The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

I've had my car broken into a few times, it's annoying as heck! Hope they get caught!

I would just like to point out to everyone that works - only one more day then another 4 day weekend! We're off to South Shields on Friday for the day, looking forward to it, then we're having a BBQ on Saturday :D Sunday will be a lazy day I think :rofl:

What have you all got planned?
he he, Rachael, I can't wait. I am trying to contain my excitement for a bit though as I have to make sure I tell my assistant everything he may need to know as he has only been with us for a few months. I am really sad that I dont like leaving my site as I know how everything works lol!

But :happydance: for the weekend. I only have to work until 3pm too and then I am off to the hairdressers for a quick chop for my holidays and then I am out for tea at a lovely italian and then a few drinks afterwards (making sure I get all my :sex: in now as we are staying over :doh:)

Most of the weekend I have left free ready for the holiday as I need to get euros still and see the oh's parent (as they are looking after the cats) but nothing major.

We are having a BBQ tonight for tea and then a walk followed by dessert :)

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend off and if memory serves me right I think Wendy will be having a week off when I have my two and we also have Princess Leas birthday and maybe Shona's as well
Hi there ladies......

Thank you all so so much for the support over the last week....been hard without our pup but we are starting to feel better xxx
But as usual in our house, when it rains it pours.....spent the day at the hospital yesterday with Marco....he has 1st degree burns to his face! He was washing out a blender & put boiling water in it, didnt close lid properly & switched it on! It splashed up all over his face......hes very blistered & his nose is very bad! But the doc says there wont be any scaring....still got him to refer us to a plastic surgeon next week just incase!! Hes in good form but very sore & is taking the week off work! Poor pet.....feel very sorry for him but theres little I can do except give him TLC & panadol!! Cant even kiss him coz his lips are burnt!!

@Wendy - Yea we are forever on the move!! We are living over 4hrs from our families in Dublin & just waiting it out until a job comes up for Marco closer to home! He is an Adventure Centre Senior Instructor so we are looking for something similar for him....he wouldnt be any good in an office!! And yes he is a lil diamond!!!

Feeling positive this week (despite everything!) and really looking forward to the long weekend....we have some friends up this week & a surf competition this weekend, sadly for Marco hes off the water with his burns but hopefully ill do him proud!!
Evening ladies! Hope everyone is well :flower: Not a lot happening with me, just a little anxious about getting blood taken tomorrow but i'm sure i'll survive! Wonder how long it will take for the results to come back. Not even sure I will understand them! Here the doctor doesn't call you with results we have to call the receptionist and get our results. The doctor did say we should probably meet up again in a month but i'll be going in sooner if I don't understand what the results mean! Anyway, time will tell!

Carron I don't really use my ticker to tell me when I ovulate, I just like keeping track of what day i'm on. If you think you ovulated on a different day you go with what you think and just use your ticker so you know when it's testing time :) What have you been up to lately anyway Mrs? Just working away? x

Emma Hey trouble! Tea last night wasn't exciting but it was yummy tonight! Chicken bacon and leak pie with baby potatoes and baby carrots. yum yum yum! Just about to have fudge cake and skooshy cream now, bad me! I blame the hubby cause he fancied it with ice cream :haha: Yep i'm off for a week same time as you :happydance: cannot wait! Not that i'll be doing much but there is lots of birthdays that week so will be doing individual nights out and things. Bet you can't wait for your hol, mind send me a postcard :winkwink: x

Amy oh hun there is nothing worse than people asking you when you're going to have a baby! Especially after what you've been through :hugs: I hate it too, or the other one I always get is "oh it's about time your dad became a grandad, he will be a great one!" and i'm thinking jeez, you think I don't know that! I am trying for goodness sake! Our time will come though hun. That's awful about DH's car! If nothing safe any more? Makes me so mad! Hope they get whoever did it x

Arlene I was very good and didn't have a blue wkd :( Will maybe treat myself at the weekend though! If I was you I would try and hold out until 14dpo but if you can't then go for it! Just don't count yourself out if it's a BFN though. Got everything crossed for you! :flower: And oh, this website logs me out sometimes too, fricking annoying!! x

Rachael sounds like you've got a nice weekend planned! Is this you getting to meet OH's friends at the bbq? Hope it goes well hunnie! I'm sure you'll make some lovely new friends soon x

Nicole That's one expensive trip for a burger at the bbq! :haha: How's things with you hun? I've had a nose through your journal, feel like I know you a little better now! When's the moving date? You must be so excited! Any word on a start date for your job? x

Fiona That's what this thread is for hun, we are a little support group for each other :hugs: Aw no, poor Marco! I remember spilling a pot noodle over my hand once, ouch ouch ouch! Stung for a couple of days. Hope he's not in pain for too long. I'm sure you're looking after him. Wow can you surf? That must take some energy! Good luck for the competition :) x

Lea Have you gone into hiding again woman?? Get back in here! :haha: x

Well i'm gonna head off and spend some time with hubby. Speak to you all tomorrow :flower: x
Wendy Yea I surf.....we are both qualified as Outdoor Instructors so we surf/sail/climb etc.... Pretty much any watersport out there - we do it!! Sad that Marco can compete as it would be our 1st comp as married couple but his health comes first & the risk of infection with a burn is quite high so we dont wanna take any risks!!

All the talk of BBQs here makes me really want one now.....might make some plans for this weekend...Friday might be a good day for one!! Yummers!!

Hope everyone is doing good & getting ready for a fun BH wkend!
Hi Ladies I'm Back.......Omg I have just sat here and typed for the last 2 hours 49 mins and the stupid thing crashed on me.. Oh well im certainly not going to type that agn, you all know what my post are like when i have come back. especially when i have had drama.. well all of it has gone..

So i am sooooooo sorry ladies, all my individual post have gone..

Wendy - Hey Hun hows you???? Hey There is nothing wrong with chipmunks, i sat here a cpl of weeks ago watching it too.. Good luck with your bloods hunni.. Mine took 1 week to come back. They will have a note what they are testing for, so they will know by looking at your results whether they are normal or abnormal.
As for the ex's OH. You just need to ask yourself hun, do you need to be friends. The way she acted was out of order. she is an adult, she has her own mind. She had no right to act the way she did. I think personally, she has thought, if ex is friends with you, its best for her to be too, that way she can, be close and see what is going on, insted of it being with her out he picture, kind of thing, you know what i mean...

Emma Hun oh i do hope your feeling better! You and Gav will be relaxing on hol nx week lucky you!! Boo at the cheeky sods who stole the wheels. These people make you sick. If its locked down they still find a way to take it.. It makes me angry! I hope your ok though...

Amy Hun I'm glad AF has come, i never thought id say that. But it certainly was for the best hunni.. Things will work out i'm sure They will.. Try not to think to much about the past hunni.. As cruel as it was things happen for a reason. Try and keep your chin up.. You will soon have your :bfp: and baby in your arms.. Time flys.. Then you wonder where it has gone..

Rachael, Arlene, Adrienne, Fiona, Carron, Naomi And all the other lovely 2012 Ladies.. And all the originals where ever you ladies are.. I hope you are all well... I am gutted i lost my lovely long novel of a post, but you know me, i dnt like to miss ppl out so you know i'm genuine..

:wave: Nicole welcome hunni.. I'm sorry i've not said hi yet, ive had the week from hell.. But hello to you hun, nice to have you with us... you see me then you don't lol..

Well Ladies i'm on CD 30 now, looks like a late cycle agn.. AF was due Wed 27th So looks like she will come for my bday... I Feel like crap, my throat is killing me, so looks like i'll be ill for friday.. The weather has been beautiful.. But the drama has been unreal since Friday when the car keys were stolen. No car all day long, then suddenly someone came over and gave them to us after police, etc and waiting around all day.. The OH Dropped his brand new iphone 4 and smashed the screen to bits.. Sunday morning we got a call from OH daughter apologising for recent events a few days before and she wanted to come dwn, which was cool with us. But Created MASSIVE rows, since then we have had drama with the OH family, long stoy short OH daughter is living with us for now, we have had police, social services etc, we cannot believe how his mum and dad are being with her, she is 12.. they have turned there back on here bcos she wanted to come to ours on sunday... Well there is soooo much more to it, but we got the police involved and social services bcos they cnt do that. anyway its been stress for days, and the drama and the way they have been is disgusting.. stuck up people....

We should find out tomoz what happens next after SS get back to us tomoz.. poor girl hasn't even got any clothes, they wouldn't let here have them.. how childish is that!!

Well ill be glad when its all sorted. so we can plan..

Thanks ladies. I'm was seriously irritated today after what happened. Like they stole his sunglasses clip and his gym bag?! WTH do they need that stuff more? I can see stealing his radar detector, since it's expensive, but his gym bag? That's what irritates me.

I'm jealous of you ladies!! I want a long weekend! :( I didn't even get a long one for Easter last weekend! And with work I could definitely use it! I'm going :wacko: over here!

My niece's 6th birthday party is this weekend. Actually, her birthday was end of December, and my SIL is just getting around to planning it now. Should be fun. I'm riding down with my ILs since DH has to work.

Oh and yesterday, the customer I was talking to also said, after he asked if there were any babies in our future, " .. no huh? well, you gotta get on that!" I almost lost it at that point. Then co-workers were talking about Mother's Day. Someone asked me "You're not a mother yet, are you?" OMG Way to take the knife and stab it further into my heart and make me feel more like crap.

Okay, that's enough pity party on me! LOL Hope everyone has good night. I'm off to watch American Idol with DH!
yh working mostly and helping out at the youth as well what have u been up to x
Wendy - Yep, everyone coming to the BBQ are OH's friends, and their wifes/girlfriends. One of his friends told him last night that his girlfriend is having a baby boy and asked OH to be godparent. There'll be there on Saturday and whilst I'm pleased for them I also really wish it was our turn too. I truly don't know how Lea has managed TTC for over 8 years. I've been TTC 4 months now and am getting so down about it not happening yet.

Sorry for moaning, I know a lot of you have been trying a lot longer than me, and I really shouldn't complain, it just seems like so many people I know are having babies or have just had them and in all honesty, I'm getting jealous. I really don't want to be a jealous person, but I'm just so sick of getting nowhere.

I'll be back when I've pulled myself out of this hole xxx
Afternoon ladies,

Rachael, huge :hugs: hun. I know how you feeling. I am lucky that I dont have a lot of friends who are baby orientated so we are not around children a lot at the minute. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy he weather and make sure holly gives you plenty of cuddles x

Amy, hope you had a good night with the oh. Have the police said anything else about the theft?

Princess Lea, your back hunni! I think it is hatfever that is making me feel so bad! I have never suffered with it before but I think it may definitely be it. Oh my god, I can believe what has been going on with your oh daughter, huge :hugs: x

Fiona, thats awful whats happened to Marco. I hope he gets better soon. We are all here for you if you want to rant and stay strong Mrs x

Wendy, I am so excited with my time off. only 45 mins to go :) Sounds like you have a busy week off anyway, hope you have a fun time.

I hope everyone else is ok and having fun on this sunny day? Miss you all x
Rachael :hugs: darling I know how you feel! Lots of my friends are either pregnant or giving birth at the moment & I find it so hard. Like I want to be really happy for them but I feel so jealous that its not us :blush: It just shows how much we want to be mummies :hugs:

Emma Thanks for the support....poor Marco looks awful today :cry: His face is all weeping & very raw looking I feel so sorry for him but hes still in good form & feeling ok! Gonna take him to see our GP on Tuesday just for a check up, to make sure its all healing ok! I dont want to take any risks with his face!! But as usual hes a trooper!
hello ladies how r ya's??? missed u all soooooooo much :-(

i have had a mad few weeks, me and oh are back on track, i found out i have a severe abnormal smear :-( and im after getting two cysts on my boobs.

but i went to my doc and told her i was concerened as i only have a 10 to 11 day lutal phase and she was great she put me on progestrone suposotories and she is sending me for bloods on day 21 of my next cycle!

this month i took soya but i took a smaller dose and i got an positive opk at day 19 and day 20 and according to ff i ovulated day 21 as i am temping this month too (my cycles range fom 26 to 29 days and i only ovulated on day 21 last month i had an 11 day lutal phase and that was with taking vitamin b6 so dunno what happened this month maybe it is cos i stopped taking the vit b6 it's looking like my cycle would of only been 8 days max!), i keep trying to add my chart but it wont work i will try again! so i started my progestrone two days after i ovulated and i will wait till 14dpo and test and if it is bfn i will stop taking the progestrone! so im hoping this works i had sex every day of my fertile period so FX'd this month!

how's all my ladies :) how's lea and wendy and emma and racheal and arlene??? missed use xxxxxxx
Hope you are both having a fab day :flower: x​

Well I managed to get through my doctors appointment, but didn't like getting the blood taken! At least they got blood though! Poor Scott said he needed to see a doctor afterwards cause I crushed his hand :haha: It helped him being there though. I've to ring Thursday afternoon for my results so hopefully I will get some answers! How is everyone today? Hope everyone's well.

Fiona Sounds like you are one active lady! Good luck for the surf competition! :flower: Shame Marco can't compete but it would be agony for him if he got salt water on his face. Hope he's healing alrite x

Lea Hope you're getting spoiled rotten missy! Yeah i'm thinking along the same lines as you about ex's faincee but she's asked me if I will agree to go round on Monday for a cuppa and a chat see if we can sort things out. Really not fussed but Scott says I should go or she will just make out i'm the bad guy cause she tried to make it up with me. So I will go and see what happens. Don't trust her though! Wow you've got so much drama going on with OH's daughter. What's happening now? Poor wee lamb, I'm sure she can be a nightmare at times but like you said she's only 12, no one should be turning their back on her. Hope it's all worked out alright. Did AF show for you hun? Your chart is looking great this month! Hoping it will be good news for you! :thumbup: x

Amy I'm with you! Why steal someones gym bag? It's just stupid! Hope the police find out who did it. Hope you have at your niece's party hun :flower: x

Carron Not been up to much hun, just living a quiet life, but that's how I like it! How did you get on with your essays? Take it they are all done and handed in? x

Rachael Hope you had fun in South Shields! I know what you mean hun, it doesn't matter how long you have been trying we all want one thing and it does hurt us that it doesn't happen and others around us are pregnant. No joke I know like 16 people that are pregnant at the mo! It's crazy. It will happen for us one day soon though. Hope the bbq goes well :flower: x

Emma How you doing hun? You finished work now :happydance: Bet your well chuffed! You got much planned for this weekend? Or just getting organised for your hols? x

Naomi Hope you're having a lovely day hun! I think you were going to have a bbq weren't you? Hope it's going well :flower:

Arlene Hope you're alrite hunnie, I keep checking to see if you've been on cause you should be testing around now! Got everything crossed for you :flower: x

Sophie So nice to have you back with us hun :hugs: and i'm so so pleased to see you and OH are back on track! Your having such a rough time of it the now but it sounds like you have a lovely doctor who will soon get everything sorted for you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed with you that this will be your month x

I've had a nice relaxing day today, watched the wedding on the news, couldn't be bothered sitting watching it all but wanted to see what Kate looked like, she looked lovely! Elegant and not OTT. Then took a run to OH's grans to give her her birthday pressies and she spoiled us with a lovely dinner as usual. Just going to chill out for the rest of the nite I think. Sis has just got a kinnect but i've no energy to have a go of it the now lol, so it will be a night in front of the tv for me. Speak to you all soon x
Good morning ladies!

Thank you Wendy for the birthday wishes, I had a lovely day. Watched the wedding, wasn't it lovely!! and then went shopping, out for dinner and to the cinema, decided against a bbq in the end as it wasn't that warm here, although the sun still shone :)

Trying really hard not to think about af arriving as I'll really wind myself up lol, still it could be from tomorrow to the 5th so fingers crossed!

How are you all? Hope you are enjoying the long weekend, I'm planning today but then have 2 whole days to relax, seeing my mum and dad at some point as they got back from Orlando this morning!

Glad the doctors was ok Wendy, know how you feel I HATE needles, but hopefully you will have some answers soon.
Morning ladies,

I knew there was someone elses birthday... Sorry :blush: happy birthday for yesterday Naomi :cake:

Well it has been pretty quiet on here recently but I can't say I am surprised due to all the bank holidays and the lovely weather we have been having. But I hope all of you ladies are doing ok and miss hearing off you all- Arlene, Shona, Michelle, Carron, Nicole, Belinda, hope you are all having fun and ttc is not stressing you out too much :flower:

Sophie- Glad to hear that you and the oh are back on track and the doctors are helping you out. Hopefully things will calm down a bit now for you and you can chill out :hugs:

Wendypops- Yep work is done with :happydance: I am not up to a great deal this weekend apart from tidying and washing really :laundry: (i know boring). I had a bit of an eventful couple of days so looking forward to chilling out. How about you guys, have you and scott got anything planned?

Well ladies, my clear blue monitor has still not come up with a high for me yet, still on medium so just trying to keep up with the :sex: until it does. I am hoping the monitor is spot on but it does make me wonder what is going on with my body. I really hope that I get a high before I go on holiday so I dont have to take the monitor with me :haha:

If off to get ready to go out anyway and I will speak to you all later :flower:

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