@ Lionchild...thanks for the well wishes! As for a butter-beer I can say they are very sweet but are awesome with some strongish mid-grade to top-shelf spiced rum. I like them, it's like candy caramel in drink form. Also, my main instrument, ironically, is voice, but I specialized in percussion for a while during college and played cello from elementary through college. I also teach piano. So, you can say I'm kind of all over the place musically!
@borr...I second lionchild on the PCOS bit. And take it from my own experience that things can shape up. I did a juice fast for a bit (juice as in green machine/ green goodness, blue machine, an acai berry super fruit drink, etc. and honestly can say I've seen drastic changes over the past 4 months in my cycles that no drugs or anything has ever done for me like this. I supplemented the juice fast after about 10 days with big mixed green salads, lean non-processed meats (basically no ground beef, no canned fish), stir-fries and so forth. DH and I love eating this way. It's kind of like a paleo-hunter/gatherer diet. I believe it is the way humans were originally meant to eat. It's cheaper, easier, and you'll start feeling better in about a month, possibly less. My cycles came back, and amazingly one of my eggies FINALLY, after more than a year of trying everything short of clomid, decided to grow large enough to actually be released from a follicle. And amazingly, because I chart, I knew exactly when to time BD so that things might just happen the way they should. And here I am, 20 DPO, 6 days late (even though I haven't had a clear BFP yet), with confirmation from my doctor that I O'd. Even if I'm not pregnant, my faith just got a lot stronger this month. There is hope.
@Bumblebee....I can't even imagine going through that. I really can't. I'm so sorry for all of your losses. We're here for you though through the thick of it and I truly hope you finally get a sticky bean. You SO deserve it!
@JLMC...have I added you to the list yet? If not, would you like to be added?

to everyone!!!!! (Especially those who are feeling super discouraged and are at the beginning of their next cycle!)