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The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Wow, 2:30 a.m. I can't remember the last time I was up that late. Probably like 4-5 years ago when I was in college, hehe.

I did 20 min on the elliptical today, and some floor exercises. It actually felt good to get back into it. Have to do at least 20 min tomorrow, or more.

I try to think of it now, as that God had another plan in store for us. That something bigger and better was meant to happen before our baby. Everything does happen for a reason, and I try to remember that. I will be the biggest bundle of nerves next time we get pregnant. I think, in my mind, I knew something was wrong with this past pregnancy. I was worried from day 1 when I found out. I didn't really want to tell anyone, like parents, but forced myself to thinking it'd be okay. When it happens again, hopefully I'll have a better feeling.

You are so right hunni, everything happens for a reason!
I'm a little all over at the mo, my body clock is a mess, still well it's actually 3am now lol so off to bed ill be going in a min. I have painting planned for tomoz now.. Its the glossing i hate!!! All before football..

Well done on the workout hun.. No matter what, we will always be nervous, were only human! Hopefully, NO things will be ok the next time, you will get ur :bfp: with us and we will all be bump buddies.. PMA all the way!!!

Hi Ladies, :hi:

Michelle, I'm glad dh operation went well and I hope he has a speedy recovery.

Arlene, Hope you're feeling better and I'm glad Kyle is doing better as well.

Lea, chicken and chips and 10 onion rings wow that makes my stomach hurt. LOL But, I bet it was good.

Sophie, I hope you get that BFP on Monday. I've got everything crossed for you. Good luck!!

And a big hello to all the other ladies. I've just been catching up on all the posts and now I want some ice cream. Whos fault is that??? :rofl:

AFM I've gotten some quality :sex: in today.:haha: So hopefully this will be the cycle where I catch that eggy.

Anyway I hope all you ladies are doing well. I'll check back later. Oh and Baby Dust To All!! :dust::dust:

:wave: Hello hun, Its so nice to see you agn. I'm on vampire duty agn :rofl:
Oh food was really good thx, not good for the hips and bum mind! I don't like to watch what i eat, plus, it would drive me mad if i couldn't eat what i want when i want i love my cakes way to much .I have noticed the last few weeks i am putting weight on but i'm still in my size 10 just about lol so i wont change just yet. Wow 1 day to go.. You have got :sex: in sooo roll on your :bfp: this month.. keep up :sex: tho.. Hows work going hun?

I'm with you. I don't watch what I eat even tho I should. Perfect example tonight was curly fries, chicken wings, and pizza. But I am watching NCAA college basketball on TV so I could use that as my excuse. Work is ok. Glad I'm done with my trip. There has been a lot of bad weather over here the past few days. Anyway hope you have a good night and I'll check in later.
Curly friesss!! Jealous!! :blush:

I've still not proper caught up yet, only had a chance to read the last 2-3 pages, sorry girls :( just been busy and ill. Have a terrible cold and cough and really bad cramps, and to make it all better I start work in 25 mins. I hope I can last the shift!

Well I thought I told my OH yesterday morning that :witch: had came, but apparently I just said I had cramps, then last night I was having another moan and he said "maybe its my baby getting snug!".. :nope: telling him seems to be getting harder and harder. At times I wish he was like those guys who shrug it off and say "It'll happen when it happens.." He was down for about an hour before her perked up and even then it was put on.

Anyway, must be off to work, hope yous have a lovely day


Emma I will get my details to you, promise! :thumbup: :lol:
Morning ladies! :D

Lea - Thank you for that link, It's very helpful. Also realised even if I do find out who it's with I don't have to stick wth them, I can choose who I want :) And thank you for your kind words about family :hugs:

Michelle - Glad your OH's op went well and he's on the road to recovery.

Adrienne - Yay for :sex: FX'd you catch that eggy!

Amy - You're East Coast so you're 5 hours behind us Brits :D

Emma - didn't know you had a mc, so sorry hun :hugs:

Wendy - Hoped you enjoyed your quality time with your hubby ;)

Sophie - Stop testing! You're only stressing yourself out :hugs:

Arlene - Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

AFM - Got packing planned for today. Maybe! I'll see how I feel later :rofl:
Morning ladies,

Sorry I haven't been on much but my internet is down at home so have to keep doing this on my phone. I have just kicked off at virgin who say it will be sorted in the next 3 days!

Anyway, happy mothers day to us all x
Happy Mother's Day everyone.

Emma, I hope Virgin fix it soon xxx
Happy Mother's Day to Lea, Arlene, Michelle and Belinda! Hope you's are getting spoiled! To all my other ladies I am hoping by Mother's Day next year we will all be celebrating it together :flower: x

Sophie Good news the witch hasn't arrived yet! Here's hoping she stays away! Are you going to start temping next cycle? x

Lea Mmm I love onion rings! They repeat on me something awful tho! Yeah I know, I should really ring the docs next week cause chances are I will have to wait on an appointment anyway! Did you manage to get your painting done? I hate glossing too! In fact I hate decorating full stop :haha: x

Hi Adrienne Good for you on the :sex:! According to your ticker you're right on time! I saw online yesterday about the plane that had parts of its roof ripped off while mid flight, did you see it? I automatically thought of you but looks like it wasn't one of your flights, phew! x

Morning Amy How are you today hun? Hope your team won in the basketball! I see your on FB, feel free to add me if you like, it's always nice to put a face to the name :) x

Hey Arlene Sorry to hear your poorly, there's nothing worse than having to work when all you want to do is curl up in a ball. I know how you feel with your hubby, my hubby is just as much into this ttc as I am and his wee face everytime I get a negative test is heartbreaking :( Hoping we both get our positives soon cause their reactions will be priceless! x

Hi Rachael hun! How you getting on with you packing? (if you've started yet :haha:) you can't have much left to do now can you? Is Friday the official moving day? x

Hey Emma! There has been a spout of internet problems here too but touch wood i've been ok so far with AOL, it seems to be BT that is the main problem here. I don't know how you manage to read all this on a phone, what a nightmare! x

I'm having quite a good day so far, ex hubby brought his nephew round for a game on the wii. He'll be 13 tomorrow, scary how quick they grow up! It was nice when I was beating him to hear him still say oh no way Auntie Wendy! Even though ex hubby and I have been split a long time he still classes me as his Auntie, it's lovely.

Well it's a beautiful day here, i'm off to walk my Dads dogs as he's away for the day, then it's a trip to mother-in-law's with pressies and then to the cemetery to lay some floors. Hope everyone's having a good day, talk to you all later :flower: x
So I didn't last the shift :( :witch: is not going easy on me. Tmi.. but do any of yous ever actually ache inside your vagina? Its like a constant throbbing pain that seems to ease alot when I sit down. Never had it before but its horrible!

Hows the packing up going Rachael?

Hopes yous are all having an easy sunday :hugs:
Arlene, can't say I've ever had that kind of pain :nope:

Packing isn't going anywhere. Decided on a lazy day as I spent most of the morning dozing on and off. Just nipped into town as needed food for Holly but now I'm back on the sofa watching tv. Might do something later but yesterday was a long day with a lot of walking and my back is sore :(

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday xxx

Hello Ladies :flower: How are we all this afternoon? Happy Mothers Day!!!

Adrienne Yay i'm not the only one. I'm always doing something so working it off is no problem. Glad work is ok, Boo to the bad weather tho! When you are preggers hun will you stay in the same job? I'd be scared...
Hope you enjoyed the basketball hun..

Arlene I'm sorry you're still feeling ill, I hope you feel better soon! Oh hun you don't have to apologise for not being able to catch up, its not a problem at all. I can't believe you have to work while feeling so crappy, and being Mothers Day too. They should have a rule in place, no Mothers work on Mothers day :winkwink: Awe bless OH hunni, that is so sweet of him. My OH is one to just :shrug: it off and says it will happen when it happens, but i wish he was the other way round, it sometimes feels they're not as interested if it don't have an effect.

Hope you are feeling better soon & you get your :bfp: this cycle! :hugs: Awe yes hun i have had that a few time hun, and the most awful shooting pains there too, sharp!!

Rachael Hey Hun, Oh it's no problem. When i seen your post i just remembered when i had the same problem. Oh not at all, you can change to who you prefer, it can take a little while for them to swap it over but once its done, its done! You can ask them to put quarterly meters in for you too, so you don't have to keep the key one! Your welcome hun. :flower:
More packing!!! It always seems like its never ending.. You'll get there. I have painting but still not managed to get out of bed lol The Match is on in 50 mins :hugs:

Emma Oh no not you too.. I had the same problem with Sky a few weeks ago. 3 bloody days without internet. I think my OH have withdrawals (no Xbox live) :rofl: Its a pain when internet goes off, especially when you rely heavily on it like me, i pay everything onlne!
Could it have been the :rain: & thunderstorm? Hope you are enjoying your day apart from that hun. :flower:

Wendy Hey hun.. I'm Glad your having a good day, it's hard on Mothers day when our mum is no longer with us. I so wish there was somewhere for me to go and put flowers! :hugs:

I love Onion rings, funny enough id never tried them before last year, i never liked the sound of them :dohh: but they are beautiful. Yes hun make that appointment, get some answers while you wait for your :bfp:. Awe how sweet is ex hubby's nephew still calling you Aunty after all this time. Yes Mothers day next will be your year too...
The weather here can't make its mind up, one min its raining the nx it's sunny! Hope you have a lovely time at the in-laws hun.

AFM i need to get my backside upm Man City kick of in 25 mins.. Still no painting started.. I will get it done i will!! I like painting, i just don't like glossing...the :witch: has finally left me alone :happydance: it wasnt as bad as last month, 2 medium day flows and 1 light.. I cant argue with that.. shes gone..... I hope She leaves you too Arlene hun so you cant relax..

I shall speak to you lovely ladies after the Match.... COME ON MAN CITY... Oh they are playing SUNDERLAND..
I got another beautiful Me To You Bear for Mother days :happydance:
hello ladies happy mothers day to the already mothers and to the future momma's :haha: well af still hasn't come :shrug:, but i aint getting my hopes up i normally have a 26 day period but once i had a 28 day so today is now day 29, it could be cos i took soya and it could be soya lengthening my lp which is good cos my lp is only around 11 days :-(! oh and i havn't poas today :happydance: i might leave it until tuesday if i don't get af by then! but being honest il prob do it tomorow as im in the hospital and i don't wanna go ahead and book surgery if i am pregnant :dohh: but that just wishfull thinking :haha: i was getting af type pains last night and my back was killing me that happened to me last month just beore i got af :cry:

lea how r u hun??? whats this about vampires??? :shrug: thanx for being there hun! and thanx for ur opinion hun i think ur right.

wendy thanx hun im glad she has stayed away but i think she messing with me :haha: maybe it's an april fool's :haha: how r u hun??? how u feeling???

pinky oooooooohhhhh i want ice cream :haha: how r u hun?? thanx for ur opinion i think ur right!

rachael how's moving going???

and how's everyone else??? :hugs:
Yay for Me to You Bears! :D

I've found out the Gas and Electricity supplier for the new house is EDF (thanks Lea :D) and they're who I have here. After much research this morning and chatting to OH, we've decided to go with prepayment meters for both (gas is currently a bill meter and electricity is on a key meter, but we'd rather have both on prepayment as we would rather not get into debt, especially until I have a job as things will be tight)

After much research I've decided to go with SSE - they're one of the cheapest - cheapest was British Gas, but I fell out with them last year when they were being a nightmare :rofl: so I refuse to use them again. Will be phoning them tomorrow to get the wheels in motion :happydance:

As for the Man City vs Sunderland match Lea..... I'm sorry to say I'm praying for Sunderland to win, though I think we all know they won't :rofl: Kinda of a hard one for me. I'm not into football, though I should support Man City as I hate Utd but I was born in Salford, but OH supports Sunderland and Newcastle won yesterday and went above Sunderland in the league, so I want them to go back above Newcastle, after all, from Friday I'm going to be a Mackem :rofl:

Still no packing yet, though really all I have to do is my bedroom and the kitchen :happydance:

As for missing Mum's - totally know where you're coming from. It's coming up 7 years since my Mum passed over. I could go put flowers at the Crematorium in Burnley where her ashes were scattered, but I can't afford to get there :dohh:

oh buster how r u hun??

and im sorry to all the ladies who suffered a mc :hugs:
I got new GHDs and my boy tried to carry a huge bunch on beautiful flowers into me at work but really couldn't do it on his own :lol: they are the size of him!

Big hugs to you ladies who do aren't able to spend time with their mothers today :hugs:

Rachael, hope yous back feels better soon! Its great you only have 2 rooms left :D

Wendy I have an 'ex-aunt', shes went on to have 2 children and I still count them as little cousins too..even though they are nothing to do with my uncle. Its nice to keep in touch!

Sophie, what would you be having surgery for? Sorry if you've said before and i've missed it :dohh: Hoping your next poas shows your BFP!!

I've just had a snooze, now i'm on the couch watchin 13 going on 30..nice feel good film :) thinking of going to cinema later if i'm up to, anyone been and seen something good lately?
Hello Ladies,
Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday.

Arlene, So sorry that AF is giving you a hard time and you have a cold to boot. I hope you feel better soon. Oh and you're a fan of curly fries as well thery're so good.

Sophie, well done on not testing. As I said before I have everything crossed for you and I hope Af stays away.

Wendy, crazy about that plane. It happend two years ago to the same airline, but I'm glad everyone was ok. Hope you're doing well.

Lea, Sounds like you're having a nice Sunday watching sports on tv.

Emma, no ice cream today? LOL I hope you're doing well and having a restful weekend and I know things have been tough at the job lately.

Happy Mother's day to all the Mom's and soon to be Mom's out there. Our mother's day isn't until May over here. I hope you all have a lovely day.

AFM I'm just having a lazy day. Getting ready to go out and have a little brunch and then maybe do a little shopping. Got my BD in last night and hopefully tonight as well as I'm in my fertile time. To all the other ladies out there I hope you have a great day and I'll check in later.
Oh shopping, you lucky lady. Hope you're treating yourself :)

I didnt realise you needed surgery for that.. heres hoping it doesn't come to that then :)

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