The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Morning Ladies.......

Well its another beautiful day here in the West of Ireland (not often we get to say that!!!) And Marco & I are getting geared up for the Surf Comp! Ive been for a run this morning & Marco has all my gear ready!! Regisitration is at 1pm!! Taking our new lil pup down the beach for the first time too so I hope he behaves himself!!

Woke up with cramps though so I think AF is prob on her way.....stupid witch :( But we shall see!!

Marcos face is looking a good bit better, with lots of new pink skin! Hes great though, very positive!

Hope you all have a great BH weekend & that the weather is good wherever you are xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rachael hope you feel better about things soon :hugs: I'm going onto my 5/6 cycle (feel selfish sometimes because I already have Kyle..) but its still difficult. I have no idea how lea's coping.

Speaking of her, Happy Birthday Lea and to you too Naomi :D Very jealous of your parents being at Orlando naomi, I will definately be booking up again when I have next

Fiona I hope your OH's face heals nice and quickly, he seems like such an active man and it must really be holding him back.

Sophie fx'd the smear results turn out to be nothing. Whats the next step with that then? glad to hear things are good again with OH. :hugs:

Wendy thanks for looking out for me hun, :witch: came a day early today.. lovely! I feel quite drained about it to be honest. I dont know why im surprised, when concieving kyle I basically had unprotected sex for a year before I fell pregnant, baring in mind I was being 'silly' and just not using protection. Glad you've finally had your bloods, fx'd the results show something simple that can help you :)

Emma your on your holidays soo soon! Lucky you :lol: lots of people seem to concieve then fx'd its your turn too :D

Its been quiet ladies, but I just want to say I may not be posting but you might notice me online, I'm alway nosing in at everyone to see how yous are getting on. I only have 2days ff in the next 3 weeks I think, so again I might not have time to reply but I do care about everyone! So :witch: came today, feel quite sad about it but maybe next time?!

Anyway, bed for work. Night everyone x
Hi ladies
Sorry I haven't posted lately. Just came in from a trip this morning and I'm coming down with a cold. I know that some of you have been going through some rough times, I just want to tell you all to hang in there. You guys are some of the strongest ladies I know and I know that you will come through these difficult times and be even stronger.

ATM I think I today was my ovulation day. So I managed to get some BDing in this afternoon. (it's not easy to be sexy when you're dealing with a cold LOL) I don't know if I have missed my chance for this cycle but I'm not going to worry about it because I am taking a more relaxed approach for this cycle. My FS appointment is for June 3rd. So until then I'm just going to take it easy. I guess that's all I have for now. Take care everyone!!
Well I feel very cross with myself ladies. :growlmad: I had convinced myself I was pregnant as for the last 2 days I have felt really quite sick in the mornings, it gets worse after breakfast so did a FRER and got a :bfn:. I was so excited, this is CD 29 so it must be accurate, I'm gutted :cry:
I know that this is only month 1 and most people take a long time to conceive but this is horrible, just horrible.
morning ladies x

Happy Birthday Shona :cake:

Naomi- Big :hugs: hunni. its awful what we do to ourselves each month. I just try to keep on telling myself that I am not pregnant, but still get dissapointed :( . Hope you start feeling better soon and start concentrating on next month hun :hugs:

Adrienne- Hello Mrs :flower: I had the same last month, I felt so run down with a cold and working long hourse that :sex: was the last thing on my mind! Hope your fs appointment goes well for June :hugs:

Arlene- lovely to hear off you as always, sorry the :witch: got you but as you say there is always next month :hugs: hope to hear off you soon x

Fiona- I'm glad Marco's face is improving and getting better :happydance: How did the surfing go yesterday?? Did the new little pup enjoy the beach? :hugs:

Rachael- How was the BBQ, hope it all went well :flower:

Well as for me, my fertility monitor still doesnt want to tell me I am ovulating yet so I am hoping it will do soon. Keep on thinking it will tell me the next day so try and get the :sex: in. I know I will be dissapointed this month as I have put a lot into it. I am temping every day, I have my CBFM, I am using pre-seed and sit for 45 mins with my legs in the air afterwards :haha: The healthy eating isn't that great at the minute but it has been easter!

Anyway, a day of cleaning for me and watching the BTCC. Hope everyone has a good day x
The BBQ went well, had a great time. Ate too much and had a few more to drink than I intended to and got a bit tipsy, but not to worry. It was just what I needed to let my hair down, forget about TTC and just enjoy myself :)

Hope everyone is well? xxx
Evening all! Hope everyone's had a lovely bank holiday weekend :)

Shona Happy Birthday hun! :cake: Hope you've had a lovely day & have spoiled rotten x

Naomi Glad you had a good birthday hun, you deserved it. Don't worry about the BFN, you aint out until the ugly witch shows her face! Some folk don't show till after AF is due. Will keep my fingers crossed for you :thumbup: x

Emma How you doing hun? I really don't know if you will get a peak on your monitor as not many people do on their first month, so don't be disheartened if you don't see one :flower: Just keep up with the baby dancing and fingers crossed Gav's little :spermy: will do it's job! x

Fiona How did you get on in the surf comp? Hope it went well! Any sign of AF? Fingers crossed it will stay away x

Arlene Lovely to hear from you hun :flower: Sorry to hear that darn witch got you but you stay positive Mrs! It is normal for it to take up to a year for a normal couple it would just be nice if it happened sooner. Wow can't believe you are only getting 2 days off in 3 weeks, that's crazy! How come? Short of staff? Hope you get a break soon x

Adrienne Hey hun, sorry to hear your feeling poorly. I had to LOL when you said about trying to be sexy with a cold :haha: I don't know if you've seen an episode of Friends where Monica tried to seduce Chandler when she was full of the cold but it was hilarious and totally popped in my head when I read your thread lol. You rest up hunnie and hopefully you will have caught that eggy x

Rachael Glad to hear the bbq went well! Your right, sometimes we just need to let our hair down. Any sign of the kitties? x

Lea How you doing hun? Hope you're alrite. Your FS appointment will be this week yeah? Really hope you get some answers hunnie :flower: x

Well i'm just plodding along as usual. Had a lovely weekend though, hubby took me out for lunch yesterday which was nice then visited some family for a catch up. Today I went to the cinema with all the family and watched Thor in 3D, was a brilliant film! Highly recommend it! Now i'm just getting organised for bed. Got the plumber coming tomorrow to fix my shower and then the dreaded cup of tea with ex's fiancee so shall see how that goes! Shall chat to you all soon :flower: x

Well Hello Ladies... Wow it is very quiet on here, it has been for a while now!

Well I do hope everyone is doing well. The weather has been beautiful.. Like i said before though, this is our summer lol...

Thanks ladies for the bday wishes :hugs:...I had a lovely, but quiet birthday bcos i was ill, my throat felt like someone had ripped it out, i was drained and weak!!!
(I still feel like crap, and this cough is driving me nuts)
But OH & the kids made it special for me, they even made me a princess cake :happydance:... Wow i'm 27 now.. Time really is ticking now for our addition(s) to the family...

Life has been very hectic, and all over the place this last week. OH daughter is still with us, still not sure what we are going to do, but for now just taking each day as it comes.

My AF was due on Wednesday, the ugly :witch: hasn't come yet. My cycles are starting to sway but my average still says 29.. I'm cd 33 now :growlmad: I don't like when they are late, cos it make it all real that i have PCOS, obviously its real bcos i've not conceived in over 8 1/2 years, but you know what i mean.. My cycle was the only thing that kinda kept me sain... Well My FS appt is TUESDAY :happydance: Me & OH cant wait..

P.s I'm not preg, my Bd was off time this month....

Well enough about me.. Let me catch up on you ladies!!! :winkwink:

Emma Well Thank you lady for my :cake: / wishes.. I did nip on and noticed it hun, just didnt get round to making my post.. Thanks hunni.. Holiday Holiday Holiday .. oh you are soooo lucky lady, i need a Holiday right now. I bet your all packed and ready to go, and i bet there is no space for me now in your case lol..

What Cd are you on hun? I have never used a CBFM. How would you rate it? If you have to take it on hol with you hunni, its got to be.. They say many :baby: are conceived on hol, that's the relaxed approach for ya.. That would be lovely wouldn't it... How is things at the mo for you hun? are you feeling better now? :hugs: ..
We will have no negativity on this thread, it is PMA PMA PMA PMA All the way.. You have to think positive hunni. Iit will happen for you, and me, and every one of the 2012 baby club crew ladies. I don't want to hear any of that agn Queeny.. You hear me???? Keep charting, and CBFM and the other things you are doing, and we will be looking back not long from now at this post, and i will say to you, I TOLD YOU SO!!!.. Pma Hun..:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Rachael Hey Hun.. Awe bless you.. I think we all find that hun. Everywhere we look we see pregnant women, new babies etc. Its crap i know! But like we all say, it will happen one day hun you just have to believe it will. PMA Hun!! BBQ sounded fab hun, hey there is nothing wrong with letting your hair down and relaxing. i did just that today. we had a BBQ and i had a few tia maria and coke hummmm Glad you feel a little better.. you just have to keep fighting hun.. life was never meant to be easy... :hugs:

Wendy Hello Hunni... I'm so sorry i didn't get round to replying to your text, i just felt like crap, i was lay down resting, being treated like a princess.. Thanks hun...:flower:
I'm a so glad you have finally had your bloods done, only a few days now for your results. I really hope you get answers, you chart is looking absolutely crazy. That would drive me mad.. Like i was just saying bout mine, them being regular is the only thing that keeps me kinda sain, so now i'm staring to worry bocs they are becoming that little bit longer. :rofl: I thought i was bad having my blood taken, poor Hubby.. Are you trying to put him off coming with you agn lol

If OH thinks you should go, go hun and see what she has to say. Just bare in mind the drama she created at the drop of a hat before, best to give her a chance just keep that in mind at the same time. My chart is starting to show me the :witch: is on her way, i wish she would have come last week like she should have, she obviously wanted to mess my body up that little bit more, silly cow... Did i see KINECT did i?? did i? Lol have you been on it yet hun? I've not been on mine for a cpl of weeks now, just too tired or busy! I just missed ya agn.. Well i'm really good, life is still in the air with OH daughter, but we will sort it one way or another. Awe i seen Thor advertise on Tv before. I may need to see that lol. Let me know how things go with ex OH hun..

Naomi Hey Hunni.. Its a late one, but Happy Birthday hun..Sounds like you had a lovely day. I watched the wedding too, bits here and there.. My 10 yr old son was hooked on it, i don't know why but he was.. I'm not interested in the royals but wanted to see what all the hype was about.. It was sweet though. I thought the dress would have been that bit more special though. PMA is the key hun.. Keep that in tact and your on the right path. You may have had a :bfn: hun but that means nothing until the :witch: comes full flow.. you could be preg with very low levels. I never got a :bfp: until 8 weeks preg, that was FMU and not one either, if you know what i mean... Keep pma up... i have everything crossed for you hun.....:flower:

Sophie Hello Stranger!!!! It is so nice to see you back on here, you have been missed lady... It's brill you and OH are back on track. I remember you saying bout the smear and cycst. Like i said hun in my post to you last time. I had the same thing, try not to worry to much hun. Nice to hear your Doc is helping you out with your LP, that will really help you hunni. I have everything crossed for you hun.. Keep Positive.:hugs:

Shona Hey Hun Hope you had a great birthday. I didn't know it was your bday until Emma said... Hope you are feeling better, and your keeping that PMA up!

Arlene Hello Hunni.. Awe thanks for the bday wish I am sooooo sorry the UGLY :witch: Came Try and keep you chin up hun, it will happen for you.. IT WILL.... How is things for you hun? I bet you and kyle are loving this weather.. Don't feel selfish hun, its not selfish. I have my Jay but crave another child soooo bad.
As for me, i have no idea how i have lasted all these years and not ended up a mad women. I guess i just convinced myself each time it just wasn't meant to be this month. But it never stopped the tears, the heart wrenching, pain gripping, sick feeling in my stomach. Tbh it never gets easier, you get angry and frustrated the longer is goes on, but what is the alternative, give up no, bcos u wont get pregnant that way. The answer is just believe it will happen and try not to worry to much..

Fiona Hey Hun.. Hows things going? I hope Marcos recovering well. When you get cramps don't instantly think af is coming, we get them if we have conceived too, so keep that PMA!! We have to keep that hun, or we will go mad lol.. I have everything crossed for that :bfp: Stay positive.. Wow Surf Comp sounds fun..

Adrienne Hey Hun, Oh I know how you feel, i've been ill since my bday, it's horrible. It only takes once to conceive hun, and the relaxed approach is the best one. I have everything crossed for you too hun. Al FS appt.. Mine is 3rd May.. Good Luck hun. Fx you don't need your appt and you can give them good News...:hugs:

Well that is enough from me.. that should keep you busy lol i'm off to bed..

Nyt Nyt Ladies... :hugs:

Adrienne I hope the time passes quickly for your appointment and that you get over your cold soon :hugs:

Big :hugs: Naomi..I know its not easy. I find it helps to delibrately plan things around the time AF is due to keep your mind occupued.

Emma I hope you get your peak soon. Hope you got your cleaning done, i'm struggling to motivate myself now. Stared off so well earlier too :dohh: :lol:

Rachael its good to let your hair down now and again. We should all be doing it more often! Glad you had fun :)

Wendy, one of the women I work with are on holiday for a few weeks so i'm covering her shifts as well as my own. The pennies will be handy! :) How did the chat with your ex's partner go?

Lea really happy yous are getting to seeing a FS soon. And your right, just need to keep my chin up and soldier on! :hugs: Yes the weather is absolutely fantastic just now..too bad im workih through most of it :haha:

So OH sat and watched the great sperm race last night and learned so much! He took it pretty bad again. I think i'll give it to July then maybe start using OPKs.

Hows everyone elses doing?!

Afternoon ladies :flower:

Arlene- No I haven't got a peak off it yet but have been making sure there has been as much :sex: as possible the past 2 weeks so fingers crossed. No I haven't managed my cleaning yesterday, I lost my motivation so re potted a few plants and chilled out. i need to watch that sperm race, is it any good? Hope you have had a good day x

Lea- Hiya hun, I am not sure what day of my cycle I am on but just trying to push through. Hope things work out with your oh daughter x

Wendy- Hope your drink with your ex's fiance went well and you have had a lovely day. Hope your results come through ok on Thursday as I am not going to be here to find out whats gone on x

Hope everyone else is ok :hugs:
Hi girls!!
What a fab Bank Holiday weekend it has been here! :happydance:We have had 17/18degree weather everyday!! Not something that we get very often on the West Coast!!

Arlene Sorry that :witch: got you but keep your chin up for next month :hugs: You have got a lot of work on over the next few weeks, dont overwork yourself darling xxx

Sophie Hope that your Smear results are happy ones.

Wendy Hope your blood results are good. How did your drink with ex's fiancee go? Hope you enjoyed your Bank Holiday weekend!

Emma Lucky you with your holiday comming up....Id give anything for a holiday right now! Lots of babies conceived on holidays so FX'd for you!!

Adrienne Sexy with a cold just doesnt work out too well does it?? Still we do what needs to be done!! Hope your FS appointment goes well too

Racheal Glad you had fun at your letting your hair down & having a few drinks did you the world of good! I know I always feel better after a good night out with friends!

Lea How cute are your OH & kids with the cake?? My DH wouldnt get me a cake if he wasnt reminded!!!!! Thanks for the little pep talk are right PMA all the way! Hope your FS appointment goes well for you tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you xxx

So for me......Marcos face is looking a good bit better but he is like a caged animal, hes been staying indoors since last Tues & its not something hes used to so hes hard to deal with!!!! Hoping for good news at Doctors tomorrow so he can go back to work, I love him but he has me driven mad being at home with me all day :blush:
Surf Comp went well....I places 2nd in the Womens heat & 6th overall so am very happy with that. Sad that Marco wasnt there to see it but it was 18 degrees & way too hot for him to be on the beach!
Pup had a BALL with all the other dogs!! Hes only 10 weeks but has NO FEAR!! Was jumping all over dogs that are the size of houses!!! Hes also getting good on the lead too, thank god!!
Still no sign of AF (due today) and Im always on time! No normal signs either...Id usually be in agony with cramps but only have like a pulling feeling! BB's would be painful & heavy & they are just fine so far! So really dont know! Took a test lastnight that was BFN but my Mum & sis never got BFP's until later so ill have to wait & see.......FX'd this is our month but Im trying not to get my hopes up to high either you know!!! Will keep you all updated anyway!

Hope everyone had a nice Bank Holiday weekend & enjoyed the good weather xxx
Emma the great sperm race really made me appreciate the miracle that pregnancy actually is, you would not believe just how much that sperm go through to get where they're meant to be. It softens the blow when AF shows for me as I know how difficult it really is. You must be leaving very soon then?!

Fiona you done excellent in the comp, well done! And fx'd AF stays away. I hope its good news about your hubbys face, can't be easy for him either being stuck in all the time.

Just done my ironing, now sitting with a cuppa watching eastenders. Shower and early night for me I think! :)
Hey everyone:flower:
Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all the support you gave me when I had my little blip yesterday, the :hugs: were greatly appreciated and I feel much better now! I've found my PMA and looking on to next month.
Have to say the :witch: hasn't arrived yet, due today and usually I have all the nasty symptoms like major cramping and stuff but so far non of that, a few little aches and felt sick all day yesterday and the day before but haven't really felt sick at all who knows!
Spoke to my mum yesterday about it and she was so happy to hear we were trying, we had decided to not tell anyone but I wanted to ask about the sickness, it's nice to know she is on board with it all!:kiss:
Arlene I'm thinking the same about OPK's, spoke to OH a few minutes ago and might do them this month just to see how it works to get more of an idea about my cycle and then if by the end of the summer we have had no luck then start using those and temping...
Thanks for the advice Lea my mum said she didn't find out until she was 6 weeks even though she was late and sure she was pregnant so who knows..glad your family made your birthday lovely:flower: and hope you feel better soon!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes :thumbup: sorry Emma I should have e-mailed the date over so you could have put it on the first page of info:dohh:
well done Fiona with the sufring comp!! Sounds like your puppy is going to be a bundle of fun:flower:
sending lots of :hugs: to you all and hope all the ladies are well!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

My trip to see my nieces and nephew with the ILs was interesting to say the least. I hate to say it, but DH's 6 year old niece is a brat. She back talked all day. I think she was "showing off" for her friends at the party. It was a long day though. I was exhausted after it all.

I started my new position at work today too. Still have no clue what I'm supposed to do on a day to day basis. I was bored half the day, cause I didn't know what I was supposed to do. It's seriously frustrating, cause I'm the type of person who has to be busy all the time. Ugh.

And nothing new otherwise. Still waiting for OV. I probably have a little over a week to go. I OVd on CD17 last time. So, about 9 days left if it comes on time. We'll start BDing later this week, every other day. And I'll start OPKs again at the end of the week. I just don't want to miss it. I had a short surge last time, so I'm afraid of missing it.

Hope everyone has a good night!
Hi ladies hope everyone is doing well.

Fiona, way to go in your competition. Glad to hear that the new pup is doing well and that Marco is doing better as well. Hopefully he will heal up quick and be able to be out and about real soon

Emma, holiday is coming I know you must be getting excited.

Lea hope things go well with your appointment.

Wendy hope you are doing ok.

Rachael the BBQ sounded like a lot of fun. Hope you and oh are enjoying your new place.

To all the other lovely ladies out there I hope you are doing well. And of wishing baby dust to EVERYONE!!!!!!!

AFM not much going on my cold seems to be getting better slowly but surely. Have one more day before I go back to work and have a ton of things to do. That's all for me talk to you ladies later.
Well all went ok with the Doctor today....Marcos face wont scar (Thank God) though he has an infection in it so got an antibiotic cream & he is off the water for another week!!!! Hes going to be a TOTAL DEMON by the end of this!!!! But he is allowed to go back to work as long as he works only in the office!!! Nice to get my house back to be honest!!
Got my highlights done today (hadnt been done since Xmas so were badly needed) Very happy with them!
Still no sign of AF at all & no symptoms!!! Tested this morning with IC but it was another BFN!! Was in chemist today & was going to buy Clear Blue Digital but felt Id be jinxing it!! Going to wait til Thurs & get one then if AF hasnt arrived! FINGERS CROSSED!!
Evening ladies x

Fiona- Well done on the surf compitition hun, sounds like you have had a good day. I am glad that Marcos face is getting better. How are you getting on with your CBFM? :flower:

I am a bit excited but a bit more stressed than anything else. I have finally done everything I need so I am hoping I will chill out now. How are you doing? Hope your cold goes soon :hugs:

Amy- I hope the new job gets better hun. There is nothing worse than not knowing what you are doing :hugs:

Naomi- You dont have to thank us hun, thats what we are all hear for. We all have our little wobbles, its just nice to know that we have people nearby that understand where we are coming from. Hope your feeling better :flower:

Arlene- I watched the great sprem race last night and found it funny how they scaled things up to help people understand it. I agree it does make you realise what :spermy: goes through each month just to fertilize an egg!!

Wendy, Lea, Rachael and everyone else. I hope you are all having a fab weekend and I miss you all :hugs:

Anyway ladies, I am allpacked and ready to go on holiday tomorrow, I just have to de-stressed and start looking forward to it. I have decide not to take the monitor and just make sure I have :sex: every other day just to cover it. I will still take my thermometer but will have to write down the temps until I get back.

I hope everyone has a good week whilst I am away and are still here when I get back. :hugs: x
Emma the great sperm race really made me appreciate the miracle that pregnancy actually is, you would not believe just how much that sperm go through to get where they're meant to be. It softens the blow when AF shows for me as I know how difficult it really is. You must be leaving very soon then?!

Fiona you done excellent in the comp, well done! And fx'd AF stays away. I hope its good news about your hubbys face, can't be easy for him either being stuck in all the time.

Just done my ironing, now sitting with a cuppa watching eastenders. Shower and early night for me I think! :)

Can you tell me where to find it online? YouTube only has one part and not the whole thing. A link would be awesome and highly appreciated!

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