The New Positively Positive Thread of Positivity *13* BFPs!!!

I had some bad cramping and light bleeding last night. Scared me to death. Went in for an emergency scan today, and we saw a tiny flickering heartbeat just fluttering away! :cloud9:

Doctor said the bleeding was from sex, so not to worry. But also that I wasn't allowed to have sex for at least two weeks.


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I had that happen to me too GP! Still scared the living daylights out of me!
Still no trigger shot for me. but the doc says the bloodwork is promising but since I can't drive the hour and a half to their main office on sunday, I may risk ovulating on my own. I have an appointment set for monday and I hope I can hold off ovulating until then. Hubby leaves sunday and is back monday night for his interview. Since this cycle has been screwy, I really would like for him to be home. going to DTD before he leaves as a precaution.
Awwww GP sorry you had to go through that :-( its not nice!
Glad u saw you little one and its heartbeat!! There's nothing more wonderful

Wantanerd: fingers crossed for u this cycle I think this is deffo a lucky year especially for this thread!!

As for my little man he's been a naughty bump this week I've gone pop & have a noticeable bump now! But that's not the main reason on 06.02.2014 I went for a 22wk scan as last time they couldn't check his heart properly DF could not make it so I took my daddy to meet his Grandson as I thought it would be nice for him. We got there and the sonographer found him and straight away said he's a cheeky thing he's laid on his tummy again so we can't see his heart. She tilted the bed back and asked me to wiggle my hips to try and move him. Unfortunately he would not budge an inch!! So she sent me for a 'brisk' walk around the hospital with a bar of chocolate hoping that would move him. We want back in and he was on his back! However every time she got him into a good position he moved!! He kept turning his back to her........ I decided he must be telepathic as I begged in my mind for him to sit still so he could be checked!!! He sat still more or less bar wiggling so she could check him & even was double checked for being a boy :haha: I got another pic which when I get on the computer I'll show you its soooo clear. Love my little man!! :cloud9:
GP, sorry, I've been away from BnB all day. I am so incredibly happy for you!!! :wohoo: A heartbeat!! I know how extra special that is for you. :cloud9: I just know this is Hatchling returned for good! :thumbup:

Sounds like an amazing experience, Bumble! It's so sweet to hear how excited you are.

wantanerd- Hope you can hold of O until Monday! Good Luck!!
GP I'm sorry that happened but I'm glad all is okay!

Bumblebee congrats on the boy!!!! I bet he'll be a handful ;-)

So yeah, I'm now once again playing the waiting game, which I really don't want to be doing any longer, because my doctor refused to prescribe me clomid. Without any of my medical records from the previous year, she looked at my weight, told me I need to work out more (and totally didn't believe me when I said I eat healthier than most people) and said "your body is unhappy and if your body was happy you'd be pregnant." ARRRGGG!!!!!! I wanted to wring her neck. Instead I just broke down in her office. So embarrassing.

I'll be seeing the one actual FS (this doc is an ob/gyn) in town on March 27th, the absolute earliest appointment I could get. I'm so sick of waiting. I was finally ready to start fertility treatment and one doctor is standing in my way. Honestly, I thought this last appointment was her trying to be more thorough by requesting my medical records, which she didn't even bother to ask for!!!! All of my tests were normal except for my egg reserve (which is high) and I am heavy for my height. I have diagnosed PCOS and an ultrasound within the last year to prove it. It just makes me SO mad. I also know for a fact that even if I do lose the amount of weight I should, it won't make a darned difference in my ability to get pregnant because I've struggled with this since I started getting AF at 14-yrs-old. I've never been regular, even at my absolute healthiest weight. GRRRR!!!

Okay sorry for the rant, but I know you all would understand. At this rate, I'm going to be the very last one on this thread to ever get pregnant.
Opera: much love & hugs to you your doctor sounds awful! I would speak to another doctor they are meant to be supportive & help you through these times not make you feel hopeless & upset to the point of crying! I hope you do get some help soon I can't imagine what it must be like xx
I am sorry about your FS Opera. Maybe see if there's an FS in Denver that takes your insurance? There are a couple FS in Denver that are supposedly the best in the world. I would also go ask your regular OB or doctor even to prescribe clomid. My primary doctor did way before I went to see a specialist. If you are curious to see if it will work for you, go that route.

I am in the negative as well (even though I shouldn't be complaining since I do have a wonderful son already and there a people on this thread like you, opera waiting for their miracle).

femara didn't work this month. I don't have a dominant follicle and its day 27. I feel defeated and its more than trying this month. Hubby went to an interview in Virginia today so we are waiting to hear if he got the job and solves our pressing need to get one before April 30th. So the failure of treatment this month is really icing on the cake.

I am definitely not positive today and I hope I can go back to being positive once again tomorrow. Don't lose hope Opera, you will find a doctor that will prescribe you what you need.
Oh my goodness! This thread needs a major dose of hugs!


We are ALL due for miracles, and we will ALL get them!
I am praying it works for everyone! It truly sucks waiting forever watching people that don't really deserve it happen like a piece of cake!
DH & I are actually going out with a couple tonight, we have known him for many years, who are actually struggling themselves. Multiple IVF failures. He reached out to my friends husband, in return told him to call us. I kind of knew something was up over the summer when he commented something to me, but too many nosey people around us, so I didn't really hint back that we were struggling. He told DH that his wife is having a really hard time with it all….so I am really happy to help her through the things that my fellow BnBers helped me though. Its always nicer to have a real person in front of you to talk to.

Opera…..if they know you need something, why do they keep delaying prescribing you something? grrr!
I think I would find another doctor that was willing to help Opera.. You have waited long enough!!! Are therr other doctors at the office you visit??

I'm still waiting on ovulation.. my temps have been a little crazy! But the good news is i already have "fertile" cm (which i never have) & my doc called with my LH & FSH levels from cd 9 and said I was on track for ovulation!! Woo!!
Thank you so much everyone!

Wantanerd, I'm sorry this month didn't work out for you. And please don't ever feel bad for wanting another miracle. Yes, I'd be happy with just one at this point, but I'd like to eventually have four children (two biological, two adopted) so I think every time trying matters just as much as it did the first go.

I actually saw an ob/gyn. That was probably my first mistake as I should have just gone to the fertility specialist in the first place. There are other doctors at the clinic I go to, and I have considered going to their main fertility doctor (he's also an ob/gyn but handles most of the clinic's infertility patients). The only reason I didn't go to him is because I prefer a female doctor. Probably my second mistake. I should probably just get over my phobia of professional male ob/gyn's / male fs looking down my hooha. Right now it just creeps me out. However, the one FS (different clinic) in town is male so I'm going to have to get over it anyway. Honestly, what possess a man to become a FS??!! (I know, I know).

I've also considered's just a long drive. Probably my third mistake. Denver is much bigger than Fort Collins and therefore more options. Oh well. Live and learn I guess.

It was just so devastating to me. Part of the waiting was totally my fault, but now that I'm finally ready to pursue fertility treatment, to have that door slammed in my face after months of emotional debate with myself and my husband, I just couldn't handle it. The doctor was trying to be sensitive, I just think she was missing a lot of information at the cost of my already struggling heart and it seriously bothers me that she didn't even ask for it. She looked at me and judged and that's just not fair. I mean, I only have about 25 lbs to lose in order to be considered healthy and my BMR/ waist-hip ratio are both within the acceptable range.

Okay...I'm done ranting. I have an appointment in March with a different doctor. Maybe I can even get one sooner with a doctor in Denver. Maybe I just wasn't meant to work with that particular doctor.
My doctor is a male ob/gyn and he is fabulous!!! I went to a fs, and just felt more comfortable with my gyn..they were planning on doing the same thing.. but I understand some women's phobia of male doctors (gyn area). I just don't have that issue. I worked for an ob/gyn office for about a year, and they see so many ho-has & tata's they just all run together.. & I was the "assistant" in the rooms. They won't touch you unless the nurse is with them..
my doctor is male but he never does the exams! all the nurses and techs are all female and at a FS, don't expect for the Dr to do anything but talk to you. I got over the fear of a male gyno when I was 21 and in need of birth control and being a server, I had no insurance and had to go to the free clinic in town.

Unless something miraculous happens and my follice grows by friday, I am out and probably for a few months. DH got a job in VA so we have to rush around like mad (and then I get loaded with the rest of the stuff we need to do to rent our house) until he leaves for VA. So I will most likely not go to a FS until after my 30th b-day in July. Not happy about having to stop but we need to get settled in Va (thankfully its only a year until we can move to FL).
I'll stay in touch though.
so today I GOT TRIGGERED! This darn follicle hasn't grown for two + weeks and today was going to be the last appt anyway thanks to us having to move and there it was a 20mm follicle just waiting for the trigger shot!!!!!!!
And this weekend is our 6 year wedding anniversary (today is our 8 year anniversary of our first date). I need lots of positive thoughts! Maybe this will actually work! It is the worst possible time to get pregnant but I don't know when I could get back into seeing a FS until July at the earliest. We have a lot to do in the next month and most of it will fall to me but here's hoping!
Good luck, Wantanerd!

It looks like I will be rejoining you all TTC... My scan today gave me a 90% chance of having another miscarriage. :(
No heartbeat after we're pretty sure we saw one last week. Also, measuring 6w1d... I don't know why my doctor says 90%. It's 100% to me. :cry:

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