant, with the way my job works, I won't even have to take maternity leave and we'll get to hopefully move into a new house while I'm not working. Talk about super sweet timing. :)

In July 2011 I was diagnosed with PCOS after coming of BCP in September of 2010. We officially started trying for #1 about a year ago and after much effort on both our parts to lose weight and just live super healthy lifestyles, my cycles are slowly acting "normal" and regular. The fact that I even ovulated this month at all is somewhat of a miracle. It has been a struggle but I really believe we'll get there one day.

We also have two "trial children"...Riley, a 3-yr-old boy (Presa Canario, kind of like a brindled mastiff) and Winter, a somewhat psychopathic, very teenager like 2-yr-old girl (pyrenees mix). So I'd say we've been trained well lol! I would post pictures but I have to run and pick my husband up from work.

Such a great idea Lionchild!
Frustrated 42-I hope you don’t have to wait too long for that BFP. GL!!

Toni8- Do you sign to your puppy? At least she keeps you busy I’m sure. I hope you get your Christmas present ☺

Bumblebee2408- GL!!! I hope this one is it for you and it sticks for 9 months! I’m sorry for your losses. I can’t even imagine how hard that would be. I hope you are able to get that BFP naturally before January. One of my best friends has PCOS and got her BFP after a year and a half of trying. She now has a beautiful baby girl. It gives me hope. Some of us have to wait longer than others, but as long as it happens eventually for us, I will be happy (although I’d like it to happen now please!). Btw, your kitty looks very smart! I like her black patch around one eye.

JenzyKY!! I love that you have a spoiled guinea pig. That’s very unique. I can see why she is spoiled because she is so darn cute! I have two spoiled dogs myself. I obsessed my first 6 months, and have calmed down the past 2 and a half. I’ve found that it’s too time consuming to keep up the obsession forever. Plus, I guess I just expect to get AF every month. The day I don’t, I will be happily surprised. Btw, what does a butter beer taste like? It sounds heavenly.

JLMC- Wow, you guys are high school sweethearts. Cute!

opera_lady24- I hope you get your perfect timing!!! I missed my perfect timing, but pretty much any time isn’t terrible now that I’m finishing my PhD. What instruments do you play? Your job sounds amazing!
Oh my goodness ladies I think I may actually have the start to a BFP. The only problem is it didn't actually become clearly visible until after the test dried. But I know a line showed up right away. I'm posting a picture...tell me what you think! In person you can see that the top and bottom of the line is a very vivid pink!!!


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@ Lionchild...thanks for the well wishes! As for a butter-beer I can say they are very sweet but are awesome with some strongish mid-grade to top-shelf spiced rum. I like them, it's like candy caramel in drink form. Also, my main instrument, ironically, is voice, but I specialized in percussion for a while during college and played cello from elementary through college. I also teach piano. So, you can say I'm kind of all over the place musically!

@borr...I second lionchild on the PCOS bit. And take it from my own experience that things can shape up. I did a juice fast for a bit (juice as in green machine/ green goodness, blue machine, an acai berry super fruit drink, etc. and honestly can say I've seen drastic changes over the past 4 months in my cycles that no drugs or anything has ever done for me like this. I supplemented the juice fast after about 10 days with big mixed green salads, lean non-processed meats (basically no ground beef, no canned fish), stir-fries and so forth. DH and I love eating this way. It's kind of like a paleo-hunter/gatherer diet. I believe it is the way humans were originally meant to eat. It's cheaper, easier, and you'll start feeling better in about a month, possibly less. My cycles came back, and amazingly one of my eggies FINALLY, after more than a year of trying everything short of clomid, decided to grow large enough to actually be released from a follicle. And amazingly, because I chart, I knew exactly when to time BD so that things might just happen the way they should. And here I am, 20 DPO, 6 days late (even though I haven't had a clear BFP yet), with confirmation from my doctor that I O'd. Even if I'm not pregnant, my faith just got a lot stronger this month. There is hope.

@Bumblebee....I can't even imagine going through that. I really can't. I'm so sorry for all of your losses. We're here for you though through the thick of it and I truly hope you finally get a sticky bean. You SO deserve it!

@JLMC...have I added you to the list yet? If not, would you like to be added?

:dust: to everyone!!!!! (Especially those who are feeling super discouraged and are at the beginning of their next cycle!)
Lionchild - Great idea!!!

I am 28 DH is 34. We have been married for 2.5yrs(April 25 will be 3yrs) but we have been together for 11years.
We have been TTC #1 for 2 years now. Never got a BFP.
Feb of this year we found out that DH has Azoospermia(no sperm in seamen). All his levels are normal, so the urologist suspected there was a blockage...which we ended up finding a cyst in his prostate(prob born with it, nothing to be concerned about thank god). After that we went on to do a testicular biopsy to find sperm and freeze for IVF(IVF is our only option now). The biopsy did not go as well as the doc thought it would...we found just a couple sperm, which shows that there is a production issue. More sperm was found in tissue which was good enough for IVF. We went ahead with our first IVF in Aug. Resulted in BFN even though we have a top quality embryo. We had one frozen which we did this Oct, which also resulted in BFN.
We have one more vial left of sperm for IVF. We have decided to have DH go on clomid for a month. Doc says it will help "wake up" his production....then we will go ahead with another biopsy. I am praying this will do the trick and we will find a good amount of healthy fully developed sperm. Then on to IVF #2.

Thats my story so far. It has been a miserable year for us, but I cant let it effect my spirit because I know deep down I will hold my baby soon....for some reason I was chosen to go down a bumpy path before getting to my goal. It will all be worth it in the end.

I wish you all the best of luck in the world. I am a pro by now, so I am happy to help anyone!

Opera - I see a line!
Opera I can see the line on the test. GL girl you deserve that BFP. Your juice fast sounds interesting. I agree with eating only non-processed meats. I don't eat beef or chicken. I know that's odd but I really never liked them. Therefore I don't eat much meat at all.
Tomorrow makes 10dpo for me and well I haven't tested yet. I think I'm scared of seeing that BFN. I'm going to wait until the weekend for sure but trying to wait until Monday but I doubt I'll make it that far.
Hi Ladies,

Thank you all for your kind words :blush: I'm trying to keep hopeful that this month is our month lol

Opera: I can see a line :happydance: fingers crossed this is the start of your :bfp: and I hope if thats the case you have a h&h 9 months :) xx

Btw ladies beautiful fur babies I want them lol I have a furbaby too my rabbit called Buzz we adopted him a year and 8 months back i'll try and post a pic of him soon

Anyway good luck to all trying this month and fingers crossed this becomes a thread for bfp's xxxxxx

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