The One Year Strong Ladies!

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aww..cottleston...can you feel any kicking or anything to know where the top part of him is and the bottom?he may have just flipped like...rolled over...turned face up or face down opposite of what he was...face down is better for delivery so maybe he was trying to help you out some?
I'm heading to bed shortly.....Goodnight ladies...

@Cottlestone, I hope that everything is alright and that Toby is still turned around...I am sending big hugs your way... :hugs:
NJ... Glad you're getting your results so quickly! Sounds pretty goodfor the most part. I'm sure there are ways to try and help improve CM quality. I've heard pre-seed helps but I never used it so can only go by what others said. Evening primrose oil works wonders for mucus when ttc in my opinion. Im actually taking itorally now as it's meant to help soften the cervix too, and have noticed a change in cm since starting on it. Gotta be worth a try right?

I can't sleep. Was just lying in bed and felt a massive movement going from the bottom right hand side of bump and sliding all the way to the top. I'm so scared that toby has gone breech again, and I'm so angry at myself for getting so excited about him being head down. DF is asleep and I'm choking back the tears... It's so hard crying quietly when your body is trying to sob it's heart out.
It's like the universe wants me to have a c-section and nothing I do can change that.

Major :hugs: So sorry Katherine. I know a lot of people that have had c-sections. My best friend keeps telling me that I should eat whatever I want (Gestational Diabetes can produce BIG babies) and have an elective c-section. My mom had 2 with us, and my cousin just had one after several hours of labor. They say it's not that bad. Still holding out hope he was just sweeping an arm or a leg. Cry it out, but try not to get hysterical until a medical person confirms. :hugs:
Lindsay - :hugs: Sorry about the possible hostile mucous. I would be really bummed too. But the rest of the news is good! Hard for me to focus on the good when there's bad news though. Hope the rest of the tests go well. Maybe the docs have another solution to try besides IUI? fingers crossed!

Wannabe - Loving all the funny pics! (And still the Invader Zim makes me smile every time I see him!) Hoping your test tomorrow shows a clearer BFP!
Thanks ladies xx
I always knew there was a chance that he'd turn back... The statistics say around 5% of ECVs can flip back but I knew it'd be higher because of how easily he flipped to breech in the first place.

I'm going to phone the hospital tomorrow and see if I can go in to confirm. Pretty certain I can feel his head in my ribs again though... And my heartburn is much worse again as it was when he was breech before (although that could partly be due to the stress/worry of tonight).

It's 5:20am now. I haven't even tried to sleep. This is the longest I've been awake in months but I just can't do it. My head and my thoughts won't let me. It's been such s roller coaster. Resigning myself to a c-s, having the ECV, planning my active birth now only to have it taken away again.
I'm not sure if they'll maybe do another ECV and induce straight away or if they'll just tell me to have a c-s. Either way I'll be strapped down. I wish i could sleep...
Thanks ladies xx
I always knew there was a chance that he'd turn back... The statistics say around 5% of ECVs can flip back but I knew it'd be higher because of how easily he flipped to breech in the first place.

I'm going to phone the hospital tomorrow and see if I can go in to confirm. Pretty certain I can feel his head in my ribs again though... And my heartburn is much worse again as it was when he was breech before (although that could partly be due to the stress/worry of tonight).

It's 5:20am now. I haven't even tried to sleep. This is the longest I've been awake in months but I just can't do it. My head and my thoughts won't let me. It's been such s roller coaster. Resigning myself to a c-s, having the ECV, planning my active birth now only to have it taken away again.
I'm not sure if they'll maybe do another ECV and induce straight away or if they'll just tell me to have a c-s. Either way I'll be strapped down. I wish i could sleep...

:hugs: I've spent so many nights laying in bed crying during this pregnancy and either sleeping too much or not being able to sleep. I was expecting things to difficult - being uncomfortable, morning sickness etc, but I wasn't expecting real problems. My husband just keeps telling me the end will be worth it when we have our baby boy in our arms and that's the only comfort I can try to offer you because I know things are not turning out how we want, in the end hopefully we'll have a healthy baby no matter which way he comes. :hugs: Hope whatever birth you go through will not be too stressful and you can focus on the end goal A Healthy Toby. :)
Im sure everything will be fine with both Toby and James no matter how they come out!! I too am already freaking out about a C-section and was soooo glad my Dr said I have tons of room down there for getting a baby out...but then I worry about not going fast enough or having other problems...uggh...

Im considering renting a doppler for prolly just a month or two to have between my week 12 scan and then when I can really feel the baby start moving...just think it will make me feel better since otherwise my appts will be once a month then not like every 2-3 weeks like they have been...

My MS was absolutely horrid yesterday night when I was cooking hubbys dinner..I made him smothered porkchops (with sauteed onions and cream of mushroom soup) and then mac and cheese and corn and peas...and it seriously almost did me in..I really thought I was gonna have to make him finish it when he got home lol... but my whole oatmeal and progesterone and benadryl definitely helped me sleep soo much better but I can tell my uterus is getting bigger especially lately coz I have had to pee atleast 3 times last night and then 2 this morning lol...and thats not counting all the "last" trips before bedtime lol..I think I more time..about 3 times lol...

Someone emailed me about watching their 3 year old little girl Mon-Weds from 9-5...waiting on her to email me back if she is going to and I hope she does... and then hubby wants me to try to get a job at this place that one of his friends preggie wives is working..its this pet place where they board pets...I could take my Baggins but you know its like...almost 40 mins away..about 25 miles..and all he has complained about lately is how much gas I dont know why he would want me to work somewhere sooo freaking far away..and also I wouldnt be able to take the week before Easter off and we already have plans for that and I dont want to be working and walking dogs out in the summer heat when Im like 7 months pregnant...this lady he is talking about is already 6 months and so she'll be gone before the heat starts... he just doesnt understand this whole pregnancy thing..and my logic for stuff...and I feel like he doesnt even try to understand..he has it in his head how he thinks it should be and thats what he wants me to do..and it doesnt matter about what I want to do... I told him I would send in my resume...but all my resume has is childcare on it...and so Im figuring there are other people that are way better qualified..
I bought a doppler on Amazon I think for around $40. My husband and I LOVED it. We used it a few times a week until I could feel him all the time. Very reassuring. Thought I got it off of Amazon, maybe e-bay. I got the sonoline B. and two tubes of ultrasound gel (I think they were 3 oz). I didn't even use one tube. Heartbeat is hard to find at first, but it gets easier. Plus you can hear movements you can't feel.
Chelsea, I'm sorry you've had a hard time too. You're completely right. We're not doing this for comfort or anything. We're doing it for babies. And as long as we get one at the end, it'll be more than worth it. Nobody ever expects real problems, just the usual aches pains and hormones. It's come as a bit of a shock to me how much else can happen, what with the bleeding through first tri, fluid on the kidney, going back to back, breech and back again. It's a wonder we come out of it with any sanity left! I hope the road gets less bumpy for the both of us and our LOs :hugs: xx

Erica, I think/hope that once your hubby gets more involved in the pregnancy he'll start to understand that it's not as easy as it looks and you will be limited as to what you can do. It's hard for the men to grasp exactly what's happening to your body at the start. They tend to forget because they can't really see that much of a change. But as your bump grows and gets in your way and you walk up stairs and end up out of breath, and he goes to your scans and sees the little arms, legs and nose of an actual person inside you, sees her/him kicking you to bits... thats when he'll realise that maybe he's asking too much.
My other half had no idea how much being pregnant took its toll on the body until his best friends wife couldnt get up 2 flights of stairs in our old house without being pushed from behind (she had severe SPD). Since then he's been good as gold with me.

Working in the animal place does sound nice to start with, but as you say, it'll be too warm for long walks, you'll be too uncomfortable... not to mention driving 40 minutes each way. That'll be bad enough after a while I'd imagine! (Although I dont drive so I dunno how much bump gets in the way... but if your feet swell and your hips hurt, it won't be comfy.)
I hope you both do come to an agreement though, or you find something that'll tide you over that doesn't involve too much travelling or walking. I don't think it's a good idea to force yourself into something that you won't be comfortable doing xx

As for me... Well. I am officially a paranoid moobag. :haha:
I DID feel a massive movement last night. I knew I didn't imagine it. But he didn't go breech. He just decided that sunny side up was more comfortable so he rolled over. :dohh: The big lump I assumed was his head was actually his knee. He's somehow now back to back with one knee jutting out under my ribs. Surely that can't be comfortable but there you go. It means I'm c-section free at the moment, although obviously being back to back means I will probably have a pretty uncomfrtable labour and might not be as active as I'd hoped. But really, an episiotomy and epidural is better than surgery.
Totally agree on the doppler front. I used mine from about 14 weeks. LOVED IT.
I haven't used it since I've been feeling regular movement, but it was sooo reassuring to be able to listen to the heart beat... then you hear the first little kicks and swooshes of movement, weeks before you can actually feel them. Best feeling ever. I'll be keeping mine for number 2!
Katherine - So happy he was just rotating! He may still rotate back too! But I'm with you, much rather have sunny side up than breech!
I know I wont have any sanity left by the time I'm done. Out of 6 weeks I'll have had 8 appointments due to complications. (and in two weeks I had 4 appts) My husband wants me to stop seeing specialists as I usually come back upset, but I'm afraid we'd be missing something if I didn't go! (diabetes specialists and the fetal doctors for his issues). I am starting to get more and more confident that once I have him things will be better. Hopefully his in utero issues were just that, while he was in me. My diabetes will go away... And then it can just be the three of us. But I almost feel guilty or cheated because I kind of just want this pregnancy to be done. Too many things have gone on. LOL the midwife told me today that my pregnancy is pretty uncomplicated and I am actually lucky, LOL. I know she sees a lot worse, and I still have a (mostly) healthy boy and be greatful. But like you said, hopefully the road will be less bumpy soon.

I too will be keeping my doppler for the next baby!
Cottleston, DD was what they called " facing the moon" and she was a 12 hour labour but only 2 of those hours were really full on painful and then she literally came out in 2-3 pushes. She just slipped out! And she was my first! I hope it goes that way for you X FX'd :flow:

Spunky, I was thinking of getting a doppler...what's the earliest you can hear anything, as guys know i'm already super paranoid.

Mrs J, 40 minutes each way..whew! That's going to knacker you out surely. And it's really bad to drive for too long once you're past a certain stage, mainly because of the damage the bump may start to receive behind the wheel...saying that I did drive until I was literally 9 months...but i did suffer a bit at times because of it..

Everything is going well so far, although i did fall asleep under my desk today!
@Cottlestone, I am so glad that Toby didnt turn around!!!!!:thumbup: I hope he stays that way until he is born!! I got my fingers crossed for a smooth and easy delivery for you hun....:flower:

As for me i tested this morning with FMU with dollar tree test and I think it was :bfn:,:nope: so i am thinking that yesterday's test might of been an evap, so now i am going to wait several days before I retest again....wish me luck....

My job has been much better since we have been out on the floor taking calls this entire week, customers are overall nice for the most part and my calls went very well overall, it is so much better than being in the training room, listening to the annoying trainer chick and the immature guys in the training class driving me in conclusion i think i will enjoy the job itself and i am looking forward to completing training...Monday we go back into training again though, but we will have a new male trainer teaching the other section of our training and i think he will be better at handling the immature and annoying guys in my class so i think it will be much better.

@Mrsjerome, have you tried explaining to your DH how difficult pregnancy can become as it progresses?? Or maybe have a women talk to him that has went through a pregnancy and tell him how difficult they can be?? The dog job sounds like it might be to much for you right now with being pregnant and everything, between the commute and the hot summer coming up, if you werent pregnant than it might be an option..... Good luck with finding a decent job, hopefully the baby sitting job will work out for you....:thumbup:
I try to explain but he just thinks im trying to get out of stuff and that Im making it up I think or atleast thats what I feel like...its like one min he understands and the next min hes fussing at me for not knowing what I want to eat...I just wish he could feel this way for just one week....and then maybe that would change his idea of what Im really feeling and why Im having a hard time with food and all that..

Sorry about the BFN Wannabe...guess all you can do is test again...glad that the work is going better though...and that you get your new trainer soon too to get those guys in line lol...I would love to get this babysitter job but she hasnt emailed me back yet..I hate when people do that..atleast say no thank you or something...because Im afraid I might take another one that isnt as good and then she'll be like oh sorry it took so if she has even read it yet...
@Mrsjerome, i hope she gets back to you soon....It erks me when i am waiting on a job like that too, i want them to let me know either way whether i got it or not so i can move on if needed...:wacko: I wouldnt wait on her for to long though hun, i think you should just keep looking and applying just in case there is something better out there for you..

Even though me and DH timed :sex: right this month and had lots of :sex: during my ovulation and fertility window i have a feeling that i am out already....:wacko: just because i am cramping like AF is coming and getting ravenously hungry which usually happens right before AF comes...argghhhhhhhh.......:shrug:

DH was asking me if i think he should get a second SA done since the last one he had (after the vasectomy reversal) since it has been over 6 months since the last one and the vasectomy dr recommended we do a follow up to see if his :spermy: numbers improved or not, he has been taking the fertilaid vitmains for about 3 to 4 months now, so that may have helped, and the :spermy: numbers can improve naturally as well on their own for up to 2 years after the surgery, this October will be 2 years since the reversal....hmmmm, i need to figure out when the best time will be for that, i am not sure right now though...
Wannabe sorry about your bfn, i'm sending loads of :dust: to you.

P.s I literally LOVE your avatar photo! SO ridiculously cute and funny! :rofl:
Chelsea - we'll know more about our options after the endometrial biopsy next week, and the labs/ultrasound the following. He's thinking right now a possible combination of Clomid (for the luteal phase deficit we're anticipating), and IUI. So it would mean doctor's appointments every couple days - ultrasound and labs on CD3, Clomid CD5-9, ultrasound again on CD12, IUI on ovulation day, and more ultrasounds/labs ten days later. Oy. It's not the appointments that worry me, it's my boss. He's totally supportive (his brother went through it all for the last seven years, and his baby girl is due April 6th), but we are so busy, and to take an hour or so in the middle of the day is going to be difficult. We see anywhere from 50-70 patients a day, we go to three hospitals, and work from 8 till about 6 lately, sometimes later. The specialist's office is only about fifteen minutes away, so that's good - but after an IUI, I'm not going to be able to go back to work the same day - have to go home and relax. Argh.

Why am I thinking about all of this now? Will cross that bridge when I come to it.

Debating on whether or not to buy another sensor for the OV watch this coming cycle. I love the watch (so idiot proof), but the MD seems to like the OPKs. I never get a good result with them, so I was thinking about going back to the CBFM. CBFM sticks are $50 a box at CVS, and can last anywhere from one and a half to two cycles. The OV watch sensor is $39.99 for one, $99 for three, and lasts one cycle. Thing is, it tells you the four fertile days before you O, and the CBFM can give you tons of high days before you hit a peak. I like that the OV watch is more...I don't want to say accurate, but reliable? There were months I only had highs on the CBFM, no peaks. Trying to figure out what would be best...I'm thinking OV watch because I can call and make appointments once I hit the first fertile day.

Sorry, I'm babbling. Wired from work, but exhausted at the same time. I'm in the middle of my thirteen day stretch. Plus, CRAZY acne. I always get that ONE nasty huge pimple in the middle of my chin. Grr.
Katherine, my mom always tells me I was sunny side up. She was in labor with me for an hour and a half. My sister (younger than me), was normal presentation, and was six hours. So sunny side up may not be a bad thing. :) FX'd for you! You're almost done, hang in there!
Wannabe :hugs: Sorry for the BFN :( So disappointing. That's great that Hubby is offering to get another SA done. I don't see it as a bad idea. At least that would give you some idea it's not that (especially since he had a reversal). Come to think of it, after my Dad's reversal it took 2-2.5 years for mom to get pregnant.

Lindsay - I'm sorry your job would make it difficult. I'm a teacher, I'm allowed to take my appointments, but if I'm only gone an hour our two I have to find other people willing to take my class (which almost didn't happen when I had an appt last minute) or I have to get a full day sub, and it disrupts student learning as the sub usually can't teach math at the level my kids are at. It's hard for me to have a middle of the day appt because I don't know if I'll only be gone an hour to be back or if I should get another teacher to watch my next class (they get paid for it) even if I may be back. It's horrible and I hate it. My doc office is only like 10 minutes away too. Having support and the ability to make an appt doesn't make it easy (like your schedule where you're short handed, it's not like people wouldn't want you to go - but maybe it's not possible if the schedule is too full).
hello girls,

is there anyone out there who was considered as infertile and still got preggo?
do you know if infertile women can get preggo or not?
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