The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Naneth I'm sure OH was loving the dream until you went in the temple with the other guy. LOL I love your PMA for this cycle and hopefully you'll have that BFP before Christmas.

AFM got some bding in last night but it wasn't easy. I think that dh is starting to feel the pressure of ttc and it's starting to take it's tole. But at least we were able to get the bding in. I've had positive opks on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and have been able to bd on Thursday afternoon and Saturday night. Don't know if I'll be able to get one more in tonight but I'll try, if not oh well I'll leave it in God's hands. Don't have much hope for this cycle becasue of only being able to bd 2 times but like they say it only takes once. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and I'll speak to you all soon.
Amy Your chart is still looking really good! Your temps are no where near your cover line. When is AF due? I'm keeping everything crossed for you. Hope you had a lovely birthday :flower: x

Adrienne Glad to hear you got some bdancing in, it does only take once! The cycle I got my BFP was the month I had the least bdancing! Crazy eh? I think it must be more about quality than quantity where we were concerned. We also went through a patch where hubby let the pressure get to him, it helped by not telling him when I was ovulating and just trying to instigate bdancing instead. Maybe give that a try? x

Naneth Haha, your hubby's dream is hilarious! I dreamt last night I left my hubby for Lee from Steps! :rofl: What was I thinking! No idea how that popped into my head but hubby wasn't amused when I told him :haha: You keep that positivity going, i'm sure that's what helped me get my BFP x

Hope everyone had a nice weekend, mines has been quite busy, felt like a spring clean and for once felt well enough to do it. It's amazing how good you feel after you've had a good clean! I think it was more to do with the fact I just bought a new dyson hoover and it's like having a new toy :haha: I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon! Anyway I best get to bed, back to work tomorrow :( Speak to you all soon x
Naneth - good luck to you! I'm focusing on being pregnant by Christmas too. I hope I can do it. I try to stay positive, but once I get closer to AF coming or AF comes, that all goes out the window.

Adrienne - glad you got some BDing in! I think the pressure of TTC is getting to my DH too. If only it was as easy as they made it seem in grade school...

Wendy - I have no clue when AF is due. If I'm going by a 14 day LP, it's due on Thursday I guess. I hope my temp goes back up tomorrow. I did have a good birthday - DH bought me a Pillow Pet (I included a link; I don't know if you have those over there) and we went out to dinner and got new cell phones. Nice birthday. Glad you had a good weekend! I have a Dyson too, and it's awesome! Love my Dyson!

Well, I still have 2 days of my vacation! I'm doing some more work on my cross-stitch baby blanket. I started it 11 years ago when my cousin was born, as it was meant for her. :haha: Now I'm trying to finish it for my baby. Testing tomorrow if my temps down go down!
Hi ladies :flower:

Happy belated birthday Amy :cake: so sorry I missed it but lovely to see you had a good birthday. I still have everything crossed for you for this cycle and sorry to hear about the bfn :hugs:

Adrienne :happydance: for the strong positive opk!! fingers crossed for you! How is your knee doing?? I hope it is holding up for you :hugs:

Naneth, I read your post about your dream whilst on my phone the other day and didnt quite get it! I think I missed the bit about it being a dream and spent the last 24 hours trying to figure it out :haha: I am so dumb at the minute!! Glad I just re-read that properly now! Special lube for ttc is amasing stuff :haha: me and the hubby used it and I dont know why we didnt try it sooner lol! Hope you are keeping well x

Maia, Hope you are doing well :hugs:

Well I am still off work and in bed and hoping to be for another week. Those of you who know me know that it is rare for that comment to come from me but I am so drained with having a cold on top of the kidney infection I dont want to go back in lol! well nothing else going on here so I will stop boring you all :haha: x x x
Emma - Good to hear from you, hope you can get some much needed rest.

AFM - temps significantly dropped this a.m. and a BFN at 12 DPO. Pretty sure I'm out and just waiting for AF. Doing one more cycle, and then may be calling my doctor or an RE. After 1 cycle, it'll be 6 months since my 2nd miscarriage. I'm sick of seeing people get pregnant so easily, not even trying. But we do everything perfectly, DTD at the right time, and still can't get pregnant.
ADRIENNE, BD!!! I think you are covering that positive OPK!!! FXD! :dust:
WENDY, Yes! I cleaned up good! Looove, a cleaned spave. YAY for cleaning and decorating a nursery and hearing baby on doppler, I cannot wait for my turn!
AMY, It's still early! Hang in there Hun! :dust:
NANETH, FXD for impednding OV and hopefullness! :dust;
EMMA, I sure hope you get better and feel better sooon Hun!

AFM...Stalk my chart!!! Yay!! The weekend was extra busy for me, as you can see I haven't even logged onto my beloved BNB. I am back and tackling this TTW head on, last week!!! Temp is barely staying above coverline, but it is not dropping soooo... I was too busy to be thinking about symptoms, but now that I read everyone's posts, I can say I haven't had any noticeable ones. I just hope that it continues to rise or at least stay up through to a bfp! Still trying not to be too excited as being sick a week before OV really has me quite worried... :wacko: I still wait... :coffee: FXD! :dust:
Buster - OH said he was really annoyed with me when he woke up. I kept nudging him and he was just ignoring me :lol: I cracked up when he told me though, even now I keep laughing about it and keep threatening to run away with one of his old school friends. :lol: I know what you mean about feeling the pressure, we've tried to make it all fun to help take the pressure off - doing silly things like not doing the same position twice in a row. :lol: Or having a romantic bath together. Fingers crossed that you catch it.

WendyJ - Lee from Steps? :lol: I was obsessed with them when I was younger, your poor OH though. That's a wonderfully random dream though, makes you wonder where our brains come up with these things.

Tweak - I was sitting at work today looking at my calendar today and worked it out that if I don't catch it this cycle then I'll be due to test the week of OH's birthday in December, I'm not sure if I'd be able to hold off to tell him on our anniversary but I think I could wait two or three days to tell him on his birthday. I think if we did it, we would admit it to his parents on Christmas day as well. :) Hopefully we'll both get our Christmas wish and be in Tri 1 by Boxing Day. ;)

Pinky - we've been using the Conceive+ from Boots on and off for about a year now and it is perfect for when I'm not totally 'there' if you know what I mean. I normally only use it when I'm around Ov but recently we've been using it all the way through the month. :) Hope you're feeling better.

MrsMM24 - your chart is looking good, hope those temps carry on staying up nice and high. :)
Amy No i've never seen pillow pets here but they are so cute!! Glad you had a nice birthday. Sorry to see your temp has dropped like that, it looks like AF is on her way :( Sorry hun :hugs: Please don't let it get to you, I know your BFP is just round the corner x

Maia I am sure it will be your turn real soon :) Hmm your chart is going to be hard to figure out this month if your temps stay right above your coverline :haha: Hopefully it will rise a bit in the next few days! x

Naneth I think it's cause I watch the Steps Reunion programme on sky :haha: Lee is quite cute though I have to admit :blush: I used conceive plus all the time too and I totally think it helped us! Even if hubby wasn't the keanest on it being soo slippy down there lol x

Well back to work for me, i'm just skiving the now as I can't be bothered lol. Roll on 5pm! x
Maia - glad to see you back - hope those temps stay up!

Naneth - hope we both get our wish!

Wendy - it's hard to stay positive - it's been over 6 months since my 2nd miscarriage. I can't help but think the D&C or the 2nd miscarriage screwed up my body. I ovulated this cycle, we DTD on all the right days, and still didn't catch it. I'm calling the doctor next cycle. I'm not waiting until January or February, esp since Feb 6th is the EDD of the 2nd baby.

AFM - Temp dropped way below the coverline. So AF will prob show tomorrow, which is great since it's the first day back to work after vacation. Perfect freakin' timing :( If that's the case, I will drown my sorrows in a few beers when I get home. And get thoroughly trashed this weekend with my best friend. Can't wait for that!
NANETH, I was laughing when reading too. We sometimes don't think about OHs pressure....
WENDY, I hope work wisks by. Yeah, I am nervous about my temps, and being sick before OV, but they seem to be going up.... FXD!
AMY, yeah, I had gotten real busy and tried sneaking some ME time, but definitely back now. I hope AF stays far far away! :dust:

AFM...Stalk my chart!!! Yay!! Last week of TWW is starting off lovely, temp jumped up a little today, reeally hoping it stays up there to a bfp! Still no SS, and that feels good. I am a little nervous, as DW and I have similar cycle lengths and her AF is near!:wacko: Still waiting... :coffee: (that's tea) :haha:FXD! :dust:
Maia - Thanks hun, love that little jump in your temp! Hope it stays nice and high!

For anyone that wants to look, I finished my wedding scrapbook. Wayyy back in March/April when I joined this thread, I posted about wanting to do a scrapbook for my wedding. Finally finished it. Here's the link to my journal post that the pictures are on:

Wedding Scrapbook
Ohh ladies i think i have some good news...
since my ph leves are off i figured O' wont show on opk's[which is why i didn't really want to use them] but this morning and afternoon i got really dark opk's.
Here's image of them
We've been bd'ing every morning since about cd5[just to be sure we didn't miss any chance of the fertile window or O'] So im feeling pretty good about this cycle so far.
my temp dropped way low too, not that it means anything but im even having O pains and stuff as well so i have a feeling i am or will be O'ing soon:happydance:
we'll just keep using preseed and softcups.
Ill keep you ladies updated on more:thumbup:
Abii those opks look real good. Keep up with what you're doing and you should have a very good chance this cycle.

Maia glad things are looking good for you. Hope that temp stays up.

Amy I already posted in your journal but you know I'm thinking of you.

Naneth hope all is well with you.

AFM I go back to work tomorrow. Got one last bd session in last night. I think it might have been too late, but you never know. Not much else going on. Still working on household projects (putting in new windows and fixing up my spare room) Now I just found out that I need 2 new tires for my car. It always feels like I'm paying bill for something. Anyway I'll try to keep up with everyone while I'm at work but it's always hard to reply on the phone. Take care and talk to everyone soon.
Amy So sorry the witch got you hun, I did think she was on the way from your temps :hugs: I know what you mean, we were bdancing at the exact right time every month and it still didn't happen until obviously it eventually did in August. No idea what made that month different, but i'm sure if you keep getting the timing right it will happen. I agree though you should go and see what help you can get though, it's good to know your options. Aww your scrapbook is just beautiful! I wish I had the patience to do something like that cause it's a lovely thing to have and then pass down through the generations x

Maia So good to see your temp jump up! Will be a little easier to tell what's going on that way. Only 4 days until testing, I have everything crossed for you hun :flower: x

Abii Yey for the positive opk's! Those are nice strong lines. A low temp will probably mean ovulation for you but I can't tell from your chart as you haven't put your last few temps in yet. Get bdancing lady! x

Adrienne There's no harm in having that one last bdancing session cause you just never know how long that egg is going to stick around for. Aww I know there is always something to pay for isn't there, I have basically used up all of November's pay on things and we aren't even out of October yet :dohh: Will really have to watch my money up till December. It will be worth it for you though when you have a lovely looking spare room :thumbup: x

Well I best get back to work, i'm so bad for skiving but most nights I am too tired to come on here so I try and sneak on when I can during the day. All is going good with me though, just wish I had more energy. So much I want to do in the house but i'm always so tired :dohh: Hopefully that will pass soon. Well take care ladies and speak soon :flower: x
@Buster: Thank you future bump buddy!:happydance:
im pretty sure i have a good chance because[like i stated below] me and df have been bd'ing since early in my cycle and since i think i O'ed last morning/night we didn't miss a single fertile day or O day, so hopefully lovebug will stick:flower::yellow::cloud9:
@Wendy: Awh thank you:]
and yes i know i haven't put them in because im not really counting my temps this cycle, since i started temping at cd9 instead of cd1 so they might be off, im only going by opk's and my O' symptoms. But whats weird is, me and df have been bd'ing EVERY MORNING since cd4 or 5 so i think i O'ed last morning/night because since the 24th i've been having a stabby like pain in my left side ALL DAY that does not feel like normal O' pains so maybe we caught it just in time this month?:haha:
lets only hope.
fx'd for me and all you wonderful ladies as well
ADRIENNE, I think the last BD won't hurt, and could be the winner. As WENDY said, you never know with our eggys... GL FXD!:dust:
ABII, those look positive, GL.
WENDY, I know, I hope they stay up to a bfp now.... I know you are just beat, heading nearer the 2nd trim, so hopefully your energy will start to replinish soon Hun!

AFM...Stalk my chart!!! Yay!! Temps staying up, higher than whole cycle (except days with fever). I just hope I did enough and beign sick doesn't effect implantation. I mean, it looks apparent that I OVd so if I truly did.... FXD! Well, I creep closer to testing! Getting nervous however. As promised, started SS today. Not really much or anything that resembles past bfps. Most are indicative for me of AF so waiting will tell. DW is spotting and moody and fatigued. Still waiting... :coffee: (that's tea) :haha:FXD! :dust:
Abii Well done for bdancing every fertile day! I hope it pays off for you hun x

Maia Good luck for testing tomorrow hun, I will be on looking for an update :flower: x

Hope all you other ladies are well x
Thanks. :)

I've had a rotten cold this last week. Pretty much over it now, but I'm fairly certain that it's screwed with my charting. My temps have been about the same as last month but because I've been feeling poorly I've not been so religious about temping at the same time every day.

FF is thinking about putting Ov day down as CD13 which would be really early for me, normally it's CD16-20. Because I was feeling really ill we probably missed the chance if that was the day, which would be typical. :lol:

Much better now. Starting to get organised for Christmas. OH and me have decided that this Christmas will be our last one without a baby. And the target is to be pregnant by this Christmas!

Hope everyone else is doing okay. :)
hey ladies:]
i know i haven't been on much, sorry ive been a pretty busy bee this month, so many birthdays and such, but i thought i'd update you a-little bit.
I am now in my tww i should be 3 or 4dpo today[not sure due to confusion of Ov day] not very many symptoms just a-little cramping here and there and been really hungry, had really bad gas about 2-3 days ago.
I hope lovebug stuck with me.
we tried everything we could this month and i just hope it all paid off.
fx'd for all of us still in the tww or waiting to test again.
sorry to those who got stuck with af:hugs:
hopefully that storky will bring more bfps next month to you ladies:thumbup:
BTW!!! my friend Bumblebee2408 got her :bfp: yesterday as well!!!:D
i now officially have 2 future bump buddies:happydance::hugs:
CONGRATS to your Future Bump Buddy ABII!

WENDY, no good update for you... believe me I wish I could....

NANETH, I hope that you're getting better from that cold and caught your eggy! :dust:

SS 12DPO: Cramp-y. Gassy. Less Bloat-y. Feeling "wet" below te belt.

AFM...Stalk my chart!!! BFN! So I probably won't be testing again till Wednesday, tooooo nervous!! Temps staying up, but are decreasing, which is keeping me nervous. My chart was possible Triphastic FF (Day 26) indicated until today's temp. Still missing a regular symptom of AF or BFP, sore bbs! Hope everyone's weekend is going well. I will jump right on here and update after I test soon.... Still creeping to the end of waiting... :coffee: (that's tea) :haha:FXD! :dust:

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