The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

hey Lea1984 hows u ? soz not been on been busy with work and uni stuff hopefully after my last essay with one of the courses, then hopefully will have more time to talk more x
Hey Naomi..... :wave: Awe hun i know how you feel.. I'm in the dreaded 2ww too.. We all feel we have missed it hun, but to be honest, none of us know what are body does, sperm can last a good 5 days inside our body, for all we know it could be sat there waiting when we ov, so that 1 bd session could be the one.. it only take 1 time..

Were here to support you hun..:hug:

Hello Carron.. I'm good ta. I'm just in the middle of doing my English work.. I was suppose to take my exam on the 26th, i'm just so far behind i'll never do it all before then, so i need to re-book.. I have had so much on my plate, my work was my last thought.

How is pregnancy treating you.? Oh Yeah i forgot you're studying too.. I hope you're well... :hugs:
Evening all! How we all doing? We've had a busy day sorting out our garden. When did plants get so damn expensive?? We went to the garden centre today and spent £105!! :wacko: Crazy! Still the garden looks really nice now so i'm happy :)

Charlie I've never watched De Ja Vu, take it its quite good? I don't watch much on tv now to be honest. Watched the Cube tonight and that was it. Some days there is a few things I like other days I can't be bothered and spend more time on here instead of watching owt. Did you figure out your code for your temping chart? I'm getting quite good at reading charts now so give us a shout if you need a second opinion on anything :) As for your CBFM don't worry about it hun, I don't usually get asked to start taking a test stick until about day 9 with mine so it shouldn't muck up this month for you. It probably wouldn't have asked you to do one even if you had turned it on at the right time x

Lea Your back! :happydance: And yes, that post did beat your previous ones! I was reading it before I left to go to the garden centre. We were meant to pick up hubby's mum on route and lets just say we were 20 mins late cause it took me so long to read your post :haha: It sure is good to have you back though hun!

My doc said that your levels change throughout your cycle, like CD2 bloods would be different from CD21 bloods. So my level of reading on the day I had my test done would be a good reading if I had been on say CD14 or 15. But cause we didn't know what day I was on cause I wasn't having cycles or stuff she suggested the next step was the scan and camera to check for PCOS, then if I go actually get a period i've to get CD2 and CD21 bloods done. I just want to know now what's going on so I can figure out what I need to do. Hate being in limbo land. Your so lucky having regular cycles with PCOS, from what i've heard you usually don't get them often with it.

I take it Bex is with you permanently now then? Did you manage to get her enrolled into school? Hope you're feeling alright about it all hun, it will be a big change in your life. Ooh i've got all of Katie's autobiographies too. I really do need to read more cause i've got tons of books to read. Just don't seem to have the time the now. Oh and i'm so glad your god sister has taken to her little girl, that's fab news! x

Emma loving that digi pic girl! :happydance: It's so exciting! You make sure you look after yourself from here on in. No more letting work get on top of you, just do what you can and what you don't do you don't do. You and your new little baby have to come first :hugs: x

Arlene :happydance: your last shift is over! Not long till your hol now! I don't know how you can work a Blackberry. My hubby loves his but the keys are way too small for me to use lol. Aww trust your manager to stick their beak in! You should just say we are not trying for a baby at the moment. It's none of their damn business anyway! I get the same questions from folk at my work and it does my head in x

Lily I am coping cause I don't have an alternative :haha: Just have to keep plodding along until I get answers. I do have the odd down day though where I hate my body for not doing what it's meant to but hopefully it will sort itself out soon. Yeah it's PCOS they are looking for with my scan hun, see if they can see any cysts. Not sure what will happen from there. Would sure like to know what was going on though! Your about the same as me hun. I came off the pill in August 2010 and had regular cycles give or take a day or two up until January then they just vanished! No idea why. That sucks your doctor wasn't willing to help, the first one I went to was the same but I went back a month later and saw a different doctor who was so much better. Can you not see another doctor in the same practice instead of having to fork out privately? Hope you get answers one way or another :flower: x

Carron Lovely to see you on here hun, hope you're keeping well. Did you have a nice birthday? x

spellfairy Congrats to you too hun :happydance: Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months x

Naomi Sorry to hear your finding things a bit stressful hun, we are all here when you want to talk :hugs: Don't be a stranger x

Well i've had brown spotting again today. Not a lot but some. My body is crazy! It's deffo trying to do something though. Well i'm off for now. Gotta go iron my work clothes for tomorrow then probably try and seduce the hubby :haha: I'm not giving up hope on getting my BFP whether i'm having periods or not!! Talk to you all tomorrow :flower: x

:haha: Wendy... I knew you'd agree. It was certainly a long one. I looked at it once i posted it and though OMG... I feel sorry for you all if you try and read it, It makes your eyes go blurry! I hope i don't have to type that much agn.. Tell hubby i'm soooooo sorry for making you late.:flower:

Sorting out the garden!!! Was it nice in Scotland today? Here was typical UK weather, one minute hot, the next pouring down with buckets of rain..

I certainly feels good to be back hun :winkwink:.. Thanks..
Well our lovely Emma beat us to that :bfp: i am so happy for her.. I still am smiling....

Awe i get you now.. .. tbh i wouldn't know all the different things they can test for. I just know she ticked all the boxes on the form for the bloods. I do know my doc was looking for something, as soon as she got the results she knew i had pcos without any doubts so i guess i trusted her.. Either something was too high, low or not there.. what am i like i should have asked her :dohh: ill go back and find out !!! My bloods didnt need to be a certain time of the month so maybe i should just double check... May be they have diagnosed me wrong.. :nope: I'm getting it checked now.... Im certainly on a mad one...

Bex is with us permanently, its not easy! it has put MASSIVE strain on our relationship. Hopefully we work it out. Bex is still not in school!!! Can you believe that she has been out of school since Easter and they haven't pulled there finger out to get her in. Its all admissions now, you have to wait... I got a call from a school Friday asking if She can go in on Wed to take level tests to see what sets she is in. Once she has done them she can start the following week.. So we are getting there slowly... :happydance:

I have started reading Katies 1st one, its ok, just not as gripping as Kerrys.. I'm only up to where she got signed at the big modelling company.. I know what you mean, i just haven't got time to read it just now, i have to get my English work done. As for my god-Sister I'm glad she is feeling different too. I haven't been down to see her yet, but i will be going down very soon.. Ill post a Pic..

I hope the witch comes hun...That is the way forward .. you keep going, it will pay off eventually.. :flower:

Lea what a journey you've been through, you deserve good things hun, fx'd you get your little miracle bubs just shortly. And as for the Iphone I hate full touch screens, OH has a Iphone and I just get so frustrated with it if he asks me to make a call on it :haha:

Naomi I hope this 2ww goes quick for you :hugs:

Wendy I simply pointed out that his statement was discrimination as he suggested pregnant women were incapable of working, he shut up :haha: also told him it was all inclusive so I was coming home with a belly one way or another :rofl: £105 on plants is mad! But I guess for those who keep their garden pretty its worth it, my garden consists of my drive, decking grass and some stones..nothing special at all!
You've been so strong through all this lets hope if they find anything on the scan it'll be the answers you need :hugs:

This is the first morning ive woke up and not had to rush to work in agess :happydance: Jeremy Kyle and a cuppa :D Then me, Kyle and one of my friends are going to go bowling! I feel the need to spoil him over the 2 days I have left with him :( I know he'll love the time with his dad and that side of the family though.
So last night OH ask if theres no way to put off AF without it being a contreceptive, and when I said no we just had to hope she didn't show he said "whats the point, it always does.." :( really hope this happens soon for him.
Wendy - It is really good. Can't beat a bit of Denzel Washington! I really hope i havn't messed it up, i got a high today on cd7! :wacko:

To any cbfm experts - As i said yesterday, i missed my testing window! It was cd6 so first day of testing. I am hoping as it was the first day it won't mess things up as chances are it would have been low anyway.:wacko:
I have used my cbfm this morning cd7 - and it's high! Do you think i have messed up the month? As this is month 2 using cbfm i thought i would'nt start getting highs until a day or so before my peak?! I know that i ov'd cd19 two cycles ago, but last month opk did'nt get as dark when i tested on cd19 so may have missed it.

Any advice appreciated! :flower:
Sorry charlie I don't use the cbfm hope you get it sorted.

Okay ladies I'm going to invest it opks..totally clueless with this so anyone tell me where or which ones to buy?
Morning ladies,

Well I am back on a computer so can read up properly!!

Princess Lea
- Hiya hunni :hugs: I wasn't going to put a ticker on but I have now so you should see it as of today! I am not leaving my ladies. You girls have given me so much help and support and I will be here as long as you girls allow me to be :haha: Well today I am shattered from all the travelling this weekend. Keep on getting slight twinges of sickness but nothing major. It makes me laugh as I have a little belly at the minute as my body is keeping hold of all the goodness and last week I hated it but now I think its great!! Can't stop walking about with my hand on my tummy :haha: Hope things are ok with you and they calm down soon :hugs:

Wendypops- I know, I was so excited when I did the digi, it became a little bit more reall. I had to be so discreet as well as we were staying at a friends. I set my alarm for earlier than they said to get up and ran into the bathroom to do it :haha: I am going to try and not let it do it but I know what is planned for this summer. It was going to be a stretch for us without me being pregnant!! I have to decide when to tell ym director, part of me thinks the sooner the better as he can get me extra help in. If he doesn't I will be so cross!!! :growlmad: I am in work by myself today and I am shattered but I am sneaking off early to go home and have a relaxing bath! Plants are a lot of money its silly! I have to but stuff like that for work so its not too bad as its not my money :haha: Hope wiork is ok for you today :hugs:

Arlene- Not long until holiday :happydance: How inappropiate of your boss to say that to you!! People should mind their own business!! Well at least you haven't got any more work for a little bit and have your holiday to look forward to it. I know what you mean with the oh, you prepare yourself every month for the let down but all that it needs is them to mention their dissapointed and it crushes you! Chin up Mrs :hugs: it will happen soon x x
Just saw about your OPK's. I have some at home that I got free with my thermometer. I could never get them right so never used them. Not sure how many there is but if you send me your address I can post you them and you can figure them out for free. I will let you know when I get home how many I have :hugs:

- I wouldn't worry about missing 1 day. It is meant to be there to get a guide of the level of your hormones over the month which is why the window is so big to test in. As long as you do it most of the time and especially towards ovulation time then you should be fine :hugs: I think within the first few months you will get quite a few highs until it realises what hormones are right for your body. Hope you are ok :flower:

How are the kitties doing Rachael? I saw your pic of Hollies fur, my dads alsation is the same when you brush her :haha:

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

I have booked a doctors appointment for Thursday so things will become real from then on. I don't have any major symptoms but think the morning sickness may hit me soon as I have had a few small waves of sickness :sick: Gavin is making me laugh, he got me wholemeal bread last night as its better for me and gave me orange juice this morning instead of a brew :haha:

Anyway, I am goingto stop rambling and get some work done :haha: big hugs ladies :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Thanks emma, I'll pm you my address. Just been having a look at this new volcano thats erupting, if it continues at this rate and the weather pattern doesn't change its expected to hit scotland by 1am tonight.. I am praying it stays away.. I dont mind being stuck over there :haha: How sweet of your hubby :) make sure he looks after you x
Pinky12 - Thanks, i'm hoping i will get my peaks! Maybe i will ov earlier than i thought. I ov'd on cd19 2 cycles ago, i assumed that it would be the same each month give or take a day or two. After looking it up online, it says you can ovulate a diff times each month. Going to start dtd every other day incase!:flower:
Morning all. My god what a morning we had here! The wind nearly blew me over! Thankfully it's calmed down now and the sun is out. Saw online about the tornado in America, that's so sad. We are so lucky we don't get them here, although I think in the future we probably will.

Lea I say sorting out the garden but really it was hubby doing it! I keep blaming my hayfever for the reason I can't do it :haha: We had showers here too but it was nothing serious so while it dried up he got everything planted before the rain started again. It looks lovely now, can't wait to see all the plants in bloom.

Maybe when you had your bloods done they knew what cycle day you were on? So they would know that your readings weren't right for that day? What are your actual symptoms for PCOS then? I take it they are saying you have it because it's taking you a while to conceive rather than any period problems? It's all confusing aint it! I can't remember all what they tested me for but I know sugar levels, progesterone and thryoid checks were three of things, can't remember the other two. When is your FS appointment set for now? Hopefully they will help you figure out where to go from here :hugs: x

Arlene I'm the same as you, I hate touch screen phones! I've got one just now and it takes me forever to type a message. Deffo going to get a new phone soon when I save some pennies up. Aww I know, I can't believe how much we spent yesterday! But hubby ripped out some trees that were taking up most of the garden so we were left with big empty spaces that needed to be filled. Bet he regrets doing that now! :haha: Still at least we got plants that will come back every year so shouldn't need to buy more in the next few years.

I got my OPK's cheap on ebay, here is the link:

They obviously didn't work for me cause my body isn't doing what it's meant to but I know Lea uses these and gets on fine with them. It's deffo the next best step for you hun, them or start taking your temps. For all you know you could be ovulating at a completely different time from what you think you do. It's heartbreaking when our hubbies get down about it but it just shows they want it as much as we do. When you get that BFP imagine how happy he will be! That's deffo something to look forward to. Enjoy your bowling x

Charlie As Emma has said you should be fine with missing your stick yesterday, you wouldn't have ovulated on day 6 so it's fine! I'm surprised you've got a high so early on but it does take a couple of cycles for the monitor to get to know you properly and know what readings are high and low for your body. As long as you get your peaks that's the main thing! x

Emma Hmm it's hard knowing the best time to tell your boss, you don't want to tell people too early but then at the same time it may make them lessen your work load quicker. Have a chat with Gav and see what he thinks. The problem is once you tell one person it tends to get out in the open whether you want it to or not so just be prepared for your work mates to find out once you tell your boss! Aww Gav is such a sweatheart looking out for you. Have you tried decaff tea? I've been drinking it for the last couple of months and it's actually nice! As long as you make it a little stronger than your usual tea it pretty much tastes the same x

Right I best go get myself some lunch. That spotting last night amounted to nothing, as usual! Never mind. Talk to you all later x
Wendypops- My director is usually quite good about things like this. He doesn't like gossips and manages to keep quiet about a lot. Sometimes that is a problem! It would be my HR department if he had to tell them that it may go further. I don't deal a lot with my head office so if they heard then I probably wouldn't know. My staff here only speak to them all once a year at the xmas party so I have no worries about it filtering through to them. If I wait to my 12 week point then I will be snowed under with work as it is all going to kick off in the next 2 weeks. I think I will wait until after the docs appointment and take it from there.

No I haven't tried de-caff tea, I usually drink fruit teas in the afternoon instead of teas. I am a bit of a demon if I don't have my morning brew so don't know how I would cope. I am only have 2 cups of tea a day anyway so not too bad. Its the eating more dairy I am not looking forward to as it doesn't agree with me :wacko:

The weather is awful here too but in a way I am glad it is as I am going home and getting in my pj's and relaxing on the sofa and the weather makes it so much better!!

Arlene- No poblem. Some one else may as well use them as they never worked with me. I am like Wendy that I can't hold my pee for long enough!! I think I also ovulated too late for when I was doing the test!!

Well you can tell I am alone at work as I am rambling away on here :haha: Sorry ladies x
You're as bad as me for skiving! Bad Emma :haha: Oh well that's not so bad then, I would tell him once you've had your docs appointment. The last thing you want is to be snowed under and stressing out. Yep i'm the same! It's the morning cuppa that sets me up for the day! I never have breakie but need a cuppa to get me going. The wind is still blowing a gail here, there's wheelie bins lying all over the place, stuff fae folks garden and even a tshirt on the pavement outside my work! Think someone made the mistake of putting their washing out! lol. Hope you're having a nice relax anyway Mrs :flower: x

Well i'm now having a lot of watery red blood :dohh: Hubby says what does that mean?? Feck if I know! :rofl: I've given up on working my body out. Bring on the scan next week! x
Evening ladies :flower:

Arlene- I have 12 ovulation tests in total for you. 3 are superdrug ones and the others are the free ones. That should help you get your head around them for next month. Hope bowling was good today with Kyle :hugs:

Wendypops- I have been awful for work today. I have been so tired from all the travelling yesterday that I struggled to motivate myself to do anything. I am the same since I have been home too! It made me laugh about the t-shirt, although we had our washing in the middle of the cul de sac one day because of the wind!! I hope you get some answers soon. It seems your body is attempting to do something!

Anyway ladies, I am off to try and get some sleep as I am shattered. Benn in bed for the last 45 mins already! Hope you all have a lovely night :hugs:
Emma - LOVEEE your new tickers!! And the pic of the digi! Awesome! Many many vibes for a H&H 9 months! Hopefully I'll be joining you in a week!

AFM - Having some dinner then a workout on the Wii. I'm exhausted, but gonna push myself to at least do the free step aerobics. I need to do something! Gonna be away from home overnight tomorrow. I hate traveling by myself; I always miss DH and our kitties. 7 DPO and still having on and off cramping. With how uncomfortable it's been, it BETTER mean something! I'm prayin' hard that I get a BFP this cycle!
Wendy definately going to give it a go! Did that watery blood come to anything?

Emma bowling was great fun..spent £20 simply on racing car games in the amusement area :dohh: Your allowed to have lazy days at work!

Fx'd crossed for you Amy :flower:

So according to the met office calculations this ash cloud will pretty much cover the UK except ireland by midnight tonight, If I have to get a ferry and fly from ireland, I will!! I know reports before saying it would be breaking away by early hours wednesday, I really hope this is the case. Ryanair have been forced to cancel all their flights from prestwick which is where we are flying from until 1pm today, but are in a meeting to overturn this as it is currently safe to fly in.

Anyway..on the making a baby front I'm around 10dpo and having loads of white/watery cm..lovely. I think i'll test tomorrow morning with a frer just so I can enjoy myself and let loose and enjoy the :wine: without worrying!
Hey ladies-

Arlene- I hope things work out for you. What time are you due to fly? I have sorted your packet and it will be posted tonight for you x

Thanks Amy, I wasn't going to put one on at first as I didn't want to rub it in so to speak. It wasn't until Lea asked about it that I decided to do it. Fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Hope everyone else is ok :hugs:
Afternoon all! What a day we are having here, wind and rain, then sunshine, then thunder and lightening, then hail stones, then more rain and now sunshine again lol. The weathers as bad as my body, can't decide what to do! :haha:

Emma Your not rubbing it in at all, I love seeing your tickers! Will help us follow your progress with you. Hopefully some more of us will have them up soon too :flower: x

Amy Good luck with the travelling hun, I know you'll be fine :hugs: I had a go of Zumba for the wii yesterday, wow is it hard! I was completely knackered after doing the first set of beginner dances lol. Can only imagine how hard expert is going to be! x

Arlene Nope, watery blood came to nothing even although there was a lot of it. Grr, stupid body! Roll on the scan next week. Hmm I heard flights had been cancelled in Edinburgh too hope it's sorted ASAP for you! Damn ash clouds. Ooh and good luck for tomorrows test hun, I really really hope it's good news for you hun :flower: x

Well, how is everyone else doing? Hope everyone's good. Not much happening with me, just working ,eating, working out and sleeping lol. Fun! Talk to you all later x
my flights meant to be at 6.30am..Just have to watch where this ash cloud goes :(
Evening ladies,

Arlene- Fingers crossed for you hun. So are you flying with RyanAir? I think they are one of the only airlines flying at the minute. Hope it all works out for you and you have a lovely holiday :hugs:

Wendy- Thanks hun. I do feel bad. You ladies are so supported and always there for me, to be honest I haven't found any ladies on the pregnancy forum that are as supportive as you girls. :hugs: Hope today at work hasn't been too stressfull for you x

Where have all the other ladies gone? Hope everyone is ok x x x

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