The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Emma - BIG :hugs: to you! I'm so sorry for what you've gone through. I've been feeling way down lately too. Realized I should be between 16 and 17 weeks, and finding out what we would be having soon. If you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me!

Still waiting for AF here. I'm 30 days post D&C, so hopefully she's gonna come soon. I'm resisting the urge to POAS as I know it'll be negative. But maybe if I do it, AF will come shortly after it?! It seems like that's what happens sometimes. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

And vent approaching. It seems like EVERYONE is freakin' pregnant. Seriously. I've had this jealously and angry streak this week. A friend from home, just had her THIRD baby. And all of them were unplanned accidents. Seriously. Why is it that she can have 3 healthy babies, yet I lose my first, completely planned, pregnancy. That's another cause of my downess this week. Ugh. I feel horrible feeling this way, but I can't help it. :(
Emma & Amy i'm so sorry for what both of you have been through, you's are both such strong woman. I can't begin to imagine how you both feel but I know in my heart you will both have a beautiful healthy baby of your own in time. For now if you ever need some distance you's take it, but we will all be here for you for comfort and support whenever you need a friend :flower: x

Louisa Doctor has never mentioned short periods being a problem but then I don't think they've ever asked me how long they last for :shrug: I've got an appointment with them on Monday to discuss my really long cycle so I will see what they have to say then. Hope you're enjoying your family drinks :) x

Arlene that was a really healthy lunch! Unlike my dinner! I had garlic mushrooms with melted mozzarela cheese, chips and cheese and a chocolate mousse desert thing :dohh: Knew I shouldn't have but hubby and sis kept telling me i'm alllowed a treat. I just can't help it, I love my food! Ooh and Eastenders was good! About time that blooming storyline ended. Can't wait for Monday's episode now.

Well i'm off to bed, nite nite ladies, talk soon :flower: x
Morning all,

Just want to send out a big :hugs: to all those ladies feeling a bit down or low at the moment. I was like that at the beginning of this week so know how you feel, but can't imagine what you must have gone through Emma and Amy so an extra :hugs: for you.

OK well I'm off to London now for Adam's marathon so won't be on here all weekend. Have a lovely weekend everyone, hope the weather is nice for you all!
Bd'd again last night as I think I'll ov n Sunday or Monday and Adam wont be in any fit state to :sex: !! Come on little :spermy:!! Let's hope it's enough this month!!

Thanks ladies and bug :hugs: Amy

I am not feeling much better today and I see myself taking silly things personally which is not like me. I pride myself on not letting my hormones get the better of me and over react to thing etc but the past few days I have noticed this. Its not to do with any of you ladies on here.

Anyway, I am having a cheeky glass of wine at home whilst cleaning this afternoon and will be going to some friend tonight and having a few drinks to try and chill out.

Hope you are all having a great weekend and sorry I keep putting a downer on things. Been missing all you ladies on here :hugs:

Hope you have a great evening out with your friend, sounds like you need a night out xxx
Emma huge :hugs: hope you have a great night and feel better soon xx

Amy totally understand what your saying about poas and :witch: will show just after, happened for me a few times. Hopefully she shows soon so you can get back to ttc. As for pregnant people, we've have no briefs at work and i've spent the majority of my shifts lately in the baby aisle. Its hard to constantly see newborns, or just curious mums to be stroll up and down rubbing their tummy. You'll have your sticky bean in no time :hugs:

Wendy thats alot of cheese! :lol: I love it too, chips and cheese with lots of salt and vinegar, thats my downfall :rofl: Eastenders was good but they tried to put too much into a single episode, that should have been a double. Or an episode just about the ronnie/kat thing. Kat is an amazing actress!

Naomi fx'd those little swimmers will be waiting for your eggy!! :D

Afm: Well i'm pretty confident I ovulated yesterday! ewcm is gone, and boobs are aching as usual. I'm happy with that instead of tonight/tomorrow. Next 2 weeks are going to drag!

Hope everyones having a nice weekend :) I've just dropped Kyle off at my mums, got a little ironing n tidying to do then relaxing n bed for work tomorrow. I'm debating whether or not to have a nice bubble bath?

Aww girls I will come on and post properly later but for now i'm tackling my housework cause i'm in a foul mood. Ex hubby just texted me saying he's just got engaged to that b*tch of a girlfriend of his. I just said congrats and left it at that but I can't pretend i'm happy about it, I can't stand the lassie neither can any of ex's friends. But I suppose she is pregnant to him so I should have seen it coming. Grrr, don't know why i'm letting it bother me but I just hate the girl so much and he could do so much better x
Hi Ladies.....

Sorry I havent been around much but Ive been really down the last while! Between still TTC & now having no job Ive been feeling pretty useless! I was feeling like what was I bringing into our money & not even a child for me DH :cry: I know its stupid to feel that way but being home alone all day (on the other side of the country from family & friends) was really getting me down! Crap couple of weeks but Im doing better now!

Called a friend of mine & told him how down I was with nothing to do & as it happens he has just started a new business so hes going to give me some of the admin work to do!! And I can do it from home too!! :happydance: so at least I have something to get me up in the morning!!

Also spoke to DH & of course he told me I was being silly but he understood how I was feeling so hes now aware & is making more of an effort to get out & do stuff together in the evenings!!

We have taken it easy this month on the TTC but Im in my fertile period now so we are DTD everyday, not holding out much hope this month but thats ok!! We have a weekend away planned with friends for the start of next month so next month will be a new start!!

Hope you are all doing ok......havent had a chance to read through the posts to catch up but hoping to get a chance tomorrow!!

My parents are arriving to visit for a week on Monday (really excited!!) so I may not get on much! Thinking of you all!

Huge thanks to Wendy for the concern :hugs::hugs::hugs:
hey ladies how are ya's doing i missed use! me and OH are still a bit off and it's my grandmother birthday in afew days she died in october so i aint feeling the best! i have lost 7 and a half pounds in 3 weeks :) and im due to ovulate any day now! im temping (badly) an doing opk's! i went to my doctor's and she is after putting me on progestrone pesseries as i have a short lp (11 days) so gonna start taking them after i ovulate.

how's all u ladies doing? im sorry i have not been on i am just not feeling the best the last while im drained! any news??? xxxxxxxxxxx

loads of :dust:
Morning all! I'm in a much better mood the day, sorry about my rant yesterday! The newbies wont know my past with ex-hubby's fiancee but believe me she is a nasty piece of work who has caused so much trouble between ex and his friends. She basically wants him to write his old friends out of his life completely. She has been constantly pressurising him to propose and he kept saying he didn't want to. Only a month ago he told me he wasn't going to give in and wanted to wait a year or two then all of a sudden he proposes yesterday. He obviously gave in! She makes him do everything for her and he doesn't have much of a life now. It's a shame cause he's a nice guy. Anyway, not going to waste any more breath on the matter! He will learn from his mistakes no doubt.

Naomi how did the marathon go? Hope hubby isn't too sore! Fingers crossed you've caught the eggy this month! x

Emma how you feeling today hunni? Hormones are a nightmare! I find myself crying sometimes when i've been fine and laughing like an hour before! Hope you had a nice relaxing night at friends house :flower: x

Arlene Kat is an amazing actress but some of the faces she pulls makes me laugh! I can't help it lol. I agree, why throw Max and Tanya into that episode! It should have just been about Kat and Ronnie. Looking forward to Monday's episode! I spent two hours ironing yesterday and it doesn't even look like it's made a dent in my ironing pile :dohh: Really should do it more often! x

Rachael How's your back hun? Hope you've been resting up! Where are the kitties now then? Still in the kitchen? lol. You had any joy convincing OH to keep one? x

Fiona Lovely to have you back hun! :flower: I totally understand how you are feeling, great you are going to get some admin stuff to do! That will keep you going until you can find a more permanent job. Have you applied for any? Aww that's nice you've got your parents coming, that's probably just what you need! Some time with them :hugs: x

Sophie Well done on the weight loss! That's fab hun :thumbup: Is OH still with you or has he moved out? Really hope you's can patch things up. I don't know why but the link to your chart doesn't work so i can't stalk you :( x

How is everyone else doing? Anything exciting to report? Well my sis and the guy i was setting her up with are now officially a couple! :happydance: Looks like the psychic was right!! Sooooo hope her final prediction of a BFP comes true for me! Fingers crossed x
Hope everyone is ok. I just wrote out a reply to you all and then my computer lost its internet connection and I lost the post!

So hope you are all ok and I miss you all big :hugs: x x x
Naomi - FXed for you! Hope you catch that egg! How did Adam's marathon go?

Arlene - FXed for you too!

Fiona - big :hugs: Glad you're feeling better now and I'm glad your friend can get your some admin work to do! That sounds great!

Sophie - Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome! I've got my fingers crossed for you too!

Wendy - That girl does sound like a piece of work. I'm sorry you were feeling down about it! He will definitely learn. That's awesome news about your sis and the guy! Hopefully the next thing will be your BFP!!

Emma - I hope you're doing better! Big :hugs:

As for me, still waiting for AF. 31 days post D&C today. And it really doesn't feel like it's coming. Besides the painful cramps I had last week, that's all I've felt. If I'm going by the cycle I had before I got pregnant, it would be due Wednesday. I did take a test Saturday morning - BFN. So, if I don't get it this week, I'll test again Saturday.

I also worked all day today. It's the joys of being salary - I don't get paid for it either. And I have a feeling this will be a long, tiring week since the conversion of the computer system happened today, and everyone will be trying to figure out the new system.

And if anyone wants to add me on Facebook, just send me a PM! I see a couple use it. I'm on FB ALL the time. I sorta have a FB addiction! :blush:

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! :)
Morning ladies,

Hope we are all ok on this sunny morning x

Right, to all you fantastic ladies out there who are feeling low or are having problems at home big :hugs: are coming your way. I promise that things happen for a reason and goodness will come from all the hurt and pain you are going through. So Sophie, Fiona, Shona and all you over ladies I am sending huge hugs and PMA your way. Come and vent to us as much as you want and maybe we can add a distraction to the stress you are going through at the minute :hugs:

Well, as for me. I think I may of smacked myself out of my mood with much thought and help off Wendypops. I was being silly letting someone else upset me and affect me who does not matter in my life. :dohh: It was stopping me from coming on here so much as I was taking silly things personally and have decided that I am important, not them!!

So I hope you have all had a good weekend, I feel like I have not stopped at all! Although I managed to get my sewing machine working that was given to me from Gavins nan. It took me 4 hours to clean it and get it up and running and I was so proud of myself :haha: :happydance: All my life I have never been able to work one and to get it working last night was a huge achievement.

Wendypops- I hope your appointment goes well today and thank you for being such a fantastic person :flower:

Rachael- How is your back doing? I hope you haven't been doing too much with the house. Are holly and the kittens ok?

Arlene- Are you and Kyle ok with the the oh being away?

Fiona- Huge :hugs: Glad you have managed to get some admin work. Do you temp or anything to help track your little eggy?

Sophie- Congratulations on the weight loss and I hope your mood manages to pick up shortly hunni.

Amy- I know what you mean about the facebook addiction and I am sure there are a few other girlies on here who are the sam :haha: I know how you feel about working for free, its frustrating! Hope you are ok x

Louisa- I hope the prom went well? I hope the jealousy stayed at bay for you x

Anyway, I am off to get more work done as I have a huge amount of work to get through before I go off on holiday. Huge :hugs: again ladies x x x
Fiona - Hope you're feeling better and it's good to have you back :hugs:

Sophie - Well done on the weight loss and I hope you and OH sort things out :hugs:

Wendy - FX'd that BFP prediction comes true for you! Hope the doctors goes well!

Amy - I hope AF shows soon so that you get on with TTC again :hugs:

Emma - Glad you're feeling much better and well done on getting the sewing machine working :dance:

Kittens are still in the spare room, but they're no longer confined to the laundry hamper so they can escape! One of them was limping a little last night so hoping it settles down or that will be a trip to the vets I can't afford :dohh: Holly is fine, settling in her crate nicely, just need to now get her used to being in it when I leave the room. I feel this will be the hard part.

My back is much better thanks, got a few things done over the weekend and have more things to get done today. Seems to be none stop lol

Hope you're all doing ok? As for TTC - I have no idea what CD I'm on, no idea what my temp is or when I will ovulate! Going to test May 11th if no AF by then :D

fxed for everyone this month! im still wondering if i'll O after the miscarriage in Feb and no sign of O on CD16! PRESS IN EVERYONE! hope everyone is doing well.
Hi Girls! How are we all?? Well, I finally got a good doctor!! :happydance: She was so nice and helpful. She has booked me in to go back on the 28th to get some blood taken. She is going to test me for five different things, thyroid problems, progesterone etc. She says usually she would do a day 2 of AF test and then a day 21 test but obviously she can't do that for me when i'm not having an AF. So she said we will just take blood and see what results she can get from it. In the meantime if AF arrives she is still going to do tests on me, just the day 2 and day 21 test instead. Finally I feel like someone is doing something for me! She even offered to do pregnancy tests for me whenever I wanted one done to save me money lol. So roll on the next couple of weeks and hopefully i can get some answers!

Anyway, what's fresh with all you ladies? Hope everyone is well :flower:

Amy Hopefully your AF will show right on time and that way you will know your body has gone back to its usual cycle. Much easier to keep track on things when you know when your due! As for FB, i'm an addict too :haha: Saying that I think I spend more time on here nowadays! lol x

Emma Thank you for the lovely compliment hun :hugs: That's what friends are for :flower: I'm pleased to see that a good result has come from my suggestion too! So no more stressing for you hunni! And well done with the sewing machine! I don't have the first clue how to work them lol. Wish I did cause I never get trousers the right length for my wee legs! x

Rachael Did i read somewhere you are having more kitties? How did it happen that quick! :haha: I would want to keep them all, far too cute! How did you manage to lose track of your cycle? lol, has the move confused it all cause you were temping weren't you? x

Right I best get some dinner, talk to you all soon :) x
fxed for everyone this month! im still wondering if i'll O after the miscarriage in Feb and no sign of O on CD16! PRESS IN EVERYONE! hope everyone is doing well.

Fingers crossed for you too hun! Do you chart? Hopefully that will show ovulation for you soon :flower: x

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