The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Arlene - I'm so sorry AF showed up :(

Emma - hope your back is feeling better

Shana - did you get a BFP?! congrats!

Carly - so what did you think of Secret Life? It was good, and I can't believe Ricky is gonna propose to Amy! BUT, that "one last kiss"??? No way!! I can't wait till the season finale Monday night! Your wedding cake looked awesome!! And I'm so glad you don't have a UTI AND that you got to see pics of bean! And a boy!! AWESOME! What cute pictures of your little one!!

Brittany - good luck fingers crossed!!

Adrienne - glad you made it safe thought the storm!!! We had a lady from Shelton, CT at work today that lost power at her house. They told her 7-14 business day to get it back. So they came up to their camp in Wells, ME and she worked from our office up there.

Maia - glad to hear you made it safe through the storm, but sorry to hear AF came. FX'd for this cycle!!

Wendy - yay for a high!!!! We're like cycle twins! I'm sure I'm gonna ovulate soon, even though I'm CD 14. I so hope we can both catch that egg this cycle!!

Naomi - big :hugs: :hugs: I know what it's like.

Rachel - good luck with your appt tomorrow!!

Well, I'm back home after a trip to Maine overnight for work. So glad too, cause I hate sleeping in hotels by myself. I never get a good night sleep. I've got a sleeping kitty next to me who must've missed me. And it's weird, cause it's "DH's" cat. Termed his cat, because he had her before we even met. But she's all curled up next to me :cloud9:

And I think I might be ovulating soon. I'm on CD 14, and getting incredible amounts of pains in my left ovary area. CM is plentiful, creamy, and stretchy. So I hope I ovulate soon. Weird though, since the previous cycles I didn't ovulate till CD 21 or 22. I told DH we HAD to BD tonight, and start doing it regularly the next couple weeks. Since I don't know when I'm ovulating, it's important we DTD every other day or every 2 days.
I am going to do a proper post later cause i'm already running late for work but I just had to pop on and say I got my peak on my monitor this morning! :saywhat: Talk about giving me no warning!! I usually get 5 high days then a peak, this month it only gave me one high day and then my peak! I did wonder when I had so much ewcm last night. Now i'm wondering if i've done enough. We dtd last night but then hadn't for three days prior to that :dohh: Oh well what's done is done, will need to get some more action tonight!

Well i'll be back on to do a proper post later, hope everyone is well :flower: x
Wow, Wendy - a peak already! That's awesome! I'm sure you've done enough this time. It only takes 1 little spermy!

I'm feeling super down this morning. :cry: First, it's September and I would've been due in 27 days. I didn't think it would hit me this hard, but it really does.

Then, DH and I had a huge fight last night about him not wanting to DTD. He always "doesn't feel like it" and it really frustrates me. Especially when I think I'm ovulating. I told him that I didn't feel like he wanted a baby as much as I did, and he came back, sarcastically "oh yeah, i don't want a baby." And I said that if he did, he would be doing anything and everything to make it happen. Including DTD. He said we'd do it tonight, but I'm not initiating it or anything.

I'm really just giving up on this cycle, and any cycle after this. I doubt I'm gonna get pregnant any time soon with his lack of wanting to have sex. :cry:
Just back from doctor's and my appointment with the midwife. She's lovely :D

Filled in all the paperwork she needs to do. Loads of it! Family history and my medical history and all the usual stuff. She took bloods to test for blood type etc and a urine sample for who knows what :shrug:

She's referring me to a consultant at the hospital because of my back and history of depression. I should get my dating/nuchal scan appointment by letter within in 3 weeks and my next appointment with her is in 10 weeks time when I'm 16 weeks, unless my dating scan drastically changes my due date in which I case I need to contact her and she'll move my appointment accordingly. She has my due date as April 26th which is 2 days ahead of mine :shrug: Not going to adjust my tickers though until after my scan as that will be the date they go on.

Don't think there's much else to say except I didn't get my Bounty pack as they've run out so will have to wait :shrug:

Wendy - yay for a peak. Don't worry about not covering every day, we didn't :winkwink: :dust:
MrsMM- Chitown was the perfect thing to say. I even told my husband about it because it made me smile! I am glad you had a good trip. And I am totally on TEAM BLUE. I can't wait to find out for sure!! I just wanted to wish you goodluck for september since I wont be on much after today, until I get back from vaca!!

Wendy- BIG WOOOHOOO on peak!!! Mine snuck up on me too. Especially since I thought I had missed it. It was like two days of a high and then BOOM PEAK. I was like MIKE WE HAVE TO DTD!!! SO I am pretty sure that was the night we got pregnant. It makes EXACT sense with my due date. SO GOOD LUCK AND TONS AND TONS OF BABYDUST!!!

Emma- Can't wait to hear if Pip is a boy or girl. Are you leaning towards one more than the other. I didn't think they could tell that early, and the doctor said he couldn't say for sure it was an early prediction based on what he could see. So my husband and I aren't referring to bean as Sam or Kensi just yet. We are going to wait till we get confirmation. I am also sorry about things at work, I know an apology only goes so far, if they show no action their apology didn't really mean anything to begin with. Soo goodluck, and I hope things turn around.

Amy- I really liked the episode, I LOVED how Ricky was like just go to another school and leave me and amy alone. I am sooo sick of Adrian, and how she acts all freaked out because Rick proposes, he hinted he was going to propose. I am sorry she lost her baby, and destroyed her marriage, but she needs to leave Ricky and Amy alone. I cant wait for this week except I probably wont get to see it till I get back because my mom is in the process of moving and so she had her cable turned off and just has basic TV for now. Thank goodness for DVR. I wanted to say I am sorry about your husband, I was at there with my husband at one point so I know how you feel. Just give it time and he will come around, and when you are both on the same page again and your hearts are in the right place your baby will come. I can only imagine the emotions your loss is bringing up at this time for you, know that we are all here if you need a shoulder to cry or just lean on. Maybe it would be helpful to talk to your husband about how your feeling, and why it is so important for you to have a baby, some men just dont get it, they dont get that we have wanted this since we were 5 years old playing with our dolls.

Rachael- I am glad your appt. went well. Can't wait to hear your official due date and see scan pics!!!! Hope time flies by for you!!

AFM- I NEED TO PACK!! I haven't even started and I leave tomorrow afternoon for a week. YIKES!! I also have a school work I need to complete before I leave, and house work to get done. So I will be busy from the time I sign off of here until I leave tomorrow. I just want to say that you ladies have made my pregnancy so much more fun so far. It is so nice to have a safe place where I can share my feelings, and what is going on without judgement or having to sit through a ton of advice that I didn't ask for. Its nice to just talk and have people listen. I hope you all have great weeks while I am gone, you'll be on my mind but I wont have much time to pop on here so dont be surprised if you dont see me. I will be back and take the time to catch up with all of you. Hope to see some BFPS when I get back!!!
EMMA, I hope things get a calm for you soon.

RACHAEL, I know that you are exhausted, the joys of preg! :flower: Your appt sounds sooo good. I wouldn't worry about the date much, 2 days isn't huge, and it changes frequently in the 1st trim.

WENDY, FXD!!! It sounds like you did a good job to me. Get in one BD tonight and I think all of your bases will be covered and we will be hearing about your BFP in a couple of weeks!!! GL :dust:

AMY, :hugs: I know how it is appraoching a due date, I will struggle in Feb. Little D would have been born 9 days after our Anny, and 1 day after V-day... Hang in there Hun! :hugs: So sorry that you and DH had a fight. It is such a tough time all around, TTC is difficult on them as well, but I do hope that he comes around this evening and you all can capture this egg. Don't give up! FXD!! :dust:

CARLY, ENJOY that trip Girl!!! I cannot wait to hear all about it when you return. And thanks!!!
Evening all! I'm back for my proper post :) Hope everyone's having a lovely night. Still can't believe I got my peak after one high! And I have never ovulated as early as CD16 so I am thrilled :happydance: bring on the tww!

Maia I'm loving your enthusiasm for this month hun, that's the way you need to be! I am feeling pretty confident about this month too, but hey I always say that and the witch still shows up for me :haha: x

Carly Aww what lovely scan pics! You must be on :cloud9: Now you've got something to show your family and friends on your trip! I hope you have a lovely relaxing time away, you deserve it :flower: x

Naomi Sorry about the BFN's hun, I know how disheartening they are. You're not being silly at all, I felt the exact same last month. Like you say, you're not out yet but if you are you're doing the right thing. Keep at the SMEP and you're sure to get a BFP in the next few months :hugs: x

Emma So glad to hear that things will calm down once everyone is moved in cause you're only going to get more tired. So is it next week you find out what your expecting? How exciting!! I can't wait to find out and it's not even my baby :haha: You going to decorate your nursery when you know or keep it a neautral colour? x

Amy Ooh I do hope you're ovulating too! I love having you as my cycle buddy :flower: I'm the same, last month I ovulated on CD20 but this month it looks like CD16 so it does happen! I'm sorry to hear you and DH had a fight, i'm sure you's will work it out tonight and hopefully you can get some bdancing in :hugs: x

Rachael Aww i'm so pleased you have a good midwife, it makes all the difference! I see it's on facebook too now, that's exciting! I wouldn't worry about the due date being a couple of days out, babies very rarely come on the right day anyway! So glad things are working out for you :hugs: x

Well I best head off, going round to a friends for a cup of tea and a chat. No doubt catch up again tomorow :flower: x
Hi Ladies,
Hope everyone is getting ready for the weekend. I know I am.

Amy sorry you and dh had a fight. I've had that fight with my dh too. Sometimes I think it's just the way that they handle the ttc frustration. Doesn't make us feel any better. Sending you lots of hugs. :hugs:

Arlene sorry that stupid witch got you. You too Maia. But I have high hopes for this next cycle for both of you.

Wendy yea for the high on the CBFM it sounds like you have your bases covered.

Brittney sending you lots of luck.

Rachael glad your appointment went well. You must be so excited, and I'm excited for you.

Carly hope you have a great trip and enjoy the time with your family.

Emma glad to hear that things will calm down at work soon. You could use a rest. I can't believe you'll be finding out what your having soon. You must be so excited.

Naomi sorry about the BFN. I know how disappointing it is. But keep your chin up I know your BFP is right around the corner. :hugs:

To all you other ladies out there I hope you're doing well and have a great weekend. :flower:

AFM getting ready to enjoy the 3 day weekend. Glad to say that :sex: has started again, but I have no idea where I am in my cycle.:shrug: The surgery brought on an early period so I don't know when it's going to show up again. Oh well I'm not worried, just happy to be "back in business" :haha: Take care everyone and have a great weekend!!
Morning ladies, just a quickie post from me cause i'm going back to bed :haha: I'm shattered, only got up to take my temp. Going shopping later today with my sis so that should be fun, but I need some more sleep to give me the motivation! Well it looks from my chart that I definitely did ovulate on CD16, so i'm now 2dpo and back in the tww :happydance: Lets see how long I can stay calm and collected for this month! lol.

Adrienne So glad to hear your back in business! Maybe it will be good for you to have a relaxed month of ttc if you don't know whereabouts you are in your cycle. Just try and bdance when you can and if she doesn't turn up in over a month you know you could be expecting! A lot of people conceive when they are not thinking about what cycle day they are and thinking about when the witch will arrive so you never know! Enjoy your 3 day weekend :flower: x

Paula Hi hun! You are more than welcome to join us, tell us a little about yourself :flower: x

Naomi I saw on your journal that the horrible witch seems to be making an appearance. Sorry hun, but I love your motivation for this next cycle, I know you can do this :hugs: x

Well i'm back off to the land of nod. Hope all you lovely ladies are well, and look forward to a catch up with you all soon x
Welcome to thread Paula :D

Adrienne, glad you're back in business :winkwink:

Perhaps not knowing where you are in your cycle is a good thing :shrug: Less pressure perhaps?! :shrug:
ADRIENNE, love "back in business" :haha: Good! Let's get this egg chase started for you :dust: FXD!

PAULA, :wave: welcome! GL FXD! :dust: on this journey.

WENDY, I hope this TWW ends with the biggest BFP!!! Enjoy shopping today.

AFM... I am hoping to get a relaxation day in. However, the amount of cleaning after returning from a trip and preparation for next week (which is short) doesn't seem like I can get that rest and relaxation. CD5, and just waiting a couple days before OPKs begin and I will be back in that egg chase! I hope you all have a great weekend!
Welcome to the thread Paula!!

Maia I hate cleaning after coming back from a trip. I know how you feel. Still hope you are able to get some rest this weekend.
Rachel - glad you had a good doctor appt, and glad you like your midwife!

Carly - hope you're having a great trip! I can't wait for you to get back so we can talk Secret Life!!

Maia - I'll struggle with you in February too, as I would've been due Feb 6th with our 2nd pregnancy. :cry: We'll get our forever babies! FXd for you this cycle!

Wendy - I love having you as my cycle buddy too! Now let's just hope we can both catch that eggy! You've got a great chance. Me on the other hand, not so much since I have no clue when I ovulated or if I have yet. Grrrr. Oh well, it'll happen when it's meant to be.

Adrienne - glad you're "back in business"! You'll get your BFP in no time!

Welcome Paula :flower:

Well, DH and I had our talk. Things are all good now. I don't think he realized how MUCH I wanted this. I told him it was the only thing I wanted right now, and that it was something that I've dreamed about since I was a little girl. So, I hope we're on the same page now. We'll just continue BDing every other day till CD 25 or so .. and hope we can catch it. Still having some left side pain, but there is barely a second line on the OPKs. :shrug: It'll happen when it's meant to be I guess.
Amy glad you and dh worked everything out. Good luck in catching that egg!!!
Morning ladies, hope everyone had a nice weekend :flower:

Mines was good, went shopping with my sis on Saturday and spent money I don’t have lol. I was only meant to be giving her a lift through but ended up seeing loads of nice things I could buy for Christmas so bought some. It’s good to be organised! Had a nice lazy day with hubby last night and tonight i’ve got a friend coming over for dinner so should be good. 4dpo today, Fertility Friend wants me to test a week on Saturday. Hope it flys by!

Rachael Can’t believe your 7 weeks tomorrow! How quick is this pregnancy going?! It’s crazy! Hope you’re keeping well x

Maia Hope you managed to get caught up with everything after your trip and good to see the witch has left the building! x

Adrienne How you keeping hun? Anything new with you? x

Arlene Hope your well hun and that the witch has moved on x

Amy I wouldn't worry if you know when you ovulated or not hun as long as your bdancing every couple of days you are bound to catch it! So glad you and DH sorted everything out. Sometimes all you need is a heart to heart x

Naomi Hope everything’s well with you, no doubt you’ll be fair busy now schools are back x

Emma Not long till your scan hun! So excited so for you. Hope things have started calming down at work x

To anyone I have missed I hope you are all well :flower: Right, back to work for me! Talk later x
Wendy I know :shock: Doesn't feel like 3 weeks since I got my BFP :wacko: Already over halfway through 1st tri!

Yay for shopping! I fully intend to do that at some point this week when my money goes in the bank.

Hopefully a week on Saturday will fly in and you'll be getting your BFP :D :dust:

I'm doing OK ladies. Suffering with a dodgy tummy and gagged this morning picking up the dog's mess. Never done that in the whole time I've had her! I start work next Monday. So nervous but excited too!
Evening ladies,

Sorry I havent been on much but I have been snowed under with work and the thought of coming back onto my laptop has put me off :haha: Our students started moving in since last Thursday so we have been constantly bombarded with problem, questions, complaints etc. I just keep on thinking there is only a week or so of this madness and then we are back to normal.... well ish!! lol

Rachael- Is your tummy still bad?? Hope it gets better soon. Mine has been ok for about a week now but it comes and goes :growlmad: I felt the first trimester went fast! But to be honest all of it has gone fast so far with being busy at work!

I really want to start buying for xmas but have been putting it off for a little until things calm down. I want to get as much out of the way as possible as I will be waddling at xmas :haha:

Amy- Glad you and the oh have managed to sort some things out. Sometimes I dont think men think and realise how important things are to us. They think about it every now and again but having a baby is constantly on our minds! Fingers crossed that you have caught it :hugs:

MrsMM24- Hope you have managed to get some well earned rest :hugs:

Adrienne- Loving the fact you are abck to business :rofl: Yes I am really excited about it! Cant wait for Thursday!! I will be straight on here to let you ladies know!!

:wave: welcome Paula

I hope everyone else is ok :hugs: sorry but have only gone back the past 10ish posts!

Well I have a lot going on in the next few weeks and cant wait for any of it! I have my 20 week scan on Thursday and we get to find out the sex of Pip. I am going camping this weekend and have Friday off work to head down to Kettering. A friend of mine sent me a link to a cheap 3d/ 4d scan so I have bought a voucher for that for £24 instead of £60!!! :happydance: I am planning on having that in the next 2 weeks just to confirm the sex and get a better vue of our baby.

I am getting our carpets replaced in the living room, hallway and stairs in 3 ish weeks. The company have given me a cost of £540 for carpet, underlay and fitting for the lot!! I am taking out the old carpet and re-glossing all areas ready for the new carpet to be put in over the next week.

We have a piece of skirting board missing where the fireplace used to be and I have been searching trying to find a new piece, on closer inspection I found that the skirting going down the wall where the fire used to be is completely difeerent to the skirting in the rest of the room!! Dont know how we never noticed this!!

Anyway, thats enough from me, I am off to try and get some sleep and rest :hugs:
Yeh, still dodgy. Got an appointment on Wednesday woth the nurse practitioner at my health centre :wacko:

Sounds like you're busy decorating! :D
Wendy - Roll on Saturday!! This week will fly by, and I have everything crossed you get that BFP! Glad you had a good weekend!

Emma - can't wait to hear what you're having!! I'm thinking GIRL! Sorry to hear you've been so busy at work. Hope it settles down soon!

Well, it was Labor Day here, so I had the day off. Actually, had a 4 day weekend since I took Friday off too! :happydance: Except I had the most unproductive long weekend ever!

Still not sure where I am cycle-wise. CD 19 and cramping is gone, but getting EWCM. Whooooo knowwwss.

Back to work tomorrow. Yuck!

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