The One Year Strong Ladies!

Not open for further replies. many do you have? If you have more than one I would use one tomorrow morning and then if its negative make yourself wait until Monday morning so you dont waste them and give your HCG time to build up...I did another OPK just now coz I read somewhere that early morning for them isnt good for whatever reason. Its still as dark as before. I have 10 left I think and I'll prolly take one every day to see how long it stays this way so I can have more info to take to my gyno if need be... you need to do a ovulation ticker so we can all see where you are lol...

I bought ten onlinr for under $4 including shipping. I've got tests to burn!! My ticker would be the same as yours in turns of days past ovulation.
I'm a nurse practitioner, not a doctor - but I will tell you that NONE of this is my thing - LH, FSH, HCG, bah. Hate the whole GYN field. Plus, I'm an infectious disease specialist, so the only GYN issues I deal with are raging STDs. NO FUN!
I got my crosshairs today on FF for the first time - it's pegging my O day as the 12th. So I'm apparently 3dpo? Stupid OPKs NEVER went positive for me. Which at the same time, sets my crazy mind into high gear, like "OMG, maybe I'm anovulatory!" Great, let's stress me out some more! :wacko:
Stomach just feels weird. I'm *exhausted* today, but I slept like hell last night - fell asleep at 1130, up again at 1, wide awake, couldn't fall asleep. Sleep at 230, up at 520, 545, 620...Don't usually have that problem. :sleep:

On another note, one of my best friends had her baby today. :baby: She was the fourth of my friends in the last two months (and they wonder why I have baby fever!). I can't wait to go see her next week and squeeze the baby. :happydance:

I'm sorry you're not sleeping well. I'm off of my schedule so I've been sleeping like crap too. Congrats about the baby, but sorry for you! I know babies are always happy! They're just starting to remind me that I don't have one yet, and why was I stupid enough to put them off this long.
Wow I was only away for a day and this thread sprouted 4 new pages!!

I'm deliberately avoiding opks now because the not quite pos but not quite neg was bothering me!

:hugs: it must be frustrating having BD dictated by something that unpredictable.

I'm 26 at the mo. OH is 26 too... 3 days younger than me! We were best friends for 9yrs before we got together. But it's still hard for him to talk about ttc :dohh:

That's so sweet! 9 years?! My DH and I met and became friends when I was 11 and he was 13. We didn't date until I was 18 though (we lived in different states until then).

Aww childhood sweethearts! That's so cute! :cloud9:

It gets better...... As of today, we are engaged! He proposed this evening :happydance:
Aww..proposed?? How? traditional or something crazy, if you don't mind me asking? Mine never really asked we just kinda did it lol...I guess it was assumed since we talked online for 3 years and then I moved in with him last september, and then we were married Feb 6th of this year in a private ceremony, I mean just me him and the preacher thats private! lol.. Totally do a test and tell us tomorrow morning Spunky!! Fingers Crossed for you!!! I'll do another OPK when I get up and post that too...
Cottleston - congrats! That's wonderful! Be icing on the cake if you got your :bfp:, wouldn't it? :happydance:
Wow I was only away for a day and this thread sprouted 4 new pages!!

I'm deliberately avoiding opks now because the not quite pos but not quite neg was bothering me!

:hugs: it must be frustrating having BD dictated by something that unpredictable.

I'm 26 at the mo. OH is 26 too... 3 days younger than me! We were best friends for 9yrs before we got together. But it's still hard for him to talk about ttc :dohh:

That's so sweet! 9 years?! My DH and I met and became friends when I was 11 and he was 13. We didn't date until I was 18 though (we lived in different states until then).

Aww childhood sweethearts! That's so cute! :cloud9:

It gets better...... As of today, we are engaged! He proposed this evening :happydance:

Congrats on your engagement!! WOO HOO!!!:happydance:
Hopefully this will be a good luck thread!!!! FingersCrossed for everyone to get what they are hoping for, proposals, new jobs and definitely BFPs!!!!!
wow i was only away for a day and this thread sprouted 4 new pages!!

I'm deliberately avoiding opks now because the not quite pos but not quite neg was bothering me!

:hugs: It must be frustrating having bd dictated by something that unpredictable.

I'm 26 at the mo. Oh is 26 too... 3 days younger than me! We were best friends for 9yrs before we got together. But it's still hard for him to talk about ttc :dohh:

that's so sweet! 9 years?! My dh and i met and became friends when i was 11 and he was 13. We didn't date until i was 18 though (we lived in different states until then).

aww childhood sweethearts! That's so cute! :cloud9:

It gets better...... As of today, we are engaged! He proposed this evening :happydance:

WB Spunky!! Anyone had diarrhea in this last few days? And what about weird stomach twinges?
WB Spunky!! Anyone had diarrhea in this last few days? And what about weird stomach twinges?

I havent had diarrhea yet this cycle, but alot of times right before AF arrives I get an upset stomach, or like the first few days of my period I do.

My symptoms so far this cycle are:

-feeling like i am coming down with a cold
-increased thirst
-extreme hunger
-AF type cramps
-soar boobs at times/ random twinges in my boobs/more so nipples
-extreme fatigue
-bitchy, very emotional
-slight naseau
-gas coming out both ends, LOL:blush:
-going to the bathroom alot!!!!
-lower back aches
-acne on chin and face

Hmmm, of course alot of these symptoms could be PMS related, ugghh, it is so confusing trying to figure out what is going on during the dreaded 2 WW!!! :wacko:
I had some light cramps for about 10 minutes earlier. Otherwise just still kind of feel like throwing up--but that could be IBS related. That's all I seem to have.
YAY FOR PAGE 20!!!! We have almost 200 hundred posts on here ladies!! Keep 'em coming. I was watching a movie with hubby but I cant get comfy again because I cant lay on my stomach. It just doesn't feel right, its the same feeling as two nights ago. Ive had it about all day and all day yesterday and the day before and the day before lol. Its like a weird pressure/twinge thing, I have a feeling tonight is not going to be a good night lol..
Well, hopefully you're not feeling well for a good reason. I hope you feel better. I'm hoping my cramping was implantation, but I could just be hoping.
Okay, so, woke up at 130 am because of abdominal pain - dead center on my lower abdomen. That was accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. (More nausea and diarrhea). This morning, 6am, same thing, without the vomiting. I'm thinking it's a stomach bug. Plus, my temp dipped to 96.75. Such weirdness. I think the BBT is just confusing me more, but I'm trying to get a handle on when I OV for future reference.
Now with funny taste in my mouth, ugh. Just generally exhausted. If it's just a bug, it better go away as quickly as it came on...
Aww NJAngel, sorry you feel bad!! I had a bug last month, stuffy head and nose, sore throat, ear aches. I was hoping I was preggie and my immune system was down. Maybe its the same for you!! Hopefully if your sick its for a good reason too!!

Spunky I'm hoping my cramping and twinging yesterday and now is implantation too. I don't usually cramp this early for AF and its nothing like ovulation cramps at all. So I'm hoping hoping for us both, and for us all for that matter lol. Also still feeling bloated/gassya bit, nipples def still sensitive, slept a lot better last night than I thought but I think I was just passed out lol. Still had a hard time getting comfortable and thats also why Im up now, once hubby got up and woke me up I couldn't get comfy again
Sorry to feel you're not feeling too good. If it's implantation though it'll be well worth it! I've had no symptoms at all so far. In a way I'm glad as I'm not getting my hopes up too much.

Thanks for all the congrats too ladies. I'm on top of the world today!
Im soo happy for you, gosh if you get your BFP you wont know what to do with yourself huh...if you dont mind me asking are you going to wait until after a baby to get married or would you just get married while preggie (maybe a little earlier so you can still have a flat tummy lol) mom was early preggie with me when she and my dad got married, she was like 18 though, so I think thats why it was soo rushed lol...

I just took another ovulation test and it was like 3x darker than the control!!! third day in a row and not even concentrated pee so idk what is going on....twingey cramps but nothing like my ovulation cramps would be at all..I always get the ovulation ones at like 3-4 AM and they last for hours....on top of that very little to practically no CM so far today when the last few days its all been globby and creamy every time I wipe...I think Ive read that that is a possible sign of hoping
Okay, so, woke up at 130 am because of abdominal pain - dead center on my lower abdomen. That was accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. (More nausea and diarrhea). This morning, 6am, same thing, without the vomiting. I'm thinking it's a stomach bug. Plus, my temp dipped to 96.75. Such weirdness. I think the BBT is just confusing me more, but I'm trying to get a handle on when I OV for future reference.
Now with funny taste in my mouth, ugh. Just generally exhausted. If it's just a bug, it better go away as quickly as it came on...

I am so sorry! Whenever I get sick like that (both ends) I just want to die. I remember a couple of years ago I layed on our dirty bathroom floor (cause there was no point in leaving the bathroom because I didn't have the energy to run back and forth) and prayed for death. I hope you feel better soon! I hope it's only a 24 hour bug!
MrsJerome you're still a mystery. What is your body doing?!?! I'm sure you're wondering the same thing. :winkwink:
CottlesonPie- So wonderful for you! Did you see the proposal coming?

My husband and I had a date and location picked out by the time he proposed. He was navy and so we didn't see eachother a lot (we were 500 miles away when he was IN port!), so we had discussed dates and stuff and my parents had already put money down by the time I got my question and ring! My mom, as she was writing a check for the photographer, was like you are going to get a ring, right?
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