The One Year Strong Ladies!

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im feeling blah today. very emotional.....i cried today over a stinkin swing set. we havea very nice playground set at our old house. we moved here almost a year ago, we still own the other house. i want to bring the playground here. DH doesnt want to. we have been "discussing" it for a year. he is very set on not having here, has his reasons i am very set on moving it here, i have my reasons. we cant agree. we NEVER disagree on something for so long! we always come to a conclusion.....and so i cried. over not having the swing set. what is wrong with me! LOL im having cramps tonight. feel alot like the contractions i was having last week. but i also dont feel very well, has about 3 or 4 days of body aches and headache etc. last night a bad cough started so today, i have sore abs-headache-cough. boo :( OB check up in the morning. and i think they are doing that Strep B test and checking my cervix. they do those things at 35 weeks, and ill be 34 weeks 4 days. so i dont know?

Awww, i hope you feel better soon hun............:hugs::hugs::hugs:

It sounds like the pregnancy hormones are getting the best of you..:hugs:.I am emotional when I am not pregnant, I cant imagine how I will be if I am pregnant....:wacko: Hang in there hun, baby will be here before you know it....:hugs::winkwink:
hotpink - you know implantation means the egg is attaching to the lining and you can't get that every month right? You would be pregnant every month. I just want to make sure I am understanding you correctly.

busy- I'm so sorry you are having a rough day!!!! I was kind of grumpy today too. My mid back is killlllllling me. It's really warm in my house and dh wants to wait until tomorrow to turn air on because it's supposed to be so hot coming up we won't be able to enjoy open windows. Arrrrgh!

wanna- I am here with fx'd that you get that darker line!!!!!
Being induced tomorrow at 7am! Only 1 cm dialated :( But I'm going to have a baby tomorrow (or most likely the next day!) Going to go rest, be on in a few days! Love you guys!
Being induced tomorrow at 7am! Only 1 cm dialated :( But I'm going to have a baby tomorrow (or most likely the next day!) Going to go rest, be on in a few days! Love you guys!

Ohhhh............How Exciting!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I got my fingers crossed that every goes wonderful for you and James tomorrow!!!!! You and DH must be so excited....I am so happy for the two of you!!!!!:happydance::happydance::thumbup:

Are you going to be able to sleep tonight?? I dont think I would be able to, the excitment would keep me up!!!!:haha::winkwink:
Thanks, wannabe. Once things get rolling, it means I can start the Clomid. NOT looking forward to it, because I know how moody I was on 100mg, and he's boosting the dose up. But, maybe it won't be as bad since I know what to expect? I have no idea.

Busy - I'm sorry you aren't having a good day. I can only imagine how you feel. Clomid has to be like, 1/10th of PG hormones. I was crying over stupid TV shows and snapping at people for the lamest things.

I'm assuming since we haven't heard from Spunky that they sent her in to be induced. I hope so! Wish she had internet, I'm going to be going crazy here for the next couple days, LOL.

DH did the Abs Diet years ago and lost a lot of weight - one of the big points are "power foods" - I'm into making the smoothies in the book because they're high protein, and fill me up. :) So tonight was vanilla greek yogurt, milk, strawberries, banana, peanut butter, and whey powder. Was actually REALLY good. They are also supposed to be good during pregnancy - with my work schedule (insane), if I do one of them in the morning and try to take my snacks with me, I think I'll do ok. :) I copied about six different recipes - all really variations of the same ingredients - peanut butter, yogurt, berries, mango, banana, oatmeal (??) and so on. See how it works out. I'm waiting for my yoga and pilates DVDs to get here. I guess I'm thinking if I start doing this stuff now (better late than never, right?), continue it once I get my :bfp:, it'll be easier to continue AFTER baby.


Haha, it's the thought that counts, right?
Thanks ladies for the well wishings! Spent 3 hours at docs as I had high blood pressure. Had a non-stress test, ultrasound for amniotic fluid, blood and urine checks (all came back ok, so I wasn't induced TONIGHT). So I go back tomorrow since I'll be 11 days over.

Busy - :hugs: Hope things go better. I had my group test at 36 weeks (and it was positive, boo)

Lindsay - I agree with what you said. Weird.

Hotpink - too early! Fingers crossed for you!

Wannabe - I'll be looking for a darker line when I get back!
Ah, as I posted that I just saw your post, Chelsea!

YAY! :happydance: So glad you finally got an answer! Try to relax, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow (10am my time). Little canoe is finally making his way here! Good luck, and hope it all goes smoothly!
Being induced tomorrow at 7am! Only 1 cm dialated :( But I'm going to have a baby tomorrow (or most likely the next day!) Going to go rest, be on in a few days! Love you guys!

Ohhhh............How Exciting!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I got my fingers crossed that every goes wonderful for you and James tomorrow!!!!! You and DH must be so excited....I am so happy for the two of you!!!!!:happydance::happydance::thumbup:

Are you going to be able to sleep tonight?? I dont think I would be able to, the excitment would keep me up!!!!:haha::winkwink:

We're excited and nervous, going to take a sleeping pill cause I'm sleeping like crap and will want a good nights sleep :thumbup: I'm hoping I'll be able to have him tomorrow, I like June 7th better than June 8th, but either way as long as he comes out safely I'll be happy.
hooray for Spunky!!! baby James is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!! hooray hooray hooray!!!!!!! i hope the induction works quickly and he catches on quick that its time to come out!!!!!!!!!!
thanks you guys. i really do think its hormones....stupid stupid hormones LOL i did pick out 2 coming home outfits and packed up the hospital bag (well repacked it haha) i THINK she flipped over. i had some relaly tight cramping and sharp pains really low, then its like my belly got super super hard and tight and cone shaped then i felt a wave of nausea then all of the sudden there was a "kurplunk" and my belly went soft again. i just cant tell what is where now! will know in the morning!!!!
Tomorrow's my best friend's daughter's 5th birthday. She went into labor on 6/6/06, and held out until 1207am on 6/7/06, LOL. So June 7th is a good day.
Ladies! Sorry I've not been about much. I've got looooads to catch up on!
Just wanted to wish you luck Chelsea, and wannabe, I hope that line gets darker! xx

Anyone know how mrsj is doing?

I've had MIL over to help out for a couple of days. My family all figure I'm suffering from PND. I dunno. I cry a lot, I guess I've distanced myself from everyone including DF which has made things pretty rough. I think he's starting to understand though. Hopefully things will get better from here.

Anyhoo... It's nearly 6am. I'm going for a power nap before the little man wakes up.

Hope youre all doing ok... xxxx
:wave: hi cottlestonpie!!! how are you and baby doing?! :) hoping well! I'm glad you have had some help the last few days- and honestly yeah it's going to be super tough in the beginning but you are doing great hun and it's going to get better. I think it's a non-spoken rule that new moms are at their wits end for at least like 3 months in the beginning. And you are getting close to three months!!! Tell us, has anything improved? Talk about some great good things and it'll make it seem a bit better right? :hugs:

SPUNKY!!! you are going to have a baby today!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH i'm so excited!!!
Hi Katherine, glad to see you're still around!

Hopefully Spunky had her little one yesterday :happydance:

AFM - STILL no AF. We're going on 18dpo? What the hell? Took a test this AM just for the heck of it, and still glaring :bfn:. So...I'm hoping he's not going to have to give me the meds to induce my period (I had to do that a couple years ago when I was on BCP - my pituitary gland just shut down, overwhelmed with hormones), because that means I lose a cycle - Can't do Clomid when you have to take the meds to induce AF. GRR.

I'm figuring if nothing by Saturday, that'll be 21 days after the second IUI, one week after my beta was negative, I'll call his office and see what's up. I'm hoping this is the Clomid screwing things up, but on the other hand...if he's increasing the dose, that means it'll be worse next month??
Hoping things are well spunky wherever you are!!!

NJ- i think that's a good idea to call them saturday - and i REALLY hope that it isn't worse next time. :( this sucks.
i could not get B&B yesterday! i tried all day and it would not load! Baby Kendall DID flip!!!! she is not breech!!!! her head is very low, and my cervix is very low, soft, thin and dilated to 1. my OB said knowing me, he would "guess" about 2 weeks. but obviosuly told me not to get my hopes.. i definitely feel more pressure since her head is down. we are going camping this weekend to celebrate my big boys 9th birthday! i cant believe he is 9 already!!!!! i remember anxiosuly waiting for his labor to begin.....this is sooo funny to me, when i was pregnant with him i went camping with some friends from the 10-12th of June, came home and that night of the 12th i went into labor and he was born on the 13th. this year im going camping the 10-12th of june and we will coem home to the next day being his birthday =) anyway , just a little quirky coinscidence...AND when iw as preg with my 3rd, i attended my brothers wedding at 36 weeks 2 days preg. this year, i will be attending my mothers wedding at 36 weeks 2 days pregnant.
anyway im just rambling-boredom i guess. theres nothing left to clean, nothing left to pack (and we dont even leave for comping until Friday) i already ate..the toddlers are playing and they have a friend over. i can hear connect 4 pieces being tortured. its ok-they can trash the toy room-it will give me something to do during nap time.
i had a little babyshower get together over the weekend and got a few cute little outfits. a purple bumbo seat, and a "designer" diaper bag. im thankful for great friends! presents are always fun. we bought the carseat, i absolutly love it. its the Baby Trend Wysteria Lane (if you guys like to look things up) its so pretty. if you have a girl you should get it =) haha
going to go today and pick up some recieving blankets and baby towels....i gave all that stuffa way after the last-i always end up giving stuff away and having to buy new each time i get pregnant....i dont reccomend that lol keep your stuff in nice plastic totes in your basement or will save sooooo much money!!! well i guess im done rambling. ill sit here anxiosuly waiting for a reply so i have SOMETHING to do LOL
@NJ, I hope AF shows up soon so you dont have to go through all of the headaches that will occur if it doesnt show soon....:hugs: :hugs: I will keep my fingers crossed for you hun.... Good luck...:flower:

@Busy, I am glad the baby flipped back around and I hope that she stays that way!!:happydance::happydance: I hope you enjoy your camping trip!!!:flower:

@Spunky, We are all thinking of you today!!! I hope you and baby are doing wonderful today and that your labor went well!! I cant wait to see pictures of baby James!!! I am sure he is beautiful!!! :happydance::happydance:

@Cottlestone, I am sorry you are having a ruff time right now, but so glad that you have some help...Please dont be hard on yourself hun, being a new mommy is a huge adjustment and very difficult, and the sleep deprivation doesnt make it any easier, plus your hormones all over the place since you just had a baby. Try to rest when you can and take advanatage of the help well you have it. I hope you feel better soon. Luckily Toby will eventually get into an easier schedule and it wont be this hard for to long. Hang in there hun, things will get better soon. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM, not much going on really, i have been hunting for jobs all day, and making myself go crazy with HPT's and testing like a mad women, I still dont feel confident about whether what I am getting is a definate BFP or not....:wacko::wacko: I am going to try to take a few days off from testing and retry in a few days if I can control my POASA long enough to do so....:dohh: Ugghhhh, I hate the dam 2WW!!!!:growlmad:
hey girls, I hope everyone is doing well.. I vowed not to test, but I just couldnt help myself... If you want to take a look at my testing thread and let me know what u think it would be appreciated..Thanks in advance...:flower:
I see it- but again, i have total line eye. so i ALWAYS seem to see a line. I"m afraid i'm not much help love.

Anyone heard from spunky??? Hoping all is well and that she had her baby boy just fine. :)
Thanks for looking at my HPT thread...:flower: I am not going to declare a BFP just yet though until AF is late and I get a definate dark second line.

No, I havent heard from Spunky yet, I hope her and baby are doing well... :thumbup:
Still no AF. What the hell.

DH and I are both of the mindset that we don't want me to have to take anything to initiate AF if possible, just because we know it'll be a month missed with the RE - and both of us really want to get things moving. Ugh. Double edged sword. How late is too late, you know? I know that AF being late means the Clomid is working, because it stimulates progesterone (which is what the RE wants).

Hot as anything here - 110 at one point, which was followed by a massive thunderstorm scaring the bejeesus out of my dog - who is still huddled by my feet.

I hate to be Debbie Downer, @wannabe, but I don't see a line. Then again, I have the opposite of line-eye... keep trying! FX'd!

Haven't heard from Spunky - hopefully they're just resting. :) If she had the baby late on Tuesday, they may not go home until tomorrow, so it may be a while before we hear from her.
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