The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Morning ladies! (at least it is for me!)

Slept late this morning, probably got at least 10 hrs of sleep. But I definitely needed it after a long week at work. Currently, I'm a purchasing specialist for an electrical distributor. I.E. I sit at a desk all day long and buy stuff for the company to sell. In about 2 weeks, I'll be getting a promotion and become lead operations manager for the New Hampshire and Maine branches. It's a pay raise, more responsibility, and some traveling. I've been with this company since I was 16, so I've definitely worked my ways up.

Anyways, hope everyone's well today. Just some cleaning, scrap booking, and organizing our apartment on the agenda today. Gotta keep busy. And some working out too!
Hi Ladies,

Really hope I can join you on this thread!
My names Fiona. Im 27. Married my DH Marco(also 27) in December 2010 & been TTC#1 since then! We live in Co Mayo in Ireland & just moved into a new house lastnight (rental)
Im currently a housewife, looking after Marco & my furbaby Izzy out beautiful Border Collie! AF showed up yesterday so we are out for another month!!

Look forward to chatting to you all xxxx
Hi Fiona, Welcome to our little family! Sorry AF got you yesterday :hugs:

Any ladies that are not on the front page will be put on a little later when I get more than 5 mins to spare. Please dont forget bdays as well ladies.

Well soup all done, now time for buns x

Morning Amy :flower:
Hi ladies
So this is where you guys are at. I was just asking Wendy what thread you guys are on so I could pop in and say hi. Anyway I'm glad I know where I can find you. Hope hou all are doing well. Take care and I'll be popping in from time to time to check up on you lovely ladies. I hope you all have a great day.
Thanks!! Birthday 23/05/1983!

Dissapointed about AF this month but I had a very stressful month....quit my job & moved house so I guess my body just wasnt able to handle all that & TTC!!
Gonna really chill out & look after myself this month & FX it will be our month!!

Really sunny here in Mayo today (a rare thing in the West of Ireland!!) Upacking the boxes & having a picnic lunch in the garden with my DH & the pup!! Happy out!
Hope you are all having a good day!
I'm with you Emma! Wasn't really kean on a December baby anyway, Xmas is expensive enough :haha: Wish I could use my CBFM, it's just sitting gathering dust after only one cycle :( x

Hey Amy Well done on the promotion! Sounds like you've done really well for yourself hun. I've still not done any housework, got a banging headache and no motivation. I'm always like this on Saturdays, I feel like I do more at nights after work than I do when i'm off for the day :dohh: oh well, if i can't relax on a Saturday when can I!

Hi Fiona welcome to the thread hun :flower: The more the merrior on here :) Aww a picnic sounds lovely, haven't had one of those for ages! But that's scottish weather for you, more rain than shine! x

Hi Adrienne so lovely to hear from you :flower: Sorry I didn't see your message earlier, i've got a banging headache so signed off for a bit. How are you hunni? x

Well my ticker has gone to CD1 but it only goes up to day 80 so can't do anything about it lol. Today is officially CD81 for me! Crazy! :wacko: x
Welcome all the new ladies..I'm not going to be rude and try remember names, I'm useless. :wave:

I will read back when I'm not out my face on painkillers :dohh: :witch: got me this morning..but on a happy note, boooked holiday..all inclusive lazarote in just 7 weeks and 4 days :happydance::happydance: booked this morning :D This is our last treat to ourselves before proper saving adding to our deposit.

Hope all you lovely ladies are having a good day, and its lovely to see Adrienne and Nat here too :thumbup:

Hey Arlene :happydance: for the holiday! Any room in your suitcase for a little one?? lol. I could so do with a break. Saying that April will be a good month considering there is four bank holidays from work! Then i'm off a week in May for my birthday but nothing planned yet. Think we will just play it by here.

I know what you mean about names, that's why Emma is putting everyone on the 1st page, i'm using it as a reference point until I get to know everyone a litle better :thumbup: You should tell Emma what you want put up about yourself hun x

Aww so sorry to see the :witch: got you, wish she'd come and visit me! lol. Glad you've got the holiday to keep your spirits high, sending lots of baby dust for the next cycle x
hi well i am Carron a am 22 my birthday is 20/05/1988, married in 2008 been ttc for over a year now.I work as a support worker during the day and by night a youth worker where I run a soft cocktail bar in a youth group I help out at. I also go to uni studying youth work

Oh dear, just read back over my post and didn't realise how many mistakes i'd made. These painkillers are soo strong :lol: Trust me wendy, if I could send her elsewhere I would!!

I can't remember where In scotland your from? but we're just back from the five sisters zoo in west lothian. Thought we'd try it out as I'm thinking of making it our trip this year but I must say I was very dissappointed! :(
I'm from Dumfries & Galloway (south west). Aww that's a shame I love places like that but will give it a wide berth then! We went to The Scottish Sea Life Sanctuary when we were in Oban and I was really disappointed with it too. There wasn't really much there and it cost us £40 in total for just the two of us by the time we had paid in and got a hot drink. Things are so expensive the now.

Aww hubby has just came home with the most gorgeous bunch of flowers for me, he is such a sweetheart. He is a team leader at Tesco and is in charge of the flowers and fruit/veg, he was putting out mothers day flowers all day and said he couldn't spend all day doing that and not bring me a bunch home. He really is a diamond. I've said i'd treat him to a takeaway for tea now, hmm what to have x
hi well i am Carron a am 22 my birthday is 20/05/1988, married in 2008 been ttc for over a year now.I work as a support worker during the day and by night a youth worker where I run a soft cocktail bar in a youth group I help out at. I also go to uni studying youth work


You sound like a busy lady Carron! I can imagine they are rewarding jobs though. Do you temp or do opks or anything? x
hey ladies how r ya's, still no sign of af but im getting af type pains am due between yesterday and tomorow so let's hope she doesn't come! i did a test today, yes i know i know i shouldn't have but u know me! it came up :bfn: and im 11dpo im kinda feeling out now :-( ah well! how's everyone ladies??? xxxx

Hello Ladies i'm back agn Look outside its nice and light and the vampire is awake.. :rofl:

Oh i have to agree Wendy I love the cake mixture too. Aw i hope your headache goes away hun.. I hate them.. Could it be another sign :rofl:. Just give up hun and just relax today. There is no harm in having a lazy day when you have been working all week.

I think it is time for the Doctors for you hun. Without a :bfp: its not right to be this long without a af, if everything is ok.. You doc needs a kick up the behind. Are you going to call them or am i? :haha:

Hey Emma You have to think positive, you may have hit the window. I have my fx'd for you :hug: I'm with you on that tho hun, i'm glad i was out this month so no December :baby: I'm up for a Jan tho, as thats a sad month. It would be nice for me and Wendy as Jan is not our favourite month due to losing our mums!

Nite Nat I do hope we see you agn! :flower:

MorningAmy Hun.. Nice to see you back..Wow you really did need it hun. Working them hours is a drag. :happydance: For the Promotion hun. You sound well committed to your job being there since you was 16. Good for you Lady.

Hello & Welcome Fiona We would love you to join us here. Oh Co Mayo, My Nan is from Mayo!! I'm sorry the :witch: got you hun :hug: she also got me on the 30th, but i'm glad she has gone now!!! We all look forward to getting our :bfp: with you hunni..
Oh it does sound lovely there today, I cannot believe i have never been over. The beauty of unpacking and settling in. You know what they say, New House New Baby..

Don't forget my buns Emma what ones are we having hun?

Hi Adrienne Nice to hear from you hun. I hope you are well & getting :sex: in this month. I was really looking forward to get our :bfp: together. I guess things don't always go to plan. Well your welcome to pop over any time hun..:flower:

Arlene :wave: Ooh nooo not the ugly :witch: agn!! She is soooo evil to us lovely ladies! :hugs: On the plus side, sounds like you have a fab holiday around the corner. Can i get high on them painkillers and sneak in your case please :rofl: I'm so scared to fly so i miss out every time. :cry:.. Hope you are having a lovely weekend despite the evil :witch: coming. Oh P.s i hope you just happen to be fertile on hol and manage :sex: you know what they say about holidays!!!

Hello Carron :wave: Good for you hun on being in work as a support worker and going uni. Youth Work is a great job! :hugs:

Oh i'm starting to feel old agn Wendy We have another lovely young lady with us... OH is sooooooooo sweet buying you flowers!

As for me. I'm all over the place deciding what to do in college, i been looking into midwifery and would love to do it, 3 yrs in uni. but obviously i need to complete 1 year in college first. When i finished reading the modules, i told OH about it, his reaction was, its going to be hard plus if we have another baby id never get to see my kids, which is so true! I'm sure they wrote in the prospectus all that to put ppl off lol, saying how hard it is, and say goodbye to family and a social life for 3 years of hard work on the job, then getting home to study, where does my son and OH come into that, then a new baby. so i have decided against it for now. :cry: I would soooo love it tho.. My OH said he;d support me what ever i decide. I want a baby more than delivering them. so we know what wins...

How is everyone then???

Sophie :wave: hunni.. Oh i'm sooo glad the :witch: hasn't come yet.. I have everything crossed for you hunni. :hug:

hi well i am Carron a am 22 my birthday is 20/05/1988, married in 2008 been ttc for over a year now.I work as a support worker during the day and by night a youth worker where I run a soft cocktail bar in a youth group I help out at. I also go to uni studying youth work


You sound like a busy lady Carron! I can imagine they are rewarding jobs though. Do you temp or do opks or anything? x

yh i am very busy but i love my job, i've tried the temp but not sure how to really do it. do you use any of them. i read that your from Dumfries which part as im from there too x
awh lea u would make a brilliant midwife :) go for it if it's what u want ur still young hun, awh wendy ur hubby is so cute, welcom new ladies i hope use are well, arlene how's u and pinky how r ya??? 0h and LEA im gonna temp this month what time do you wake to temp and how many hours sleep do u need???? xxxx
Hi ladies,

big :hugs: Arlene, hope your pains have eased a little x

Wendy- Your fella is soo sweet! I love it when men are spontanious. Ooh takeaway, let me know what you decided on. I had steamed chicken and cous cous for tea x

Sophie- You are not out until the witch shows Mrs. Big :hugs:

Lea- Yeah I may of got it but the chances are slim lol. I haven't made the buns yet as I have been busy sorting the spare room out but I am going to make them in the next half an hour. Sorry about the midwifery course. People with families do do the job but it is a lot of hours and hard work. If you dont think it is right for you at this time then don't proceed with it.
I have enough on my case at the minute without studying and everything else so I know where you are coming from. :flower:

Hope all you other ladies are ok and have had a fab saturday x
thanx ladies but surely u wud get a positive on 10miu tests by now! i dunno i have a feeling she be here today or tomorow but thanx maybe she won't show but i ant getting my hopes up! xxxx
Evening Ladies!

Sorry if I don't write something to each of you, but I've just read through everything and forgotten what I wanted to say. I'm tired from a long day :dohh:

Good to see Nat and Adrienne popping by :hi: And welcome to the new ladies - Amy, Carron and Fiona, am I right?!

Arlene, sorry the :witch: got you. Wendy, I love Thunderstorms too! Emma, I want cakes now :rofl: OMG Lea's awake in daylight hours! :haha:

Been over to Sunderland today to sign the contracts for the house and all that. Got home about an hour ago. OH isn't coming over this weekend as it's Mother's Day tomorrow and with him moving out Friday he wants to spend the day with his Mum. Wish he'd told me before today though :( It's really wierd him not being here, he's come over every weekend since I moved in :cry:

Still no sign of AF so I'm going with my second Ov date according to FF.

Hope you're all having good weekends :)

Sophie Awe thx hun. I think I'm going to pass for now. You never know after this nx year i may change my mind agn. I'm going college either way any way ill stick with social care for now.

Please tell me you have NOT POAS???

Cool it will really help you know where you are with things. I Set my alarm everyday for the same time 7.30 take my temp and go back to sleep! That way i never miss it, and its the same time everyday. They say you need a min of 3 hours sleep with you interruptions.

Emma It only takes 1 time hun.. As for the course, the actual job would be fantastic, the working hours wouldn't be so bad once fully qualified, its the actual student midwife part, your in uni a few days a week, in a maternity unit the rest doing really long hours, then you have to come home and do hours and hours or course work. That is the off put atm due to ttc and already having my son and busy life anyway.

Ill see how things pan out over the nx yr. They say your never to old to start so i could do it in the future. For now ill proceed with Social work, with disadvantage kids..

Rachael Hey hun, hows things going with the packing? Lol yes Vampire is awake :rofl:
Awe how sad OH not coming over :growlmad: But think about it from nx week you two will be together forever :hugs: I agree, he should have said before hand.
Glad the house is all signed for now. Are you looking forward to the move? and new baby? You and Wendy are not normal i swear... How can you like thunderstorms??? Nutta's


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