GP she was mainly talking about the side effects Wantanerd referenced. I agree with Lionchild though, I really do believe I'm a good candidate for Clomid, and this is after at least 2 years of trying everything else under the sun before one tries fertility drugs.
I think she was also concerned with my weight, but I know for a fact that my weight has nothing to do with it. Yes, I'm on the heavier side for my height and yes, my symptoms get aggravated when I gain weight, but I've had perfect weight:height ratios in the past and it didn't change a darned thing - I still had unpredictable cycles (I just didn't care then which is regrettable because I wasn't married and certainly wasn't trying to get pregnant while attending college). BCPs made my irregular cycles 20Xs worse as an after-effect, and caused me to gain 20 lbs in two weeks once coming off of them (I know, odd).
As for right now, I live a healthier lifestyle than most skinny people. I've almost completely cut out pop (soda), my cupboards and fridge have nothing but organic foods in them, I take organic prenatal vitamins that are also four servings of fruits and veggies (which are also a daily part of my diet), I even wash with organic soaps and shampoos. I've supplemented my diet with vitamin D, a vitamin E compound from Arbonne and omega-3s from purified, organic fish oils. Once the weather finally improves, both my husband and I will be riding our bikes to work every day and until then, I chase around a 1-yr-old for a living so I'm not exactly non-active. And every lifestyle change I've made, my husband has too, and he's lost at least 40 lbs thus far when I've only lost about 5 so the PCOS is just screwing with me.
Sorry, I didn't mean to rant again, I'm just frustrated that I have to explain all this yet again to my doctor. I do have to give her props for wanting to be more thorough though, because she is a new doctor (for me) and she was the first and only doctor I've seen to be so up front and honest about everything.
Okay I have to run. Thanks for all your support ladies!!!! Sending tons of

to those not "out yet."