The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Wendy the wedding show was fantastic! Got plenty of ideas for the big day and came out with a few free stays, lunches or dinners at different venues, bonus! :lol: so we're going to set dates to go see some other venues but I feel it may be a waste of time :dohh: My dress truely will be one of a kind, my oh gran asked to make it for me as its something she always wanted to do (his mum had him young and while she was training to be a paramedic they helped look after him a lot, he's the favourite grandchild!) She had her own shop and has made a fair few before so I'm lucky that way.
That was very nice of your ex! I don't think I'll last to 12 weeks when the time comes! Although I really would like it to be mine and oh's little secret to cherise for a while so maybe I will. Its all down to personal preference I suppose. Now I best be off to sleep for work. I've got my hospital appointment tomorrow regarding my hernia too, not looking forward to that!

Hope everyones well xx
Hi ladies,

Just thought I would write a quick note to you all to wish you all the best in TTC. I will be nipping on here for you all and reading up on anything but I will not be posting.

Since becoming pregnant I have tried to distance myself but have also tried to keep this thread going. It seems that a lot of the ladies who are TTC dont post on here anymore although this is about them and their journey.

E-mail me if you wish to have anything updated on the front page. I sincerely wish you all the best of luck and you all receive your forever babies but it has got to a point where I feel bad for posting here.

Take care ladies :hugs:
EMMA, I hope you aren't getting a cold. I totally understand about the thread, I hope that you are able to pop in and keep us posted during the remaining last hapf of your preg! :hugs:

SHONA, GL for the peak. FXD for a bfp! :dust:

ARLENE, I do think we timed well, I just hope that it pays off!! I think we are the same DPO!

WENDY, loving the relationship you have with your ex, your kids will likely grow up together. I know the feeling of not sleeping because of the bathroom, hope it gets better, that LO is right on that bladder....

AFM… 4DPO, I have not been SS, don't plan to until at least 6DPO, so we shall see, I am feeling pretty good, and really good about my chances! FXD! My temps look good and are rising although slowly. FXD! :dust: :dust:
Hey all,
Emma, feel very sad you are leaving us :cry: don't disappear completely though, we will miss you! Thanks for all the support, became so obsessed with symptom spotting last month have been trying to distance myself a bit from here so I try and be a nit more relaxed about the whole ttc thing, it will happen its just up to nature.

Arlene, it all sounds so exciting!! How exciting you'll be having your dress made!!! I LOVED planning our wedding! Hope your appointment went well today.

MRSMM stay strong hun, those days will hopefully fly by!
well according to tickers and calenders I ov'd yesterday, got my smiley face on friday so have been going at it great guns since thursday and will continue tonight and tomorrow, 2 b honest hubby is actually sick of it now!!!
Emma- Sorry about the guy who cut you off, I hope the rest of your week goes better. I wish you weren't leaving but I can understand. I too wonder how much longer I can stay on this thread. A piece of me also feels bad for posting. This has been such a positive and safe place to be. Everyone is so supportive and I think thats why I keep coming back. I hope we hear from you time to time. I wish you the best during the rest of your pregnancy!

Arlene- The castle sounds amazing!! I am glad the wedding show went well, it sounds like a lot of fun!! Your dress is going to be incredible. I am soooo jealous!!!! You will have to post pictures once she has completed it.

Wendy- Get loads of rest. I had more energy in my first trimester than I have in this second but they say thats not usually the case. So get the rest while you can!!! I think its so nice you and your ex can be friends and be there for one another. Any thoughts on what you think your having. 3 weeks till we find out if your prediction for a boy was right.

MrsMM- Keep your spirits high!!! My fingers are crossed for you!!!

Well ladies. I just wanted to say I remember when I first joined this thread and we had 1 BFP now we have 4. I am so honored and blessed to have connected with all of you. I am sure I will get to a point of feeling bad for posting as Emma has, but for now I think I need this support. I dont have any friends or family around so its nice to come on here and feel a part of something. I have been trying to reclaim my energy. I went for a mile walk today, vacumed the bedrooms, and put away all my laundry. So for now I will say its been a good day. My husband leaves tomorrow for a business trip. He will be back Friday afternoon. It is the fried chicken festival this weekend so I am looking forward to that. Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE fried chicken but I have been trying to eat healthy and stay away from fried foods for my pregnancy but just one day of indulging isnt going to kill me. I hope you all have a great week!!!
Morning girls! Hope everyone is well :flower:

I have to say that unfortunately I am in the same boat as Emma. Although I have only recently found out I am pregnant it has came to my attention that some of you lovely ladies are staying away from this thread because the baby talk is getting to you, so I feel like I can't share my excitement of pregnancy with you for fear of upsetting some of you, which is whole heartedly something I don't want to do. It took me 11 months to get pregnant, and some of you ladies will know I didn't even have a monthly cycle for 6 months in which time I found out I had PCOS so this was no easy journey for me so believe me I know how you feel when the witch arrives every month.

I don't however want to lose touch with you girls because I have made some wonderful friendships along the way. Emma has started up a new thread where us pregnant ladies can go and talk about all pregnancy related things so I think I shall go on there and talk about my pregnancy but I will still come on here and support all of you ttc ladies without talking about pregnancy things, that way when any of you are having a low day you don't have to read about things that will bring you down further. I think this is the best way to move forward. No ttc ladies should leave this thread, it's what its here for. I will still come on and support you all but if you'd like to know anything about how my pregnancy is going you can pop over to the other thread at a time you feel ready to see pregnancy stuff.

Hope this has all came accross the right way :) Sorry for not doing individual posts right now, just getting ready for work but I will be back later :flower: x
Wendy I would love to join Emma's new thread. I really wasn't ready to leave this thread because I love the support of all you lovely ladies but if Emma has began a new thread I would love to be a part of it. So please put up a link or personally send me a link. I wish all the TTC ladies the best. I didn't join this thread till I moved to Kentucky in May and I got my BFP in June. However we had been trying since September of the previous year so I know how hard it can be at times. I want to thank you all for your kind words over the last few months. It has been such a pleasure to be on this journey with you. I will stop by to keep up but probably wont post as much as I had previously. Hope to be reading about more BFP's in the future.

<3 Carly
Hi Ladies,

I have to say, it will be sad to see you go, or at least not come by as often. I was not one that was bothered by the "baby/pregnancy" talk, as it has been a great comfort since my MC in July. However, I can definitely undertand your dilemma. I wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfy. I do hope that EMMA, WENDY, and CARLY try to come in here occassionally to check up as I would love and it is only right, that I share my BFP with you ladies when it comes.... Keep me posted on the journey, you are all more than welcome to PM me....

CARLY, Maaaan, I wish I was going to the Fried Chicken Festival with you! :haha: Enjoy hun, and you and baby enjoy some for me!!!

AFM&#8230; 5DPO, Looks like a temp dip to me. I am hoping anyway FXD! Not trying to get my hopes too high. I have not been SS, but I know that I have been pretty exhausted in the last 24hrs... Implantation??? Going to start SS tomorrow if the temp jumps back up!! I didn't start SS till 8DPO last time, so I will compare as I approach... FXD! :dust: :dust:
Ladies I hope you don't take the lack of posting personally, yous all know the situation with my cousin and yet again the police have let us down and cancelled her interview again. That's over a week since she told and we've had little to no help whatsoever. Not even the social work have been in touch! So as you can imagine I'm trying to help with all this. I'll hopefully get a proper post soon x
Morning ladies, hope everyone is well :flower:

Arlene Oh wow, if I knew you got free stays or lunches I would have went to some wedding shows myself! :haha: Aww that's lovely about your dress, it gives the wedding more of a personal touch and i'm sure it'll look fab! How did the hospital appointment go? Well I hope. Sorry to hear the police aren't being of much help, that's unbelievable they keep putting it off, especially when it's a child who is involved, no wonder we don't have much faith in our police force x

Maia Oh don't worry you don't get rid of me that easy :haha: I'll still be checking up on you ladies. Chart is looking good so far! Let the symptom spotting commence lol x

Naomi :happydance: for ovulation! I'm sure you've done all you can hun, you and hubby can now relax after all your hard work and fingers crossed it will have been worth it :hugs: x
I totally get what you are both saying, would you mind if I join the other thread too and go between this and that one. The only reason Im not on tooo much is I work three nights a week and cant navigate properly at work :haha: plus keeping up with the other journals too. I would miss you all too much. I will also be on journals, do any of you have pregnancy journals to keep up with? Your always welcome on mine too :flower:

I absolutely love seeing the pregnancys progressing, you all have had difficult times to get to this point and are so deserving of this :hugs:

Usually fri I manage to update everything on here properly :thumbup:

Arlene so sorry for what you are going through at the moment speak soon :kiss:

Thanks for all the kind words from everyone means so much and yes I agree more BFP's on the way. It is true what someone sed there has been alot of losses on the thread but that makes us stronger to get to our end goal :)

ASFM 10 highs on my clear blue fertility monitor! Still no peak yet!
Hi Ladies,

I have to say, it will be sad to see you go, or at least not come by as often. I was not one that was bothered by the "baby/pregnancy" talk, as it has been a great comfort since my MC in July. However, I can definitely undertand your dilemma. I wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfy. I do hope that EMMA, WENDY, and CARLY try to come in here occassionally to check up as I would love and it is only right, that I share my BFP with you ladies when it comes.... Keep me posted on the journey, you are all more than welcome to PM me....

CARLY, Maaaan, I wish I was going to the Fried Chicken Festival with you! :haha: Enjoy hun, and you and baby enjoy some for me!!!

AFM… 5DPO, Looks like a temp dip to me. I am hoping anyway FXD! Not trying to get my hopes too high. I have not been SS, but I know that I have been pretty exhausted in the last 24hrs... Implantation??? Going to start SS tomorrow if the temp jumps back up!! I didn't start SS till 8DPO last time, so I will compare as I approach... FXD! :dust: :dust:

I totally agree, we are like a little family but I also dont want anyone to feel uncomfortable xx
I honestly did post, bc I was having an miscarriage, it had nothing to do with you guys pregnancies. I wish you both would stay.

but I will keep in touch, or try to post more. I apologize for that.
How is everyone feeling today?

9 :hugs: we are on a few of the same threads, but you get hugs wherever I run into you Hun!

WANTING, I hope that you get that peak soon.... 10 highs, is still pretty fertile, have you gotten som BDg in? FXD! :dust:

AFM&#8230; 6DPO, Looks like a temp increase!! FXD! I am getting nervous now. What is strange is, with our last PG, my DW got all the symptoms, the last couple of days, she has been feeling very weird. I however have been super tired. I even fell asleep on the train this morning headed to work (doesn't happen) plus, it is so early.... Not trying to get my hopes too high. I have not been SS, but today I am starting, FATIGUED for sure. Come on high temps next few days!!!FXD! :dust: :dust:
9 - so so sorry for all your losses, I hope that you are ok :hugs:

MrsMM - Is it Naomi, I havent been able to be on too much so getting my head round everyones names lol..... Thanks hun. Since TTC with
Cody I got 4-5 highs and 2 peaks. I stopped drinking nearly 3 weeks ago and this has happened as before I had either 1 high day or 2 or none
at all. Never heard of 10 highs before tho :shrug: lol..... I did an OPK thats not as strong as control line yet but quite dark but hoping that
it will show a peak tomorrow as only fertility stick left. Click on my ovulation chart I dont temp anymore but has my CM and bedding days have a look
you will laugh. Im knackered! :haha: I have ended up with a UTI now tho I think from bedding too much or maybe coincidence.

How are you and everyone else?

Ooooh that was a sympton in my previous pregnancy heres hoping :hugs: when are you gonna test? This cycle is gonna be a long one for me.

Naomi good luck this cycle, fx'd you caught that egg! :)

Carly, she's desperate to get started now on the dress, but I dont want to say to her "No we're going to have a baby first..:dohh:" Fried chicken festival sounds fun! I don't think our government would ever let us have a festival like that, all about promoting healthy eating nowadays!

mrsmm yay for the temp rise!

Shona, i've never heard anyone say they had 10 highs! Good luck this cycle :)

As for me i'm around 7dpo, this months gone so quick. After this i've got 2 more cycles then it'll be off the doctors. I hope it doesn't get that far, but if i'm honest I feel it will. I do have an appointment with the gyno in 2 weeks, due to pain and bleeing during/after sex, maybe whatevers causing this might be whats preventing us from concieving? Anyway..enough conspiricy theories :dohh:
So my aunt had to call the police 4 times before she got to someone who could help, only to be told it would be next week before they could take ashleys interview, however finally came out after I threatened them with going to the newspapers and making a formal complaint to top dog. I cannot believe how useless they have been. They reckon the guy will be charged, but it will be within a few weeks because my cousin isn't in immediate danger. The man is a peodaphile and we're meant to just accept it'll be WEEKS before they lift him?! This mans window looks directly into my mums garden were Kyle plays! Anyway, no point in ranting, we can't do anything about it.

Hope everyone else is well!
O arlene that sounds terrible, makes you lose all faith in the ppl who are supposed to protect us doesnt it!!
Will do a proper post at the weekend, hope everyone is well and thinking positive, i am trying my hardest!!
Hi Everyone
Sorry I haven't been on lately but I'm still on vacation and then to top it off I forgot my password to get on to BNB. Then forgot the password to my email. Ugh.

But I'm back on now. I'll do a proper post when I get home this weekend, it I wanted to let our pregnant ladies know that their posts didn't get bother me but I understand how they feel and that I will be keeping up with their pregnancies on their new page. As for the rest of us who are on the ttc journey (soon to be joining the other ladies) let's keep up our PMA!!!

Take care and I hope you are all well and I'll be back on when I get back from vacation.
Totally understand. Enjoy your vacay. I also agree, keep up this PMA.....

No problem, but its actually Maia... keeping up with the names is difficult so I understand Hun!

AFM&#8230; 7DPO, Temps staying high I am staying optimistic. FXD! I had a little headache this morning, it has subsided, and I have been getting weird feelings. I even had a dream (reading my journal you will see I don't really dream or I don't remember that I did when I wake) I recalled the whole thing to the wife who died laughing. I am still super tired. Still SS and Fatigue, headaches, and dreams are listed today... DW wanted me to test, but I laughed it off, not going for the early disappointment, she has little patience so I expected her to say that already... :haha: Come on high temps next few days!!!FXD! :dust: :dust:
So i'm approx 11dpo, just taken a superdrug hpt and.........:bfp: :cloud9: Can't believe it. I was taking the test thinking "what a waste of time.." I spent HOURS last night researching soy isoflavones! Typical :dohh:

Good luck to all you ladies :hugs:

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