The Over 35 Newbies and not so's :)

Hi ladies :)

Everything- I can't believe how laid back you are being.. i'd be a total lunatic if I wasn't organised so near to the time lol....
I am sure you will get it all organised in time tho...even tho it is ticking...tock, tick tock tick lol

Hinky, I am glad to hear you had a good Christmas hun, and hopefully your Dr is right about the remaining placenta, the last thing you need is an infection on top of everything :hugs:
Before you know it March will be here for your appointment. I can understand your worry if you were to fall pregnant before then. Is there anthing that they can recommend before your appointment? vitamins, medications etc- I've just read things that some people have taken while pregnant to help with growth/sticky glue etc, although in thinking, tests will probably been needed before any of that :dohh:
Anyway, i'm sending you positive thoughs- you are being so brave with it all. I really do wish you all the luck for 2013.

Well i am only starting to buy things now. We have got the pram, car seat etc and that is going to a friends house to store.
I have to admit i am beginning to find it all a bit overwhelming with everything i need to get. I just don't know what all the essentials are. I don't want to go nuts and just buy everything that is on some of the newborn lists i have read, as i think some of them are just so overboard!
Or maybe i am just not prepared for everything this little one is going to need lol
I am planning on just buying things each week, and slowly ticking them off (not that i have a list to tick anything off of!)
I have a tendancy to panic buy, thats what i am most concerned about- buying things that are just not needed.
BUT- least ive made a start! and at least ive got some time remaining (gulp) lol
Thanks Hinky, I'll have a nose on here for some positive VBAC stories. It's a good idea to help put my mind at rest :thumbup:

Thanks for updating us about how you're doing too. Fingers crossed Aunt Flo comes and takes away the piece of placenta that you retained before it causes you any bother. It's a good sign that its not lead to any issues as yet but either an infection or more heavy bleeding is not what you need right now :hugs: fingers crossed that your appointment in March can give you some answers and even more importantly some solutions.

Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas over all despite what else has been going on in your life. Christmas is so much more magical with kids around, especially when they're well and truely toddlers and have a bit of understanding of what's going on :)

I can well believe that SPD pushed your friend out of work at 30 weeks. I only have 4 2-day weeks left to work after this one and I'm still having doubts that I can push through it. I had physio yesterday but feel in more pain today so I think its more a hinderence than a help :-( I really do still want to push on to 35 weeks if I can, especially given little man might be late, but we will have to see.

Chelli how about us experienced mums help you with your shopping? Honestly there is so much that you don't need (although its nice to have) and more still that's really no use whatsoever!

Why don't you post some items from your shopping list that you have your doubts about and we'll give you our thoughts based on our experiences and then you can make up your mind?

In other news little man finally has a name - Logan James :) x
hey ladies :)

gah up every 2 hours last night again so tired! have any of you tried a gliding chair? was thinking last night my lo's are bound to clash being up in the night at the same time (most nights martha is up every couple of hours - shes not a good teether) what if I need to settle them both at the same time - do you think a glider chair would mean I could rock them both at once?

I couldnt walk from 28 weeks last time until she engaged so you have my sympathy x

chelli it is overwhelming and everyone gives such conflicting advice as things are so personal - its like weddings I spose :) good idea starlight we can maybe help?

hinky hope the retained placenta doesn't cause any probs hon :hugs: great to have a date for clinic -something to work towards - great to get on with epac too we had a mare with our first mmc and ended up on really good terms with them

I watched one born - fast forwarded a lot but watched a nice birth with a yoga teacher - cried ofc but I watched it and was fine - so I think I'll leave it at that :) no more one born but I have watched a nice positive one :)
Just a quick update ladies. My niece Lyra Beatrice was born by planned c section at 10.57 today. She weighed a dinky 6Ib 12 (compared to her big sister who was 8Ib 12 when she arrived at 36 weeks!) and mum and baby are doing well :cloud9:

Rowan I haven't any experience with a gliding chair but I have similar worries. When Maia is sleeping well she sleeps very well but she goes through phases of being absolutely anti sleep every few months and its so hard x
Hi ladies- i am taking up your kind offer of assistance - you may regret it lol, I've put this list from John Lewis as they said this is a newborn essentials list.
Generally i think they have covered everything and not gone too over board, but i could do with you having a look of anything that you think is missing or not required?
I've tried to section it off as much as possible.
I could do with help on numbers of things to get.
Ideally i don't want to go mad on the 0-3month clothes as i think i will get lots in presents anyway, so i am hoping to just get the essentials. I don't generally plan on getting little outfits for the first couple of months (jeans etc that i have seen) as i think these are inpractable. I want to stick to mainly sleepsuits? Does this sound ok or am i being mean lol

I am sorry if this all seems obvious, but i really am a novice lol....clueless too :/

Moses basket or crib - Moses basket is being bought for me already, with stand
Cot or cotbed- I am not planning on getting a cotbed right away as we will be moving around April so i want to wait until we have time to decorate. We might need to get a travel cot until sorted.
Nursery furniture- wardobe, chest of drawers, changing table
New mattress
3-4 fitted sheets
3-4 blankets -
Room thermometer
Digital thermometer - for baby's temperature
Night light
Baby monitor

Baby bath
Bath thermometer
Top and tail bowl
Toiletries, cotton wool, sponges and flannels
Changing mat and travel changing mat
Cuddle robe or towels
Nappy genie (?????) lol
Baby wipes
Muslin squares
Brush and comb
Nail scissors or clippers

I'm planning on Breastfeeding
Nursing bras
Breast pads - washable or disposable?
Breast cooling pads
Nipple protectors- I initally though these were to stop the OH lol
6 muslin squares - how many?
breast pump

I'm planning on expressing on occasion to allow OH his turn :) so when Bottle feeding
6-8 bottles and teats (slow flow)
Steriliser b(choose steam, microwave or cold water)
Bottle warmer
Bottle brush
muslin squares

Out and about
Infant carrier/car seat- got
Pram/pushchair - got
Parasol or sun canopy in summer
Rain cover for your car seat and pram or pushchair - got
Travel cot -
Sun blinds for your car windows in summer
Changing bag - got

Inital clothes
Bodysuits x 10
Sleepsuits x 10
Cardigans x 2 and other layers
Scratch mittens x 2 pairs

Bouncer/rocking cradle -
Play/activity mat
Rattles or musical toys
Pram toys
Car seat arch or toys to hang on car seat handle

The numbers above are from John Lewis, not mine. I think i have about 20 body suits and sleep suits already.

So there you go- has it missed anything?

I am a little early in thinking about it- but can you also give me an idea of what you are putting in your Hospital bag for you and baby :)

Thanks lots

Everything- i hope you have packed yours now!
Hi Chelli

This is a good list! The only things I didn't get on that list were
- bottle warmer (just used a jug of hot water, or the microwave when I got a bit more daring :blush:!),
- brush and comb (in fact I still don't need one for LO as his hair barely grows), - top and tail bowl (I just used 2 margarine tubs)
- baby bath I borrowed and LO hated so weused a big mixing bowl (!) and then a tummy tub
- nappy genie, especially in colder months nappy bags in a separate bin / lidded bucket emptied daily worked fine
- cooling pads / nipple protectors (might be worth waiting to see how you get on - I was one of the lucky ones who didn't get sore nipples - oh, and cabbage leaves are the best thing for engorgement)
- parasol for pushchair (did buy one but only used once as I had to keep moving it when I changed direction!... my maclaren had a hood that I draped an oversized muslin over for shade)
- digital in-ear thermometer - bought one but never managed to take Stan's temp with it as he wriggled and protested so much, so that was a waste of money, ended up with one of those forehead strips that works pretty well.

Steriliser-wise, I had a plug-in steam one that I found really convenient and I got when on half-price from mothercare, but I know the microwave ones are good too. As for bottles, might be worth not buying too many of one kind until you see what LO prefers, but depends how much bottle feeding you'll be doing. We had avent pump, steriliser and bottles which was handy as everything fitted nicely!

We didn't buy any toys (I suppose because we had Christmas coming up) not even activity arch etc. Until he was at least 4 weeks old he didn't play with anything, just watched what was going on and slept a lot. So might be worth waititng to see what you are given in the way of toys before spending too much.

Hah, I sound like a right stinge-bag!! :haha:
Also, sleepsuits are fine for first few months. Lots of mums like to dress their babies in jeans etc, but Stan had day sleepsuits and night ones so at least I felt like I was getting him dressed! I probably kept him in sleepsuits far too long, my friend used to say to him "aw, has mummy made you come out in your pyjamas again?" :haha: but I am so glad I kept him looking like a baby as long as I could :cloud9: After all that doesn't last long and you will miss it!
Hey Chelli, here's my thoughts.

Sleeping: pretty comprehensive list but depending on what baby monitor you decide to get you might be able to lose the room thermometer and the nightlight. We got the angel care movement and sound monitor and it has a built in night light and thermometer.

The parent unit displays the room temperature all the time and you can even set an alarm to go off to alert you when the room gets above or drops below the temperature you want it. We found it a brilliant monitor all round and would recommend it.

Got to say a lot of people say they wouldn't bother with a changing unit but I loved ours. It was do much easier (having had a c section) to be able to change Maia standing up rather than have to get on the floor.

Bathing: the only thing I didn't use on this list is the top and tail bowl, as I just used an old mixing bowl from the kitchen.

I did use a nappy genie and found it brilliant as we had our wheelie stolen so had to put out rubbish in bags once per week. Dirty nappies can really smell if left in the house in regular nappy sacks. Must admit though since we got round to replacing our bin we haven't replaced the cartridges in the nappy genie and just use it as a normal bin so I guess whether this is necessary depends on your circumstances.

Only other thing I'd think twice about getting straight away is toiletries. While a baby isn't mobile or eating solid food water alone is normally good enough and the only toiletry we used is a bit of baby shampoo as she always had lots of hair.

Feeding: Again a good list but I would see how it goes before getting the nipple shields. I would recommend Lansinoh nipple cream as a must. Unlike most nipple creams it doesn't need to be washed off before you feed which is awesome :thumbup:
I went for disposable breast pads but it depends if you can be bothered to wash the reusable ones or not.

For bottle feeding I think 6 bottles/teats will be plenty and I'd get a microwave steriliser as they're cheaper and take up much less room. If like me you switch to bottle feeding before your LO is 12 months a steam steriliser is worth it as you can normally put it on once and sterilise a days worth of bottles. You can never have enough muslin squares IMO, lol.

Clothes - spot on. Sleep suits are so much easier for young babies and we didn't use most of the little outfits we bought to begin with. Shan't bother this time, will be sleepsuits all the way. I'd recommend an outdoor coat in addition to what's on the list though.

Travel: I agree with Hinky about the sun parosol. I wouldn't bother, you can never get it in the right position.

Toys: You won't need anything instantly (and may well find you're bought some rattles and things as presents) as when LO's first arrive the tend to just eat and sleep. As Maia got older she loved her bouncy chair, and would really recommend a play gym from when baby is a couple of months old. I know all babies are different but Maia loved spending time in hers more than you can even imagine.

Hope this has helped Chelli
That's great news about your niece Starlight :flower:

Chelli, I think there's quite a few things on your list that I wouldn't rush out and buy - different people see different things as 'essential' so there will never be a perfect list, but some of the things I'd say are convenient rather than essential.

I echo what Starlight said. We have a BT monitor, and it has a room thermometer on it, a night light, and plays music too. We have never used the nightlight, I have heard that once a baby becomes accustomed to having a light on you run the risk that they won't sleep without it. Only other thing I don't think was on your list that you might want to consider is a musical mobile - Fin loved his and still does, it's part of his bedtime routine putting that on.

We didn't get a baby bath, we just bought a new plastic basin for the kitchen sink and bathed LO in that :haha: This was actually recommended to me by a parent because it means you are bathing LO in an upright position rather than bending over the bath. I didn't get a thermometer either, we just use our arms to test the water temperature (I'm a cheapskate!). We only used cotton wool for the first 2 weeks while you're not meant to use wet wipes on baby's bum.

I BF Fin up to 16 months, and I used hardly anything - no breastpads (I found that I only leaked first thing in a morning when I first saw LO while I did his nappy, and I didn't have a bra on then anyway so I just got used to looking like I was entering a wet t-shirt competition :haha:). I agree Lansinoh nipple cream is a must - brilliant stuff. I bought nipple shields but didn't get on with them at all, many babies won't suck properly through them either, not something I would buy in advance really. Muslins - I never needed these with Fin as he was never sick... not sure how common that is though. Breast pump - I bought an electric one but actually found it easier to hand express.

Bottle feeding
I left it too long before trying Fin on a bottle and he completely refused, I tried different bottles and teat sizes but he wasn't having any of it! I would say don't buy too many of the same type of bottle straight away, wait to check that your baby takes to the particular bottle first and then stock up on them.

The other stuff looks ok... Fin loved his playmat so that's a thumbs up from me too. A little bit further down the line (from at least 4 months) but Fin loved his jumperoo, and all his friends that had one have loved them too... if you're considering getting one it might be worth keeping your eye out for a bargain because they are expensive (getting on for £100 if you don't shop around) or consider 2nd hand.

And nope, still not packed!!! :rofl: I don't think I'll bother until contractions start or my waters break! We've washed all Fin's old clothes up to 6 mths, just need to make room in our bedroom drawers for them all and put them away.
hey ladies :)


sleeping - we had a moses basket which Martha grew out of by 6 weeks, then we moved onto crib and then onto cot at 4 months when she could roll over and was starting to try to sit up

i used blankets at first then moved onto sleeping bags

we have the angel monitor which we found priceless as Martha has reflux and would choke about 5 times a night


we used a baby bath then into the big bath with us

Im still using cotton wool for M's nappies as wipes burn her (except the co-op wipes randomly! so I save them for v foul teething nappies lol)

I use burping/sick cloths which are really soft to dry in M's creases (chubby bottom and legs!) before using cream

keep hold of your sample size pots of sudacrem from the bounty packs they are fab for changing bags!

changing station was invaluable after a 3rd degree tear!

Feeding - I bottle fed from the get go - weve got a steam steriliser which is fab, i used tommee tippe closer to nature bottles - started with the colicy ones with all the bits inside but after a week of cleaning them changed to the standard colic bottles - 3 parts to them and a hole on the base of the teat to let air flow (or something) M has never had colic - only reflux

6 bottles should be fine - we got the smaller bottles at first and then got bigger bottles - will buy new bottles teats etc for Michael

didnt use a bottle warmer - I make Ms bottles fresh and the cool them down so she has cold/room temp bottles and is the same with food (saves getting milk heated up when out and about)

cartons are brill at night if you are making fresh bottles each feed (had to stop when I started using gaviscon tho as it didn't mix well lol)

milk - aptamil has been brilliant for M

Muslins - didnt buy any - M is an internal refluxer so never sick outwardly

toys - i needed - M napped maybe an hour during the day max even from a newborn so needed stimulating a lot - we had a rocky chair which was useless due to reflux, a plain old bouncy chair was much better, activity gym (i had baby einstein as it was v colourful but just my daft choice you can get much cheaper ones!) and various things we inherited from family - she loved a dangly toy that i hung from her pram hood / car seat handle and would try and bat it from v early on

things like bumbos are hard to advise on too - M loved hers as she wanted to sit up from 3 months (and was sitting by 4 months) but we borrowed ours from a friend whose dd didnt ever use it

M hated jumperoo / walkers etc anything involved being strapped in I cant even use straps on her highchair now! lol so Id defo check out ebay for things like that!

clothes - I suddenly felt I needed M in clothes from 3 months but only started putting her in jeans etc when she was crawling at 7 months and then from 9 months she lived in dungarees while she got the hang of walking - but I love babygrows so she lived in them til 3 months!

was thinking about life with a newborn - if you can make healthy meals in advance to freeze that will be fab - too much prepackaged food makes you feel crappy when you're not sleeping etc

not sure if you have to avoid caffeine when bf!? but I found coke was fab as never got time to drink tea, I lived on sandwiches during the day too - still do

but M is v v active, doesn't sleep during the day (or night when teething) and has reflux so...I may not have the idea of how newborns normally are? my friends babies seemed to just sleep the first few weeks?!

hope that helps!! x
Thank you ladies! you have reasured me that i am on the right track at least!
and thank you for the advice.

Star/Everything-I certainly like the idea of the monitor, i'd not got round to looking at those yet- but since you've mentioned it i've read very good reviews on both.

I have to admit i had to google a nappy genie as i didn't have a clue what it was! lol but it does seem like a good idea.

Hinky, i agree about the bottles- since i'm planning on breastfeeding mainly (all being well) I'll need to find out which one will be suitable for Millie when i get round to expressing.

Rowan- I like the idea of getting some meals frozen in advance- what a helpful idea!

I suppose I will slowly get to know these things when she arrives and i get to know her and her likes/dislikes and needs and not just what is given on a list!, but its been great to get your perspective on it with your experiance with it all-
Its so true about the parasol- i remember the trouble my SIl had and yet there i was like a robot going to get one lol...

Too many good ideas to go through them all individually, but i really am greatful. You have really helped reassure me. My friend bought over 100 outfits for her newborn, and i always thought it was mad lol.

Thank you all very much :) :hugs:

Star- meant to say congrats about your neice too!
Omg what a horrendous day :-(

I fell down the stairs when I was taking Maia to nursery this afternoon. I managed to stop Maia and her brother from getting hurt thank god but can't say the same about myself.

It could have been worse though...

When I got to A&E they thought my ankle was broken but turns out its just torn ligaments. It's really painful (and of course being preggers I can't have pain relief) but it will heal faster than a break. The consultant was having convcerns about how a broken ankle might effect my chances of a VBAC as I would have no chance of being active in labour. At least my ligaments should be healed by then :thumbup:

On the downside I'm actually immobile tonight and have crutches to get around from tomorrow. It's hard enough keeping up with Maia being heavily pregnant but on crutches as well - no chance :haha: Got to laugh or I'd cry!

So pleased neither of my LO's were hurt though x
Omg what a horrendous day :-(

I fell down the stairs when I was taking Maia to nursery this afternoon. I managed to stop Maia and her brother from getting hurt thank god but can't say the same about myself.

It could have been worse though...

When I got to A&E they thought my ankle was broken but turns out its just torn ligaments. It's really painful (and of course being preggers I can't have pain relief) but it will heal faster than a break. The consultant was having convcerns about how a broken ankle might effect my chances of a VBAC as I would have no chance of being active in labour. At least my ligaments should be healed by then :thumbup:

On the downside I'm actually immobile tonight and have crutches to get around from tomorrow. It's hard enough keeping up with Maia being heavily pregnant but on crutches as well - no chance :haha: Got to laugh or I'd cry!

So pleased neither of my LO's were hurt though x

OMG Star that's horrible! I am so sorry to hear this, but glad your LO's are ok. You must have been terrified. Glad its not broken, but bad enough :sad1: .

Well now you'll have to put your feet up and rest and let your DH take the load so to speak!
You need to be healed for the labour.
Poor you! Big hugs hun :hugs:
Ouch Starlight!! So glad your babies are both ok, but you've got tough times ahead now with those crutches :hugs:

My friend next door fell down the last step of a flight at work in August when she was 6 months pregnant, and shaved a splinter of bone off her ankle. I think she was on crutches for 8 weeks. Do you know how long you will need them with the torn ligaments? Thank goodness it shouldn't affect your chances of a VBAC.
Ouch! Sounds like your neighbour has been through the mill.

I will be on crutches between one and two weeks depending on how well it heals. Much better than 8 weeks, although will likely be 8 weeks before I have full mobility on it. This will take me up to my EDD but I think I will have enough mobility by then for it not to be an issue :thumbup:

I hope your friend next door is fixed up before her EDD.

How are you anyway Everything. I saw you hadn't posted for a few days so was wondering if anything had started. So excited to hear about the arrival of your LO xx
I'm ok, just wish baby would come. Not so much because I want the pregnancy to finish - I am relatively comfortable still and I'm going to miss my bump. Partly because my brother is in the UK at the moment visiting since Xmas but he goes back to Trinidad in a few days (he has moved out there for 3 years with his girlfriend's job), and isn't due back to visit again until October... I wanted him to meet his latest nephew before he left.

Partly also I'm getting a bit nervous now. I just want him here so I know he's healthy and safe.

Also a friend of mine had her baby yesterday, she was due 2 weeks after me. I couldn't help the niggle of envy that she'd got to meet her little one, daft I know because my little man will be here soon :cloud9:

I've been having BH contractions for a few weeks, several nights I've had period pains... none of it has led to anything so I really don't feel like I'm going to spot the signs until I'm in full blown labour haha!

Baby is being a bit quiet at the moment, and I don't remember him having his usual busy jiggle yesterday evening either. I hope he gets active later (even though he hurts when he gets going!!).

How is your spd Starlight? Still as bad?
Ooh perhaps if he's been a big quiet it means he is gearing up to his grand entrance into the world. Fingers crossed he gets moving though - its a worry when they have a quiet day.

I understand perfectly how you feel about your friend having her baby. I was the same when I went over due with Maia and completely understand the envy.

It would be so nice if your brother got to meet LO before he goes home too. Fingers crossed for you. If he's here for a few more days there is time still :)

To be honest my SPD has been completely overshadowed by the pain in my ankle since my fall. I know its still there (and think its making it a bit harder to get around on my crutches) but then is probably also benefitting from me not moving around. I have only really got up to the bathroom today. At first the rest was nice but its starting to drive me a bit mental now.

I take if you've now packed your hospital bags? Lol x
I wondered if the rest might help with your SPD Starlight. My pubic bone hurts if I've done a lot of walking. Not much of a silver lining for you though!

I started packing before I came to bed! :happydance: As expected it took me 5 minutes! Didn't quite finish - can't remember where I put my Lansinoh, couldn't be bothered to go searching. The only other things are last minute (toiletries and makeup). Haven't done baby's bag yet but I've got a list for it and there's not much there, just the essentials which will take 5 minutes again. I just can't get excited or panicked about packing, I guess maybe its partly because I used to work away a lot with my job so I'm used to packing quickly and travelling light, and partly because I only live 5 minutes from the hospital and I know I can trust my OH to get things for me if needed :thumbup:

I woke up with really bad back ache and period pain. I allowed myself to wonder if things were starting this time, but it's pretty much gone now and no contractions at all. I even got out of bed and walked about for a while but I can't feel much pressure down there, I don't even think LO is engaged at the moment.

Hmm, as I was writing that I got back ache back that came on like a contraction... I hate all this body playing tricks on me!!

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