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The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Thanks Arlene, it's feeling a bit better after having a pretty much lazy day. I put all my coats in a bin bag and tied it up and that's it :rofl: I will get cracking tomorrow I think :D

Not been to the cinema in months so I have no idea what is showing currently

Hi ladies, hope we are all ok x

I have just finished cooking my best roast dinner ever lol. I am so proud of myself! I cook a lot of roast but not always with everything from scratch and rarely with a proper joint of meat. Today I made, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, yorkshire puddings, beef, and gravy with a bun for dessert! I am so happy as I have a phobia of joints of meat and messing them up but this one was perfect!

The mother in law was happy with her meal presents and personalized bun so all is good. She know we are ttc so they have been making jokes about giving us some alone time lol.

Hope you have all had a good day anyway, I might have time to catch up on my phone now lol x x
Emma, that sounds lovely! I really want a roast now dammit!

Glad everything went well today :D xxx
Oh sounds soo yummy! I want a big sunday dinner like that! Yorkshire puddings are my fave :D Glad it went well :)
Arlene, what job do you do? I did get your info for the front page but will have to sort it in work tomorrow hun x

Thanks rachael, oh and....... only five more sleeps lol x
I know! And not long before it will bedtime and only 4 more sleeps :happydance: xxx
Sounds yummy!! We are still moving house so now big dinners for us today....i think it will be take-out tonight!!
DH & my little furbaby made me a card this morning!! Very sweet with her paw print on it & all!!! And he bought me the CBFM to make me feel better about AF arriving!! Hes a good egg!!!

House is getting there with the unpacking!! Our bedroom is sorted which helps! I hate sleeping in a bedroom with boxes & stuff!! Kitchen is nearly sorted also but Ive no food in - will have to do a big shop tomorrow! House is lovely & warm too, our last one wasnt insulated properly so Im really loving the heat!! Gonna put the fire on now & spend the evening with DH!!

Hope you all had a good weekend girls x
Lea- no I don't think it was because of the storm. The box that the internet, phone line and tv go into has lost its power. I have changed it with the netgear internet one that works with it and it seems to work ok so it is the power supply. We can't swap it for another one as the pins connecting it are slightly different so have to wait. I am getting a refund for the days without so at least that's one good thing lol x

Sophie- Hope your pains are too bad today x

Arlene, bless, how cute is Kyle with the flowers, can just see him now lol x

Adrianne- hi hun, no no ice cream just home made buns and crispy cakes lol....... shhh don't mention the work word :haha: how are you hun?
Fiona, sounds like the perfect night to me. Me and my hubby are going to watch a movie in bed together tonight with our two kids (cats) and just chill before it becomes Monday again. Bless him, he is a sweetheart. Make sure you start using your CBFM soon as you cant use it after day 5 of your cycle. Cant wait to start using mine lol x
Hey guys, well that's me home from what feels like it's been a really busy day! Took the dogs a nice long walk, took flowers up to cemetery, had some lunch with mother-in-law, she loved her pressies, went and got the food shopping, popped in to see Dad was alright, brought all the washing in and now finally getting a seat! It's nice isn't it Arlene, just cause they are not blood related they are still family. I mean ex's nephew i've known since he was three and I was with ex for eight years so he grew up with me. It's lovely he still classes me as family too :)

Sorry you're still feeling rough Arlene but the best thing is to be at home relaxing. How sweet you got ghd's and flowers! You're a lucky lady. I like 13 going on 30, watched it on tv once and fair enjoyed it. I thot it was quite chick flicky and I love chick flicks! Haven't been to the cinema in ages, the one we have here only shows one film a week which sucks! x

Sorry to hear your back is playing up Rachael , a lazy day is probably the best idea cause you'll need your energy for the move! You've done fab if that's all you've got left to do, you'll get it done in the next few days. Sorry to hear you've lost your Mum too hun, the good die young x

Lea you were still in bed at 3.37pm!! That's shocking :haha: Did you start the painting then? My af's are usually only three days all the time so touch wood they stay like that, if I ever get one again! lol. Aww how sweet about the me to you bear, I just love them. You want to see how many i've got, it's unreal! x

Hey Sophie I'm doing good thanks hun, still plodding along until one thing or the other happens for me. I think soya does make your lp longer, so you are probably right to just wait it out a few days and see if AF appears and if not test on Monday or Tuesday x

Hi Adrienne! I didn't realise it had happened to the same airline before! I think they better do some investigating!! You get anything exciting on your shopping trip? Good about the :sex: I might have to seduce hubby later, I did get it last night but let's just say it wasn't in one of the good baby making positions :blush: lol x

Ooh Emma your roast dinner sounds luch! That's like my fav meal ever! Hubby is cooking dinner as we speak, he does most of the cooking cause he likes cooking, i'm not complaining! :haha: We're having chicken, yorkshires and cabbage and ham with gravy. yummy! I feel my mouth watering already lol x

Hey Fiona how sweet the card they made you! And getting the CBFM, what a sweetheart! You will love using it, I love mine. I know what you mean about the heating, I just moved into this house in October and what a difference! I think cause this house is mid terraced i'm getting the heat from the other two houses, it's fab! x

Well i'm going to go get my dinner then it's telly night, I watch V and the Cube on a Sunday. Will no doubt be back on later. Hope you're all having a lovely lazy Sunday x
Yea gonna start it in the morning!! Very excited about it!!
Oh a movie in bed sounds great!! Love nights like that! Think we might watch Taken tonight Love that film!! Cosy night in is just what we need.....been hectic here with the move!! I'll be glad to have all the boxes empty!!
hey ladies sorry not been on today was trying to get my essays for uni done but cant concentrate hws everybody happy mother day to all new :bfp: here x
Emma you still getting stomach pains? Mines have passed for now, I was thinking mines could have been stress related! Who knows. Keep up with the temping, I am stalking your chart! lol x

Arlene any sign of AF yet? Hoping it stays away! I haven't been to either of those places on hols but heard Lanzarote is lovely! I would love to go to Rome, maybe later in the year if no BFP! x

Sophie you are never out until/if the :witch: arrives! So proud of you hun for not doing any more tests! Please keep it up until Sunday and see what happens :flower: x

Hey Lea hun! How you doing? I'm fine now, all calm and ready to move on :) I've had a chat with people I needed to and feel a lot better. What's been happening with you missy? x

Ooh Shona Ben and Jerrys Cookie Dough is my absolute fav! I can pretty much eat a tub in one sitting, not good :dohh: Glad we have sorting things out hun :flower: x

Sarah what's made you take a break because of the weight? Were you advised to or did you just decide to try and lose it first? I could do to lose some too but it doesn't come off me quick! x

Belinda How old are your wee ones? I would love a big family but just couldn't afford it so would be happy with two, but hubby wants three lol. Right now though I would be happy with just one! :haha: x

Well there's not to much to report from my end. Work lunch was bad, so awkward! You know when you are sitting at a table with your bosses and the bosses don't really mingle with the staff? There was some awkward moments :dohh: I've never ate and drank so quick in my life :haha:

Not much on for me this weekend Emma hun, just going to have a lazy one I think. Mother's day on Sunday so it will be a wee trip to mother-in-laws and then up to cemetery to lay some flowers on mum and step-mums grave, it's a sad day for me x

Hi Wendy, i suffer from PCOS, which comes with the absent AF's, My Gynae has advised me to lose the weight, to hopefully ensure my cycles return to normal. I also want to be nice and helathy and a healthy weight for when that :bfp: comes x

How are you?
Hi Carron, how's the essays going? Do you get long to do them? I couldn't imagine doing essays, the thought of it gives me a headache! lol x

Hey Sarah, hmm i'm wondering if I have PCOS too but my doctor wont run any tests on me yet. I asked the last time I was there and she just looked at me and said you don't look like someone who has it. How can you tell by looking! Grr. Would explain not having a period in three months though! Will see what they say next time I go back. Good on you losing 20lb so far hun! That's brilliant. I'm trying but my motivation isn't the best! x

Hey Emma! Yeah it's been a quiet day today, everyone's been busy chilling lol x

Right ladies, i'm heading off to bed, i'm shattered. Really can't be bothered working tomorrow, groan. Speak to you all soon x
Hi ladies!

Had a good day today. 2 friends and their 14 month old daughter came down to visit us. We had so much fun. Went out to lunch, then went to a playground to play. I love going to playgrounds and going on the swings and slides and everything. I'm a 26 year old kid!

Another late night tonight. Men's team won last night, now it's the women's turn tonight. Will be switching back and forth between the game and the country music awards. I'm a huge country music fan!

We did DTD last night. I'm scared of getting pregnant again. Even if it was after my first AF, I'd still be scared to get pregnant again. But, I don't want to prevent anything. When my body is ready to be PG again, then it will happen.

Hope everyone had a great day - since it's night time where most of you are!
Tweak are you a UCONN fan? I was up last night watching the game and looking forward to seeing the women tonight.
i gave in and did a test and it was :bfn: i know,i know im silly but all this is driving me mad haha i couldn't help it, i think af will come any min well thats how i feel :-( im not doing a test till tuesday but im 12dpo and really don't think there any chance, i just wish af would come so i can move on to another cycle thats of course if im not pregnant! gonna take soya next cycle too as iit's obviously after lengthening my LP which is good! my back is killing me :-( oh god it's sore!

how's all the ladies on here??

god we are very quiet tonight! i can't sleep i have a hospital appoinment with a gyno at 9am so im staying up all night! i can't slepp anyway so im just gonna clean!
Tweak are you a UCONN fan? I was up last night watching the game and looking forward to seeing the women tonight.

HUGE UCONN fan. I grew up in CT, until about the age of 12, when we moved to MA. I watched the game last night too. It was a great, great game! Don't know how late I'll be able to watch the women tonight. I want to watch the whole game (switching back and forth between it and the country awards) but with work in the a.m. don't know how long I'll last.

i gave in and did a test and it was :bfn: i know,i know im silly but all this is driving me mad haha i couldn't help it, i think af will come any min well thats how i feel :-( im not doing a test till tuesday but im 12dpo and really don't think there any chance, i just wish af would come so i can move on to another cycle thats of course if im not pregnant! gonna take soya next cycle too as iit's obviously after lengthening my LP which is good! my back is killing me :-( oh god it's sore!

Lots and lots of baby dust to you!! Don't give up yet! :dust:

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