The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Morning all

Emma, good luck with your 20 weeks scan, will be so exciting!!!:happydance: can't believe it's time for that scan already, it's going so quickly!

Rachael, hope your tunny settles soon, the 1st tri is whizzing by for you!:thumbup:

Welcome Paula :hi:

Wendy, loving how you are organised for Xmas! Very impressed, I always try to be but never manage it!

Adrienne, good luck with this month hun!

Hope your having a lovely time away Carly.

Good luck with catching your eggy this month MrsMM, got everything crossed for you.

AFM haven't really been on here for a few days. Went back to work yesterday which is probably for the best because I was pulling my hair out at home, kids don't come in until Thursday so gives me a few extra days to make sure I am completely ready!!:wacko:
Af hit me really hard on Sunday, not only was it very heavy, I mean like a flippin waterfall but I was devastated it had arrived and everything about the last couple of months hit me hard, knowing I wont be having my little spud in Feb and that we haven't been successful this month I realised I was so angry with the world. Hoping I'll start to feel better soon and get my bfp but not holding out much hope at the moment.
Naomi- :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: So sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I really hope you can pull through this as you seem to be going down a similar road I did after my mc. It took me 4 months to realise how angry I was with everything and in that time I distanced myself from everyone around me and nearly lost my job. I am here if you need a chat :hugs:

Amy- I think a girl as well but I am probably wrong :haha: I know you have had it a bit hard this last week on the ttc front but you seem to be quite laid back at the minute which is good. Fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Rachael- Well my stomach has been playing up today not happy!!

Well I have had an interesting 24 hours with the hubby and mother in law! The mother in law requested to come to the scan on Thursday which I was ok-ish with but knew the hospitals policy's on pther people coming. My hubby called the hospital and requested his mum to come in and even them swap over part way through and they have said point blank no. Now the hubby wants to call back to the hospital and make a complaint and speak to someone more senior on it although I warned him this would be the case. Now the mother in law is upset that she isnt coming and hubby is angry with the hospital and is on about making a complaint on Thursday!! I wouldnt mind but I am in the process of booking a 3d scan for next week that him mother and father can come to. I am surprised as the hubby usually isnt this awkward about stuff! Anyone would of thought it was them who was pregnant!!
Thanks Emma. I have definitely been more relaxed after my talks with DH. He seems to understand more of how much I want this. And he seems to be actually making an effort - he's not "fighting" the sex anymore.

Sorry to hear about the troubles with the hospital and your DH and MIL. Hope you can get it all sorted out. :hugs:
Emma, sounds interesting :wacko: I would have thought he would be ok though since you're going for the 3D scan that MIL can go to? :shrug:

I can see the why the hospital is being awkward though as the 20 week scan is the anomaly one where they need to get measurements etc, not for the whole family to come and have a look :wacko:
BUSTER, I did get some good rest, finally, whew! Now I can fully obsess over TTC :haha:

TWEAK, I will be here for you in Feb, that date would have been me and the DW's anny. :hugs: I hope we can get our bfps together! FXD!

WENDY, the witch was almost normal, I just hope she isn't back for about 10 mos! FXD for Saturday!

EMMA, YAY for a 20wk scan!!! Can't wait for pics, if you share.

NAOMI :hugs: I hope things get better for you and you have some better days.

AFM... I am CD8 and hoping that OV on time. I had a longer cycle after MC so hopefully cycle #2 is a little better if not back on track. This cycle I had a couple of heavy days, which was totally abnormal for me. Normally I have short, and med-light flow. I just hope that the OV happens in about a week. We have the "donation" dates all set up, just to cover bases. We will have more this month. I am not sure about my chart however, it is gearing up to look a little strange already. GL Ladies! :dust:
Evening all! How's everyone doing? I don't know if it's just me but i'm freezing! I want to hold out till the end of October before putting the heating on but I don't think i'm going to manage it. I'm already under my duvet in bed just to get some heat!

Anyway there's not much happening with me. Decided to sell my wee car and i'm fair sad about it :cry: I've had her for three years and love her but now hubby is on permanent nightshift we just don't need to run two cars. It would certainly save a good bit of money just having the one so mines has got to go. Hubby's car is the newest one so we are better to keep it than mine. I secretely hope no one buys it so I have to keep her :haha:

5dpo today for me and not feeling anything apart from tender nipples but i'm trying not to think about it too much. I have convinced myself that if I don't stress about it, it will actually happen! lol.

On to you ladies anyway:

Rachael Hope you're feeling a bit better hun, if not hopefully the nurse can help tomorrow. Aww I can't comment cause I gag just at the thought of picking up dog mess lol. Whenever we take Dad's dogs out I make hubby pick it up :haha: x

Emma I bet before Christmas you will be waddling! lol. You've got such a tiny frame and a big bump already so god only knows how big you are going to end up! I just can't get over the fact your 20 weeks already. It doesn't seem that long ago you texted me a pic of your bfp! It's crazy. That's fab about the 3D scan! Can't wait to see those pics cause they are so detailed. I really don't understand why Gav is getting his knickers in a twist if his Mum can go to the 3D scan. I really wouldn't want my hubby to complain to the hospital as it might make things a bit awkward for you when you go in for the scan. Hopefully he will let it go and the two of you can just enjoy this scan together :hugs: x

Amy Sometimes it's nice to have an unproductive weekend! Recharge your batteries instead of running around doing things. I love those weekends! So glad to hear your DH is now on board with the bdancing :happydance: You can do this girl, keep at it! xx

Naomi So sorry the witch got you bad, I know there's nothing worse. You will get your forever baby, unfortunately it just isn't happening as quick as we'd like it too for you. Keep that pretty chin of yours up, you have a bright future ahead of you :hugs: x

Maia I wonder worry about your chart, mines always looks strange in the first week :haha: Extra donations sounds good! Hopefully the timing will be just perfect this month :thumbup: x

Right I'm going to head off and get our work stuff ironed for tomorrow. Talk soon :flower: x
Hi Everyone
Hope you ladies are all well.

Naomi I'm so sorry you're having such a tough time. You're still grieving, and that's ok. There is nothing out there that says how you have to feel. Take all the time you need and know that we are here to support you every step of the way. Sending tons of hugs your way.

Wendy I think you hit the nail on the head. I'm with you , try not to think about it and it will come. Lol

Emma wow, sorry there is so much controversy surrounding your upcoming scan. I could understand your dh being upset if this was the only chance for your MIL to see a scan, but you are setting up a 3Dscan which I'm sure is going to be amazing. I hope things settle down for you. Things are crazy enough at work you don't need to have extra craziness at home. Whatever happens your scan day will be great because I you are going to be finding out what you're having. Yea!!!!

Maia good luck catching that egg. Sounds like you have got everything in place for success. Good luck!

Amy glad you and hubby are on the same page.

Rachael sorry you're having tummy trouble. Tell that little one of yours to settle down. Lol Emma Hope your tummy feels better soon.

And to anyone I have missed hope you are well.

AFM I am back at work (sigh) its almost 2am3:30am and I'm on BNB. Trying to stay up late so I can sleep all day because I have a 14 hour all nighter to work. Its good cause i've had time to catch up. Well I thin I am in the ttw. Not sure when o occurred so we'll just see what happens. Not holding out much hope for this cycle. Even tho I am "back in business" I didn't get to bd as much as I would have liked. So roll on. Oh I am going on vacation in about 2 weeks. Down to Puerto Rico for a few days and then up to Orland to go to one of the parks. That should be fun. If only I wasn' t on my diet. That could be a bit of a challenge, but I have come too far just to mess it up on vacation. So it will ne hard but I'm going to stick with it. Well that's all for now. Take care.

FX'd for you Adrienne. Hope you managed to stay up late enough to sleep enough for your 14 hour shift :hugs:
Thanks Rachael :flower: and I meant to say i'm sure you will do fab on your 1st day at work on Monday! Once you get the first day by with you will feel so much better x

Adrienne wowza that sounds like a nightmare shift! Doesn't matter how much sleep I got I would still be nodding off on my feet on a 14 hour shift during the night :haha: Well fingers crossed you have done it mrs, but if not and the witch arrives at least you will then know where you are in your cycle again and you can focus on bdancing at the right time :flower: x

Well fertility friends has changed my ovulation day :grr: I don't know why it does that! Looking at my chart I still think day 16 but its changed to day 17 putting me back to 5dpo today and so doesn't want me to test until the 18th. That feels like ages away. Will see if it changes again in a few days but either way I still think I will test on Saturday 17th.

Well best get ready for work. Talk to you all later :flower: x
I'd say ov was CD16 too! Silly FF!

I didn't agree with FF the cycle I got my BFP if you remember?! :rofl: I overrode it :rofl:
RACHAEL, I vaguely remember you overriding FF. Refresh my memory, how much of a difference was there between you and FF? I wanted to override last cycle... wondering if that would have made the difference.
Since I have to schedule the "donations" I totally want to make sure that I get my timing as close as possible and create the greatest fertile area!

AFM, CD9, I started with my OPKs this morning. I will use a 2nd this evening. I am also monitoring my CM this cycle. I want to try the cervix, but I am not sure I know exactly what it should feel and seem like. Prior to the MC, I was like clockwork, CD14 or CD15 OV, 1st cycle @ MC I was at CD20, I am not sure what this cycle will bring. However, I have been using the robitussin, Primrose, and B-6, so let's hope I am looking for an OV this weekend or early next week! FXD! :dust:
Amy- Good, I am glad you feel relaxed. As I say, I have been there where my whole life was turned upside down die to my mc and dont want to see you girls go through the same.

Rachael- That is exactly what I have been saying. I thought it was ok until he mentioned it to a friend tonight. Told him he better not say anything tomorrow otherwise I am going to get crsoos with him. Its not like they are buying tickets to go and see a bloody film!! I also had to persuade Gavin to let me buy that coupon for a 3d scan and now he cant wait for it so his mum and dad can come along!! I dont see anyone else offering to pay for it!!

Wendypopa- The heating went on for me tonight as I was freezing!! Seen as we have ripped out the carpet in the living room hallway and stairs it seems really cold!! I know 20 weeks has gone really quick but I think thats thanks to work! Stupid FF!!! :growlmad:

Well I got some good news yesterday about my maternity pay. I was expecting to have to live off roughly £500 a month which is statutory maternity pay (SMP) but it seems my work give us a helping hand. Apparently in the first 6 weeks I get 90% pay and SMP and then for the remaining 20 weeks I get 50% pay and SMP which overall each month will work out as about £200 less than may normal wage! Well that has put me at ease a little over this time off. I have been planning my money so carefully for months thinking we were going to be skint but it seems we wont be too bad!!

Oh and for those of you that havent seen my journal, Gavin was feeling for Pip last night and put his head on my tummy and pip kicked him in the head!! :rofl: I am sure I am going to give birth to a footballer!! :haha: Anyway, I am tired so I am going to bed to watch TV as I have a busy day ahead starting with finding out what Pip is :happydance:
Emma just wanted to wish you good luck for today, hope yous get a good potty shot!
Sorry I haven't been on ladies, I've been working constantly. Hoping to get on properly tonight, hope everyoned well xx
Emma I'm so excited for you it's unreal!! :happydance: A little girl will be so nice. And I'm classing myself as psychic now :haha: Well we shall see anyway, I said from the get go you were having a girl, another friend is going for her scan today to find out what's she's having and I've thought a girl for her too from day 1 so I shall find out later if i'm right! But I think Nat, Rachael and Carly are all having boys. Can't wait to see if i'm right! That's fab about your maternity pay too, that's one worry of your shoulders :flower: x

Rachael Hope it went well at the doctors and you're feeling a bit better :hugs: x

Maia Bring on ovulation for you hun! I'm the same with my cervix, I never know if it's open or closed lol. I can feel it but I never know what to make of it so don't bother charting it. Temping, CBFM and CM checking is enough for me I think :haha: x

Arlene Look forward to your catch up post later :flower: x

Well not much happening with me, 6dpo and the tww is just dragging on :sleep: x
Maia - good luck to you! hope we can get our BFPs together!

Wendy - glad you're okay during the TWW! sorry to hear about selling your car! And as for being cold, I always am. But we tend to hold out till November maybe to turn the heat on. I try so hard to hold out until then!

Adrienne - woohoo for a vacation! Puerto Rico and Orlando sound awesome! What park are you going to?? DH and I might go down next year or the year after with my parents, as we're dying to go to Islands of Adventure for Harry Potter world. SIL went down a few months ago and said it was awesome! I love Orlando! Good luck this cycle - you never know, you could still catch it this month!!

Emma - that's awesome about your maternity pay! and i'm so happy for you that it's a little girl!! Do you have names picked out yet?? Or are you keeping them a secret?

Arlene - can't wait for your update :hugs:

Still have really no clue where I am in my cycle. I'm CD 22, but no + OPK yet. That's okay - I'm still actually feeling quite relaxed. Had some EWCM last night, so I'll check it again later, and if I still have it and no + OPK, I still might jump DH when he gets home :haha: He has school tonight, so he won't be home till late, but I may try and stay up. Especially since I didn't get to see him last night.

RACHAEL, hope the doc visit went well for you!

WENDY, :flower: for you as you continue through the TWW....

AMY, definitely hoping we bfp together and then be bump buddies!!! FXD! Oh, JUMP DH tonight!!! :haha:

Today...CD10, I saw a hint of a pink line on the OPK this morning (hard squinting). We are going to call and move the donations up 1-2 days. Predicted OV is on the 16th and we want to cover a few days just to cover the bases a little more this month. Prior to MC I was OV on CD14 or 15 and the 16th will be CD18, I OV’d CD 20-21 last cycle…. I started using OvuView app on my phone last cycle, and interestingly, it said the best time to use OPKs is between 2-8pm. That I haven’t heard before. I guess I have it covered, as the clinic said first thing in the morning and I have been doing the morning and evening. I have been checking my cervix as well and I think it’s going to take a minute to get use to. I still check CM. Thanks to a dear BNB friend (NY), I began the baby aspirin last night, tussin, Primrose, and B-6, I am probably going to be ridiculously FERTILE! :haha: Next week can’t get here fast enough!!!! FXD! :dust: :dust:
Thanks ladies,

I haven't got any names yet as we were waiting to see what she was first. I will post up the pictures soon. She was led with her hands being her head lol! I will post better later but I am packing for going camping and have to go and see the in laws for tea tonight so I am busy bit grateful for a day off work!

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