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The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Went to the new house and signed the contracts and paid the deposit etc. He hadn't had chance to get keys cut so got to get the keys in the week. Also need to sort out the gas and electricity, though he wasn't very helpful. He's not sure who the supplier is for the house, and the electricty is on a key meter that's £33 in debt :wacko: Need to figure out who supplies the house and get the debt wiped.
I did Amy but it was sickly at the same time! No more treats for me for a while! So are you ahead of us in time or behind us? I've been to America a couple of times, love it there! I've been to Detroit and Chicago. Will hopefully get again some time in the future as hubby has never been x

Rachael I assumed it would be the landlord's responsibility to clear the debt seen as he is the home owner? He doesn't sound helpful in the slightest! Usually if you phone up which ever company you want to use they can tell you if they currently provide for that house or if it is someone else. Hopefully you will strike it lucky first call! x

Oh wow Carron! I'm totally shocked that you were just in Dumfries for all those years! :haha: I never expected to meet anyone on here that is or had been that close to me. What made you move hun? x
Hi Ladies I am back on from being away. The surgery for dh went very well. I believe i told several of you that my husband has only one working testicle since an accident last year. This surgery was to remove the testicle so it would not cause infection and then the left testicle wouldn't work either. We won't be able to dtd for a while but i'm glad he still has one working one:happydance:
How is everyone?? Any new BFPs i missed?? i haven't been able to go thru all the posts but just wanted to see how everyone is! Welcome to the new Ladies I have not met yet, i cannot wait to hear where you are on your ttc journey:flower:
Welcome back Michelle, I am glad all went well for your oh. No BFP's yet but there is still time lol. :hugs:
Hi Ladies I am back on from being away. The surgery for dh went very well. I believe i told several of you that my husband has only one working testicle since an accident last year. This surgery was to remove the testicle so it would not cause infection and then the left testicle wouldn't work either. We won't be able to dtd for a while but i'm glad he still has one working one:happydance:
How is everyone?? Any new BFPs i missed?? i haven't been able to go thru all the posts but just wanted to see how everyone is! Welcome to the new Ladies I have not met yet, i cannot wait to hear where you are on your ttc journey:flower:

Hi Michelle, so glad the op went well :hugs: It's better to hold off on dtd for a while to know you have a chance of a BFP in the future. Hope you're well hun :flower: x
Well ladies i'm off to spend some quality time with hubby :winkwink: talk to you all in the morning :flower: x
hey ladies :flower: welcome back viola im glad ur hubby is ok!

lea u would be great in social care!

arlene im sorry the witch got u hun!

wendy enjoy hun :winkwink:

pinky ur cakes look AMAZING :thumbup:

well still no sign of af and yes lea i poas this morning :dohh: im sorry hahaha awh it was :bfn: im 11dpo and using 10miu tests if i was pregnant i would have a :bfp: by now but then i was thinking if i got my positive opk at bout 6pm (i test 3 times earlier that day) on day 16 than that means i could of ovulated day 18 or does it mean i defo ovulated day 17??? cos the tests wer still dark early day 17 as my lh was prob dropping i dunno! :shrug: i just feel out, i got af type pains and was sure she was gonna come today or tomorow! i just kinda think with 10miu tests it would show up at 11dpo and i did a 6 days earlier frer 10dpo and it was :bfn: but clo only got her :bfp: at 15dpo and got negatives on 13dpo but i dunno if she was using sensitive tests :shrug:
oh and u will be happy to know lea i aint testing till monday (hopefully) :haha:
Shona I love looking at his baby pics! Babies don't stay babies for long, they grow too fast. My son is almost as big as me, its scary! Ppl think he s my brother :haha: My step daughter is a teenager this year, now that is even more scarier!
If you wake up through that night id still try temping, as long as you have at leased 3 hours sleep before your alarm goes off that is cool.. You could even take it in the day, at the same time. Morning is best tho.

Emma Wow them buns look fab :munch:.. Well done hun. Oh i do love cornflake cake too. That was my fav in school.

Wendy Why wait any longer hun, its been a long time. You are so amazingly patient it's untrue. Just make an appointment hun, give in and tell them you need checking over, get referred for some blood work and a scan hunni.

Yeh hun your kinda right. For me to study Social Care, i would have learned many skills that i will need for midwifery, so its not like i'm going to need to start from day dot. I agree, both jobs would be rewarding, bringing a children into the world safely, looking after them and mum, or making sure children are well looked after, taken away from danger caring for them. Both perfect!!!:flower:

Wendy Hun, don't feel guilty for waht you ate, why should you... I ate Chicken & Chips & 10 Onion rings :rofl: Now i feel :sick:!!!

Amy Awe not you and all.. Stop worrying about food, enjoy it.. I'm sorry you have a headache hun too, i hope it goes away soon :hug: Oh sounds like you have a very productive day hunni. You enjoy sometime with OH... I hope your well!!

Rach hun i do hope it chills out for you, i hate when families don't get on, especially over silly things. I think its unfair on you too. But look on the bright side, nx weekend you will both be in your new home together, waking up together and making baby :wohoo: they will soon love you like we all do here, (like family).. :hugs:

Hun if you go to https://www.uswitch.com/gas-electricity/who-supplies-my-electricity-and-gas/ you can find out through them. don't worry about the debt, they will wipe all that for you. The landlord is terrible if he hasnt even taken readings before and after tenants have left.:dohh: him...

Michelle :wave: Oh i am so happy to hear your OH op went well That is good news hun! The main thing is he is on the road to healing. Did they give you a time frame to wait? I hope it's not too long.. :flower:

Nyt Nyt Wendy Hope you enjoy/ed your Nyt...

Sophie Right missy :yellowcard: lol what are you like.. you are going to make me burst a blood vessel.. Let me tell you something. if you get a :bfn: at 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21, DPO it does not mean you are out until the :witch: shows her ugly face. i went 7 weeks without a :bfp: my 8th week i got it... So this obsession of POAS is not helping you, but making you stress about it.. Look at it this way. Implantation yeh, needs to happen to get a :bfp: obviously, if your stressing you could stop that from happening. for that little seed to plant and grow, you really need to relax hun.. Ok lecture over!!!

You know i'm only having a go at you bcos i really care about you sweetie.. i want you to get your :bfp: as much as i want mine.. U just need to stop tensing your body with stress and let your body do the work... :hug:

Stop obsessing over things as long as you :sex: when you got your +opk's you are in with a chance... Clo got :bfn: on 13dpo & her :bfp: on 16dpo.. but everyones body is very different. Some women know they are pregnant the second the implant, some women don't know at all... I had to wait 7 weeks for my :bfp: my levels were just soooooo slow.. How do you know where you fit in, you could be one of teh ladies who know right away, or not know at all.. I' sending you this :dust:for luck but to make yo sneeze then relax :rofl: :hugs:

hahahaha awh thanx hun i know im sooooooo bold haha i will test monday if she aint here by then, but have a feeling that ugly witch will give me a horrible suprise tomorow or monday :haha: awh thanx hun im so glad i can actually talk to people on this, thanx for caring so much lea! i have now sneezed and i have relaxed hahaha tomorow if af still doesn't come i aint testing no matter what :thumbup:! awh god i had a period 2 months ago that was 28 days but the last one and the one before that was 26 so im hopeing she stays away. thanx for the lecture hun god i stress myself out so much! im back in hospital monday :nope: to see a gyno for a second opinion to see if i have endometrisis :-( or whats wrong, last time i seen her she wanted to go ahead with surgery as i do be in quite a bit of pain during :sex: :cry: and i do be in pain before and during my period like it actually hurts me to do a number 2 during my period or before my period its horrible :cry: i can't seem to put any pressure on my tummy at all, sorry tmi :blush:! , but the other wanted me to wait 6 months and just hope i get pregnant in the mean time and take loads of pain killers she prescribed (she said they are ok to take when ttc) oh god i dunno what to do, they have swabbed me, scaned me, proded me, gave me tablets and they havn't a clue whats going on so do i wait or do i go ahead with surgery??? :shrug: what wud u ladies do??? :shrug:
Hi Ladies, :hi:

Michelle, I'm glad dh operation went well and I hope he has a speedy recovery.

Arlene, Hope you're feeling better and I'm glad Kyle is doing better as well.

Lea, chicken and chips and 10 onion rings wow that makes my stomach hurt. LOL But, I bet it was good.

Sophie, I hope you get that BFP on Monday. I've got everything crossed for you. Good luck!!

And a big hello to all the other ladies. I've just been catching up on all the posts and now I want some ice cream. Whos fault is that??? :rofl:

AFM I've gotten some quality :sex: in today.:haha: So hopefully this will be the cycle where I catch that eggy.

Anyway I hope all you ladies are doing well. I'll check back later. Oh and Baby Dust To All!! :dust::dust:

Good Girl, :nope: POAS till Monday Morning. Jus try and Keep PMA intact, in the mean time i'll send a Gail of wind so the silly :witch: cant get to you. :hug:
Hey you don't have to thx me hun, i'm in the same boat as you but a little longer down the stream. I'm a friend, what do friends do.... They help each other!

The thing with cycles hun, there is so many reasons why they get longer, shorter or disappear. It really could be anything. My normal cycles were 28 days on the dot since i was 12. They have changed now to 28,29,30 and a few times it has been 31 + a few times in the last few years. My last cycle was 36 and last year 36 day cycle. I have put it down the stress, and doc telling me i have PCOS.
I would say if it were me i would make sure i found out what was the problem, there can be many things that could be too hun. Let them investigate it, if you need surgery you need it, have it done if its only going to help you.

I spoke to my Doc when she made my FS appt for me, bcos a few of my AF have been so bad with (Sorry tmi) Really big clots and very very painful for a cpl of days, she said i may have endometriosis, but it remains to be seen.. I do get really bad pains on my left side, now i know i have cysts, its them. & boy do they really hurt me!
Just wait until Monday, see what they say to you. If surgery is going to help have it hunni. It cannot be pleasent if its painful hun.. I hate pain especially in that department!

Sorry, the ice cream was my fault lol!

Sophie, I agree. If surgery will help then go for it as you never know what may happen years down the line. I had all the checks done to me at the beginning of august last year due to irregular and painful cycles but then found out I was pregnant at the end of the month when I lost it. Since then my cycles were ok up until the last one. Fingers crossed the witch stays away for you x

Anyway ladies Im off to sleep before I get just as bad as vampire lea lol

Night x
Hi Ladies, :hi:

Michelle, I'm glad dh operation went well and I hope he has a speedy recovery.

Arlene, Hope you're feeling better and I'm glad Kyle is doing better as well.

Lea, chicken and chips and 10 onion rings wow that makes my stomach hurt. LOL But, I bet it was good.

Sophie, I hope you get that BFP on Monday. I've got everything crossed for you. Good luck!!

And a big hello to all the other ladies. I've just been catching up on all the posts and now I want some ice cream. Whos fault is that??? :rofl:

AFM I've gotten some quality :sex: in today.:haha: So hopefully this will be the cycle where I catch that eggy.

Anyway I hope all you ladies are doing well. I'll check back later. Oh and Baby Dust To All!! :dust::dust:

:wave: Hello hun, Its so nice to see you agn. I'm on vampire duty agn :rofl:
Oh food was really good thx, not good for the hips and bum mind! I don't like to watch what i eat, plus, it would drive me mad if i couldn't eat what i want when i want i love my cakes way to much .I have noticed the last few weeks i am putting weight on but i'm still in my size 10 just about lol so i wont change just yet. Wow 1 day to go.. You have got :sex: in sooo roll on your :bfp: this month.. keep up :sex: tho.. Hows work going hun?
Vampire Lea is going bed soon too :rofl: I'm knackered .. Plus Football is on tomoz i need to be wide awake for that..

We all have our fx'd for you Sophie Hopefully the Gail i sent your way blows the ugly :witch: away.. Just see what they say hun..

Awe Emma hun you had a MS last year? OMG i'm soooo sorry hunni.. :hugs: Why does it happen to such lovely ladies, but smack eds and druggies are all ok. This world is so cruel!!!
Wendy - I'm definitely behind you guys, just not sure on the time difference. I've never been to Detroit or Chicago. I've mostly stayed on the East coast. I do love Florida, and that's where DH and I honeymooned.

Lea - I definitely have to watch what I eat. I didn't do that after my wedding, and I gained almost 20 lbs in about 3-4 months. It was definitely not cool, as my jeans got super tight. And my BP has gotten higher and higher. I need to start eating better and working out as I don't want my BP to be high while I'm pregnant.

Looks like it'll be a late night for me girls. Well, late for me. NCAA basketball in the US is on, and my fav team is playing now. Men's team tonight, women's tomorrow night. Headache is gone too, thank goodness.
Awe Emma hun you had a MS last year? OMG i'm soooo sorry hunni.. :hugs: Why does it happen to such lovely ladies, but smack eds and druggies are all ok. This world is so cruel!!!

I'm soo sorry to hear about your m/c that you had Emma.

And I agree with you, Lea. I don't understand how people that do drugs, drink, and other bad things, can end up with a completely healthy baby. Yet, all the girls who do everything right, end up losing theirs. It really upsets me sometimes, especially with what has recently happened.

I also have a couple girls on my FB, who got pregnant accidentally. Weren't trying or anything. They were due right around me, and they have (so far) completely healthy babies. Yet, I was planning it and lost mine. Ugh.

Hello Amy,

Im glad your headache has gone :happydance:. As for watching what we eat, i have noticed from being 16 having my son i weighed 8 1/2 stone being size 8-10, right up until i was 26. It's only now i'm actually 9 stone so defo changing as i get old :rofl: as i eat as and when i feel like it. I can go a whole day without eating anything at all, but the next eat like a pig. Well with in reason lol... I wanted to cut certain foods out for many reasons but still learning how to do that.

If my life wasn't so busy busy, i could probably get in a better routine, that remains to be seen. College will knock me into shape, and being back in work too.

Awe another sports lady.. I'm not really into Basketball anymore, but love watching my football team.. Hope you enjoy it hun.. Its like 2.30am here.
It makes me so angry. Maybe were the wrong ones and should become alcoholics to have a baby and give up when we do, they seem to do much better than we do... I really feel for these babies tho, parents like that. I so can't wait to be qualified to help such precious mites

I'm sorry Amy, the world is so evil, it really is!! I have never had to go though anything like that before, i don't think id cope either, not with my history... When i was preg with my son i was a bag of nerve from start to finish. I was obsessed with going to the hospital to check he was ok.

i'm sending you some :dust: sweetie and a missive :hug: we will get all our :bfp: together and we will all support one another though it.

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