The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Thanks wendy! Love Bridget Jones as well! Yeah I am, for right now I was just taking family orders but the other night I got around to starting a facebook site, its not on publicly yet though as I've still to upload photos to give people an idea of whats available, because i've been doing my own ours as well as one of the other girls in my department i've not had alot of time. I didn't realise xfactor was back on!?

Shana :happydance: hope you'll catch that egg!

Amy certainly sounds like you had a productive day :) I managed to go through some of mine and Kyles clothes and bag what we dont wear, it was badly needing done. I'll need to look at those wedding photos when I finished work tonight, i'm loving everything wedding right now :D

Well ladies you'll never guess what happened! I'm pretty sure I would have mentioned Kyles waste of space father who had paid a handful of times in 3 years? Thats just one of the problems we've had with him. Basically I finally went to CSA..there was a whole issue there, hes been taking the mick with wages slips and stuff with them and then told me he was no longer receiving shifts and had to claim jobseekers (as to which hes not required to pay a penny legally)
Anyway, a cousin who I hadnt seen in a while happened to mention seeing John (kyles dad) at the club and pub he goes to, so I asked when and he told me just the other week. So all the above occured in april/may so I was fuming that he'd fooled me, everyone kept saying he'll still be working but for some stupid reason I thought for once he was being honest. The party was on not far from this place so when the party was over Kyles godmother and I went a walk..and caught him standing there with his uniform on at the club door..first thing he says was "I'm covering for a friend.." as to which I replied "do the csa know..?" infront of all his work mates. :haha: he deserves it. I've been civil and trusting and its just not working. Its not me hes taking from by doing it, its Kyle!

Anyway I best be off to work! xx
Yes I am very lucky to have a doctor who considers what I think and want! But we will see... How it works!
Arlene, sorry to hear about Kyle's dad. I know he will get what's coming to him! Are you close to that time Mrs?? Fingers crossed for you. I hope work wasn't too bad, I hate working sundays!

Wendypops, well I was meant to be getting some down time but so far hasnt worked. I've not stopped all weekend! I am just cooking our Sunday roast and will then chill out with Gavin watching random tv before its back to work :cry: on the plus side, I have only 1 week left with my temp :haha: hope you and Scott had a lovely night last night, I am going to be watching x factor tonight so I hope the auditions are good!

Amy, I am glad you are doing some digging before seeing your doctor, hopefully this will come in handy. Do remember that some things on the net aren't always true though. I would hate for you to think there is something wrong with you which isn't there. Hopefully the doctors will offer support for you. :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well and has had a fab weekend :flower:
Hey ladies!!! I am back!!:flower:

Arlene: Go you for saying something! Good on you, I can't stand people who don't step up to their responsibility!

Emma: Glad you only have one week of your temp left!!! Can't believe Pippin is as big as an onion now, wow!!:happydance:

9babiesgone: I'm joining you in that 2ww hun, heres hoping it's our last!

Amy: gonna jump over to your journal soon and have a look at those piccies!! Sounds like you have been a busy lady! Hope your OK hun :flow:

AFM well after a little incident yesterday meaning I couldn't test properly I think I ov'd either yesterday or Friday (got quite a strong line but didn't think it was strong enough)so counting yesterday as ov day and will bd tonight and monday, rest tues and bd again wed, adam is loving the whole smep business lol!! Had a lovely holiday away with the inlaws and had a good rest, was quite fun having to sneak in :sex: and be really quiet!! Ad is pretty convinced it will happen this month as on top of smep we are using conceive+ and he is typical bloke and doesn't really take it seriously, at the moment I'm just glad I ov'd but I'm sure by 6dpo I will be impatient to find out again!!
Evening all, can't believe it's Sunday night already. Ugh, I so need another holiday! Not been much happening today. Hubby and brother-in-law serviced my car for me while I had a cup of tea and a chat with my mother-in-law. It was nice. I've not done much since i've got home, just some housework.

Well, last night me and hubby :sex: since the witch was only here a couple of days, but I noticed afterwards I bled a little. I didn't feel sore, only noticed when I wiped. It kinda freaked me out a bit but i'm assuming he maybe hit my cervix cause i've never had blood after bdancing before. Hopefully it wont happen again.

Anyway, what's everyone been up to?

Arlene Yeah Xfactor started again on Saturday, it'll be repeated though i'm sure. I'd happily watch it again, I can't help but drool over Gary Barlow :haha: Oh that's fab your getting a Facebook page set up! Let me know when it's up and running so I can have a nose :flower: Oh wow what a jerk your ex is! I hope you're going to dob him into the CSA! I sure would x

Shana Yey for the 2 week wait! Hope it will go by quickly for you x

Emma Oh yum! Sunday roast is my fave meal! Sorry you've had a busy weekend, hopefully your getting some down time now. I saw that spider pic on Facebook! eek!!! That would have totally freaked me out. Loved your nail varnish tho :haha: x

Naomi Lovely to have you back hun and yey for the two week wait! I bet you had fun being sneeky! It might have been just what you needed, to have some fun and let nature take its course. Fingers crossed! x

Well i'm going to get off and get ready for big brother and then bed. I'm shattered. Speak soon :flower: x
Well I think I may have ovulated early.. they said it was possible while taking clomid. So we are going to try today, tomorrow and than tues. and than pick back up thurs we will see! Hope everyone had a great weekend
Brittany Oh yey for ovulation! What does this mean for your trigger shot though? x

Rita Thank you hun, it is a great thread. You are more than welcome to join :flower: x
It means it will probably not happen :( but if I ovulated that is all we ask for every cycle!
wendy!! thanks. woohoo

and disney wer are both exactly 2dpo. we can be 2ww buddies!!
WENDY, we tested on 8/21 (against plan) and bfn... but FF had changed our OV date on 8/20 so??? 8/23 is the original test date so we are going to keep our FXD and test tomorrow. If this is a bfn, we will just b waiting on AF and enjoy a nice trip! I am CD34 soo... FXD

SHANA, hooray for OV and all that BDg taking you into the TWW. Only you can make the TWW sound soooo good :haha: GL FXD, and :dust:

ARLENE, I sure hope that you will be speaking with CSA and putting bug in their ear....

FAMILY, I hope this all works out for you, we did a few IUI cycles as well. GL! I hope the recent OV proves to be a good sign! FXD

NOAMI, welcome back Hun! GL in the TWW!! :dust:

I am 15DPO (13DPO by FF) Well, it looks confusing… I mean, on Sunday (DPO14), after inputting my temp, FF changed my OV date. Does this happen often? I mean I am on CD34! Longest cycle ever! I know now, that this is a result of the M/C in July. :sad1: I am feeling like I am totally out of it this month after seeing that. Current SSing: very tired, BLOATED, bbs tingling every now and then, not hungry often, I have felt sick the last few days when I first wake, but it leaves. I guess I am just waiting now to see if AF ever shows…. Other than that, the weekend was lovely. I hope everyone else is doing better!!!
Emma hope this week goes quick for you so you'll be rid of the temp for good!

Naomi yay for ovualtion!! I hope your tww goes quickly :)

Wendy keep an eye out, spotting is pretty normal but anything heavier thats reoccuring should be checked out, but you know that yourself. When I claimed csa before and he denied working, when I told them he was they simply gave me the number for benefit fraud and told me they couldn't do anything else. I have to do whats right for Kyle, and phoning benefit fraud would not get Kyle what hes entitled too. I had words with him today and told him he pays for him or doesn't see him (I wouldn't actually ever stop him, i'm just hoping he won't chance it though)

Familyready :happydance: for ovulation! hope yous catch that egg :)

mrsmm I can't help with your question about FF, I've never used it, just wanted to say i've got my fx'd for you!

Well i'm about 12dpo and af is due thursday and I really want to test! I don't know if I can make it through the rest of the night without! :dohh: :lol:
Hi ladies. I feel like I missed so much, I tried to go back and read as much as I could and catch up. So lets start with my proper post.

Emma- What did you end up gifting at the engagement party. My DH and I had a very small get together that my MIL/FIL had for us. We had dinner with some friends and family. Then went back to their house for dessert. People gave us picture frames, cards, cash, flowers, and my best friend gave me an amazing cheesecake (by far the best gift). Hope you enjoyed yourself, parties are always fun!!! Hope you atleast got your mind of the stress of work.

Arlene- Such a shame about kyles dad. He sounds as bad as mine. But the best advice I can give you is to continue being the best mom you can to kyle. When he gets older he will make up his own mind about his father, and all you need to do is be supportive about whatever decision that may be. And it could change at times, but as long as he knows you support him, and agree with whatever he feels he will feel ok about it. I know thats what I needed from my mom. My father is in the 12 step program. I have decided not to make amends with him. Because I forgave him a long time ago so that I could move on. I think the only person he needs to make amends with is god. God helped me decide that I wasn't going to confuse my child, they will have two grammys and one papa and that will be enough. You are an amazing mom, you stick up for yourself and your son and thats the most important thing. No one can take that from you, and kyles dad is missing out on the greatest gift god will ever give him. No one to something happy, if you EVER have any wedding questions PLEASE ask because I LOVE LOVE LOVE weddings and I had a blast planning mine. If you like I can post some pictures of my big day.

Wendy- Sorry the witch got you, she is just a darn evil lady. However I hope you get your BFP next cycle and can make your big christmas annoucement. I always thought it would be exciting to announce something over the holidays, so I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!!

Amy- I ended up getting a samsung evergreen. Sorry the witch got you too. Soooo I am freaking out over ricky with an engagement ring? Do you think this is like a dream sequence or for real? Cant wait till 8:00 tonight!! We will definately have to discuss!!!!

Adrienne- Glad to hear your recovery is going well. Also congrats on the wieght loss, that is truly amazing. It took me months to lose 15lbs and then I got BFP and couldn't work out as hard because it made me feel ill. However I have started walking everyday and I feel really good. If you needed a light exercise since surgery try a light walk, honestly I put on my ipod and its just me and the road, and it clears my head and I just feel really good about myself when its over. Good luck on your wieght loss journey!!! I cant wait to hear about the shedding lbs.

Rachael- I believe in fate as well. I was thinking about all the birthdays in my family and in my husbands family and no one is born in march, so my bean will have a month just for them for quite sometime. Cant wait to hear how your appt went. Glad your family was thrilled, they should be!!!

MrsMM-Hoping for a BFP!!! Keep us posted, you are not out until the witch shows her ugly face!!

AFM- Tonight I am looking forward to my favorite show! My plan for tomorrow is to take my final exam for class, and clean the house. My shower needs a good scrubbing that I have said I was going to do for the last two weeks and I keep putting it off. So thats my goal for tomorrow. I am going to try to plan something for my husband and I to do this weekend. And a week from this Friday I leave for almost a full week in IL!!! I cant wait, I already have so much planned and its going to be so nice to see my family and friends. I am hoping my itty bitty bump gets a little bigger over the next 2 weeks so I have something to show them. I am the type of person who needs things to look forward to. I have always been that way. So ladies I need your HELP. I have decided that if we have a girl her middle name will start with the letter A. My mother and two of her sisters middle names start with A, my sisters first name starts with A, and my husbands middle name starts with A. So it just seems fitting. However the only A name that I have thought of is Alexis, its cute, but I was hoping you guys could give me some more options. Remember her first name will be Kensi, I know thats not the traditional way of spelling it but she is being named after a character and thats how the character spells it so we are trying to stay true. I hope you all have great days and wonderful weeks. This post has taken me a long time, I had to take a bathroom break lol.
Carly I can't believe your 12 weeks already!! How about Amy/Amiee Abigail, Alana, Alicia or Anna?

As for weddings, we are totally in love with this venue so far

Yea, post some pics! I'm sure all the ladies would like to see them :)
Shana & Naomi - woohoo, good luck in your TWW!!! FXed for both of you!

Emma - thanks hun. it's not as much thinking something's wrong - it's that I don't want to suffer a 3rd miscarriage if something IS wrong. I did some research, and more and more places are now saying the doctor should run the standard blood tests after 2 miscarriages. It used to be 3rd was the norm. So, I guess I'll see what my doc says. I just want the standard blood work done. I'm also worried with the cramping around my ovary area I've been getting lately. With my mom's history, it's not something I want to take lightly.

Wendy - I LOVE Big Brother - except I think you guys have a different version over there. Stinks being in different countries sometimes!! But it is def one of my favorite shows right now!! Sorry to hear about the bleeding - hopefully it doesn't happen again. I had some to the other night - I thought AF was out the door, but I guess not as I spotted the next day.

Brittany - glad they think you ovulated!! good luck!!

Maia - good luck to you!!

Carly - Hmm, I don't know about Ricky. I like them together, but something tells me that Adrian is gonna try and sneak back into their relationship. Amy is soo good for Ricky, he has definitely changed for the good. I hope anyways. I LOVE Kensi Alexis - it is super cute!! I would say Amy is a great name ;) But it doesn't sound good with Kensi, I think. What about Kensi Amelia or Kensi Abigail. I think those both work! Oh, and I agree - post some pics. I posted some in my journal. One of the last few pages if you want to look!

Arlene - that venue is GORGEOUS!! OMG, I love the garden area. It truly is stunning for an outdoor wedding! Good luck to you this cycle!!

Not much is new with me. Got lots of traveling and stuff planned for this month, so it should go by quickly. Already on CD6 tomorrow. But, still over 2 weeks away from ovulation. Having a long cycle sucks. I ordered my Preseed yesterday, so that should be here by the fertile period. That's about it ladies.
is preseed supposed to help? And it is great I ovulated but I wont have a trigger shot this cycle! but that is ok!
Morning everyone. How are we all doing today? I’m not bad just really tired. Don’t seem to be sleeping well at the moment. Doesn't help when my cat decides to go mental and run all around the house making noise at 5.30am :haha: Can’t believe i’m on CD7 already. Ovulation should hopefully happen next week then i’ll be back in the tww. Hope my will power will be good like last month and there will be no testing early! Time will tell.

Brittany Aww that’s a shame about the trigger shot but like you say, all you can ask is that your body ovulates and you give it the best shot you can! Fingers crossed for you x

Shana Yey for the tww! Just hope it’s a quick one for you. There’s nothing worse than eagerly waiting to test! X

Maia Yeah Fertility Friend does sometimes randomly change your ovulation day. Don’t know why it changed yours though when you got your positive OPK on CD21! Your temps are still nice and high so i’m disregarding your BFN and am remaining hopeful! Keep us posted x

Arlene You are kidding?! I thought it was the CSA’s job to kick them in the backside and investigate them if they’ve been telling porkies? What a joke! Hopefully your threat will do the trick though. He shouldn’t need to be told to pay up, it’s his son! Idiot lol. Ooh not long till testing day, hold out hun! I know it’s hard but I did it and felt so much better when AF came knowing I hadn’t wasted any tests. By AF day you will get a nice strong BFP if there’s meant to be one so there will be no doubts! Keeping everything crossed as always x

Carly Good luck with your final exam hun, I know you will do great! As for names I love the name Ava, there’s also Alison, Adeline, Abby, Ailsa, Amanda, Alma, Alena or Alice, Arlene & Amy gave some great choices too, let us know what you choose! X

Amy I’m on CD7 so we are either the same cycle day or one day out! I don’t ovulate till between CD18 – CD20 either so we will probably be waiting together again. We’ll do it this time! As for your wedding pics hun, I love them! What a fab photographer you had. Oh i’m a Big Brother addict lol, so glad to have something to watch again! X

Rachael i’ve been thinking, last month was the first month you used soft cups wasn’t it? I’m wondering if this is what worked for you? Hmm x

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