The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

AMY, this is my 2nd earthquake in less than a year! Not use to this type of weather here at all, and now a pending Hurricane.... Friends on BnB felt the quake in Toronto and as far down as S. Carolina. I am holding out to test tomorrow morning before we fly out for vacay/DW's bday! FXD!

Naomi, GL!!! with dinner and diet tonite, you can always "restart" your diet tomorrow, or use tonite as a cheat day.... :haha:

Wendy, YAY! for a weekend with your DH! I hope you two thoroughly enjoy each other. Yes, after he is out, insert the softcup. I always tell ladies to do a dry run in advance so you can get it positioned quicker, they are suuuuper easy. There are quite a few women on here that use them with their DH. (Thread called SOFTCUPS) Before my M/C my cycles were 28-30days. I am leaning towards the MC causing a whacky cycle, FF seems to agree as it changed my date.... No AF though so either way I am waiting....

ARLENE, FXD! and hoping :af: doesn't show!

EMMA, that temp has been a PAIN!!! GL, I hope tomorrow proves to be a better day as well.

BRITTANY, Thanks!! PMA is definitely needed in here! (Read my post to WENDY about softcups.)

AFM Ladies...15DPO, CD36! Current SS: Tired, BLOATED feeling heavy and clothes not fitting, feel wet but not much CM. Temp crept up a tiny bit this morning. Staying pretty persistent and above coverline. We leave for vacay tomorrow early, so I will test then, FXD! 16DPO!
Check out my chart below…

:dust: :dust: :dust to the Thread!!!!!
Thanks Maia, I keep of saying tomorrow will be a better day lol

Loving the positivity familyready! That's what I like to see on this thread x
Hi Everyone :hi:
Hope you are all doing well. I love the PMA on this thread lately, it's putting me in a good mood.

Maia and Arlene hoping that the witch stays away :af: and hope that we get some good BFP news real soon.

9babies sounds like things are looking good for you too. I know the tww stinks but hopefully you'll have good news for us too at the end of it. Good luck!

Wendy have fun this weekend. And I know how you feel about the softcups. I'm such a baby about using stuff like that. For some reason I think if I put it in there it will get lost and I won't be able to get it out. :rofl:

Carly almost time to go see you're family. I know you must be so excited. I'm sure your family can't wait to see you and discuss all things baby.

Emma sorry you had so much trouble with that temp. Even in her absence she's still causing you problems. I hope things calm down at work for you soon. You and your little bean derserve a much needed break.

Naomi enjoy your dinner tonight and as Maia said you can always go back to the diet tomorrow.

Rachael hope you and your little bean are doing well.

And to all the other ladies out there I hope you are all having a good day.

AFM had my post op today and the doctor was very pleased with the way everything is going. She said that with the combination of having the surgery and losing weight I have a very good chance of conceiving naturally. (oh I lost another 3lbs this week bringing my total weight loss to 11lbs since August 1st) So the plan going forward is to try to do this the natural way for the rest of the year and if no BFP by the new year I'll give her a call and decide where we want to go from thre. Needless to say I was very happy to hear this news, and I'm ready to get down to "business". I see a lot of :sex: in my future, but unfortunately I have to wait until September to start as I am still healing "down there".:growlmad: Plus the surgery brought on an early period so I have no idea where I am in my cycle.:shrug: Well that's all that's going on with me. Just watching the hurricane as it has the possibility of hitting here on Sunday (the day I go back to work). I hope it passes us by but I don't think we'll be that lucky, but it's still early. Take care ladies and I'll be checking in.
Hi ladies!! Not much going on with me today. I took my final so my class is now complete. I pretty much could have gotten a D on the final and still passed the class with an A so I am not that worried. And then my next class starts on Sunday, so atleast I have a couple days off. I hope this week continues to fly by because I will be that much closer to leaving for IL. I will spend most of next week packing. It will take a lot longer because I will be trying to find clothes to hide my little bump. A close friend is having his birthday at a bar and I have known him since highschool so I kind of HAVE to go but I dont want to be like the pregnant girl at the bar lol. So this will be the first time I am not happy to pack. Usually I love packing, its very relaxing for me for some reason. But I hope all you ladies are doing well.

MrsMM-Thank you for sharing your feelings about adoption with me. I can only imagine the pain you and your wife are going through on top of spending a lot of money. But I am sure god will grant you with a beautiful child, just be patient and dont ever give up.

Amy-Adrian BETTER back off. I am ready to pounce!! If that kiss was real I am going to lose it. I hope it is either Adrian dreaming or they are trying to trick us using old footage of the show. So I guess we will have to wait and see. Monday cant come soon enough!!!

Wendy- Your life is more exciting than mine. Atleast you have work to keep you occupied during the day. I hope you enjoy your time with your hubby!! And also thank you for the compliment.

Arlene- My fingers are crossed for a BFP on Friday!! Please keep us posted!!

FamilyReady- BabyDust to you as well!!!

Shana- TWW is horrible. I think waiting for anything stinks. I have been waiting to go to IL and it just cant come soon enough!! One more week from Friday!!

Disneybelle- Ava is a very pretty name, however a friend from highschool named her daughter that so I just cant use the name lol. I cant believe I am 12 weeks either. Me and bean have a 15 week checkup and I just hope everything goes well. We dont get another scan till 20 weeks so its hard since I havent had one since 6 weeks to really know if everything is ok. Have fun going to dinner with your girlfriends. I miss going out with my friends after work. So what do you teach exactly??

I am sure I will be back later to check in again!! Have wonderful night ladies!!
BUSTER, AWESOME news! :happydance: I too see plenty of BDg in your future. Yes, be careful this weekend, as it is going to be tell-tale as to what touches where on this east coast.... be safe.

CARLY, no problem sharing and thank you for your well wishes. So glad that your class is over and happy that you did so well. Take some time and relax now and prepare for Chi-Town in a week!! :)
Carly thats great that you done the final! :) I hate packing :dohh: I get soo stressed about making sure everythings there for Kyle that I forget half my own stuff :lol:

Adrienne its great to hear your recovering well and well done on your weightloss!

mrsmm I really hope theres been no more terrible weather. Good luck testing today! Fx'd for you :D

Naomi I hope you had a nice dinner out with friends! Love those little nights out :)

Wendy thats great yous have a weekend off together, my OH is booked for the next 3 weekends :dohh: I'm holding up well..had another few things on my mind to keep me distracted so i'm sticking with original plan, i'll test tomorrow if she doesnt show today.

Emma you just dont get things easy! Cleaners threatening to shot each other?! Glad you put you and pip first, hope things are easier tomorrow! :)

I didnt test this morning! Af isn't here, checked cervix and nothing..Just hope it keeps up! I'm still very doubtful though.
So I found out my previous manager at work so sadly passed away :( Only 44 and full of life, we've no idea how it happened yet. I had a day off work yesterday but someone called to let me know but I think facing work today will be horrible. 95% of my department look upon him as family and were devastated when he had to leave before, so this will most definately hit everyone hard. Anyway, I best get a move on. I'll let yous know if AF shows!
Morning ladies!

Ooo arlene, how exciting!!! I've got everything crossed that the witch stays away for you!! So sorry to hear about your former manager, that is awful and so young, must have been a horrible shock, good luck at work today hun :hugs:

Carly I teach Reception who are 4-5 years old, very tiring but great fun I have to say, looking forward to starting back in a couple of weeks! I hope you have a lovely time and can understand the whole packing issue!! Ah understand about the name, dh and I LOVE the names chole, katie and isabelle and within the last year they have all been taken!

Adrienne that is FANTASTIC news! I'm so pleased for you:flower: and well done on the weight loss:happydance: I wish I had the self control to diet and exercise!:dohh:

Maia got everything crossed that this is your month hun!!

Familyready I am loving the PMA and trying to join you in feeling positive, although the 2ww is starting to drag me down, how sad that I am even dreaming of it all now!!

9babiesgone How you holding up hun? I'm even dreaming about my 2ww now which is rather depressing! couldn't work out how many dpo I was when I woke up this morning!!

Wendy How are you hun??

AFM well the meal out nwas a great giggle and I did have a few drinks to unwind, not many though. Dh is out tonight so ice relaxing night in on my own which will be lovely! Our SMEP plan came to an end last night and I have to say I need a break from :sex: now :rofl: It is rather intense but is good fun and will be doing it again next month if af arrives in September. Everyone keeps saying "o just relax, if you relax it will just happen" er easier said than done thank you!
Naomi & Shana - good luck with your TWW!!!

Wendy - We feed our cats a little wet food at 10 p.m. or so, and she still scratches at 2 a.m. cause she's hungry. She now has her own "bed" in the 2nd bedroom - an old recliner chair that she sleeps on. She knows she goes in there now. I'm gonna put the Preseed inside me. It comes in like a syringe type applicator, so I can easily put it inside.I think I am gonna try and find Softcups around here. Can't hurt anyways.

Emma - glad you left early from work, you need your rest!

Brittany - what a great PMA you have! Love it!

Maia - Yeah, I never want to feel another earthquake. We have the hurricane coming far up to us as well. Here's to hoping it dies down a bit. We're putting DH's motorcycle in the warehouse at work, so it can stay safe. FX'd for you!

Adrienne - Congrats on your weight loss! And glad your recovery is going well! We're eyeing the hurricane as well, hoping it dies down a bit and doesn't hit as a Cat 1 like they're saying. I think it will die down, but it could still be bad. Stay safe!

Carly - YES! I agree! I saw the previews and was like OMG NO! I don't think Ricky and Amy will break up though.

Arlene - sorry about your manager, how sad :( I've got my fingers crossed for you! Hope AF stays away!

Well, I have my doctor appt today. Hoping they'll agree, and send me for blood tests. Also, hoping they give me a scan of my ovaries, to make sure there's no cysts or anything. I'm hoping for CD21 bloods, as that'll tell me if I've ovulated or not. But, I guess we'll see. Not sure how hard it's gonna be in the waiting room either. Hopefully there won't be too many pregnant people.
Well, as usual I don’t have much to report. My CBFM asked me for my 1st stick this morning so looks like i’m now on the road to ovulation! Another plus point is my family & friends are starting to notice my weight loss! :happydance: Lost 9lbs now and I love it when people say “are you losing weight?” it motivates me to keep going! Anyway on to you ladies:

Arlene Well done for not testing hun, that’s fab! Glad to hear the wicked witch hasn’t made an appearance yet, hopefully she’ll stay away! So sorry to hear about your old manager, so many people seem to die young nowadays :( x

Shana That’s almost one week of your tww by so wont be long now hun! X

Emma That’s crazy hours hun. No one should have to do them let alone a pregnant lady! But I know the pennies will come in handy for you. I am so chuffed to see you put yourself and pip first yesterday, that’s what you need to do. You know your own limits, when you’re tired just rest up. I did laugh at your status last night, I was watching Judge Judy at the same time you put that up :haha: x

Brittany Loving your positivity hun! Hope you managed to get all your cleaning done x

Maia I can’t believe the weather you get over there. I love watching earthquakes and hurricanes etc on the tv but I can’t imagine ever actually being there when one takes place! You keep yourself safe :hugs:. Hmm I may just give softcups a go then. They are quite expensive here so I was just scared of buying them and not using them right lol. Thanks for the info though. Still no sign of AF or a BFP? x

Adrienne That’s exactly how I feel about softcups! Haha. Hence why i’ve never used a tampax in my life, was always scared it would disappear up there! :haha: That’s fab your post op went well, I really feel like this could make a big difference for you ttc and the weight loss is fantastic! Your beating me at it lol. I’m sure if I exercised and didn’t just diet alone I would do better but I never seem to find the time at the mo x

Carly Yey for completing your class! Well done hun. Oh I love packing but I always want to take too much stuff. I never wear half of what I take but I still go over board! Lol x

Naomi I’m doing good thanks hun, I really seem to be enjoying my life at the moment, no idea why cause nothings changed but I feel happy! lol. Glad you enjoyed your meal, it’s good to unwind every now and then. No wonder you need a break, the SMEP is hard work! We are going to do the same as last month. Every two days starting now then both peak days and day after. Then I will be knackered too lol. I hate it when people say just relax and don’t think about it, if I didn’t think about it I wouldn’t bdance at the right time and it wouldn’t happen! :haha: x

Amy Hmm my stuff doesn't come with a syringe. Might look into that. Hubby doesn't like it though when it's too wet in there so i'll have to convince him! Good luck at the doctors hun, hope it goes well :flower: x
Well I am about to join you in the 2WW! I am :af:!But I am trying to change how I think prior to testing or AF coming. Because it is starting to bring my hubby down, little did I realize for a long time that he was just as sad that it was negative as he was! So we talked and this is my improvement! Sorry long response! But the 2WW is always the hardest, I try not to notice every little difference in my body! But I am having good vibes this month! Hoping & Praying that this is my month and all your lovely ladies month!:witch: can stay away & a :bfp: can come right along! Good luck when ya all :test: hope you all caught a :spermy:!

MrsMM- I can't wait for my trip!! I loved that you called it Chi-Town, made me smile and remember why I love it sooo much!!

Arlene-I hope the evil witch stays away! I also am sorry to hear about your manager, its a true shame, I hope work will be alright and everyone can lean on one another for support during this sad time. I also think I will be the same way with packing when bean comes along especially at the holidays. Because it will be decent weather where we live but like the frozen tundra in Chicago.

Naomi- Names are a tricky thing. But you will find the perfect name, it just takes time. We didn't decide on Kensi until about a month before BFP, now with our boys name we have had that since the first Transformers movie came out. So that was A LONG time ago. Now as for people who tell you to relax, it is easier said than done. BUT I think what worked for me after we had tried for quite some time was not relaxing but focusing on something else. I started to scrapbook and organize photos. So find something that will help take your mind off getting pregnant because thats what worked for me, not sooo much relaxing about it, because you never can really relax till you see your bean on the screen, and to be honest I will be 13 weeks on Monday and I still have a hard time relaxing.

Amy- I hope they dont break up. I will be very dissapointed in the show if they break up over one kiss. Now if things go farther than a kiss, I can see them breaking up but I really hope the show doesn't go in that direction. I want to wish you good luck at the doctors and remember you are in control of what happens not them, so if you want something done a certain way you need to tell them. I have worked in healthcare for years and seen sooo many people forget they are in charge of their bodies NOT their doctor. And dont worry about seeing pregnant women, because you will be one of those ladies soon enough!

Wendy- Awesome on the weight loss!! Keep it going girl!! 9lbs is amazing, you should be very proud of yourself. I also tend to overpack. I am sure I really will this trip because my mom and sister will be in the process of packing and moving and so they wont have everyone easily accesible if I do forget something. And well my MIL she never has anything I need lol.

Well ladies only one week and one day till I leave for my trip. I know Chicago doesn't sound like much of a vacation but its more about coming home for me. Especially now that I have a little bump. My husband really noticed it yesterday and then he kept touching me lol. I hope you all have good days!!!
Naomi I hope the smep works for yous :)

Amy hope it went well today and your doctor gives you what you want.

Wendy :happydance: for the weightloss! I could be doing with losing a few lbs..just no motivation!

Familyready I hope your 2ww goes quickly and it doesn't get to you and hubby too much :hugs:
Carly I cant believe how far along you are already! And a bump!? You'll have to post a pic!

As for me.. still no af!! :happydance: Although I must admit i'm feeling NOTHING now so dont think this is it for me, reckon she's just going to keep me waiting!
Arlene I am not ready to post a pic of my bump yet. I know thats selfish but I just am not ready. I think once I see the doctor at our 15 week check up and I am told everything looks good I will be ready. I still am having a hard time shaking the feeling something is going to go wrong. I know I am always supposed to think positive and 90% of the time I do, but that 10% of the time a little part of me goes how can I be this lucky, how could nothing have gone wrong? I read so many sad stories, and know so many people where things went wrong, I guess I just cant believe my first pregnancy is going so well. I was thinking I would bring my feelings up to my doctor when I see him in a few weeks. I dont want to go on like any medication or anything just wondering what his thoughts are, or if he thinks I should see someone, or if my feelings are normal and 100% legitimate feelings.
Evening ladies,

Carly, Chicago sounds like a great trip to me :haha: but I would be coming all the way from England! Bless your little bump, its lovely to have. I know what you mean about thinking something was wrong as I was a bag of nerves until my 12 week scan. Not long to wait until your appointment and I am sire things will be perfect :hugs: hope you enjoy your time back home if I don't get chance to post before then.

Familyready (sorry not caught your name yet), I have my fingers crossed for you. It is hard for our lovely men too but they always try to hide it bless them. Hope the new 2 weeks go quickly for you :hugs:

Wendypops, I know the hours on Tuesday did do me on a bit. I haven't even looked at how many hours I have done this week yet! The work needs to het done and as long as I am able to I will work and do it. It made me chuckle that he had choice of whatever he wanted on tv and it ended up being judge Judy, it is funny how blunt she is! Well done on the weight loss that's amazing! Hopefully ovulation will come soon enough for you :hugs:

Amy, hope your doctors appointment has gone well and you get the answers you are looking for. Hopefully they will see about your losses and think its best to look over things. Let us know what they say :hugs:

Naomi, its lovely to hear you had a good night last night and relaxed. I know what you mean about having a break from :sex: it got like that for us at one point as I was being like Monica from friends :haha: I got fed up of people telling me to relaxed as I felt I was relaxed about it but had a plan in place to try and make it work. Just because I had a plan doesnt mean I was stressing! Anyways, its lovely to see you in high spirits and I hope you have a lovely night in x

Arlene, sorry to hear about your manager. It's awful how some people can be taken so young. I really hope that the nasty :witch: status away for you :hugs: I have a good feeling about this month! Yes the cleaners did go a bit nuts yesterday but they have been reined back in today. Things are still going wrong but there is nothing I can do so I am not stressing!

Adrienne, so glad you are doing well and healing. I hope you don't get any problems with the weather hitting you and i hope you will take it easy when going back to work. :hugs:

Rachel, how are you feeling hun? Hope your ok x

I hope everyone in the 2ww is holding up well! I have my fingers crossed for you all :hugs:

Well work is crazy as normal but I'm not letting it bother me. It just seems that people only ever come to me with problems! Only a week until the students are back anyway so we will see if everything is finished and ready on time!
Other than work there isn't really much going on with me as I am there alk the time. I have my 20 week scan in 2 weeks where we will find out what pip is and I feel pip moving about like a butterfly from time to time. Can't wait for the first proper kick! Anyways I am off to have cuddles with Gavin as he has been an absolute star recently. He came and helped me at work for 3 hours the other night and has been making tea each night as well so I can rest when I get in.

Hope you all have a lovely night x
Wendy - Awesome job on the weight loss! And yay for the CBFM asking for a stick!

Brittany - yay for a TWW! Seems like EVERYONE is in a TWW here! Good luck!

Arlene - good luck!! when are you gonna test??

Emma - how awesome you've felt Pip moving! Can't believe you're 18 weeks and a lil sweet potato now!

AFM - I'm gonna write more in my journal about it, but appt went well. I'm getting 4 different blood tests done, which she said they typically do after the 3rd miscarriage. Sorry, I'm not going through another one if there is something wrong. So, I guess we'll see what happens. She said she doesnt think anything will come back wrong.
Thats okay Carly I understand!

Emma I cant believe your nearly 20 weeks! Whats your gut feeling about pip? Oh and give it a few weeks and LO will have their foot lodged in your ribcage :dohh:

Amy glad your doctor is doing what you wanted :)

I dont think i'm going to test. Plan was to test tomorrow but gut feeling is that she'll appear shortly..I guess I'll just see how I feel in the morning. Early night for me tonight!
Arlene, I didn't feel any different :winkwink:

I'm doing ok ladies, just tired a lot mainly and things have been a bit hectic over the last couple of weeks. I am feeling a bit nauseous here and there but nothing major yet. My main symptom is slightly sore bb's :haha:
Ok ladies I have a question that might be a little TMI. To all of you pregnant ladies or ladies who have experienced pregnancy at one point. Did your vaginal walls ever feel tighter? When I was checking my cervix today it felt a little tighter down there! Sorry if it is TMI, just curious!

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