The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Don't have time for a big reply, came on because I remembered Wendy had an appointment, really glad it went well! :happydance: and yay for the free pregnancy tests :haha:

Fiona thats great your friend could set you up with some work! :)

Sophie hope you and OH get back to normal soon! And yay for the weight loss :happydance:

Emma glad your back and feeling better!! Glad wendy helped get you back :thumbup:

Rachael is your OH letting you keep any of the kitties?! Fx'd its new house new baby for you!!

Off to the cinema to with OH to see Scream 4..I love the scream films :D

Hope everyones doing well :)

Aww thank you for remembering Arlene, I really appreciate that :hugs:. I used to like the scream films (as long as I didn't watch them before bed!) but after watching the spoof version of them I can't take the proper films serious anymore as I keep remembering the stupid parts from the spoof! :haha: Hope you enjoy it though x
Hi ladies,

Vonz- Fingers crossed for you hunx

Rachael- Oh no about the little kittys hurt leg :( thats the last thing you need at the minute. You will be non stop with the new place, there is always things to do and find better places for thing lol.

Wendypops- so glad the doctor is doing something to help you so you can get answers :happydance: hope you had a lovely dinner x

Arlene- your going to miss eastenders. I am quite interested in what is going to happen. Hope you have fun at the cinema x

Well I have only got back from work half an hour ago and just had tea after doing my staff appraisal and objectives, I just have mine left to do now :( My meeting hasn't been booked in with my manager yet for it but with me being off I best get it dine as he has a habit of dropping things on me last minute.

I went onto google street view today and viewed my hotel and the area around it. We are soo close to the beach and it looks so peaceful. I only have 6 days left in work now :happydance:

Hope you all have a lovely night x
Good morning all :)

Scream was.. Well the same as every other one, but that was the point of the movie! A lot of people were sayinf it was crap but if they had done it any different then it wouldn't have made sense.

Emma yeah I missed eastenders, caught the last 10 minutes on bbc 3 so I'll watch it all today when I finish work before the wee man comes home from his silly excuse of a fathers! I didn't think of doing that with googles maps, gonna check my own hotel now! Right beside the beach, ideal :D

Wendy is the doctor going to try anything to bring your af on? I've heard other ladies say they've had to do this. I liked scary movie the original but it got too much after that!!
Wendy - Glad you're finally getting something done!

Emma - Not long now until your holiday!

Arlene - Hope you enjoyed your film!

I have 2 female cats Wendy, the long haired one is pregger now!
Morning ladies,

Arlene- Eastenders certainly tugged on my heart strings in places so have a tissue handy! I dont mind the scream movies, its nice to see what they have come up with different each time lol. Hope work wasn't too bad for you :flower: I didn't think about google street view until Gavin said he had been on it. Its really good x

Rachael- Its two weeks tomorrow till my holiday :happydance: Oh wow, your other cat is having kittens... thats soo cool! I love having kittens about. I hope you are out in the sun on this beautiful day x

Hope every one else is doing ok. Where have all of our ladies gone :cry: please come and say hello x
Been out with Holly and got a few bits from the shops. Had a phone interview for Lloyds TSB this morning, should hopefully find out within 48 hours if I've passed that.... here's hoping!

Might go and sit in the yard for a bit. Definitely think the beach is on the cards this weekend :D

Afternoon all! Can't believe how hot it is! Just chilling out in the garden today nice:thumbup:
Well hubby finished the marathon, it was quite hot so he wasn't as fast as he would have wanted to be, but he finished which is the most important thing! I'm so proud of him:happydance:
Just ripping out some more of our kitchen, having to buy it in stages as just don't have the money lying around it's all coming together now so I'm getting all excited!
Went to look round a couple of baby shops yesterday to think about prices of bits, I know it's so early with our NTNP and I'm setting myself up for disappointment but dh is so into it now that I don't want to lose that with him!
So how are you all?
Arlene I'm scared of my own shadow so have only seen 1 scream movie, dh loves horrors though so he really wants to see it, glad you enjoyed it!
Rachael hope the interview goes well, got my fingers crossed for you:flower:
Wendy glad you found someone helpful at the doctors, hopefully now things will get sorted for you!:flower:
oo emma I'm jealous, sounds like you will have a wonderful time!!
Lea only a week and a half til our birthday!! :cake: lets hope the weather stays like this for it, I'll be having a bbq!!
Hope everyone is OK :thumbup:
Hi all,
i'm just looking for some answers. i'm new here

My last period was on the 29th of March and my hubby and i did the dance on the 10th of april which worked out to be my most fertile day.
I started cramping 2 days later. some where so bad i started having back aches.
So now it's on and off for the last 7 days. My period is not due till the 26th of April. i did a test at the doctors which was negative. He said it might be too soon since i have about 9 days till my next one. yesterday, i started to get wet and then comes the white pasty discharge. i'm completely confused.

Please shed some light into this for me as i really hope i'm pregnant.

Evening ladies! Hope everyone is well. Been one hectic day for me so only just getting on properly now. Work is just a nightmare with folk being off, just can't get through the work load. Then I came home to my sister upset, her relationship didn't work out :( It's a shame but he's totally leading her on! One minute he is snogging her face off the next saying he's not sure he wants to be in a relationship so she's done the right thing and told him they should just stay friends. It's a shame cause she liked him but there's no way she should feel like she is being picked up and dropped whenever he feels like it. She's a pretty girl and can do so much better. One of my best mates called round at 6 so me and her cheered my sister up a good bit by being stupid. Hope she doesn't let it get her down too much.

Emma Did you manage to get your appraisal sorted? Hope you're feeling a bit better now, don't want to be ill for your hols! :hugs: x

Arlene Glad you enjoyed the film, wonder if they'll make anymore. 4 is quite a lot for a serious of films. I missed Eastenders too! Had a bath and then conked out, will need to try and watch it on iplayer. When do you go on your hols again? Docs didn't mention anything about bringing AF on but she did say she wanted to figure out the problem before doing anything cause said if I just had an AF there's nothing saying I wouldn't go another 3 months again, hopefully i'll get some answers x

Rachael aww how cute there is going to be more kittens! Thank god you don't live close by though, my sis has been bugging me all day to get one! And at the same time my hubby is trying to persuade me to get a husky pup :dohh: I feel like such a bad guy saying no to them both! I will prob give in eventually. Ooh that's good about the interview! Fingers crossed for you hun. No word from the other job? x

Naomi I know it's been gorgeous here too! Hoping it lasts for my easter hols. I know what you mean about your kitchen, there's so many little things I would love to do in my house but I just don't have the cash to fork out and do them all so instead hoping to do one thing a year unless we come into some cash. Sick of being skint when we both work so hard! x

Abby Hi! That's a bit of a tough one cause everyone is different. Do you temp or do opk's to know you definitely ovulated on that day? I'm wondering if you maybe didn't ovulate till the day you got the cramps? Hoping a BFP is coming your way though! x

Lea I'm always telling you but I miss you on here hun, hope you'll be back properly soon :hugs: x

Well there hasn't been much luck in this thread so far with BFP's! Is there anyone near testing or in the tww? Hope one of you lovely ladies gets one soon :flower: x
Hello Ladies...

Hope everyone is ok... Well i am the terrible one for disappearing.. So much has gone on over the last week. Just needed time away and then teh kids being off school too... Well the heads up from me.. I have been taking my temp daily, regardless of how stressful things have been.. Sadly i didnt Ov this month.. i guess thats the PCOS.. and the reason for over 8 years and no :baby: looks like i ov now and again!
I'm cool, still looking for work, i have a job interview tomoz at a care home.. I do know its not a quick turn over with these jobs but i have to start somewhere..

MASSIVE thanks to Emma & Wendy you are both fantastic support and brill friends to me.. Thanks hunni's :hugs:

The weather has been soooo lovely to us here.. We went to the beach over the weekend, it was great fun.. I really enjoyed it.. it was a laugh.. Me and OH decided to have a race on the beach, my driving his car while he controlled the petrol BAJA ( remote control car) i managed to get to get to 45mph when the Baja started to fall behind.. lol i'm such a big kid.. oh by the way, there was ne one near us when we was racing..

We watched many idots weaving in and out of each other racing real cars, i was waiting for an accident to happen.. it never did.. it looked like a car show them all driving like mad eds...
I did drive the Baja (remote control car) at speed, i tried to stop it and ran straight into my foot, well i tried to stop it hitting our real car, thinking i could stop it, i under estimated the speed and knocked myself over, i managed to stop myself hitting the deck.. OH got it all on camera tho.. Funny or what..

Anyway.. i'm not sure if ill read back its too much to go through.. so i will say thx ladies for thinking bout me when im away, and hope all you's are all doing well...

Evening ladies,

Rachael- ooh, fingers crossed for the interview. I hope you get it! I am off to the beach this weekend too with my best friend and her boy. Hope you have fun at the weekend x

Naomi- Hope you had fun in the sun today. I was dying to get out in the sun today but was waiting for some people to turn up for a meeting at 1 and he didnt turn up until 4!! I know what you mean about buying things and looking at things. Gavin wont let me buy anything until we get our BFP's. Suppose it makes sense lol.

Wendypops- I have managed to write up most of them apart from my own but I have to carry out the meetings with all of them. I am still not feeling great at the minute but i am sure I will perk up. Sorry to hear about your sister but she has done the right thing. There is no point being dragged along by someone. Try not to stress out too much at work hun x

Lea- Hey hunni. Hope your ok, i'll be responding to your txt shortly but big :hugs: hunni x x x glad to see you on here x

Well ladies, I have been out for tea tonight as I didnt want to cook with feeling ill and had a nice night chilling out. I am going to head off now and get some sleep as I have just had a beechams and need to get some rest. Hope you are all well :hugs:
Afternoon all! Can't believe how hot it is! Just chilling out in the garden today nice:thumbup:
Well hubby finished the marathon, it was quite hot so he wasn't as fast as he would have wanted to be, but he finished which is the most important thing! I'm so proud of him:happydance:
Just ripping out some more of our kitchen, having to buy it in stages as just don't have the money lying around it's all coming together now so I'm getting all excited!
Went to look round a couple of baby shops yesterday to think about prices of bits, I know it's so early with our NTNP and I'm setting myself up for disappointment but dh is so into it now that I don't want to lose that with him!
So how are you all?
Arlene I'm scared of my own shadow so have only seen 1 scream movie, dh loves horrors though so he really wants to see it, glad you enjoyed it!
Rachael hope the interview goes well, got my fingers crossed for you:flower:
Wendy glad you found someone helpful at the doctors, hopefully now things will get sorted for you!:flower:
oo emma I'm jealous, sounds like you will have a wonderful time!!
Lea only a week and a half til our birthday!! :cake: lets hope the weather stays like this for it, I'll be having a bbq!!
Hope everyone is OK :thumbup:

Hey hun.. Awe i know, 10 days to go. then i'm officially old.. We said that today me and OH. if the weather is nice well have a bbq and plenty of Alcohol and Loud music...Well done hubby for finishing the marathon in this weather

Hope your well hun
Awe thx emma hun.. If the weather stays nice well be back down to the beach on weekend agn.. hope your well hun...
:happydance: Yey! Lea is back :happydance: Told you your chart wasn't as bad as mine :haha: You are maybe just going to ovulate late this month? Hoping that will be the case! Wishing you lots of luck for your interview tomorrow. It would do you the world of good to get working again. Let us know how it goes! x

Emma you can't beat a meal out! Hope you get a good nights sleep hun and feel a bit better tomorrow :flower: x
Morning ladies,

Welcome back princess lea, please don't leave us again lol

Wendy, I got an early night but still don't feel any better. Only a short day today anyway so Im sure ill be fine. Hope your ok x

Happy Wednesday people, only 2 days left at work for most of us. Hope everyone has a lovely day in the sun x
Morning all!

Wendy - are you sure you don't want a kitten? :rofl: I may be able to help you out with a husky pup some time in the future too ;) :rofl:

Emma - Hope you feel better soon hun :hugs:

Lea - Welcome back :D Hope you're ok?

AFM - nothing to report, managed to lose track of my cycle by not temping and not really caring where I'm at (that sounds so bad!) but I feel much better for it and a lot more relaxed. I think not being on BnB so much is helping too.

Hope you all have a great Wednesday. I'm taking Holly to the beach tomorrow, figured there'd probably be too many people around over the weekend so I won't be able to let her off :(
Hello Ladies.. :flower:

Awe Thanks.. Its good to be back!!! Wow the weather is beautiful... As for early nights, ive been in bed pretty much early all week.. Thats good for me.. Back up at early time too..

Emma Hope your well hunni.. 2 days yay!!! My son was back in school on Monday, and Breaks up agn on Thursday, till tuesday, then breaks up agn thursday until 3rd May FS Day.. Hope your not working to hard.. i bet your looking forward to your hol... i'm defo in your suitcase if you can fit me in:wacko:

Wendy hun lol i back down.. your chart is more wild than mine.. I hope i do ov but i doubt it.. well my FS appt is the 3rd so they can shed some light on it for me... Hope your well hun.. Thank god for the blood tests.. its about time! As for Job interview, its not for me.. I think ill take a back seat in working with old ppl, and just go the education route... I cant wait to be back in work tho.. money worries aside then...

Hey rachael hows things going? Did someone say beach lol i love the beach, so does the dogs.. weekend hopefully for us... There is nothing more like the relaxed approach to ttc...

Hope all the 2012 babies club ladies are well today..

Arlene hope you and little kyle are well...

Well enjoy your day ladies...... speak later
Lea - I don't think I could work with the elderly either. There are plenty of care work jobs around but I just couldn't do it, not to mention my back wouldn't cope with it either :dohh:

I'm rather excited today. I didn't get the job I had the phone interview for yesterday, however OH brought his bread machine over from his Mum's the other day and we tried it out last night, and it's amazing! Found recipes for white and wholemeal bread and also cinnamon and raisin bread as OH had lost the instructions :dohh: Made myself a shopping list for tomorrow and will be making more bread :D
Afternoon Ladies! What a gorgeous day! Far too nice for me to be stuck in work :(

Emma That sucks your still not feeling any better, thank god it's only a short day! Get plenty of rest when you get home x

Rachael Thats a shame you didn't get the job but it obviously wasn't meant to be! Any word on the first job you applied for? Oh don't you start about the kittens and puppies :haha: There is a husky puppy for sale in town for £500 that's the one hubby is nagging me for, says it could be his early Xmas present! They aint cheap are they?! x

Lea Not long at all now till your FS appointment, hopefully you'll feel a lot better about things once you've heard what they have to say. Yeah you stick to your studying for now hun, it's hard enough without having a job too x

I was so pleased to hear this morning that Nat got her BFP. Really hope we can follow suit soon :flower: x

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