I'm glad you're getting some assistance and that DH is on board, Opera. I hope it's not too much longer before you get your BFP. I have a feeling the fertility center will be able to help you get a BFP quickly. I've heard great things about the center in Denver. I don't know about you, but just going to an RE makes me feel like I'm a step closer to holding a baby in my arms.
Ginger, my thoughts are with you. I'm still so angry that you had to go through this again. It just completely sucks.
AFM, we got news on DHs SA on Thursday. Sperm count and motility were normal, but morphology came back at less than 1%. I think we now know one reason why it takes us so long to get pregnant each time with me ovulating regularly. DH's round cell count was also high, so he's on 10 days of antibiotics, and then he goes back for another SA to see if the round count has improved. I just O'd last night or today, so we'll see what happens with this cycle. If nothing happens, I have bloods tests, an HSG and a hysteroscopy scheduled for next cycle. Pending the results of my tests and what the RE suggests, we plan to move forward with IUI by the end of the summer.
Also, today marks my 2 year TTC anniversary. I feel OK about it surprisingly. Life is pretty good for me at the moment, and I feel I have grown up so much over the past two years. I'm better prepared to be a mom today than I was two years ago.
Thanks for all your support over the last year and a half, ladies (when I joined BnB).

This was the first thread I joined and it's nice that we still have it going. We all need some positivity even when we feel the world/ biology/our bodies are against us.