The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Im at work so real difficult to reply to everyone will try tomorrow :)

Hope everyone is well and Adrienne is safe along with anyone else affected :hugs:

Emma sorry you are feeling so crappy, hope your 100% soon. I know I am gonna find my due date loss soon hard :(

Thanks everyone I luved my cake altho I didnt eat it :haha: still got the roses they were handmade and eadible but no way would eat them.

Arlene heard congrats are in order for your engagement :thumbup:

What do you think of my chart this month xxx
Hi ladies. I am a little upset because I had a beautiful post and then my dog was driving me nuts and I forgot to hit post before I shut down the computer. So I am here to try again. I also am going to post a picture of my wedding cake because it was exactly what I had dreamed of all my life. A BIG YELLOW CAKE!!! I am going to the doctor tomorrow because I am pretty sure I have bladder/UTI infection. So I hope everything is ok, if not atleast I can start the medication before I leave for vacation on Friday. I just hope bean is ok. Now on to all of my lovely ladies!!

Emma- Its not much longer till you find out if you are having a boy or girl!! Will you be announcing or keeping it a secret, or are you even finding out? I just think to myself ONLY 7 more weeks. I CAN DO THIS!!

Naomi- I think it was just a little to early to test, testing early can be dangerous. We all produce HCG at different levels. I tested positive 6 days early, but a friend of mine didn't test positive until about a week after her missed AF. So it definately depends on the lady.

Wendy- What a wonderful, kind gift for your sister. I am going to try to talk my family into doing less presents for christmas this year. My family, especially my mother, and my in laws go WAYYY overboard and spend sooo much money that my husband and I both know neither of them have. I think I am going to tell my mom one gift from her, one gift from my sister, and if they still want to buy things they can buy them for bean. I am going to also tell this to my in laws. I DOUBT it will change anything but atleast I will feel like I got my feelings out. I honestly would rather them spend money on having two extra special meals instead of one. Or save the money and use it towards the baby shower. Do you think this would hurt their feelings at all??

Amy-Glad you didn't suffer too much damage from the hurricane. I hope you will be able to watch secret life tonight because we will HAVE to talk about it. I think it is going to be sooooo juicy!!

Arlene- I am soo sorry the evil witch got you. My mother has a saying when things dont happen when we want them to, or think they should, she simply says "its not your turn yet." This used to make me SOO mad, but over the years it has proven itself true time and time again. When I really wanted something I would get it, it just came on its own good time. So I pray that your turn is coming! It took my turn for a bean 11 months. So I know what its like for that AF to show up and ruin everything. Please message me if you ever need a shoulder.

Adrienne- I hope you got through the hurricane ok. I do have a little bump, I will post a pic at 20 weeks along with the announcement of a boy or girl. Only 7 more weeks to go!!

Well ladies the countdown to CHICAGO BEGINS!!! I can't wait. Kind of bummed I have to go to the doctor for a UTI. I get them all the time, I should of known pregnancy wasn't going to change that. Well I hope you all have a great monday! And I will check back in later to read more updates!!!


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Well ladies I am still experiencing symptoms but I dont want to think much of it because when ever I do it ends in a BFN, We go to see my doc tomorrow to may a game plan. PLus I want to see what is up with all this cramping and pressure! Hope All is well ladies!
Hi Everyone
Hope you are all doing well. I want to say thank you for all your well wishes. I made it through the storm ok. Lost power for a day and a half so not too bad. My parents live 5 minutes from me and still have no power. I'm back at work for the first time in a couple of weeks and it feels good.

Arlene sorry the stupid such showed up. Sending you lots of hugs miss.

Naomi it's still early hopefully that BFN will turn into a BFP.

TWW ladies hope those 2 weeks end in bfps.

To everyone else I hope you are well. It's almost 3:30am and I have to get to sleep. I work an allnighter tomorrow so I will post properly when I get home. Take care everyone!!
AMY, I am glad that you did not get much damage and that your power only flickered. Same here (as told by our pet sitter) Sorry to hear about your school.

ARLENE, so very sorry that AF flew that damn broom in. I hope you and your hubby can comfort each other during what I know is a very hard time. :hugs:

WENDY, I hope that OV is soon for you. I know how the late OV'g is.... FXD!

PINKY, so glad your back is better. But it totally sucks that you had to clean so much in order to prove a point. Put those feet up and relax Hun.

SHANA, I sure hope that you have been able to rest and NOT test yet! Tomorrow is right around the corner.... Hope you can hold off to see a bfp tomorrow! FXD :dust:

CARLY, so sorry to hear that you have a UTI. I had one with our first. I use to live in Chicago, so I know you are excited and hoped that saying "Chi-town" would bring back some great thoughts in preparation for your trip.

FAMILY, Hold tight, these symptoms sound like a bfp is coming for you! GL FXD! :dust:

BUSTER, happy that you didn't have to sustain too much damage and power outages during IRENE, and I hope that your family soon gets power back. My family just got their's back very early this morning in MD.

AFM, Lovely Ladies, I am back! We had a wonderful time, not good enough, as no bfp before we left :sad1: however, af was nice enough not to show on our trip and not until this morning, after returning last night.

We are moving on to Sept. My cycle seems to be back in tact. My chart is in my siggy so feel free to stalk away and follow us on the egg chase again. I hope everyone is doing well.

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: to those that are still in this chase, about to start the chase, and those that are in the most terrible TWW!
Hi ladies I will post a proper post later but I just wanted to update you about my doctors appt. I didn't have a UTI. I guess after your ovary releases the egg and it is fertilized it creates a little "hormone factory" and at around 12-14 weeks it starts to shrink, and USUALLY it doesn't cause any pain and most women don't even know its going on. But in rare occasions it can become irratated by the uterus and start to bleed. So that is why I have been in sooo much pain. The doctor was concerned so he did an ultrasound and I got to see bean!!!!! It was amazing. Bean was moving around sooo much, wiggling his toes, and his little hands were in fists. OHHHH and the doctor said if he had to guess today he would put his chances on a boy, because at one point the baby flipped over and all we could see was his butt, legs, and a little something between his legs. So we will know for sure in a few weeks, but I AM SOOOO DANG HAPPY!! My husband and I wanted a boy so badly. Of course if we find out we are having a girl we will be just as thrilled, because we just want a healthy and happy baby, but it was amazing having a 13 week scan. And hearing beans heartbeat was just the most beautiful sound I ever heard. I will scan the pics tomorrow for you ladies. Sorry for the long post just had to tell you me and bean are doing ok.
Morning ladies, hope everyone’s well. I finally got a high on my monitor this morning, woohoo! Guess I know what i’ll be doing tonight! :winkwink: Lol. Not much else happening with me, a friend has invited us to go to Manchester for a weekend in December to see the Christmas markets so i’m looking into hotels and things to hopefully do that. She wants me to stay with her but i’m happy to get a hotel, I never like to bother people. I’m just really glad to have something to look forward to. So that’ll be a night in Glasgow and a concert in November and a weekend in Manchester in December. Should be good!

Anyway on to you lovely ladies:

Amy So glad the storm didn’t cause you any problems. I watched the youtube videos you posted up and that’s just crazy! I’ve thankfully never seen anything like that in real life. I can only imagine how busy your work has been! x

Arlene So sorry the witch got you hun, it’s hard enough waiting for her arrival day without her being late and teasing you. Try and cheer OH up with wedding talk until it’s time to try again next month. I know it’s hard :hugs: x

Emma hey missy, wowza your knee looks sore! I thought you had an office job but it sounds like your doing everyone elses job for them too! That shower was just disgusting, how could the cleaners have the cheek to even pretend they had cleaned that! Yuck. Turns my stomach thinking about cleaning it. You deserve a medal! Glad your back is getting a bit better though. Thanks again for the texts last night hun, it makes you feel so much better knowing there’s people out there that care :hugs: x

Shana Oh my god! I see from your ticker your pregnant! Congratulations hun, i’m so pleased for you! :happydance: Did you find out this morning? X

Shona I’ve still got the flowers from my cake too, got loads of wee things in a wee keep sake box, it’s nice. I’m stalking your chart! Only two more days if your going to test at 11dpo, fingers crossed! X

Carly Oh wow, i’ve never seen a yellow cake! Lol. Sounds like your wedding day was just perfect for you. I don’t think talking to your family about cutting back would hurt their feelings. I think they would understand that it would be better to use the money on buying things that are needed for your baby rather than buying things for you that you don’t need. They are maybe already thinking the same thing. Oh wow you got to see your little baby!! :happydance: I am so thrilled for you! I am sure this has made you feel 100 times better about things. And I told you I had a feeling you were having a boy! I don’t know why but I thought from the start you were having a boy and Emma was having a girl. Guess i’ll have to see if i’m right when you both get your proper scans x

Brittany Hope it went well at the doctors, let us know what they have said x

Adrienne So glad to hear from you! I was worrying you had been badly effected but I’m glad it was only loss of power. You can live with that for a day or two. Hope your first shift back at work is going well x

Maia Lovely to have you back hun! You were missed. So glad you had a wonderful time and avoided the chaos of the hurricane. It sucks the witch has arrived but like you say, at least she was polite and waited until after your holiday! :haha: We’ll do it next cycle hun x

Well I best get on with some work, I just wanted to catch up with you all. Speak later :flower: x
CARLY, it is good to hear that you didn't have a UTI, those are very uncomfy but common during preg. YAY! a boy, that's awesome, we will be excited to hear about the confirmation soon. 1 day closer to Chi-town Hun!

WENDY, YAY! for OV!!! I am hoping to follow your lead in the next week or so! Christmas sounds like it will be lovely, even more lovely when you will have to tell your friend the news around Christmas!!! FXD!

AFM Ladies...CD2! Back in this egg chase again. We are fully ready! During relaxing times this past week, we chatted, fine-tweaked our plans and are ready to get this Sept bfp. Even got a new BBT-T to be certain. We are going to do more CM monitoring as well. Between temping, charting, CM checks, and more “donations” we are confident that this IS going to be IT!!! I have a thread for Sept testers that is picking up, my Aug testing thread had a high percentage of bfps, I am going to keep it going, in hopes of adding my name to the list!

Follow my chart below…

:dust: :dust: :dust to the Thread!!!!!
Hello Ladies!!!! I just thought I would share the babies pictures with you. Tell me what you think as far as gender?? We will know soon!!!


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CARLY, I am going to get on the bandwagon with the doc here, I think that pic #2 has me leaning towards BOY!!! Go Team Blue!
Carly, those are lovely pictures hun, congratulations!! Not sure on a gender though!

Mrs MM, sounds like you have a good game plan, really hope you get that :bfp: hun. sorry the :witch: got you this month though, I feel your pain.

Wendy, :happydance: for the high! Sounds like you'll be having fun tonight! enjoy the next few months, looks like you have lots of lovely things to keep you busy!

Thanks Adrienne, not sure it is going to be that wonderful :bfp: but never mind! Really hope your parents have power soon!

Brittany, hope all went well with the doctors, a game plan sounds like a good plan!

A big :hugs: to all you lovely ladies.

AFM hit a real low today. Took a cheapie hpt and a frer and :bfn: on both. Feel crap. Really thought it was my month, was convinced actually, which is very silly. I know I'm not out until the :witch: arrives but I have a feeling she will be here by the weekend. Going to keep testing until she shows just in case. Adam and I have decided that if she does show we will SMEP again next month and carry on using Conceive+, gonna get some clearblue digital ovulation tests so I don't have to try and interpret them.
sorry ladies I'm being silly and I know I am but just can't help but feel disappointed
Thank you ladies!!! I wasn't expecting to get that scan so it just put me over the moon to see my bean so big already. Our bodies really are amazing!!!!

Rachael do you know when you will have first scan???

MrsMM- I knew you had to be/live in chicago at one point because no one else would dare call it chitown unless they had lived it!!! I am going to start packing today and I just cant wait till friday!!!! I am really hoping that your plan gets you that BFP!!!! All the best wishes to you!!!!!!

Wendy- Thank you for your support. We will know in a few weeks whose right!!! I hope we are all right and the doctor is that good that he can tell this early. It sounds like you will have a beautiful holiday season and its really not that far away!!!

Naomi- Thank you hun, I would never guess gender either, but I know some ladies have a 6th sense when it comes to guessing. You are not being silly at all. You have every right to feel disapointed, but like you said your not out until the witch shows, and you already have a plan in place if she does. I pray she doesn't. I pray you get your BFP.
I don't know yet. First midwife appointment is tomorrow so hopefully I'll know more then.
oooo I cant wait to hear all about it. I pray it goes well, and you like the midwife.
Hi ladies,

Rachael, Hope everything goes well. My first midwife appointment was a bit of a dissapointment. All she did was take my details, a sample and some blood. Then I got told that I would get an appointment through the post at a sure start centre. Hopefully yours will be better than mine. How have you been feeling?

Carly, I dont have the foggiest over the sex, I am awful with more delicate details like that from the scans. I thought they couldnt tell the sex until later as the sex organs dont develop properly until 14 weeks? Might be wrong but nothing was said to me at my 12 week scan about the sex. I have a week tomorrow until I find out. I will be finding out the sex of Pip and we can't wait. We will be telling everyone so next week the new pictures and the sex will be put up on my journal. Not long now until Chicago, hope you have a fun time x

Maia, I loving your PMA!! I am sure this month will be your month too. Fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Wendypops, Your welcome Mrs, I always have time to make sure your ok :hugs: Hope your feeling better about everything. My knee isn't too bad anymore but last night I could barely walk or bend it properly. I just have to be careful not to bang it anymore! I know the shower is disgusting! I couldn't believe it when I saw it so I proved my point that it wasnt cleaned and cleaned it myself! So annoyed with the rubbish clean I have had this summer, I had a meeting today and got loads of apologies but they are worthless as my site isnt clean and the site opens tomorrow! :happydance: for the high on the monitor. I hope you get plenty of :sex: in :winkwink: I wanted to go the the Manchester Christmas markets but dont think I am going to make it this year!

Adrienne, So glad to hear you are safe and went affected too badly by the storms. How long is it before you can start trying again? I really hope things go your way after everything you have been through :hugs:

familyready, Hope the docs went well :flower:

Shona, hope you are ok and doing well. Fingers crossed for you this months :hugs:

Arlene, I hope the :witch: leaves you soon. Hope your doing ok :hugs:

Naomi, How are you doing? Hope you are keeping strong in the 2ww.

Is everyone else ok??

Well I have done what I can for work so far! The students contracts start tomorrow so it is just taking the complaints that come in now! The cleaners did an appauling job and with limited time there was nothing I could do about it. I had an hours long meeting with them today and just got apologies constantly! Hopefully it wont be as bad as I think but you never know!
Things should start to quiet down for me onece they have all started to move in so I am looking forward to the next few weeks!
Hope things calm down for you now Emma!

I'm feeling fine, just tired mainly. I was told my appointment would take about an hour so who knows :shrug: I will let everyone know how it goes tomorrow :D
If its an hour long then it could be your booking appointment which is more exciting. Fingers crossed for you x

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