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The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

thanx to all for the welcome glad i can finally talk about how im doing to others ttc x
so wendy ur from dumfries with part as im originally from there tried the temp but not sure how to do it so stopped lol what about u x
You are welcome hun. I think we all felt like that at one stage, hence the reason for joining BnB. We can all support each other and help one another with the whole ttc, & compare notes.

I'm not sure if one of the ladies asked before. Do you temp & do opk's?

Lea, that's what he said, said we'll be together all the time soon enough, and he's right. 6 more sleeps and we'll be together all the time :D

As for thunderstorms, I love them because I find them fascinating and they always leave the air crisp and fresh afterwards :D
6 more sleeps, is nothing! Awe you have a point then hunni lol.. They just scare me.
For all the lovely new ladies, if you would like to add our banner to your signature, paste this in there.

[ IMG]https://mbmfiles.com/Mar2011/110331-EgsMlzcJbnvV.gif[/IMG]

just Make sure you delete the space from [ IMG] to

It is also good to have tickers, so we can keep up with each others cycles..

Anyone needs help with OPK's and Fertility Friend Temping we can all help you.

It is best to take your temp the same time everyday. I take mine 7.30am. I have it at the side of my bed and set my alarm for the
same time everyday and just jot it down, then go back to sleep :rofl:.. I find this very easy and hard to forget, as i have set a specific time just to take my temp. My alarm is then set for the normal time i would get up if its later.

We are all here to help and support you with any thing at all, not just ttc....

Hello Emma Hunni.. Are the buns ready yet i hungry for buns???
Hi ladies,

How are we all tonight? I have just baked my buns and am waiting for them to cool to do the toppings.

Carren, temping is quite easy once you get used to it. Just follow what Lea has said and make sure your thermometer is to the .2 decimal places. thank you for joining us here and as Lea has said you can come and speak to us about anything as well as the TTC part of it x

Rachael, yey! 6 more sleeps x x

Time to decorate the cakes!
Hey Hun.. Nice quiet night for me, well maybe lol. I'm going to check out career paths for me, decide on the best ways to go about it while i wait for college to get back to me. Plus i need to get my Course work done, naughty me has not done any for a few days. I have my exam in May..

Right buns it is hun.. What type and deco are we having? pics pics pics...
:hi: ladies How are you all? Lea your little boy is so cute! I will need to give all my info for the front page :) Nat and Adrienne lovely to hear from you.

I need to reply individually soon. Do you think I should temp? I tried it once but I never ever get up at the same time every morning. Rachael so fabby

that you are moving near me soon Is anyone else up for a meet up eventually me and Rachael are gonna have Coffee :) I hope you are all well I have

been out all day and now so tired and have such bad tootache again

Thx Shona, he's 10 now big boy. Well 10 1/2.. I Neva get up the same time hence the reason for setting 2 alarms on my phone. One for 7.30 to take my temp, the go bk to sleep then agn at 8.30 to make sure my son is sorted. I do everything for him the night b4. I'm jus out in the car at the mo ladies. I'll b bk soon, so I'll reply proper then..
Yeah he is gorge and luv your avatar piccy, My stepson is nearly 9 cant believe it. Im not sure if I should temp at all as I always always wake up through the night and it kinda mucks things up :wacko:

Hi ladies,

Here are some of the cakes that are ready. I have also done some cornflake cakes too lol x


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Hey Sophie Aww no, you went and tested again! :dohh: No more hun, you are putting too much pressure on yourself. You have to just wait and see if AF shows and if not test in a couple of days. It's no good testing every day, you are just waisting tests and causing unnecessary stress on yourself. Be strong hunnie :flower: x

Lea I am deffo going to go back to doctors soon but i'm waiting till I hit day 90 then it'll be 3 months since last AF. Not that they will do owt! Was hoping temping would help but so far my temp chart refers a yoyo movement :dohh: That's a shame about the midwife course but if you are going to do social work you will probably get some of the qualifications along the way that you will need to be a midwife will you not? For example one of my best friends trained to be a veterinary nurse but couldn't get a job so she only had to go back to college for one year to be an actual nurse which is what she does now. I think either jobs would be very rewarding. Like you say you could do midwifing at any age hun, just do what's best for you at the moment :flower: x

Aww Emma I ate way to much! Feel guilty about it now. We had a set meal for two from the italian, so we had dough balls with garlic dip, tagletelle pasta, a 12inch ham and pineapple pizza and a pizza size garlic bread. Was lovely but way to much lol. Hubby's going yum yum yum at your pic, hmm could that be a hint for me to make some? :haha: x

Hi Rachael Wow I assumed you were staying in Sunderland today, didn't realise you were doing the long trip there and back in a day. You must be knackered :sleep: Shame oh isn't with you this weekend but if he was he would probably distract you from your packing :haha: Friday will be here in no time and then you will see him all the time :flower: x

Hey Carron wow that's a suprise, there's not many people from my neck of the woods on here! I'm in Dalbeattie hun, where did you used to stay? x

Hi Shona! Yeah get your info added on the front page. Makes it easier for any newbies to get to know who you are :) Aww that's lovely you and Rachael are going to meet up. I'm sure we will all meet at one stage in the future. Would be harder for those abroad admittedly but it's a nice thought x

I agree with the ladies about temping, anyone who isn't should consider giving it a go and that way we can all look at your chart and help you figure out where you are in your cycles. Sophie this would be a big help for you hun x

Aww I now i'm weird but I just love storms and weather in general! Thunder, lightening, tornados, tsunamis, volcanos all that stuff fascinates me! x
Hi ladies,

Here are some of the cakes that are ready. I have also done some cornflake cakes too lol x

Those look super yummy! I just went and had some chocolate candy. Reese's Pieces and some Rolo's. That just about cancels out the workout I did earlier.

Have a bit of headache now. Have had it since I woke up. Dinner is in the oven, and just waiting for DH to get off the computer so we can watch a show together. It's 5 p.m. now, but had a good day. Cleaned, laundry, and finished a scrapbook from a vacation a few years ago. I like it!
Mmm I love rolo's Amy! You've made me want some now lol. I've got rolo ice lollies in the freezer but that would really kick my healthier regime out the window considering what i've already ate for dinner! :haha: x
Emma, those cakes look lovely!

Wendy, It's certainly has been a long day. I won't stay over in Sunderland right now due to all the stuff that went on at the beginning of the week when he told his mum and sister he was moving in with me. I've not calmed down that they upset him so much so said it would be best if I just went for the day. Course I thought he was coming back here with me :dohh:
Mmm I love rolo's Amy! You've made me want some now lol. I've got rolo ice lollies in the freezer but that would really kick my healthier regime out the window considering what i've already ate for dinner! :haha: x

Haha, yeah DH brought them home. Apparently they were in his car for a week, but they were still mighty tasty! I figure I'll still my new healthy eating Monday. Weekends can be difficult to manage what I eat.
Yeah I don't blame you Rach hun, I would be pretty miffed too. Did you go to the new place today or did you just pick up the keys? x

Ok, i'm now eating a rolo ice lolly, and I blame Amy entirely for this :haha: Will just have to work harder on my next work out! x

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