The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

I only used one once Wendy, I have no idea if that is the reason or not :rofl:
Brittany - Preseed is supposed to help mimic your CM act like EWCM. It helps the spermies stick around and survive longer then if you had hostile CM. I guess I'll try and see if it works.

Wendy - My cat likes to start scratching at like 2 a.m. cause she wants someone up to feed her. We started putting her in the 2nd bedroom. I would love to have her sleep with me, as she sleeps above my head on my pillow. My little protector :haha: But, I love my sleep more. My other cat likes to start meowing at 5 a.m when the sun starts coming up. On weekends, we usually put her in the bedroom as well so we can sleep in. I'm so glad I have someone on the same CD as me! We will so do it this time! I was thinking about trying Softcups this time too, but I wasn't sure. I think I might though!

Guess I should get back to work :haha: Been up since 5, as I had to travel today. Not bad though, as I'll be out at 4 for my hour drive home.
ARLENE, test date is getting closer, how are you holding?

WENDY, CD7... OV is near! FXD for you this cycle! As for the softcups.... I am a major fan. We had success using them. Without preseed. (if we get bfp this time, we used as well)

Sooo... I tested, FRER... BFN! :sad1:
14DPO, CD34! Longest cycle ever!! Current SS: very tired, BLOATED, no appetite, , but it leaves. I guess I am just waiting now to see if AF ever shows….

I have been reading alot on BnB about ladies getting late bfps, so I am thinking that since there is no af, we could still be in the running...

Wondering now if I am still in this chase... :af: temps still lingering highly.... Guess I am still waiting...
Well if you could let me know how you like the preseed I read some reviews and they all seem good, So I will look into that after this cycle!
Ladies thank you all for the name suggestions. I LOVE Abigail but my husband doesn't like it. He LOVES Amy and I dont. Since our last name ends with a Y I didn't want a name like Amy because then her first middle and last name would end with that E sound. It was a HUGE struggle to come up with a middle name for our boy but we finally did it, so I am sure the same will happen for our girl. I have 8 weeks till we find out what we are having. I know that sounds like a long time, but we tried for this baby for almost a year, so 8 weeks is nothing.

Arlene- I will definately scan some pictures and put them up. I am just super lazy today. I went grocery shopping, and to the bank and my energy is just zapped. I would have loved to get married at a castle. That sounds amazing and I am super jealous!!!!! I am sure your guests will love it!!!

Amy- I cant stand adrian, she is always up to something. Didn't she learn not to mess with amy and ricky when she got pregnant with bens baby? Ricky and Amy will end up together, I just tell myself it might take some time, but at the end of dawsons creek joey and pacey ended up together so I know ricky and amy will end up together too. I also remember what it was like to have a long cycle, it stunk!!!! And mine ranged from 31-33 days so it was really like day 34 before I was technically a day late. That was always really hard on me.

Wendy- I got too lazy today to take my final, so I will have to take it tomorrow since we only have till thursday. And then my new class starts on Sunday. I have been super motivated when it comes to school though. I think I want to prove to this baby that no matter what it is important to get a degree. It might have taken me a LONG time and I may have struggled at times. But I have moved twice, I have gotten married, and I will be starting my family. So never let anything stop you, and dont think you have to give up marriage or a family for school. Atleast thats what I hope my daughter or son take away from this. Sorry for the ramble lol.

MrsMM- I am praying for you and your family that the evil witch stays away. My friend didnt get a BFP till almost two weeks after AF was expected. So late BFP's definately happen.
CARLY, thank you! I really hope this is it! I for sure thought AF would jump out on me now after the earthquake.... We just had a major Earthquake where I was evacuated! I work in D.C.!!!!! What else..... no bfp, and an earthquake :sad1:

I am keeping hope as there is no :af: Just the fact that I am not able to get "donations" regularly during fertile CM, would be so much more to hope for in catching that eggy...
MrsMM please feel free to tell me its none of my business but I was just wondering if adoption is an option for you and your wife? If its something you have considered? I am sorry if I am crossing any lines, please feel free to tell me to back off. Believe me I pray that you get that BFP and you have your 2012 baby. I guess a piece of me is just curious?
why is the 2ww seem so slow and when YOu wait for it to come, you ar so excited, and now it just drags on on on and on and on. LOl
Carly, hey, I am so completly open, although I know some women are not. Actually it is an option, however it is our last option. We have one daughter and more than anything we want to continue the blood line. Believe it or not, the costs for a same-sex couple to adopt are alot higher. The costs to have a child naturally are already pretty high. In the last 20 months, we have spent ner $10K if not that much. It is a pain, but we know the blessing of a child, but we have to go through numerous screenings including mentally at our clinic just to do things this way. So we want to exhaust all of our possibilities before seeking the route of adoption. I am not super sensitive, and understand human curiosity, especially for the things that are unknown, so no question has yet to have me request anyone to back off.... :)
Maia - sorry about the bfn .. but I agree, no AF is a good thing!! So scary about the earthquake! People all the way up by me felt it, but I didn't feel a thing! I did go through a 3.2 magnitude one last year. Scariest thing I've ever felt, I had no clue what was going on! Glad you're okay!

Brittany - I will def tell you how I like it! I've heard such good reviews too, so I'm hoping it helps us. Though I'm hoping you don't need it and you'll get a BFP this cycle!! ;)

Carly - I think Adrian is gonna do something next week! The previews look pretty good! Yeah, long cycles do suck. I wish I had a 28 day normal cycle! :(

Shana - the tww totally drags! although, i'll take the tww over my 3ww until ovulation. This whole waiting game really stinks sometimes.

Just got home from work. Pretty tired but I got Pretty Little Liars for TV tonight, and some America's Got Talent too. DH and I love AGT and it's one of our favs to watch together. Thinking of some Subway for dinner - not gonna help my diet though, but I don't feel like cooking tonight.
I hope so as well, but I am working on not getting to excited, I hate disapointment
I hope so as well, but I am working on not getting to excited, I hate disapointment

Oh yes, I know that all too well. I always get my hopes up near the end, and think I'm pregnant. And it hurts getting knocked back down to reality.
Yeah tweak that part hurts too!!

I am so so anxious this 2ww!!

need some serious calm me down and wait pills.
well I checked my cervix today and it was high and slightly open! So I am thinking that is a good sign! Has anyone used a soft cup before? I saw some talking about it on this form not really sure how they will be beneficial!
Morning everyone

Familyready I'm afraid I can't help with the softcups or preseed hun but I've heard good things about them. dh and I are using conceive+ and that has good reviews.

9babiesgone we can be 2ww buddies:flower: I know it drags doesn't it!!

Amy mmm subway, yum! Sometimes a break from the diet does us good:hugs:

mrsmm, got everything crossed for you! any news??

mavsprtynpink can't believe you are over 12 weeks already! Hope you and bump are doing well! I've got a little girl called Ava starting in my class, and had never thought about it but really like the name now!

Thanks Arlene, how are you holding up?? Tested yet??

sending big :hugs: to anyone I haven't mentioned!

AFM I'm off to work again today, got someone new to teaching starting and I've been asked to be her mentor so going in to help her out with her classroom. Going out for dinner tonight with some of the girls from work, definietely not good for my non existant diet!
Morning all! I’m back for my daily catch up. Not much happening with me as usual, I lead such a boring life lol. It’s work, home, dinner, housework, shower and bed. How exciting! Not. :sleep: I feel a lot calmer about things this month but I just know once ovulation occurs i’ll start acting like a possessed woman again lol. At least i’ve got a weekend with hubby to look forward too, he never really gets weekends off so it will be nice to be able to spend some proper time together. Not sure what we will do yet as don’t have much spare cash and my car needs it’s m.o.t next month but i’m sure we will find something fun to do!

Rachael Hmm, I guess we will never know what worked for you! Lol. I guess your time must just have come :) I see from your thread your buying stuff already :haha: It makes it all the more real though, enjoy it! x

Amy That’s what my cat is doing! But he ALWAYS seems to be hungry and he makes me feel so bad when I don’t give him anything. He gets two sachets of meat a day, some treats and biscuits are always sitting out for him but whenever I go into the kitchen he starts crying at me. Don’t know how i’m gonna stop that. This is going to sound like a really silly question, but how are you going to use the preseed? We use conceive plus but we use it on him before bdancing if you know what I mean :blush: but i’ve heard a lot of ladies put it in themselves instead so not sure if I should start doing that. I’m not sure I like the thought of squirting it inside me :haha: x

Maia I really want to try the softcups but i’m scared! :haha: I’m not sure how easy it would be for me. I mean I take it we would bdance as usual but then once he pulled out I would have to try and put a soft cup in without letting any of his stuff fall out? I can just see it all going wrong for me haha. How long are your cycles usually? Maybe the mc has caused your cycle to be a little out of whack. Makes it so hard to know when to test. Still hoping for you though :flower: x

Carly Eight weeks will just fly in hun! Look how quick your trip has came around! You only have one more week till you have it :) Good luck for your final today! I think you have a fab attitude and that’s exactly the way you should bring up your child x

Shana Oh I know how you feel! You get so excited when ovulation is happening and then once its done the days drag in lol. Will be so worth the wait if you get your BFP though x

Brittany I’m the same, so sick of disappointment. Your best just trying to keep yourself distracted and not think one way or the other until its time to test. Fingers crossed though! :thumbup: x

Naomi When did you go back to work hun? Silly old me was thinking you would only go back today but obviously not! Hope you enjoy your meal out, don’t worry about your diet, you are allowed a treat! I had a snicker yesterday :haha: x

Adrienne How are you keeping hun? Hope your getting plenty of rest and tlc :hugs: x

Arlene How you holding up? Are you going to test again soon? Hope you’re well x

Emma Can’t believe what time you were at work till! Good on Gav for helping out though. Will you have a new temp starting soon to help out? Hope so! X

Lea As always I miss your posts :hugs: x

To anyone I have missed I hope you are well and look forward to reading your catch up soon :flower: x
Just popping on, on my phone to say I haven't tested, af due tomorrow, usually by the latest midday. If she doesn't show I'll test friday morning, but I'm pretty sure she'll show. Not feeling confident! Hope all is well with everyone! Xx
Morning everyone

Familyready I'm afraid I can't help with the softcups or preseed hun but I've heard good things about them. dh and I are using conceive+ and that has good reviews.

9babiesgone we can be 2ww buddies:flower: I know it drags doesn't it!!

Amy mmm subway, yum! Sometimes a break from the diet does us good:hugs:

mrsmm, got everything crossed for you! any news??

mavsprtynpink can't believe you are over 12 weeks already! Hope you and bump are doing well! I've got a little girl called Ava starting in my class, and had never thought about it but really like the name now!

Thanks Arlene, how are you holding up?? Tested yet??

sending big :hugs: to anyone I haven't mentioned!

AFM I'm off to work again today, got someone new to teaching starting and I've been asked to be her mentor so going in to help her out with her classroom. Going out for dinner tonight with some of the girls from work, definietely not good for my non existant diet!
Ill add you to my signature. I dont have any 2ww buddies!! yay!!! I hope it goes super quicker for us. 9 more days!
Morning all! I’m back for my daily catch up. Not much happening with me as usual, I lead such a boring life lol. It’s work, home, dinner, housework, shower and bed. How exciting! Not. :sleep: I feel a lot calmer about things this month but I just know once ovulation occurs i’ll start acting like a possessed woman again lol. At least i’ve got a weekend with hubby to look forward too, he never really gets weekends off so it will be nice to be able to spend some proper time together. Not sure what we will do yet as don’t have much spare cash and my car needs it’s m.o.t next month but i’m sure we will find something fun to do!

Rachael Hmm, I guess we will never know what worked for you! Lol. I guess your time must just have come :) I see from your thread your buying stuff already :haha: It makes it all the more real though, enjoy it! x

Amy That’s what my cat is doing! But he ALWAYS seems to be hungry and he makes me feel so bad when I don’t give him anything. He gets two sachets of meat a day, some treats and biscuits are always sitting out for him but whenever I go into the kitchen he starts crying at me. Don’t know how i’m gonna stop that. This is going to sound like a really silly question, but how are you going to use the preseed? We use conceive plus but we use it on him before bdancing if you know what I mean :blush: but i’ve heard a lot of ladies put it in themselves instead so not sure if I should start doing that. I’m not sure I like the thought of squirting it inside me :haha: x

Maia I really want to try the softcups but i’m scared! :haha: I’m not sure how easy it would be for me. I mean I take it we would bdance as usual but then once he pulled out I would have to try and put a soft cup in without letting any of his stuff fall out? I can just see it all going wrong for me haha. How long are your cycles usually? Maybe the mc has caused your cycle to be a little out of whack. Makes it so hard to know when to test. Still hoping for you though :flower: x

Carly Eight weeks will just fly in hun! Look how quick your trip has came around! You only have one more week till you have it :) Good luck for your final today! I think you have a fab attitude and that’s exactly the way you should bring up your child x

Shana Oh I know how you feel! You get so excited when ovulation is happening and then once its done the days drag in lol. Will be so worth the wait if you get your BFP though x

Brittany I’m the same, so sick of disappointment. Your best just trying to keep yourself distracted and not think one way or the other until its time to test. Fingers crossed though! :thumbup: x

Naomi When did you go back to work hun? Silly old me was thinking you would only go back today but obviously not! Hope you enjoy your meal out, don’t worry about your diet, you are allowed a treat! I had a snicker yesterday :haha: x

Adrienne How are you keeping hun? Hope your getting plenty of rest and tlc :hugs: x

Arlene How you holding up? Are you going to test again soon? Hope you’re well x

Emma Can’t believe what time you were at work till! Good on Gav for helping out though. Will you have a new temp starting soon to help out? Hope so! X

Lea As always I miss your posts :hugs: x

To anyone I have missed I hope you are well and look forward to reading your catch up soon :flower: x
yep it goes so slow after ovulation. it will be worth it. and I have a great feeling about this one.

Just popping on, on my phone to say I haven't tested, af due tomorrow, usually by the latest midday. If she doesn't show I'll test friday morning, but I'm pretty sure she'll show. Not feeling confident! Hope all is well with everyone! Xx

test test test!! I am fxed you getyour :bfp:
Well done Arlene for not testing. Only a few more days to go :hugs:

Thanks Wendypops. Yesterday was stupid, I was on at 7.30am and then got home just after 9pm. It was good as we got ahead with stiff but today has put me back again due to arguments between cleaners... Grr! Hope your ok. Your life isn't boring, its normal. That's all Gavin and I do at the minute :hugs:

To everyone else I hope your all ok, not going back on posts as I'm on my phone in the bath lol.

Work has been manic as usual but I gave my temp a weeks notice last week and she hasn't turned up to do her last week with us which has screwed things up for me. We have had huge problems on site with contractors running over their schedule, cleaners threatening to shoot each other, things being stolen, floors sinking etc. The list is endless! I have left early today as I hadn't even eaten at 3pm and decided that pip and I needed to take priority as I was shattered! Anyway, I am hoping tomorrow is a better day!
Good Morning Ladies! I am spreading :dust: for all of you! I am feeling really good this morning! Staying positive and cleaning! Good luck to all the ladies who are testing in the next few days!

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