The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Amy Hello Hun.. Its been a while since i last spoke to you hun. I do hope you are well. Awe no a cheeky child, wow that angers me to a point i could hit the roof. Disrespectful kids are defo a no no...Well done on the new Position hun, i do hope it picks up soon and you are happy.. Fx for Ov hun.. just keep :sex: up every other day, you will be fine.. Are you not temping hun?

Good to see you around Lea! Hope everything starts settling down for you :hugs:

Nope, no temping. I didn't do that the first time either. I'll do the OPKs for a few months, and then if nothing happens I'll start temping. Still negative on the OPK. I'm hoping I didn't OV early, since I've always been on the later side.

Today was so incredibly difficult. It was Mother's Day here in the US. So I had to go through the day with a smile on my face pretending like nothing is wrong, when I was actually really hurting. I knew I should have swore off FB for the day, as all the people saying "happy mother's day" to all the people on my friends list, especially the ones who are pregnant, was hurting. And I just wish DH could understand how I'm feeling, cause he doesn't. He actually at one point, a few weeks ago, had said something that I was "kinda" pregnant last time. And I got really upset and said "No, we were pregnant. Really pregnant."

On top of today, I have to deal with the added stress about my trip on Tuesday. I'm really not looking forward to it, since I have issues with anxiety. I'm just hoping to make it down there okay.

Hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend! It went by way too fast and I'm so not ready for another work week!

Sorry you found it hard hun, I also did on the UK mothers day. I think when my angels due date comes round that wont be a gud day. Men just dont think my hubby said you know it want a proper baby and he didnt mean it bad its just men can be so black in white about things. As soon as you become pregnant it is our baby no matter how far along we are :hugs:

Morning Ladies!!!!!

Carron - Massive Congrats on your BFP! H&H 9 months to you xxx

Had a wonderful weekend in Cork! Great catching up with everyone & did lots of sailing & powerboating!!! Had a BALL!!!! Was glad to get home to my own bed lastnight though! And got such a reception from the pup!!!

Im now at CD39 21DPO & got a BFN this morning!!! Still no signs of AF & I have NEVER been late!!!! Dont really know what to now?? Mum says I should wait & test again on Friday! Would rather just get AF so I can get moving on my next cycle!!! Gggggrrrrrr so bloody frustrating!! On the other hand Marco is convinced Im pregnant & will just get a late BFP!!! I dont really know what to think!
Evening all! Hope everyone is well :flower: Sorry i've not been on, had a busy but lovely weekend :)

Shona It's lovely to see you back on here hun, and your right it could be ovulation bleeding cause my temp is going up, although i've never had it before. Will just have to wait and see what happens! Ooh your in the tww! Hope it flys by for you x

Arlene Hope you had fun watching all 11 dvds :haha: Don't think i've ever seen that cartoon. Wouldn't mind having a little girl so I could watch all the disney films though haha x

Carron Wow I didn't realise you had been trying as long as that, it's such brill news you now have your BFP! Are you going to tell your family or wait until your 12 week scan? x

Amy I'm exactly the same with driving, I usually make hubby drive to all the busy or unknown places :haha: I'm sure you'll do fine though, just leave in plenty of time and if you need to pull over for a break then you have a break :hugs: x

Adrienne Glad your home for a few days, you've got the right idea, keep busy and the tww will fly by! Get my fingers crossed for you hun :flower: x

Naomi Hope the foots a bit better! I've just ordered myself the wii fit so hoping I can get back into my exercising asap, could do to lose a few lbs! I'm the same, so broody just now. Bought a couple of baby gifts for my ex whose baby is due in July, I was looking at all the cute little outfits in the shop thinking if I was preggers I would buy pretty much them all! lol. Hopefully it will happen for us both soon :flower: x

Lea Yey your back on! Missed you hun :hugs: Aww i'm so gutted you missed your FS appointment, but you have had a lot on your plate. Hopefully you will get to your next one and things can move on from there. Me and hubby watched Inside the Human Body last night, it was brill! Thanks for sharing it with us :flower: I learn so much from things like that. Yeah I know, my doctors suck! I meant to phone today and see if there was any cancellation appointments but I went and forgot :dohh: Too busy baking a cake! My doctor is only in 3 days a week and I really don't want to see any of the others seen as she was the only one who seemed to want to help me. Hopefully I will find out soon what's going on though.

So Bex is with you permanently now? That will be a big change to your life, hopefully things will work out though. I take it it may lead to a house move though? Especially if you do end up preggers. Hope you're not getting too stressed out hun :flower: Can't believe the attitude of your god sister! She needs a shake I think. A baby is not something you can just pass on to a friend! Hopefully once the baby is born she will bond with it x

Fiona Glad to hear you had a good weekend hun :flower: Hmm, maybe you are just going to be a late BFP, hope so! Don't want you stuck in limbo with me! It's no fun. Although I have to say this is the first time in my life I have ever been late like this, was usually every month with no probs. Fingers crossed for you Mrs x

As for me, i'm doing good, just plodding along until I get my blood results. Had a lovely weekend, Saturday I went shopping with my sis and treated myself to some new tops, haven't bought myself anything in ages so was nice treating myself for once! Saturday night me and hubby went out for a meal at my fav italian restaurant cause we had been together three years on that day :) Food was sooo yummy, ate far too much though! Yesterday I went ten pin bowling with my sis, hubby, bro and sis-in-law it was a great laugh, didn't get home till late on hence only getting on to post now! Just having a relaxing day today, loving the fact i have a week off work, bliss!

Right I will get off again and go run a nice hot bath. Speak to you all soon :hugs: x
I'm back ladies! :haha:

Hope you are all well, I am at the train station so have an hour till I get home so will read up when I get there. Hope you are all ok x
Hope you had a lovely time Emma:flower:

Hey Wendy, well my foot was healing and then I did a half hour jog on the wii fit and buggered it up again:dohh: time to rest again!!

Hope you lovely ladies are allok, my af has finished now so time to start all the fun again!!
Hi Ladies,
Hope you all are doing well. I usually don't do this but I need to have a bit of a rant. DH is home sick for the second day in a row and I'm just having a bad day. Every once in a while this ttc thing starts to get to me. AF is due on Sunday and I'm just waiting for her to show up. In the mean time I keep tourturing myself by watching shows like Pregnant In Heels and a Baby Story.](*,) I'm trying to be cool and be relaxed on the outside, but the truth is that I'm obsessing over it on the inside. I know my FS appointment is coming up soon, but even that is overwhelming. The welcome packet that they sent out is a thick as the bible. There is so much info to fill out. It doesn't help that DH is not excited about going to the appointment. He's not fond of doctors in the first place and have to see a female doctor and discuss really personal stuff is making him really uncomfortable. So forget about getting any support on that end. And to top it all off I had to call out of work today because an old knee injury is acting up and I can't get in to see a doctor about that til the begining of June. It's so bad that I'm sitting up on my couch in sweat pants and I didn't even comb my hair. I'm a complete mess.:nope: OK rant over.

Sorry about the rant guys. You know how I like to stay positive and I don't mean to bring the thread down, but I thought if anybody could understand how I'm feeling it's you ladies. Thanks for listening and I hope you all are having a better day than I am.
Hello again ladies x

Wendypops- First of all a huge happy birthday for the other day :cake: I was so glad to see that the :witch: turned up but then she went again :doh: !! Hopefully when you get your next appointment at the docs you will get more answers. Not long to wait now until the 16th anyway hun :hugs: Make sure you are not doing too much over time and tiring yourself out Mrs, thats isn't going to help either x

Lea- Hey hunni, I managed to watch the great sperm race and thought it was quite funny how they did it. It does give some realisation what the little :spermy: has to go through! I hope things calm doewn for you soon hun as it cant be good for you. I certainly wont forget your fs appointment as its the day after my birthday :cake: lol! Keep smiling Mrs, things will work out in the end x

Adrienne- Hope your 2ww goes quickly for you :hugs:

Fiona- Hope you had a lovely weekend away and the :witch: stayed away. How is Marco's face?

Arlene- Hope you had fun with your family at the weekend. I know what you mean, I have 4 nephews and 1 niece ranging from 15 months to 12 years and they cost me a lot of money but are worth it :haha: I hope work isn't too bad for you, seem like you are having it rough at the minute! If the :witch: came early this month then I would of been due on holiday! Fortunately she stayed away and I have until next Tuesday to wait now though :( When is it you go away?

Hope you are ok hunni. Any sign of he kittens??

Carron- Wow congratulations hunni!! :happydance: I am so excited for you. See ladies there is hope for us all out there!!

Nat- Dont feel like you cant post hun, I know what you are saying but hearing off you ladies who have been ttc along with us reasures the rest of us there is hope out there. So, how was your appointment today then?

Amy- Hope your trip went well :hugs: I know what you mean about mothers days, I struggled with it here. Gavin's mum is very particular about days like that so we had to take her out for food, get her presents etc! Really annoyed me (especially as I was due to give birth around then) things will get better soon :hugs:

Naomi- How are you Mrs? I know what you mean, Gavin keeps on rubbing my tummy and has been picking up clothes whilst we were away!

Anyway, that is my attempt to cover the past week on here! Sorry is I have missed anything or anyone but I love yu all lol x

Well, Gavin and I had a lovely week away and just spent it relaxing in the sun. Those of you on facebook will be able to nosey at the pics shortly :haha:

I am going to leave it at that for now as I am pretty shattered from travelling. Missed you all :hugs:
Glad you had a good holiday Emma.

Willow's kittens arrived on Sunday evening/night. She had 6 in total but unfortunately one didn't make it through the night. We do have 5 healthy kittens though, 2 ginger and white, and 3 black and white. I also have homes for the 3 that I already had, 2 go tomorrow and 1 is going Saturday.

The :witch: is also tormenting me. She's late but I've had a bit of spotting this morning and yesterday morning.
Evening all! Emma it's lovely to have you back hun :hugs: And thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a lovely day and have been totally spoiled rotten! I went out and had lunch with my best friend and sis and then at night my bro and sis-in-law came round and we had a family games night on the kinnect, girls against the boys but the boys beat us every time! :dohh: Was still a fun night though! Today we went round to visit Ex hubby and his fiancee as they had a birthday present for me, things are actually a bit easier now with his fiancee, she is really making an effort with us. Got a text after we left asking if we wanted to go out for a meal with them on Sunday so we said yeah. Hopefully it will go alright! We also visted another friend tonight for a cuppa and to pick up a bday pressie and we had a good old chin wag too. It's been a nice night! Just got into my pjs now and going to chill for what's left of tonight! Anyway, enough about me!

Emma Glad you had a good holiday hun! You deserved a break. Have sure missed you though :hugs: Yeah the 16th is on Monday so can't wait to get my results then and see what's going on. Again last night I was bleeding, and it was proper red blood! Wiped three times before bed and each time there was blood on tissue, had nothing the whole day before then. So I got mega excited and even told hubby to look and he said yeah that's definitely your period coming baby. So went to bed all happy with a pad on, woke up this morning and nadda, zilch, nothing! No blood on the pad and nothing at all today. I just don't get it :dohh: Whenever I bleed it's like for half an hour and then it stops! That's about the fifth time that's happened in the last week. Can't wait to see the doctor and see what she thinks. Anyway, I hope AF stays away for you. When do you go back to work? Next week? x

Rachael :happydance: the kitties are here! How exciting! So sorry to hear one of them didn't make it, that's so sad. Glad you've managed to find homes for the other ones, take it your OH wasn't for letting you keep Ebony? Sorry to hear the witch is tormenting you too hun, it's no fun :( Hope you find out what's happening either way soon x

Naomi Aww hun, you watch what you're doing, ankle injuries are a nightmare! It will probably need some time to strengthen again. No more jogging for a wee while! Ooh I got wii fit plus for my bday! Can't wait to give it a go. Also got Zumba, The Biggest Loser and Just Dance so hopefully I can start my weight loss goal again. It was funny my brother came round, looked at them and said "F*ck, is someone trying to hint at you doll?" :haha: I did ask to get them as presents though so there was definitely no bad hints thrown my way lol x

Adrienne Big :hugs: being sent your way. We all have down days hun, but that's what we are here for! You ever need a rant you just come on and have one, no apologies for it! TTC is so hard, you try and stay positive but some days you just can't, and boy how I know that feeling! I do the same, I watch so many baby shows and then afterwards I talk to hubby about how much I really want one of our own and then I get really down. Why do we do it to ourselves! Like you've said it's good you have your Fertility Appointment coming up but it is daunting, and your hubby will probably just feel a little apprehensive about it all. Once you's have had your first appointment and see how lovely and friendly your doctor is he will soon feel at ease and hopefully you's will get the help that you's need. Sorry to hear about your knee hun, you just take it easy, who cares about uncombed hair! I didn't brush mine till I was leaving the house today at 5.00pm! haha. Hubby doesn't care and i'm sure yours doesn't either. Hope you feel better soon and if you ever need to talk you know where I am :flower: x

Nat Like Emma has said please don't be a stranger! We all can't wait to hear how your scan went! It's so exciting :happydance: x

Lea I was having a nose in the BFP announcements section and a lady has just got her BFP after seven years of trying. Don't you give up hun! There is hope for you same as there was for her :hugs: x

Well I best get off. Not sure what we are going to do tomorrow. We fancied a wee day trip but the forecast is rain and thunder :( Sure we will find something to fill the day though! Talk to you all soon :flower: x
Aw bless, thats soo cute Rachael. I love kittens, especially from seeing them born! Sorry the witch is being a pain for you. I am due next tuesday ish so fingers crossed for us :hugs:
Wendypops- Aw, nice to hear that you had a lovely birthday and got spoilt! Its also nice that the ex hubby's Mrs is being nice! Your period is definitely being silly! I cant believe you bleed so little. I was talking to Gavin about you on the way to Majorca and said you are the only person I know on this TTC forum that is happy for the :witch: to come :haha: I hope you get answers soon as being 100 odd days in is just stupid!!

I am back at work next week on Monday 16th, so I will remember your appointment for that and also that my af should be due about then!

For some reason on my fertility friend it seems to think I ovulate late!! Can someone have a look at my chart and tell me what they think....

Anyway, I am off to bed as I am still working an hour ahead at the minute and I am shattered!!

Night x
Just had to pop back on and say right on que, before I go to bed, I start bleeding again! Arrrggghhh! I bet it will be gone by morning again. We shall see!

Just had a quick squint at your chart Emma, to me I would say you ovulated on the 5th, but because you've had some high temperatures earlier in the month FF is probably not sure where your coverline should be yet. But you definitely had a dip then followed by three raised temps from that date. Hopefully next month your CBFM and FF should coincide with an ovulation date. Right i'm deffo going to bed now lol, nite all x
Hello again ladies,
I'm feeling a little better now.
Wendy thanks for your kind words after reading them i started to feel a little better. I'm sorry the witch is still playing with you. Hopefully your doctor will be able to give you some answers soon. Oh, happy belated birthday!

Rachael I'm so glad the kittens are doing well. They must be so cute.

Emma welcome back. Sounds like you had a great vacation.

Naomi sorry about your ankle hope it heals up real soon.

Arlene hope you're doing well.

Carron how's our newest mommy to be doing?

And to all you other lovely ladiies out there I hope you had a good day and have an even better tomorrow. Take care!!!
Wendy, I think we need to go :ninja: on the :witch: :rofl:

Carron - Congratulations!

Adrienne - I hope your knee gets better soon.

Emma - FX'd she stays away from you!

Another busy day for me today. Need to go into town 1st thing because my form got lost by Gentoo so they haven't updated my details, so going to do it in person instead. Got a friend meeting me to take Holly to the park whilst I do it, then I have to finally sort out our bedroom as I'm sick of it being a state!
Hello again ladies,
I'm feeling a little better now.
Wendy thanks for your kind words after reading them i started to feel a little better. I'm sorry the witch is still playing with you. Hopefully your doctor will be able to give you some answers soon. Oh, happy belated birthday!

Rachael I'm so glad the kittens are doing well. They must be so cute.

Emma welcome back. Sounds like you had a great vacation.

Naomi sorry about your ankle hope it heals up real soon.

Arlene hope you're doing well.

Carron how's our newest mommy to be doing?

And to all you other lovely ladiies out there I hope you had a good day and have an even better tomorrow. Take care!!!

yh i ok bit tired but other than that ok.
Hello there lovely ladies............

God it is windy here today....feel like my house is going to take off! Pup is stuck in the house too coz he would blow away & hes driving me mad, jumping all over everything!!!

Racheal - I LOVE little Kittens! Come from a home that is always full of cats but Marco isnt mad about them so we dont have any in our house :( Love going to see all the cats at Mums when we go home!!!

Wendy - Glad you had a lovely birthday pet!! And that things seem to be getting easier with ex's fiancee! That will make your life much easier! So any update on AF? Has she stuck around today?

Emma - Thanks for the concern....Marco is looking so much better...Thank God! He is back at work but still not allowed on the water until next Monday, so hes a bit like a caged animal at the moment!!!! His face is nearly completely healed....there is a bit of discolouration on his cheek & nose but it just looks like he got badly sunburned so Im sure it will heal up soon!

I am now 10days late for AF & still no sign of her comming!!!! BFN on 7 days late but I havent tested again yet! Am going into town tomorrow so I will get another test then & prob take it Sat that stage I will be 12days late!!! Really praying that we will get the result that we are so desperate for! Either way I will be going to the GP on Monday....either to confirm the test or to get him to figure out what is going on!!!!!
Buster - Glad you're feeling a bit better! :hugs:

Emma - WELCOME BACK! Hope you had a fantastic holiday!

Rachel - hope AF comes and goes quickly for you!

Wendy - Glad you had a great birthday! Hopefully it doesn't rain/thunder too much for your day trip!

Fiona - FXed for you that you get the answer you want!

AFM - CD18 and no positive OPK yet. Still feeling (TMI) wet down there, so I'm hoping it's EWCM. I'm hoping to get a + OPK within a couple days. I'm getting frustrated that every time I take them it's a negative. I'm hoping to get the same OV pains I did last time as well. They were strong, and it'd be nice to know that I was feeling the same thing, and know I was OV.
Hi All! How are we all doing today? I'm just back from a lovely wee run in the car with hubby. We drove a couple of hours away to the cemetery where his grandad is buried and laid some flowers, we then stopped at a couple of places and took pics of the baby lambs and rabbits etc. They were mega cute! Thunder has stayed away so far! Touch wood. Just the odd shower of rain but we could handle that.

Adrienne Glad you're feeling a bit better hun :hugs: How's your knee? x

Rachael Your comment did make me laugh! If only we could sort the :witch: out! Hope you've had a lovely day hun. I really need to sort out my bedroom too but i've no excuse, it's not like i've just moved! lol. Just got too much stuff. Long overdue a clearout I think x

Carron Lovely to hear from you hun, and glad you're keeping well. Have you got a scan date organised now? x

Fiona You should post a pic up of the puppy, I would love to see one! Puppies are so cute. No update on AF for me I'm afaid, same as usual happened! Woke up this morning and no blood on pad and had nothing today. Unless this is the lightest period in the history of periods the witch is just playing tricks on me! Roll on Monday! Sorry to hear your still sticking it out too but hopefully it's good news for you! Will be eagerly waiting to hear your result on Saturday! :thumbup: x

Amy Is this your first month of using OPK's? I know they don't work for everyone. Hopefully they will work though and it's just cause you haven't ovulated yet. Get plenty of :sex: in while you're getting EWCM though, hoping you catch your eggy this month! x

Vonz I didn't know you had got your BFP, congratulations hun! Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months :flower: x

Arlene Hope you're alright hunnie and they've not got you working too hard :hugs: x

Well my temperature shot up this morning so hoping it might mean something. I'm sick of getting my hopes up though so will just see what happens, not reading too much into it. Well I best get off and organised some dinner. Talk you all later :flower: x

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