The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

AMY, actually, I am agreeing with FF. You seem to have OVd. The temps don't have to rise, they can be right above coverline and be considered high. You can compare your charts to others on FF with a program they have on there, I think you should check it out.

How is everyone else?

AFM...Stalk my chart.... CD17, Another donation in about 2 hours! 2 down 3 to go!!! CD17, CD18, CD20, and CD23 here we come!!! CM is looking good still and softcups are working lovely! Hoping I OV tonight or tomorrow! FXD! Until then...watching my chart closely.... :paper: continuing temping, charting, WAITING.... GL FXD!:dust:
Hello Ladies
Hope you are all doing well. For those who celebrated Thanksgiving I hope you had a good on. For the other ladies I hope you're getting ready to have a fun weekend.
Sorry I haven't been on lately, but have been really busy with work and the inlaws being in town and to top it all off I've managed to catch a cold. Today is suppose to be my day of rest but my MIL stayed at her other sons house last night and now needs to come back here to pick up clothes. That in itself isn't bad except the whole family will probably come as well. Normally that wouldn't be too much of a problem but with having the cold and all I just want to say in bed with my comfy clothes and not do anything. Maybe they won't stay too long as they plan on going out for the evening.

Anyway on the TTC front. Not much to report. I was worried that I wouldn't get in my BD marathon but boy was I wrong. I have to give it to dh, he was really determined this cycle. He had me bding evey chance we got. Sometimes even twice a day. At one point I was tired, but I didn't want to discourage him since he was being so proactive. But we've done all that we can do so now we just wait and see what happens. Don't have to be back to work til the 30th thank God. So hopefully I'll be able to get some rest and get rid of this cold. Again I hope you ladies have a great weekend and talk to ya soon.
Maia- Hope the donations are going well!! Hope you have had a lovely thanksgiving! Can I ask. Is your name the same as Maya?? My niece is called Maya and everytime I see you name I pronounce it the same as hers so just wondered. I will nosey at your chart shortly :hugs:

Amy- I am sure you have ovulated hun, sometime with FF it takes a while to figure out ovulation day which isnt really helpful!! Hope the gym has been going well although considering its been thanksgiving I assume you have just been relaxing with family. Hope you have had a great time :hugs:

:wave: again Adrienne!!

Well its 4am here in England and I am wide awake!! We have quite high winds and heavy rain here and I dont like it when you can hear it against my bedroom window! So I am sat on the sofa watchin tv with a brew and just had some toast with my two cats! Hopefully I will get some sleep soon :haha: x x
Amy- I have just seen your journal. Sorry to see that af arrived. I still have my fingers crossed it isn't the horrible witch for you :hugs:
Maia - I see you got cross-hairs! Woohoo! Hope everything worked out to plan! :hugs:

Adrienne - Hope you feel better soon! :hugs: SO happy to hear that DH was willing to do everything he can. So awesome when they're proactive like that! Hope you get that BFP!

Emma - Hope you can get some sleep soon! Can't believe you're almost 32 weeks! Not sure how I feel about AF, although I really don't think it'll be a BFP.

AFM - So AF decided to show up 4 days early. It's been wicked light, just started with some spotting, then a bit of red blood, now just back down to spotting. Basically a 1 day AF. :wacko: Still gonna test tomorrow, just to make sure. Then I'll be calling the doctor. Since it's been 6 months since the 2nd miscarriage, and we conceived so quickly with the 2 before, I want to get checked out again and see what's up. See if there is anything else they can do for me.
Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't been around much, had a really hectic week getting things done around the house. Finally got a bit of time now though before bed.

Maia Yey for ovulation! All the best for this cycle hun. Did you have a nice thanksgiving? x

Amy So sorry to hear AF turned up and 4 days early! I will say one thing though, the month before my BFP my AF showed up two days earlier than usual and only lasted 2 days, one light day, one medium day then gone. The following month I got my BFP! May just have been coincidence but maybe you will follow the same kind of pattern. I hope so! Good luck with your doctor though if you make an apppointment :flower: x

Adrienne Is that your mother-in-law away? It's nice having visitors but oh so nice to get the house back to yourself again don't you agree? Oh I could just give your OH a high five! How fab he was on board this month and really went for it. I so hope all the hard work pays off for you hun :flower: x

Well I am going to get to bed seen as it's almost 1am here. Talk to you all again soon x
I hope everyone that celebrated Thanksgiving had a great one!

ADRIENNE, I am proud of DH! :thumbup: So glad you were able to get that BD marathon taken care of. Welcome to the TWW...

EMMA, yes!! that's exactly how you pronounce it!:flower: I hope you got some rest after your extremely late hours.

AMY, yes... I did, but they have moved over a day since this morning, which is fine considering when I got donations. so sorry AF flew in on you and early at that... :hugs:

WENDY, I had a lovely Thanksgiving. I wasn't eating as much as normal, in fact, all I wanted to do was sleep!!!!

AFM...Stalk my chart.... 6DPO (FF changed 1 day today), I had a doc appt today. Not much info, no bloodwork because I am TTC and only 6DPO and I could possibly be implanting, but made an appt for 3 weeks from now as my cycles have been crazy since July MC. So we shall see. I am not going to temp past 8DPO so 2 days is it (temp declining now) and I don't know if I am going to SS unless it is something like nausea and super sore bbs (none as of now.) Last night I had to sleep with the fan as I was sooo hot! And on Friday, I slept for like 17 hours, Saturday I slept for about 12hours. I am having some weird cramping today so my nerves are bad. As well, last night, by brother, announced that they are pregnant, again, my nephew turns 1 tomorrow. I of course was and am happy but was soooo like man, when am I going to be blessed again.... However LIKEAUSTRALIA got her BFP so I am so very happy and concetrating on that. Well:shrug:...watching my chart closely.... :paper: WAITING.... GL FXD!:dust:
Wendy - I hope I follow suit with your pattern!

Maia - Good luck hun!

Adrienne - Hope you're well :hugs:

AFM - CD3, and I decided not to call the doctor. We're doing so well with losing weight, I want to concentrate on that before I get pregnant again. I'll wait 1-2 cycles, depending on how much weight I lose, then call. I did the elliptical today and plan on doing it more often. We have the healthy eating down, now to get the exercise portion down, and the weight will come off. We'll still do temping and OPKs, as I doubt I could just give all that up completely.
Hi Ladies,
Hope you all had a good weekend.

Amy as I said in your journal sorry about af, but your attitude is great and only great things come from a great attitude.

Maia glad you had a good Thanksgiving. I slept a lot too, I think it was due to the cold. Don't worry your BFP is coming.

Naneth hope your doing well and had a good weekend.

Wendy and Emma thanks for checking in on us ttc ladies, always good to hear from you.

AFM 1 more day til I'm back at work. So not ready, I'm in one of my home body moods and just want to be at home for now. That usually only lasts for a week then I'm ready to get back on the plane LOL. Nearing the end of the tww, we'll see what happends at the end of the week. Don't think I have any symptoms just the usual pre af cramps that I always seem to get before af comes. I think the only difference is I've been a little more gassy than normal and it looks like there's a little more cm than I usually have. But who knows I may just be looking for signs. Anyway that's all I have for now. Take care ladies and speak with you all soon.
AMY, good work on the weight loss front. I am still doing that as I continue to TTC as I never really lost all the weight from my last PG that ended in an MC! You are doing wonderfully. I will likely be concentrating on health if no BFP as we wait to gather time and funds to get donations....

ARIENNE, thanks for the motivation, I am just so worried that this cycle won't be it and we will have to wait for a while... Your symptoms sound sooo good.... GL :dust:

AFM...PLEASE stalk my chart.... 7DPO , the worst night of sleep. I was so hot, DW woke me because I was sweating and said I could turn fan on me. Twinges galore as well... I soooo hope this is some sign of a BFP. Tomorrow is last day of temping, I am not going to temp past 8DPO. Going to do all I can NOT to SS unless it is something like nausea and super sore bbs (none as of now.) I hope I am blessed to join my brother this month with a BFP. Well:shrug:...watching my chart closely.... :paper: WAITING.... GL FXD!:dust:
Hi ladies, I'm a bit behind on here and trying to get caught up at the mo. Sorry to hear the witch has got some of you. :hugs:

I've been kind of having a relaxed cycle this time around. I ordered some OPKs from eBay but they've not arrived in time so I've just been getting by on temping - but I've not been consistent in my temping times so I don't know where I am this cycle. I've had a definite temp shift post CD13 so I'd be tempted to say that I've ov'd a bit early this cycle.

My CD21 blood test is being redone next Monday (which'll actually be about CD25 - oops). I don't think we've DtD at the right time this month. I've been a bit under the weather and we've just not been in the mood one way or another.
Naneth sorry you've been feeling under the weather. I've been the same for the last few days but I think I'm starting to come out of it. It's nice to have a relaxed cycle. All this ttc stuff can make you crazy. I hope you get good test results.

Maia I think it's a good idea to stop temping at 8dpo. Sometimes I think the temping and symptom spotting make this whole ttc thing worse than it already is. I have the same fears as you if it doesn't happen for me this cycle. Dh and I gave ourselves until the end of the year to ttc naturally so if it doesn't happen this cycle we have one more before we have to have the big discussion on where to go from here. I have a great doctor and I'm one of the lucky ones who would be fully covered for IVF through my husbands insurance, but dh is not a fan of assisted conception. We've had some discussions about it before, but we still had the chance of a natural BFP. But lets face it time is not on our side me being 37 and dh being 42. So all I can do is sit back and see what happens.

Amy hope the first day back at work wasn't too hard on you.

And to all the other ladies I hope that you had a great day!!!

AFM not much to report. Still have the cm and my boobs seem to be just a little tender at times. (So much for not symptom spotting.) :haha: But again this could be my mind trying to talk me into something. Have work tomorrow, but before that I have my knee appointment. So I may be finally starting to get some answers as to what's up with the knee and ways to treat it. So I'm excited about that. I'm such a weirdo, who gets excited about going to the doctor :shrug:
Naneth, nice to hear from you again. :wave:

ADRIENNE, it is hard not to SS isn't it. Well, ui am going to fight it and give it a go, because you are right, it makes it more nerve-wrecking as the TTC for DW and I is already stressful. As well, we too don't have a large window so.... GL FXD!:dust:

AFM...Stalk my chart.... 8DPO, I felt so cold last night, but DW said I felt hot, temp doesn't suggest I was cold. Last day I am tracking temp, don't care to see the numbers drop. No SS to report really. Not sure why, but feeling like I am out.... Well...:shrug: :paper: WAITING.... GL FXD!:dust:
Well I think I am going to be out this month too. I'm starting to get that light brown spotting that I get a couple of days before af comes in full. She should drive on Saturday right in time. Oh well I guess it will be onto the next cycle. Dh is not going to be pleased. I just hope that he will have the same enthusiasm this cycle that he had last time.

Sending you lots of baby dust Maia. I really hope this is your cycle. Hang in there!!!

Naneth hope all os well with you hun.
ADRIENNE, I hope that :af: is planning to stay away for you.... I hope this is your cycle and you will be celebrating into the new year Hun! :dust:

AFM...You are welcome to stalk my chart, but I am trying NOT to SS and yesterday was the last temp I am going to take in the TWW… I plan to just hang in, concentrate on the holidays, work, and making sure to motivate my testing threads through to their :bfp:s unless there is some major symptom....:paper: WAITING.... GL FXD!:dust:
Naneth - Hope you feel better soon :hugs: Hopefully the more relaxed cycle will help you get that BFP!

Adrienne - I so hope the :witch: doesnt come for you! Fingers crossed! :hugs:

Maia - Lots of baby dust to you! Hope you can avoid SS!

AFM - I called my doctor's office and scheduled an appointment with the fertility specialist for next Tuesday at 3:30. I'll be printing out my charts to show him we've been doing everything possible since the miscarriages to get pregnant again. Hoping for a good appt and to get some things done to help us improve our chances!
Amy good luck with your doctors appointment. It will be good for you to get some answers.

Maia glad you stopped temping at this point in the ttw. I think it will keep you from stressing out and make the ttw go by faster because you are focused on other things. With that being said I hope that this is your last ttw and that you roll into the holiday and new year with a BFP. In fact I hope we ALL do.
Maia I so wish I could sleep for 12 hours, haven't had a proper nights sleep in a long time. There's nothing worse than lying there wide awake not wanting to move in case you wake everyone else up. Good for you not symptom spotting etc, hopefully this relaxed tww will bring around a good outcome x

Amy So glad to hear you got an appointment with the fertility specialist. Hopefully they can give you a helping hand in some way. Keep us posted x

Adrienne Good luck for your knee appointment, feels like you've been waiting ages for answers so I hope you finally get some. I really hope this isn't AF coming for you hun, I know it's hard to remain hopeful when you know your own signs so I wont patronise you by telling you not to count yourself out but I am just going to remain hoping and praying for you :flower: x

Naneth I don't think it matters if your CD21 bloods are done on CD25, I think mines were done on CD23. It's actually better if your a late ovulator like I was. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, hope your feeling a bit better now :hugs: x

As for me, not much happening. Just looking after hubby who has managed to badly hurt his knee after falling down the stairs :dohh: He's off work for a good while and trying to master walking with crutches but it doesn't look easy! Apart from that all is good and I'm slowly but surely getting very excited about Xmas :) x
Hi Ladies! I'm new to this, I posted last night in the intro part and have been looking to see a TTC forum and I believe this one is the one that I can mostly relate to...Would you wonderful ladies mind if I join?
Welcome MommyChizzy glad you found us. The ladies here are super nice and supportive.

Wendy sorry to hear about dh's knee. Hope he heals up soon. Thanks for your kind words about af coming. You are so right it's so hard to remain positive when you know your body so well. But I will keep hoping that my body signs are wrong.

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